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Why is the server end directly after the end game room?


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By 'end game room' I assume you mean Odin/Central Command/That place the shuttle docks at the end of the round.

It's mostly because when people get there, they don't really want to play. They probably voted for the round to end and they want to get on the next one, and dragging the round out so certain people can faff about on the Odin (which doesn't have properly simulated power, atmospherics, and countless other things) doesn't really conduct well with that.

  • 2 weeks later...

Also sometimes during events, the admin/mods need to use specific rooms. Keeping in mind that you can't see through walls/doors on the Odin, you can put someone in a room on the Odin and tell them they're anywhere for the purpose of the event. Some of the stuff is used, like the ERT equipment room is used if ERT is called during the round. That's where ERT spawns and loads up on equipment.

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