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[Denied]TitanField's Moderator Application

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Server Moderator Application


Basic Information

Byond Account: TitanField

Character Name(s): Jack Jerico(Detective), John Striker(Surgeon)

AI Name(s): Zeon (I don't play as AI often though)

Preferred means of contact: Discord, Steam

Age: 15

Timezone: GMT

When are you on Aurora?: Most of the day or 16:00 - 6:00 AM


How long have you played SS13?: Three Years

How long have you played on Aurora: Since early october, so a few months

How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Im experienced in all departments except engineering, with engineering I can build, repair etc but I always mess up the power if I try to set it up

Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes, I've moderated a friends server for a few months and have had my own server for a month or two until I closed it

Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Nope


Why do you play SS13?: I enjoy roleplay, SS13 is my escape from the world, it helps me relax

Why do you play on Aurora?: I like the community, the server is fun and the staff aren't salty sadmins

What do moderators do?: Help members of the community, stop situations from escalating , and help the admins and other staff.

What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Help players have fun, be a role model, show that we are professional, and help make the community a more fun place

Why do you want to be a moderator?: To help the community and to make it even better!

What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: Im good at adapting to new and unexpected situations, i can easily relate to players, and im patient

How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I've dealt with that all my life, so I have a high tolerance to it. It takes alot to make me angry

Anything Else You Want to Add:

Thanks for considering me!


Here is Titanfield's interview.


Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:32 PM

Hey there! Ready for your interview?

TitanField - Today at 11:32 PM


Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:33 PM

Right, then. I will ask you questions, and if you need anything clarified, you only need to ask, alright?

TitanField - Today at 11:33 PM


Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:34 PM

Alright then. First question. How would you define roleplay?

TitanField - Today at 11:36 PM

Roleplay is were multiple people engage in actions with characters that they control, they may dislike something but their character may like it and their

opinions may or may not influence their characters actions

Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:37 PM

What is, according to you, the biggest thing that breaks roleplay?

TitanField - Today at 11:38 PM

When people Metagame, Powergame and let their opinions influence their charactsers alot since it ruins the fun of other players and ruins the immersion

Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:39 PM

By that logic, are self inserts bad?

TitanField - Today at 11:39 PM

Not all self inserts, some can help progress the roleplay and make it more fun and enjoyable while some can ruin it

Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:40 PM

In what way would they ruin it?

TitanField - Today at 11:43 PM

They could ruin the immersion, can make people angry OOCly and cause arguments, they can ruin the fun and enjoyment of others and could cause people to

dispise roleplay and/or the server they are on

Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:44 PM

If questions were asked about mechanics in the game that you don't know, and you cannot ask other staff for help, what would you do?

TitanField - Today at 11:45 PM

I would explain the mechanics the best I can and if possible I would link them to a wiki or tell them to ask on the fourms since there would be more people

to help with better knowledge

Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:47 PM

Alright then. Is there any rule you have issues with?

TitanField - Today at 11:47 PM


Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:48 PM

What would you do if a good friend of yours started griefing on the server, and you had to deal with them?

TitanField - Today at 11:49 PM

If possible I would either ask another staff member to deal with them or ask another staff member to help me as to remove any bias but if thats not possible

then I would investigate and punish them acordingly

Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:50 PM

What do you do when a player tries to go around the rule you're punishing them for with another rule?

TitanField - Today at 11:51 PM

I would investigate and if possible ask for advice from another staff member

Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:52 PM

A very common one is, overthrowing antagonists vs powergaming. Where would you draw the line between those two?

TitanField - Today at 11:54 PM

I would draw the line at the jobs, say a cargo tech is fighting antags in medbay then thats were I would punish for powergaming but if the cargo tech is

defending while waiting for security then I would let it pass

*Defending cargo

Tricking Trapster - Today at 11:56 PM

I see. What types of situations would you let escalate, and which would you stop before they start?

TitanField - Today at 11:59 PM

Situations I would let escalate are situations like a cargo tech defending cargo or a security officer fighting antags but situations I would stop before

they start are like a cargo tech helping security fight antags at arrivals or a security officer randomly arresting the first person they see claiming their

an antag

Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:00 AM

Right. A few more questions. How do you react when someone makes a complaint against you, on the forums?

TitanField - Today at 12:01 AM

I react calmly and respectfully and let the complaint be investigated and if im in the wrong the I would accept punishment

Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:02 AM

What would you do if you do get angry on server?

TitanField - Today at 12:03 AM

I would apologise to anyone I might have 'raged' at and I would log off and to calm down then I would log back in

Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:04 AM

What do you think moderators should do? Be very involved or sideline guidance?

TitanField - Today at 12:06 AM

A bit of both, moderators are here to help not get all up in your face or sit off in the corner

Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:07 AM

Right then. What would you do when one of the administrators makes a decision you do not agree with?

TitanField - Today at 12:08 AM

I would inform them of my opinion and why I disagree

Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:08 AM

Would you do this on server or in a private chat?

TitanField - Today at 12:08 AM

I would do it in private chat

Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:09 AM

Aha. Final question. If you had a single thing that you could change on the server, from the administration to the rules to the community to the forums,

what would it be?

TitanField - Today at 12:10 AM

Hmm hard, to be honest im not sure

Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:10 AM

You can take your time if you like.

TitanField - Today at 12:12 AM

To be honest I would change the part of the community that shts on people if they become an annoyance and people being so stubborn that they make people sht

on them and then act the victim

Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:14 AM

I see. Well, that concludes the interview then.

TitanField - Today at 12:14 AM


Tricking Trapster - Today at 12:14 AM

Do you have objections to this interview being posted on your app?

TitanField - Today at 12:14 AM

No objections, post away :smiley:


Denied due to the fact that we have enough mods and trials at the moment.

Applicant is free to apply again once recruitment is open again.

This topic is now closed to further replies.
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