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The AI ought to know the coordinates of, like, everything it's looking at. Same with borgs. So I suggest adding a 'coordinates' line to the status tab showing current location, for borgs, and current camera location for AIs.

A command to go-to-coordinates for the AI would be useful, too. Especially when trying to find people based on crew monitoring data.

And for borgs and AIs who like telescience, an interface into the GPS system (literally a gps command on the AI and borg tabs that lets them see the location of all GPSes) would make the process of calibration much easier.

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AI's and Borgs should not be doing telescience.

You have a track command that lets you follow people, it would return the same as jump to coordinate.

The AI is designed to be closed to the station, and borgs aren't supposed to be going into space (minus the mining borg/engineering).

I don't see a reason for this.

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AI's and Borgs should not be doing telescience.

You have a track command that lets you follow people, it would return the same as jump to coordinate.

The AI is designed to be closed to the station, and borgs aren't supposed to be going into space (minus the mining borg/engineering).

I don't see a reason for this.


Okay, telescience asside, having the coordinates at current view and a jump to coordinates would be useful enough for finding people on crew monitors who are off camera. It's rather annoying to have to admit not having any clue where "140x109" or whatever happens be. And this mostly comes up with injured/dead crew, rather than people who're hiding. 'Cause if you're hiding, you usually turn off your suit sensors. And, yes, somtimes the name of the location is enough. But not always. I've had rounds where a person's suit sensors are maxed, but their body is still never recovered 'cause nobody knows what the coordinates mean.

It probably wouldn't hurt for mining/engineering borgs who get lost, either, or want to report on the location of something in a specific manner.

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AI's and Borgs should not be doing telescience.

You have a track command that lets you follow people, it would return the same as jump to coordinate.

The AI is designed to be closed to the station, and borgs aren't supposed to be going into space (minus the mining borg/engineering).

I don't see a reason for this.


Rather than actually being useful for telescience, I'd argue that as cyborgs/androids/other synthetic vassals are highly expensive equipment, having GPS trackers for each borg would one, would technically be a realistic countermeasure in case a synthetic needs to be retrieved, and two, it'd be awfully helpful if the AI knew where their borgs were at all times.

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