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Policy Rules and Guidelines

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I've decided to incorporate a list of rules and guidelines independent of the main suggestion subforum. They'll mainly be the same with the difference being addressed here.



  • One Suggestion per Topic
  • Make sure your suggestion has not been suggested before. (Search the Suggestions Sub-Forum)
  • Please don't title the topic in all capitals.
  • Don't respond to idea's with only gif's or pictures. Provide reasoning behind your stance.
  • Do not derail the topic
  • Read the whole topic before you post in it. (Yes, that means all of it)
  • The usual forum rules still apply here.
  • Staff will delete all posts that violate any of these rules or are not contributing to the discussion in a suggestion.
  • The reasoning behind a suggestion should be elaborated upon in the initial post to a reasonable extent.



  • All policy suggestions will be looked at regularly and can be dismissed if two relevant staff members vote for dismissal. Suggestions need two dismissals and a one week grace period before being binned.
  • If a similar suggestion of the same nature has been dismissed in a period of three months, it will be binned.
  • All suggestions can be dismissed by Head Administrators and Head Developers
  • Suggestions pertaining to regulations and protocols can be dismissed by CCIA Lead and CCIA Liasion.
  • Suggestions pertaining to out-of-character matters can be dismissed by Primary Administrators. Administrators in the whitelist team can dismiss suggestions relevant to them.
  • Suggestions pertaining to lore can be dismissed by the relevant lore developers and lore master.
  • Certain suggestions may be discussed by a team as a whole over a long period of time. A suggestion can be approved or denied depending on the consensus.
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