The words spoken by hive before he thrust me into the air lingered upon my mind like how dew lingers upon blades of grass after a light mist in the morning. "ayyy is on u, skrub" were the fateful words my cerebrum had deciphered from the tremors of hive's vocal chords.
Such a profound statement, yet the veracity of the sentence instilled within me a peculiar feeling of acceptance.
As I sailed through the air, the state of my mind developed into a sense of utter tranquility.
This phlegmatic state of consciousness was utterly perplexing; how, with death being imminent, could I be so serene?
During the lapse of time in which I continued to travel my way across the first of the three heavens, time seemed to move at a leisurely pace. I felt a connection with the world; whether the connection was amalgamated by the copious amounts of dimethyltryptamine being released in my body or by some supernatural force was of no matter to me.
I was at peace.
This bond was immediately severed when my cranium impacted the hard terra firma of the world. My vitality was beginning to wane rapidly. Before I departed from this being into the next, however, another recherché statement suddenly invaded my mind.