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Forensics Modifications


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A few things to tweak with Forensics that would just be a quality of life benefit:

++Forensics Belt++

A belt, similar to an officer's belt, that holds forensics tools. Carrying around a case is cool and all, but having to put it down just to get forensics bags out of boxes is dumb. Every job that has a lot of tools has a belt, except forensics. Doctors have the medical belt, engineers have the engineering belt, cops have the security belt, forensics should get a Forensics belt. A full belt should be able to hold:

All tools in the forensics kit (minus the boxes of one-use items)

Detective Camera



Flask (cause... playa's gotta play).


Oh I hate how scanning for prints/fibers treats you as opening a door. I've never once had a fiber bag from a door that didn't say "Hardworn Suit, black gloves". Make it so when holding the forensic tools, items aren't activated on touch. So that way, if I click a fire alarm to see who activated it, I don't in turn activate it myself. Please?


I wish they gave more information. Maybe if you swab a casing you could identify WHEN it was fired, and collecting a casing could be compared to a gun to identify which gun fired it. Just saying, it's a thing in forensics, it would be nice if I had that power.


Yes, I know Forensics Technician is a derivative from Detectives, that it used to be one singular role. Now it's not though, Forensics is a thing. Why do they share an office? Honestly Forensics should just be it's own office, with Forensics/HoS authorization, and the Detective should have an office with Detective/HoS authorization. The two offices could have a window with a table for them to pass things to one another and communicate information, but should really be two different offices. The Detective's office could have shutters for interviews with witnesses, and the Forensics office could just be as it is now. Then restrict both to have 1 active of each role so there's never a situation where you have two Forensics or two Detectives working the same shift.


When working, it would be nice if there was a database where you could click a button that says, "New Case", it generates a random number for a case file, then allows you to scan forensics reports, transcripts, pictures, and add them all to one case file. You could even have a thing where it says who added what information, and require an ID inserted into the machine when adding information. When the report is complete, all people who added stuff will automatically have signed it digitally, so a Forensics Tech or a Detective can submit it, which adds a link to it from the Security Records computer, so anyone can read a completed report. Teamwork makes the dream work. Maybe I'm dreaming too big here, but that would make the job of making sure the right information is available to the right people SOOOOOO much better than HOPING a Warden or HoS is available to personally hand a document to that they MIGHT lose (and trust me, I've seen them legitimately lose them enough times that CCIA would want this digital system implemented). Plus, as an added bonus, if power goes out, forcing Detectives/Forensics to "go back to the old way of doing things" adds RP. "What is this the stone age? Didn't we get better engines and databases to avoid all this stupid paperwork?" This would function much like that Medical's Virus Database except that instead of just having access to the database itself, the completed files would be tacked on to Security records so officers wouldn't need to be briefed on things, they could just read the notes Forensics and Detectives have already included for them. Please mom and dad? Please make this a thing?

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