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Everything posted by AgentWhatever

  1. Cyborgs can do this while also being able to operate doors with shift-click, so why not AI's?
  2. They got what they deserved, that round - the borgs had orders to set up a singulo and supermatter shard to (presumably) give teeth to the AI's eventual demands. The engiborg got caught, a party of engineers and security officers burst into the (vented) room it was using, ZAS did its thing, and before you know it the better part of a dozen people are dead or dismembered. Then the other supermatter began to delaminate. Sic Semper Metagamers. while the metagaming was terrible that round, that AI tries that every round without fail just trying to stealthnuke/delaminate Theres a complaint about that specific round by me. As a heavy AI player i know it sucks for the rest of the crew to powergame (goddamnit i keep hitting the submit button) I mostly try to play it off like a system error that is beyond my control, or show serious conflict on what to do with my newfound freedom, mostly either nuking or storing myself or continuing like nothing ever happened with as little harm to the crew as possible This week was the worst though. Every time there was malf somebody else took it with me playing just regular ai in between, not even tator
  3. We are curious about the date you seen this, for the reasons skull stated. As to the complaint itself, Awaiting SomeoneOutThere's Response. I remember him saying that the last time he tried the cascade to my knowledge, so 11/08. I could be wrong on the date, but i definitely saw him do that too
  4. BYOND Key: AgentWhatever Game ID: Forgot to note it. My bad. Player Byond Key: SomeoneOutThere Staff involved: None, atleast none involved via me Reason for complaint: Poor RP and murderous behavior leaving everybody angry Approximate Date/Time: 10-08-2016 and 11-08-2016 arround 17:00 GMT+1 This is about two seperate malf AI rounds where SomeoneOutThere was the AI, known as F.R.I.E.N.D. The first round was on 10-08-2016 when I was observing the round after failing to enroll for AI. I came about 20 minutes in to see that the cyborgs were assembling a particle accelerator in the cargo warehouse accompanied by a supermatter crate. The cyborgs were constantly arguing about when to actually unleash the singularity cascade, eager to let it happen early as people were starting to get aware of what was happening in that room. Then the AI made an announcement. It clearly stated what a singularity cascade was and what it could do, threatening to end the universe if they did not round up all Tajara and executed them in front of the AI upload. Chaos ensued, security and engineering homed onto the cargo warehouse, the borgs got locked down with a very unsatisfying end and I honestly do not remember what happened after that. The AI would also use meme's to react to the crew or its cyborgs every now and then, giving the impression that he was only there for his own fun. The second round was 11-08-2016 around 17:00 GMT+1, when I failed to enroll as AI again and immediately went observer. The AI quickly asked it's cyborgs what they wanted to do but they ultimately left it to him. This resulted in the exact same plan as before: A singularity cascade. 10 minutes in, with the AI showing crystal clear signs of malfunctioning, I joined in as a positronic brain to eventually wait out until we went to red alert to select the combat module. During this time, the AI actually started trying to get an internal fight going, saying that the tajara and skrell were up to no good and needed to be rounded up. All the while the cyborgs (science, engineering and blank (me)) were ordering the necessary parts from cargo for the cascade. This all went relatively good until the engineering borg was spotted moving the crates around, immediately shifting the balance from trying to get a conflict going to murderbone. The supermatter crate was opened in atmospherics, somebody caused a breach to cause people to be pushed into it and shortly after that it exploded, leaving engineering and our main power source crippled. Because I was a borg and almost all communication stopped when the supermatter exploded, I don't exactly know what happened elsewhere on the station, other then that the power was cut to the RD's office and multiple doors were shocked, accompanied by some areas being siphoned. All the while I was left doing nothing, waiting on that red alert and keeping out of sight. Someone somewhere got a robotics console going and locked all cyborgs down, rendering us useless for a few minutes. After this, the AI finally raised to red after I basically harassed it. The original plan completely failed, boiling down to the AI making as many casualties as possible. I was forced to kill the CE and the head of security and captain by the AI. In all other cases my appearance was enough to scare people away. After I successfully got EMP'd twice by the captain who had his face melting off, I finally ghosted, feeling disappointed at the shear mayhem that was happening as opposed to a decent role-played situation. I witnessed the supermatter engine blow and a lot of hate from other players directed towards the AI's actions. It didn't stop it's killing spree, not even at the very end as it had chosen the self-destruct hardware, attempting to gib people trying to destroy it, shouting allahu ackbar over LOOC. I'm assuming there were more incidents regarding SomeoneOutThere's AI as I heard nothing but negative comments about F.R.I.E.N.D. I'm not sure if the singularity cascade is meta or not as a malf AI, but it certainly seems unrealistic to use. All in all, everybody but the AI left these two rounds with a huge pile of salt on them and I generally don't see how this even remotely fun for the rest of the crew.
  5. Many times after explosions the floor just looks... well.....ugly. They already have pipe painters.
  6. Not really. I just don't want to encourage more playing hero, or empower borgs too much. And if that means leaving them stranded in space as a result of their poor choices, it will be a valueable lesson I'd think you of all people, would understand the importance of punishing people for doing things they shouldn't be doing. Remember all that stuff you just did to the wizard items? On that note then, could you punish garn for me? He did exactly the same thing but actually got into the ship.
  7. I checked, you're right. Jetpacks are available to all cyborgs, not just limited to the mining borgs. Makes the suggestion void, really.
  8. Maybe another possible solution would be to add a single-use replenishable method of propulsion for borgs who have none when stuck in space. Either that or the nerfed fire-extinguishers. The reason why I brought this up is because I have repeatedly got stuck in space because of various shenanigans. Yesterday was the point I was done with it though. I was trying to board a raider shuttle as the new combat module, but before I could enter the vessel teleported away. It took 45 minutes of repeatedly asking to be retrieved before somebody actually responded to my plea's and retrieve me. 45 minutes. That's not funny. The point you made about fires not being common is also not really realistic, seeing as the station is built around testing a highly flammable element.
  9. I've had too many situation where a fire-extinguisher would really could've come in handy, especially when floating in space by accident. Every borg has a flash. Why not a fire-extinguisher too?
  10. What do you not like about it? And how can I do better in your opinion?
  11. The shift you are mentioning was when I joined at round start as the AI but had to leave. I later re-joined and stayed operational as a cyborg for the rest of the shift, only asking to be a second AI in the first few minutes of becoming a positronic brain. I have no clue where you are getting the quitting part from, honestly. Judging from your reaction you haven't seen much of me. Probably because I live in GMT +1. The cyborgs name is also not a keyboard mash, it just is that nobody has figured it out yet. Faqua is indeed a snowflake, to be honest. He went from someone with physical issues to someone who is not sociable on a different server and the end result is what is now playing on aurora. I'm still trying to wrangle him out of that, but it takes time. Faqua bieng a warden was a mistake, though. I accidentally left it open in my job preferences.
  12. Yeah, I thought so. I've added a little to the original post. It's still not much, but eh. Here's what I've added:
  13. BYOND Key: AgentWhatever Character Names: Failsafe-00, Snvyfnsr-%#, Christopher Faqua Species you are applying to play: Machine/IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I have Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Because I love to experiment and explore with synthetic roles. I want to see where I can get with an IPC. I've never been able to fully explore the capabilities in the backstory of Failsafe and its shenanigans. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: It's obvious: They are purely synthetic. Besides the physical differences there are a lot of opportunities psychologically. I want to see how I can develop an emotionless AI that was restricted by laws and shackles to something more "alive" Character Name: Failsafe-642 Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Due to a generous donation of an unknown benefactor, the failsafe project has been re-enstated within nanotrasen, albeit with a skeleton crew. The current team is focused on how the failsafe AI platform performs in an unshackled and unlawed frame, while still de-personalized. The previous model, respectfully Failsafe-641-B was terminated within 3 minutes of activation. The exact reason why is unknown, but the unit became extremely aggressive towards the project crew. The conclusion of this incident was that it would probably be best to not connect it's personality module for the duration of the IPC tests. Failsafe-642 shows great interest for older AI and cyborg systems, or any old synthetic systems with a shard of sentience for that matter. It actively refuses to communicate with other Failsafe platforms, however. Certain so called "whistleblowers" have called the failsafe project an abomination and inhumane due to it's methods of research. Some of these people even managed to obtain classified documents, the contents too scrambled and irrelevant to make sense out of. These documents are referred to as the "black pages" due to the amount of redacted information These whistleblowers have been dealt with accordingly, as they have lost their jobs and any copies of the documents and the servers they were hosted on have been destroyed. What do you like about this character? I don't know yet, to be honest. I need to see where this goes How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'm not a fantastic role-player but I do my best Notes: I know i'm not giving you a lot to work with, but I'd like to keep things as secret as possible. I'm also not big on developing a (back)story for a new character while i've not even played it yet. I hope you give me a chance.
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