BYOND key: ArcBot
Character names: Tom Albright (I've been working on Tom since I've joined here, yet to make another character.)
How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Around a month or a little over a month.
Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I wish to be on the white list so I can play the Research Director, who enforces paperwork on all of his scientists and keep the department nice and ogranized.
Why did you come to Aurora?: I came to Aurora for a heavier roleplaying style. I was originally from Goon so you probably know how lax their rules are. It was a big transition but I feel I got the hang of the protocols, and procedures here on Aurora.
Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes, I've read the Research Director job guide many times, it's one of the easier heads of staff to play.
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.
Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplaying to me is acting out a role or character in a realistic manner. Using emotions, gestures or verbal means to express your feelings or thoughts.
What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: To guide and help new players in their department with roleplaying and their job mechanics/objectives.
What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: To teach new players who don't understand Heavy Roleplay how to get in the swing of things, and answer questions respectfully if they need help. I would strive to answer any questions that I know the answer to, and give hints and tips to new players while keeping it strictly OOC and not bringing IC aspects into it.
Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.
Character name: Tom Albright
Character age: 54
Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Tom Albright was born into a wealthy family, his mother Linda being a Research Director on the NSS Antlia, and his father leaving them at a young age due to unknown reasons. Ever since Tom's mother had to bring him with her during her shifts, his passion in the science field grew. He loved deconstructing anything in site to find out exactly what makes it operate. When Tom turned 18 he went to school for a bachelors degree in cybernetics, which he aquired by the age of 22. He got his first job as an assistant to a roboticist on the NSS Exodus and began making, and upgrading cyborgs. Two years after working under someone else, he grew tired of working on cyborgs and decided it was the right time to go back to school and start for his first PhD, in Xenoanatomical Studies.
He studied long and hard, with the help of his mother, by the age of 32 he had his PhD. He started frantically looking for work with his newly aquired PhD being his main asset, but had no luck. One day his mother told him about a position as an xenobioligist opening up on the NSS Antlia, and he had to apply. With his education and a little help from his mother, he got the job with ease. Tom began working at the NSS Antlia, which he continued to do for a suprising fifteen years working with slimes, and all other sorts of xeno life forms. Tom and his mother were bickering regularly since they had to spend so much time together while working, and he just couldn't take it any longer. He started looking in the classified ads for a new position aboard another research station, when he came across an opening for a Scientist aboard the NSS Exodus, where he worked as a roboticists assistant at an earlier age. He wasn't exactly sure what he was applying for, but with his education and recommendations he got the job and was assigned to Research and Development where he continues to work to this day, occasionally helping out the xenobiologists with their studies, or outbreaks.
What do you like about this character?: What I like about Tom is he's very stubborn, but also really easy to get along with as long as you do your job. Another thing I like about Tom, is he's all about paperwork. Making sure every item in Research is accounted for, and exactly who has it.
What do you dislike about this character?: The one thing I don't like about Tom is the fact he doesn't like xenos. Skrellians being the most hated species. It's hard for him to get along with them, or help them out.
What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: His education, age, and ability to operate /most/ but not all departments in Research to the best of his ability. Also his organization skills.
Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.
How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I would rate my roleplaying maybe a 7 out of 10. I still need to improve on my use of emotions, and actually socializing with others not in my department.
Extra notes:
Aito Kusanagi, Evelina Bell, and James Albright are the best co-workers a scientist can have. (Has nothing to do with the application.)