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[Denied] Unban request

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BYOND Key:Raflyz

Total Ban Length:permanent ban

Banning staff member's Key: i forgot who

Reason of Ban: i not reading the lore and unrealistic

Reason for Appeal: i read the lore and i understand now and now i try to be realistic


BYOND Key:Raflyz

Total Ban Length:permanent ban

Banning staff member's Key: i forgot who

Reason of Ban: i not reading the lore and unrealistic

Reason for Appeal: i read the lore and i understand now and now i try to be realistic


Hey there, the staff member who banned you was me, ReadThisNamePlz.

The reason you were banned was not because of "i not reading the lore and unrealistic" it was for a multitude of reasons, mainly multiple offenses.

Here's the actual ban message.

"Reason: Recieved five warning in the past two months about netspeak, lrp, jobhopping, self antagging, un-realistic character RP. Like claiming to have fought in a war 100 years ago, then going to looc to argue about it. You may appeal this on the forums at https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewforum.php?f=38&sid=aa559a02a7203024ab00cf34e9ddd76b"

Now, you've received five warnings within the past two months. You haven't improved from any of them, and you seem to take this as a joke, considering you applied for a Head of Staff whitelist while being banned.

I'm going to be denying your appeal.

If you wish to make another one, go ahead, but you need to put effort into it. Saying "I read the lore" and "I try to be realistic" does not cut it.

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