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Everything posted by Theplahunter
Which does bring into account the question of how certain species (read: Tajaran) are trusted to serve as significant heads of staff/in protective roles on the station when they are not respected and viewed as terrorists by many. I can see being a loyalty-implanted role, since it basically mindslaves them to serving the best interests of NT, but other positions have always baffled me. Tajara: "This came in the form of human discovery in 2418." Unathi: "In 2433, a human exploration team discovered Moghes." Vaurca: "None of the species of the galaxy had any idea that the Vaurca existed until an eventful day in November, 2456..." Today: "Friday 15 January 2458" Not even mentioning how much it takes for vaurca and human diplomats to understand each other and make vaurc'ian-basic dictionaries, vaurcas are really new to everyone. Like, if Tajarans aren't trusted, despite us knowing them for XX years, vaurca probably shouldn't even be allowed on board the station. Like, what the hell... Again, not even mentioning the bound vaurcas, they are literally mindless and do whatever whoever orders them to do. That's a quite literal definition of a "workplace accident, NanoTrasen terminates employment of vaurca after mass misuse of drones". We really need some news depicting the ways vaurca are new, subjects of racism/specieism, being space gypsies, and overall bad and hated "bugs are taking our jobs". It's like if everything is happening in OOC, without any official IC explanations. I don't even really know how to react to these bugs, probably because of the lack of these news, telling normal citizens how to behave (Mendell Bugle News and Alliance News), or just because I haven't really read their lore page, yet. They could be more like the 1st generation chinese immigrants, can't speak Common well but can work their asses off and take menial jobs for cheaper than the rest.
Good point, but consider the following: The person has shown a clear intent to hurt you and you can't run or avoid the fight, does attacking preemptively with an idea to subdue count as murder? Yes and No, if the man had a weapon and he was approaching you menacingly it could be considered self-defense due to fear. But if he is unarmed and you've beaten him once it's a bit more complex than that and may be considered pre-meditated murder. Or if he was unarmed and approaching you menacingly you started the fight and can be charged with Murder or Manslaughter. And if the man surrenders and you keep attacking him and kill him it's straight up murder.
"Certain forms of provocation that frequently arise have traditionally been considered reasonable or unreasonable by the courts. A killing that results from anger that is induced by a violent blow with a fist or weapon might constitute sufficient provocation, provided the accused did not incite the victim. It is not reasonable, however, to respond similarly to a light blow. A killing that results from mutual combat is often considered manslaughter, provided it was caused by the heat of passion aroused by the combat. An illegal arrest of one who knows of or believes in his or her innocence may provoke a reasonable person, although cases are in dispute on the issue of whether such an arrest would justify a killing. An attempt to make a legal arrest in an unlawful manner by the use of unnecessary violence might also constitute a heat of passion killing that will mitigate an intentional killing." http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/manslaughter
Which does bring into account the question of how certain species (read: Tajaran) are trusted to serve as significant heads of staff/in protective roles on the station when they are not respected and viewed as terrorists by many. I can see being a loyalty-implanted role, since it basically mindslaves them to serving the best interests of NT, but other positions have always baffled me. 'Muh snowflake.' But to be serious, lets take a real life example: Islam. Before you guys all go 'OH GOD NOT THIS DISCUSSION, RELIGION SHOULD NOT BE ON THIS FORUM.' hear me out. Situations IC should be handled a bit more... carefully with Tajara. It'd be a P.R nightmare for nanotransen if Tajara were just in menial labor roles, but they are considered dangerous due to the fact they're literally armed 24/7 with their claws. Same with Vaurca and their mandibles, at even regular human bites can break bone and skin, we have strong jaws and Vaurcan jaws are even stronger. Anyways, just because Tajaran are looked down upon as 'terrorists' it'd be stereotyping to believe all tajaran are terrorists and the same should be considered for Vaurca. Just because of previous reputation of the race does not mean they're all like that. Characters like Houssam Jawdat makes a great HoP, which opened up more options for Tajaran workers because of him. Same should be considered for Vaurcans, how many Vaurca security players have killed with their mandibles yet? They should be watched closely by other officers and stripped of duty if they screw up, but banning an entire race could be seen as Xenophobic and Xeno rights groups would be -all over NT- for it. (just imagine how angry Essel would get.)
Except you're wrong. It wasn't a grudge. If it was a grudge you wouldn't have been given a second chance. You were given chances to improve, and you didn't, so you went out and and broke every stick you could find so you'd always have the short stick. Saying the moderation staff had a grudge (even deserving) is you placing the blame on them, when you're the one who fucked up, Plahunter. I'm not denying I was wrong, and my choice of words were poor that's for sure. I take all of the blame, MeowMoo.
But afterwards I said that they had a right to hold the grudge and I was wrong.
I know you didn't, but my point is I -won't- get banned this time, all I'm asking is for this one try. I know a similar thing has happened but I'll value this final chance, and I won't mess it up.
It was bad, but the good can outweigh the bad eventually if I prove myself, I'm just asking for this last chance. Whats the worst that could happen, I get angry, get banned, there's 5 minutes of people getting upset and then I never come back.
I do understand that I went to the old MO, but this is something that I put out as an apology. I've been ripped on reddit for this, can't you atleast give me a chance so all this effort doesn't go to waste and I am just stuck with peoples insults on /R/ss13? Just one parole period, no more metagrudges, nothing. I swear on it.
Thanks, Gollee. I just want you guys to know i'm serious about wanting back on the server.
I'm not good with getting my point across over text, and I don't think you guys will believe me anyways if I do so... I made a video. The lighting is terrible, I know.
With the release of X-COM 2 coming soon (22 days) I thought of making an Aurora team! A character pool full of your favorite aurora characters! Post nationality, hair color, weapon color, main and secondary armor color, and whatever you may like and I'll build it to the best of my abilities. (NOTE) I already have Essel planned as a dark VIP, considering the Aliens took over the world and all she seems like the type to be working for the Aliens. I'll list characters up here when they're suggested, then when the game comes out i'll start posting screenshots! EDIT I should probably mention, hair colors, designs, facial hair and eye color would also help.
wierd zienz xDDD No, this literally makes no sense. Go the route of Lifeweb, give the Slaves of Allah- I mean, the super serious nuclear operatives crippleguns that disable limbs for a period of time. Shoot a leg, they can't move or turn. Shoot an arm, they can't use that arm and they drop whatever is in their hand. Stun weaponry is vastly superior anyway. You wouldn't need to hear nuke ops crying about there being zero counter to stun baton rushing. We could still go with the needle thing, or the Lifeweb stungun. I never actually played as the slavers so i'm interested on how the cripple gun would work.
As a larger statement, I'd like to present this. And i'd like to say reading back on what I've said with Nanotoxins screenshots; make me feel physically ill, I'm disgusted in myself for even being proud of saying those things or having a title of 'Aurora hating nazi.' Delta: Where to start... there's so much you did for met that I took for granted it'd be a miracle if you actually forgave me. I'm not expecting you to go 'Give him a chance!' as i've already spent that option and wasted it, i'm just hoping you'll believe me when I say i'm sorry for what I've done. I can't even remember why I didn't respond to Tains report, and if I could i'd go back and actually pay attention. I'd like to apologize to you and everybody for my toxic attitude. Nursie: The one has so much I need to beg forgiveness for I could probably make a separate post about it. But the first thing i'll say is: No more 'Humans against Essel' (what was I thinking when I made that...) No more constant investigations, no more live autopsy's, and no more fighting. I think we can both agree its gotten pointless and just caused unneeded arguements that I always started due to some stupid grudge over an IC issue. As me myself I want to say sorry, and as my character... I'd like to extend a formal apology to Essel for my xenophobic actions and my specieist behavior. Tainavaa (I really hope I spelled this right.) : I shouldn't of called you a cunt and I shouldn't of ignored that report you made against me. If I could do it all over, I would of been nicer and less of a prick but that's far gone. And I want to make things right here, in the present and future. Skull: My actions were terrible and inexcusable, but I hope to atone for my sins and attitude by just being able to provide for the server and allowing an enjoyable experience for everybody. No more ooc bitch fests, no more arguments, just good ol' RP and brainstorming for new server Ideas. Bokaza: I know it'll be a struggle to get people to accept it, but I'm sorry to each of them. I didn't mean to make them leave the server, I just got too hotheaded. But that isn't an excuse, and if it was it'd be a pretty terrible one. Forgotten Traveler: I admit it was metagrudge, and all the essel stuff was horrible... The live autopsy is a low blow, but the perscriptions were reccomendations. I'm asking for a chance to bring him back as well, so I can prove I can shape him into a character that is not a total mongoloid assbasket. Garnascus: Delta did stick his neck out for me a lot, and I regret all I did to upset him and make him disapointed. I want to fix that too, I want to fix everything i've done wrong. I promise this time, its for real. FFrances and Hivefleet: I can't say anything but thank you for at least trying to help and giving me another chance, I won't let you two down if I do get un-banned. Nanotoxin: I feel honestly sick reading those logs, I can't believe I could just do things like that. I'm ashamed of myself for putting those on there, and they make me physically ill. It won't happen again, promise. My reactions were over the top and I probably shouldn't of said those things, thank you for saving them: It makes me realize even more what I've done wrong and why everybody is so hesitant.
The necrobump is real.
Because i honestly don't remember it, but I understand. Delta did stick his neck out for me and I stabbed him in the back and i'm sorry for it, but I feel a little offended he just insulted me. I'm asking for one chance, I want to rp I don't want to troll or just be toxic. I wouldn't be trying this hard if I did plan to be toxic.
I honestly don't even remember this, you took an hour out of your day to just post all this? Why? Would you appriciate the same thing if you were banned, 1138? That's just mean, man. You take the time to insult me, start pulling up stuff from months ago, yet you claim i'm the bad guy in this situation? Not cool, dude.
Well, I mean, really. If I was just a griefer and a troll why would I keep on appealing it over and over?
I've gone on to others, havn't been banned. I just like the community, even though sometimes I don't show it. I feel like I can share my ideas, my writing, ectera. Its enjoyable, as well as all the hard working developers it makes the place feel like home. Aurora just 'fits' with me, and I have that constant craving to come up with new ideas and designs FOR aurora and to rp on there with my developed characters.
I never thought i'd be warned for talking about traitor stuff on my own thread.
Skull all i'm asking is for one last chance on this, I know I've already said that once but I just want to come back to rp and provide a good experience for everybody. I don't know what else I can say or do to convince you except i'll do anything. I will vow that I will not be a total cuntsicle, i'll try to be the most polite person you've ever seen. You have my promise as a person, Skull. And that right now is the best I can give.
I can't be 100 % sure, that's positive. But I can do my damn best to try, Last time I lied and said a month was good enough when obviously it wasn't. I now do realize it was a scummy thing to do, and as an attempt to suggest an improvement to the server I already have made a post about nuke ops weapons which is a step in the right direction. I miss the aurora, the RP was great and I wish to be given the opertunity to play without being a total mongaloid.
I don't know what else to say, all I can say is I fucked up. Its been a year, and I like to think i've changed at least a little bit. I want to come back, I want to help with the server and provide a good RP experience. Its been a year and I feel like that's enough, sorry to disappoint. I didn't mean for it to come off like I didn't put any effort in. I'd like to prove to you I can do better, because what I did was shameful and I know it is. Before I didn't realize but now that i've had the time to think I realize its terrible and being like that isn't going to get me anywhere in life, so the long deal is 'its been a year, i've thought it over. And I think i'm ready to come back' if that makes any sense.
BYOND Key: Plahunter101/Sovietcyanide Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Soundscopes Reason of Ban:Breaking unban parole by calling player a 'cunt' in LOOC Reason for Appeal: I know I fucked up that year ago, I was an uncontrollable prick. But it -has- been a year, and I'd like to ask for another chance. I think its time to just let bygones be bygones and try again? Its a new year, new chance to start over.
I think I remember a mechanic that allowed you to rightclick the revolver and change the sprite so you can just change it whenever you want and then lock it when you're happy.