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[Accepted]Riqpley_Dagasd's Vaurca Whitelist Application

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BYOND Key: Riqpley_Dagasd

Character Names: Zaman Saufamasi, Dekel Zaydam, Jackal, Experiencers, Rasskal Ikeerzs, Sksuk Ikeerzs, Qadir Rramrare, Abdal Prruzhulkanich.

Species you are applying to play: Vaurca

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): (RGB 41, 0, 0)

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I did.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I'd like to play as a Vaurca because they have a very interesting backround, making them unique. I also want to play as a Vaurca because when I looked at their wiki page, I got very interested on this thing of the Higher Queens, the Lesser Queens, the Bound, the Unbound, and their characteristics.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

As i said before, not only their very unique way of thinking, and acting, but their Higher Queens, Lesser Queens, their types (Warrior, Worker, Breeder, and Cephalon) And this whole Bound and Unbound thing.

Character Name:Za'Akaix'Vakk'Zo'ra

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

A new larva is born. It is brought to a type CB vaurca, a female breeder. It is decided. The new larva is destined to become an Unbound warrior, destined to protect and capture at Ta'Akaix'Vaur'skiyet'sca'Zo'ra's orders. Six months later, after his brain is fully mature, a neural socket is implanted, and Vakk is filled with all the knowledge that he needs. How to fight, and how to use weapons. After six months, he is placed inside a VR, and starts to train. Once in a while, he looks around inside the VR. He is in what looks like to be an island, with water everywhere. On the sky, he sees a big, soft yellow glowing house. It's the Queen's house. Inside the virtual reality, he lives and trains for 8 years.

On his first “day”, he is with many other warriors, about a hundred or so, in one of the islands, all of them concentrated. Suddently, a giant, around 6 meters tall, materializes and points to an empty terrain, where multiple vaurcae start to materialize. They are Lii’dra warriors. The training warriors chitter angrily, as they see the Lii’dra vaurcae. Then, multiple weapons materialize on the Vaurcae’s hands. Vakk earns a gatling laser. Then, the angery chitters become silence for some seconds, then, the Zo’ra warriors are given the order. “ATTACK!” it says. The warriors open fire on the Lii’dra, as they run foward. Vakk starts to fire his gatling laser, as he slowly advances. Suddently, an enemy warrior impales Vakk with a glaive. Vakk feels extreme pain, as he falls down to the ground. His concsiousness slowly fades, as his body also does. Then, the pain suddently goes away, his wounds are healed, and he is able to fight again. When all of the Lii’dra warriors are killed, the victorious vaurcae comemorate. Each day Vakk would train a different weapon, and try to not be hit again, to avoid the pain.

One day, his VR body begins to change, as his consciousness slowly fades away. He was being taken out of VR. When he wakes up, Vakk looks around. He's in District 9, or Flagsdale. There he is assigned by his "Mother", Ta'Akaix'Vaur'skiyet'sca Zo'ra, to NanoTrasen. He has any augments that are not needed taken off, and he starts his training to become a Security Officer, and tries his best to learn Tau Ceti Basic. With the help of a chip, he learns the language, although still with some problem. Four weeks later, after the training, he is assigned to the NSS Aurora.


What do you like about this character?

I like the fact that he didn't saw much of the reality, and that he will be surprised with a lot of stuff.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would rate from 7 to 8.


Edited by Guest

Keep in mind, you have room to expand on your story when you make a character. You mentioned Vakk was trained to be a warrior?

"Warrior" is a loose term for Vaurca that can mean more than just fighting. A Vaurca is a Za when it is more mentally prepared for combat or is involved with the function of something that can be considered a weapon.

For example, my own Za Vaurca was originally trained to process hive ship combat sensor data, as information can be considered a weapon in this case.

If you could, please expand upon what exactly Vakk was trained for, since they were born before arriving in Tau Ceti, it makes sense that they were trained for some purpose other than to be a security officer. Additionally, please advertise your application in game for some responses!


Keep in mind, you have room to expand on your story when you make a character. You mentioned Vakk was trained to be a warrior?

"Warrior" is a loose term for Vaurca that can mean more than just fighting. A Vaurca is a Za when it is more mentally prepared for combat or is involved with the function of something that can be considered a weapon.

For example, my own Za Vaurca was originally trained to process hive ship combat sensor data, as information can be considered a weapon in this case.

If you could, please expand upon what exactly Vakk was trained for, since they were born before arriving in Tau Ceti, it makes sense that they were trained for some purpose other than to be a security officer.


I will do that then, thank you very much for pointing it out.


Additionally, please advertise your application in game for some responses!


Yes, about that, it's because i have been busy to join lately, but i will be free soon.


Hey, I just read some of your updates, and you are doing good but I think we could get a bit more detailed. Think about what Vakks training would be like.Your in virtual reality, so don't be afraid to get creative. You could have them do any number of things for training. Breathing life into the character before they arrive on the station makes it easier to play the character after all. If your Vaurca is focused on protection, they might see the world differently. Remember, as a unbound you are your own person as much as you are apart of a hive. What would Vakk do in virtual reality when they weren't training? What are they afraid of?

Try your best to get some feedback, I saw you posting in round, keep doing that! I'll reach a final verdict around this time tomorrow!


Hey, I just read some of your updates, and you are doing good but I think we could get a bit more detailed. Think about what Vakks training would be like.Your in virtual reality, so don't be afraid to get creative. You could have them do any number of things, from impossibly large mock battles to exotic firearms training. Breathing life into the character before they arrive on the station makes it easier to play the character after all. If your Vaurca is focused on protection, they might see the world differently.


I will try, i have seen in my last whitelist applications that sometimes i explain too little, it's because i am afraid of getting something wrong, and making it to be denied. I will get more details, though, thank you for pointing it out.


I will try, i have seen in my last whitelist applications that sometimes i explain too little, it's because i am afraid of getting something wrong, and making it to be denied. I will get more details, though, thank you for pointing it out.


That's perfectly fine, many people seem to share this sentiment when they apply for Vaurca. The cool thing about writing for them is that Virtual Reality allows impossibilities to exist, wonderous things that wouldn't be possible in the real world.

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