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[Accepted] Paradox Space - IPC Application

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BYOND Key: ParadoxSpace

Character Names: Ka'Akaix'Kuza K'lax, Za'Akaix'Yig Zo'ra, Ka'Akaix'Zerai Zo'ra, Ka'Viax'Karazh Zo'ra, slith the snek

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have, as well as the Positronic Brain page.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I wish to play this specific race because robots interest me far more than most organic species. This is mostly because of the multi-faceted nature of the IPCs available here, the different subtypes mechanically, and of course the different sorts of personality I could display based on modules built into the brain. As well as sort of brain, as displayed in the various levels of brain baselines may have.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

IPCs are fundamentally different from humans, however these differences vary depending on how complex they are. For instance, a basic industrial IPC would be able to form complex thoughts, yes, but would be lacking in personality or emotion. An advanced shell might have the ability to almost perfectly emulate a human personality. Most IPCs will adopt traits from the culture they are placed in, however some don't even do that. On the mechanical level, IPCs are robots that only really require maintenance, electricity, and a place to vent the large amount of heat they produce. They don't require the same things as humans both mechanically and socially.

Character Name: Zenith

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Zenith is a generic industrial IPC produced circa 1800 days ago. This unit was produced by a larger, more complex artificial intelligence known as Vertex, operating out of a small factory on an irrelevant planetoid run by a now-defunct company known as ARP. (Advanced Robotic Production.) This company has since been merged into NanoTrasen, and Vertex's factory was paved over. Zenith was one of a new line of industrial VK-17 models that were trained for atleast five months on their intended purpose, supply and commerce. To be advertised as a new type of supply and commerce machine better capable of interacting with coworkers and customers, while cutting out errors. To suit this purpose, all existing eight VK-17 models were equipped with experimental improvisational development systems, and personality emulators. While originally programmed to be helpful and cheery, most if not all VK-17 models were later changed over to different presets after being purchased. Zenith's was changed to something more passionate and it tends to let little get in the way of their assigned task.

What do you like about this character?

I like this character solely because it fulfills my desire to portray a very simple IPC that also has bits and flashes of personality. I simply wish, for now, to play a robot that gets their job done and lets nothing much get in the way of it.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd honestly rate my roleplay ability a strong six. While I've been told I'm pretty decent at making characters, I personally find myself struggling to make good emotes, or to write flavor text that actually puts anything in the reader's head.

Notes: I'm willing to answer any questions you have towards my application.


I like it so far, but I feel like the back story's leaving out some information. Is Zenith a nickname given to them? Were they named Zenith by their creator? How did they manage to get a position aboard the Exodus?


Zenith is a designation given to them upon purchase by NanoTrasen, (to where they were later relocated to the Exodus installation due to a shortage in good supply staff, they were previously shunted around by request for good robots). This is mostly because their original designation was pretty much a VIN number (beginning with 1Z), and such a name is difficult to refer to an employee by.

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