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Everything posted by halorocks22

  1. I'm going to go ahead and say that my time here is up. I've lost interest in being a moderator and I've also lost interest in the community as a whole; I just don't feel like I belong anymore. I will probably be leaving for a long time, if not permanently. During my time on Aurora, I got to meet a lot of great people and I got to experience a lot of fun. Thank you all for that. Take care. I've had a good run.
  2. I'll admit that I didn't inspect what happened during that round as well as I'd like to have. I should've investigated further and asked Silver about what exactly happened but during the heat of the moment, I never did. Considering my failure to correctly analyze the situation and the fact that Silver supports you, I wouldn't oppose the lift of your antag ban. That being said, I want to ask this question - why did you murder the Medbay? Were they helping Security or otherwise trying to stop the cultists, or did you kill them just because you really felt it would be what Nar'sie and the Research Director would want? It's generally the cultist's job to convert over kill and it seems a bit fishy to me that you guys ended up killing the Medbay when you could (should?) have done the former. P.S. I believe I dished out more than one ban during that round, so please don't think that I have something against you in any way.
  3. halorocks22


    Sorry to see you go, yo. I always thought of you as one of the realest gangstas out there, dawg. Peace and good luck, m8. You can come back whenever if you ever feel like you want to.
  4. The words spoken by hive before he thrust me into the air lingered upon my mind like how dew lingers upon blades of grass after a light mist in the morning. "ayyy is on u, skrub" were the fateful words my cerebrum had deciphered from the tremors of hive's vocal chords. Such a profound statement, yet the veracity of the sentence instilled within me a peculiar feeling of acceptance. As I sailed through the air, the state of my mind developed into a sense of utter tranquility. This phlegmatic state of consciousness was utterly perplexing; how, with death being imminent, could I be so serene? During the lapse of time in which I continued to travel my way across the first of the three heavens, time seemed to move at a leisurely pace. I felt a connection with the world; whether the connection was amalgamated by the copious amounts of dimethyltryptamine being released in my body or by some supernatural force was of no matter to me. I was at peace. This bond was immediately severed when my cranium impacted the hard terra firma of the world. My vitality was beginning to wane rapidly. Before I departed from this being into the next, however, another recherché statement suddenly invaded my mind. "topkek"
  5. ya mön taek care of urself m8 if u evr want 2 visit me in high point soemtime tuff luck >kek peace
  6. i leaned down cloes 2 teh ear of teh ded skrub after i kill him n i say "ayy lmao"
  7. aftr pickign sum berries and killing cute forst animels w/ my bear hands i wen2 wher the other ppls r i watchd silentley in teh shadows as my her0 mastur cheef died n while fiting n i thot 2 myself "kek wat a scrub" howevur wheil he was dyign i herd his last werds bcuz i hab soopr dooper heering n how he sed the othr scrub was betr then me (NOT TRU) so i got rlly mad n i lefts b4 the goy saw me 2 go buy teh big stick that goes boom b0om i kill scrub
  8. "dont shot me plox" i sed the alieum ignorded me andd sh0t me 4 no reesons like wtf mang it hurted but i surviveded suddnly mastur chef came and killed alieum "wow thankz mastur cheef" i sed "no problems i kill alieums and i doesnt afreid of anythigns its my dooty" he sed than i got in my kar and went 2 teh hospitel but i couldnt get treatd becauz i dont hab helthcare
  9. ok so it takes place in the future everything was ok until teh aliens attacked earth good luck
  10. No... NOOOOOOO!!!!!
  11. PUMP NEEDS TO FIX THIS Edit: If you don't get it, I mean that Pump needs to fix centering. Skull's Edit: I fixed it now.
  12. i dont get it
  13. Great Leader Halorocks22 is so good, he creates Best RP even while offline! #felix soleno 2016
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