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[Denied] Unreasonable Ban

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BYOND key: RED119

Total ban length: permanent I believe, which is absurd relative to the "offense"

Banners ID: alberyk

Reason: Ghosting after being arrested

Reason for appeal: I'm sorry but this ban is ridiculous. First of there is not time listed, it simply says I am banned from playing here... for ghosting? I saw a few rounds ago someone, a non antag mind you, kill 8-10 people through releasing rampant slimes... no ban for them... yet because I ghosted I got a perma, how is that fair whatsoever? There is a complete lack of consistency here...

Also I was typing out my reply when I was forcibly disconnected as my BYOND client crashed, I reconnected and was typing out an a-help that apologized and asked if they had gotten my a-help when it said my connection closed. I attempt to rejoin and bam, banned. First of you have records of when I connect to your server and when I leave it so my argument here should be supported by that, but also the absurdly fast ban time, and the length of the ban compared to the offense is ludicrous...

As to why I ghosted, it was due to blatant lack of care for the rules and the nature of RP... I forced my way into the kitchen after having been in jail for a lengthy duration because I was insanely starved (which someone who was starving would do, people go a little bonkers when they are starving to death) and began to scarf down the food, which I could not get normally since he had not put anything out and had closed the shutters. What would a realistic reaction to seeing an emaciated man run into a kitchen and start eating food? perhaps say he needs to pay? threaten to call the police? No this individuals disregards proper escalation and grabs me and dunks my head into the fryer... what in the name of god kind of reaction is that to a starving 70 year old man eating food... so after that I resist and punch him a few times cause you know... he dunked my head in scalding oil... and then he was like 4 other people in the bar gather around and gang beat an old man into crit... I now had severe broken bones and organ damage, sec arrives and immediately shoots me with a taser about 10 times, cuffs me and drags me off without any kind of investigation. I was fed up because there was a total lack of RP, proper escalation and I really did not care for wasting another hour watching myself get treated in medical and then get hauled up to the brig and spend another hour up there without any kind of investigation in the gang bang shittery that just occurred, as I would be solely accused and sentenced for it.

is ghosting honestly an offense magnitudes above group murder-boning and killing as a non-antag?


The main reason why I placed a perma ban is because I tought you left, and the fact you have a large number of notes/warnings in little time. Still, if you had any issue with what happened in relation with the others, you should have ahelped, because, it seems you were causing trouble and just ghosted to avoid any ic consequence of what you did.

I am fine with lifting this ban as long you understand that you should ahelp things that you think that are "bullshit", and not to just ghost like you did.


I ghosted because there was a lack of care for the rules, all of the "trouble" I caused was inline with the rules. The chef and the people in the bar has an incredibly unrealistic reaction to a starved old man eating food. I wasn't ghosting to avoid IC penalties because I wasn't at fault, I was ghosting because of grief. I should have a-helped instead of ghosting but again I've seen people do MUCH worse on this server and revive no penalty.

Also what notes? I just started playing again and have only really had a few conversations with admins but all were resolved and I wasn't found to be at fault of wrongdoing.


I ghosted because there was a lack of care for the rules, all of the "trouble" I caused was inline with the rules. The chef and the people in the bar has an incredibly unrealistic reaction to a starved old man eating food. I wasn't ghosting to avoid IC penalties because I wasn't at fault, I was ghosting because of grief. I should have a-helped instead of ghosting but again I've seen people do MUCH worse on this server and revive no penalty.


Except they may have been punished and you are not aware, because regular players can't see staff actions, next time ahelp.



Also what notes? I just started playing again and have only really had a few conversations with admins but all were resolved and I wasn't found to be at fault of wrongdoing.

Those are your notes just this month:

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And as I said, as long you just ahelp instead of ghosting, I will lift this ban, understood?

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