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[Accepted] Drivermonkey's Unathi whitelist: Engiscales 2000

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: drivermonkey

Character Names: Athena, Nora Santos, Christine Frost, Amber Conmara, Diana Mercer, Diandra Vega, Beryl Moss, Dynamia Proxima,

Species you are applying to play: Ouerean Unathi.

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Red.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

The Unathi are an interesting race due to their inherent frictional society, seeing how it is split between a progressive regime and traditionalist values - development and economic consolidation versus tradition and community. Seeing how they were more or less "primitive" (not savage) before First Contact makes developing the species in the aftermath so much more fun. I see the cultural exchange between their normally rather martial society and the grander galactic community's more "civil" values to be a interesting point of contention. I mainly want to play a Unathi to explore the social development a Unathi of the Ouerean culture might have in the proximity and work with other xenos species outside of their own.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Aside from the clear physical aspects, the Unathi are a deeply social and expressive race that clearly takes the blunt approach to most interactions. The Ouerean culture really enhances that idea, with a character from that culture actively seeking to learn and develop alongside others, whether they're Unathi, Human or Skrell. This open mindedness facilitates roleplaying, and I think it would be enjoyable to use as motivation.


Character Name: Selukh G'hural

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Selukh grew up alongside other Ouerean in the outskirts of society, shoulder to shoulder in the slums. The young, scarlet-scaled Unathi had hopes for a life outside of the confines of this artificial prison, which drove him to ambition: a chance to become something more then an urchin. His father did what he could to feed the family, taking manual labor jobs with a measley pay, whilst Selukh's mother tended to the family: Selukh, his two sisters, and the parents themselves. As he grew, he learned how to rumble, although his deepest passion would lie with electronics and machinery, something that brought some hard earned cash to the family's table. Even among the gangs in the slums, his reputation marked him as someone who could maintain things, be they ventilation systems, wiring or even vehicles - this made him indispensable to some, and a favored target by others. Not a fighter by heart, but with very few options, he joined the army as a way out of the slums and a steady paycheck to send back home. As a military engineer, his passion and skills were further developed: keeping breacher suits, mechs and weaponry functional and firing, and the base's electronics and waste running. This kept him away from the front line, and had him act as a supporting unit instead of a frontline soldier. As time went on, he eventually got the break he sought: a way off planet, and out of the system. Signing up with NanoTrasen as a station engineer due to his history plying the trade, the middle-aged Unathi finally got a chance to leave for calmer waters. A fresh new start with better pay, where conflict is the least of his worries. Right?

What do you like about this character?

I like Selukh because he strives to explore and understand then destroy and dominate, rather avoiding battle then wading into it if he can. Taking from his Ouerean roots, he favors conversations and cultural exchanges highly, really pushing to know others if he has the chance. In short, I like him because he's a talkative tinkerer first, and a combatant a distant second.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I would rate my roleplaying abilities rather high. I love to interact and understand other people's characters and backstories, and take the time to develop relations: both good and bad, as each gives very different experiences from the other. My grammar is also good, and I have a firm grasp of how people might want their narratives play out. Communications is key to get the experience each RPer wants out of a interaction, after all.

Notes: I am more then happy to change things in the backstory to facilitate this being accepted into the whitelist archive.

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

'Aight lets go take a look at this.


Character Names: ...
As per usual I don't know any of these people so we'll be judging by the merits of the application alone.


Why do you wish to play this specific race:...

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Solid answers generally. I must say the latter answer is fairly different from what I usually see on apps but I believe it's still correct so lettuce move on.


Character Name: Selukh G'hural
Decent name, not too bad.


Selukh grew up alongside other Ouerean in the outskirts of soceity, shoulder to shoulder in the slums. The young, scarlet-scaled Unathi had hopes for a life outside of the confines of this artificial prison, which drove him to ambition: a chance to become something more then an urchin.
Correct me if I'm wrong but this would make Selukh an orphan no? And orphans end up under one of the two orphanages on the wiki I believe, I dunno. Also you misspelled society, 5 points detracted from house Hufflepuff.

Anyway moving on.


Midway stuff
Stuff seems alright, not a fan of 'combat engineers' m'self but whatever.


As time went on, he eventually got the break he sought: a way off planet. Signing up with NanoTrasen as a station engineer and part time roboticist due to his history plying the trade, and an cadet application in security due to his military training, the middle-aged Unathi finally got a chance to leave for calmer climates. A fresh new start where conflict is the least of his worries. Right?
Now I am a bit leery of this part, specifically the part where he's a station engineer, a roboticist, and a cadet and presumably a security officer later on.

I believe that engineering is a rather jack of all trades field of work while robotics is really specialized, and that while there is overlap, being in both would take some doing.

You'll need to ask Jackboot because the wiki is shite but the wiki also states that, while you merely need 7 years experience doing something related to be an engineer with no school credentials stuff, roboticists need an actual degree.

Then there's the security thing, I am bothered by the fact that you'd do that along with engineering or whatever but I suppose you can.

Overall the backstory is solid though, it's a little shorter than I normally see but it says everything it needs to, there's a beginning, middle, and end. It states the guy's motivations, how he lived, etcetera etcetera. Bretty Gud.


What do you like about this character?...
Nothing to say here.


How would you rate your role-playing ability...
You say you have good grammar but you misspelled society, this may be grounds for denial, hm...



Notes: I am more then happy to change things in the backstory to facilitate this being accepted into the whitelist archive.

Not to worry, whitelists both accepted and denied will be accepted into the archive.

In closing I'll say this application is probably going to be approved in one form or another, I'mma endorse.

Also since I only quoted you with copy-paste, here. [mention]DriverMonkey[/mention]

Edited by Guest

Okay, bumping here after the Edit.

I've checked the wiki, and it doesn't state the all refugees are orphaned, just that there is a refugee crisis going on. I interpret that as some kids are orphans, and have no other options then the orphanages. I have also expanded more on Selukhs family and his profession.

Just to give a nudge: [mention]Fire and Glory[/mention]


I've only ever RP'd with Athena and its been enjoyable, no complaints there.

The backstory is a little short in my eyes and i'd love to see more, but I'm also a paragraph whore.

Either way +1 from me. Good luck!

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello! Thank you for your application. Your edits have made the character a lot stronger - it would be very problematic if you tried job hopping between RnD and Engineering.

In otherwise you have a good character concept and I'll be happy to accept this application!

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