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[Approved]Conspiir's Dionaea Application

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BYOND Key: Conspiir

Character Names: Witcher II, Radek Brazda, (Nicholas Crow-retired), (Harry Warg-retired), a bunch of other people a long time ago

Species you are applying to play: Dionaea

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I’ve played them before, obviously. Almost exclusively. The little things you can do to make each one unique in a quirky way is the best. Not to mention, we need some Dionaea representation on this station. Time to hype up the awesomeness of plants! Which, considering I’ve taken a class surrounding plants and fungi… ehhh…

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: You aren’t just a person. You’re technically people. And each one has a say in what’s going on. That’s just the internal thought process of them. They don’t have to have immediate reactions to things (boy that’s a relief! This is application is all an elaborate ploy to let me type out everything without needing to have instant reactions).

Character Name: Solar Winds Blowing Plasma Across the Barren Worlds

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Theoretically, we shouldn’t be alive.


No we should not be.

But that’s only theoretically.

We are alive.

We floated through space for so long.

We let go… on accident.

Why were we outside…?

We floated and floated.

We thought the gravity of a planet or sun would pull us in and burn us alive.

The thought haunted us.

We had a long time to think about it.

But it did not.

We bumped into a station instead.

So close to dying.

But we were let inside the station.

It had been thirteen years since we last touched solid ground.

All the things we missed.

All the people we lost.

We can't waste any more time.

We have so much work to do.

Solar Winds is a trained medical professional in the field of family medicine. They love children, but would never become a paediatrician on account of being a walking bush (they are quite aware of how they appear to other species). Due to the advances in medicine over the last decade, Solar Winds has elected to take a position (and pay cut, not that they care much; they're kind of owed 13 years of backpay that's tied up because of bureaucracy) on a station that allowed them to go through residency again. After all, how hectic can a station get? Sure, it’s an important station, but the only injuries flowing in will be minor, right?

What do you like about this character? Solar Winds is a bit of a shaky idea for me. A Dionaea that has essentially been isolated from current events. They have to relearn everything invented in the last decade. Imagine that. You go to sleep in 2004 with Nokia phones and wake up in 2017 with drones delivering Amazon to your door. I’m not sure if I could (or even should attempt to) pull this off. But I want to simply because RPing not knowing the lore involves me taking an interest in the lore. And boy do I need a kick to get back into it.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8.5/10. Bit rusty getting back into character. I tend to be rather wordy and specific, too. Though whether that added or deducted points is for you to ponder.



Edited by Guest

I can't say I know you or any of your characters, but this is a great application and I really like your backstory. Best of luck!


Hey there,always need more Dionae on the Station,and seeing a Diona bumble around with things I personally bumble around with OOC would be swell

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