Doc Posted August 29, 2017 Posted August 29, 2017 BYOND Key: TheDocOct Character Names: Lily Kadel, Halogen Species you are applying to play: Integrated Positronic Chassis (Baseline) What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): --- Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I believe that synthetic crew-members offer unique and, to me, very interesting role-playing opportunities compared to other races available. The idea of a sentient being that isn't quite human-like, yet as capable of as advanced thought processing and decision making as a human might be, offers plenty of opportunities to explore differences in prioritization and methodology. This especially comes into play in regards to the unit's directives that it may not be able to 'work around' as a human might be able to, notably in situations that call moral or ethical issues into play, which I just find fun and interesting to explore. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Positronic units face a multitude of differences compared to humans in everything from basic thinking to their politics and life styles. Based entirely on a generally rigid system of weighing set values to come to a final conclusion, IPC's don't get 'emotional,' 'biased,' or otherwise swayed from their standard points of view unless they're specifically designed to do so, leading to interesting reactions to the situations the Aurora finds itself in compared to most organic characters. The loaded layer of politics surrounding IPCs is also quite unique, given that their very existence as anything more than law-bound androids is contentious to some, and will certainly drive interesting role-play from Skrell or members of ATLAS and other anti-Synthetic groups. Character Name: Halogen Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Halogen was conceived in 2437, in the Hephaestus Robotics Division's initial strives for positronic AI development following the release of Skrellian algorithms, by the elderly Doctor Kirkland Manning. One of the myriad researchers assigned by the industrial giant to work out quick, easy, and profitable designs utilizing the new, 'true' AI designs, Manning worked extensively on a multitude of experimental and commercial variants of positronic units as Hephaestus established their dominance in the field of robotics. Named after elements, astrological formations, and periodic groups, early designs were rapidly developed and just as often tossed out. Halogen became one of the Robotics Division's earliest 'stable' builds, personally spearheaded with Dr. Manning's work. Consequently, it was promptly improved upon, side-lined, and a limited number were ever actually produced. As development went on, Manning's notes became his journal, a constant thread of improvements, theories, and experimental results to apply to his work. One of the original members of the Robotics Division, Manning quickly became the oldest, the ones having worked with the most basic positronic systems finding themselves dropped in favor of those more attuned to the advancing march of progress. The doctor, now well in his seventies, eventually withdrew from the project himself, spending too much time dwelling on the past, and not enough time considering the future. That dwelling, slowly, became an obsession. Halogen units were hardly mass produced. While effective, they were created in a period of rapid improvement, and were quickly supplanted by other, more advanced units. Some were made for experimentation purposes, several were shown briefly in expositions and research conventions, and others were rented off or sold, one of the multitudes of different positronic units distributed in the 'boom' of AI development of 2437. By the year 2459 few remained, and of those that did, some began to show the symptoms of their comparatively long 'lives.' With his entire retirement fund, consisting of a sizable sum of hundreds of thousands of credits, Manning had no issue conducting a search for one of his dearest creations. Finding success in that search took time, but in the coming months, a corporate contact from Tau Ceti replied to his inquiries. An aging security unit registered as Halogen was found. In his obsessive state, Manning immediately made an offer. For a sizable portion of his life savings, the doctor bought out the android from NanoTrasen and dedicated himself to restoring it to the glory he had held it with in his mind. By this time, Kirkland Manning had been aging well into his tenth decade. Advanced medical technology maintained his life for a great time, but his health was beginning to catch up, and he could feel it. The doctor knew he was not long for this galaxy, and he sat there with one of the most important advances he had contributed to it. Having restored its systems to the peak of his capabilities, he saw an opportunity in the positronic brain sitting in front of him. While he may fade, he had created something that might be able to last far, far longer. Replaced in a newly-bought Hephaestus integrated positronic chassis, Halogen was put through a gauntlet of civic paperwork, interviews, and citizenship examinations at Manning's behest. Though not the most emotionally developed positronic personality, the unbound Halogen could certainly pass these well enough, a machine greatly experienced in the tenants of law and order, servicing itself only secondary to others, and undoubtedly able to contribute to the Republic. Within a few months, Halogen constituted a fully fledged Bieselitte. The final step, in Manning's eyes, was the will. His apartment within the confines of Mendell City and what savings he had yet to spend would fall to Halogen when he finally passed, a final release for the newly liberated unit and, in the doctor's mind, the beginning of a new life for the unit his age-addled mind had come to view as a sort of child. What do you like about this character? Halogen seems to be unlike most IPCs in that it is quite apathetic in regards to itself and, instead, is near-entirely focused on its commitment to its service to others. This had previously manifested in the form of lawed-ness, but now creates an interesting situation of a liberated IPC that doesn't particularly expect anything from it's liberation, something that I think would be quite interesting to see interact with other people on the station, especially other IPC units and generally anyone involved in their politics. I find that sort of play enjoyable myself and hope that this new turn provides more opportunities to explore it. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd like to think I'm rather capable, with around 8 out of 10. I definitely try my best to give others an opportunity to RP given my security departmental focus, even in tense situations, and actively try to role-play more than fight. I enjoy role-play heavy roles as well, such as bartender, as well, because of the opportunity to interact with a majority of the station's crew for most of the round.
FlameCow Posted August 29, 2017 Posted August 29, 2017 Doc has been a great friend of mine for like 5 years and has always been an excellent role-player. As stated in the application, it is her main focus. I have never seen Halogen mindlessly baton rush somebody who is complying, nor have I ever seen Halogen goof off or break character. The actions they take are always backed by IC decisions and knowledge of regulations, and I know from experience that Doc prefers to make situations interesting rather than to 'just win'. The backstory is well written and honestly very interesting, plus the idea of a "truly robotic" IPC is something I feel like we haven't yet seen on the server. I think Halogen is a cool little dude, and could be made even better if this application gets accepted. +support
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