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Everything posted by Theplahunter
I don't really have anything else to say, right now. I a little stumped and if I could discuss it with you on the teamspeak this weekend where I can speak and use my words instead of typing I would appreciate it, i'm just better vocally. Currently my only arguement about it now is I'd be willing to help sprite and code it and get some friends to help as well, and that I would just appreciate a little bit of weapon diversity because of the RP it could add.
Well the Romans did have their soldiers buy their own equipment but that's besides the point. We could probably simplify the weapon selection down a little to more specific companies. Well, maybe we can just hold onto this until we have a bigger dev team, and I could help code and sprite and get some of my friends to work on it with me. And Kane did have THIS: http://i.gyazo.com/020d95169bf094fbd7fd21aa461fc136.png
Can you explain a Bit more? I do not seem to get it well.
Well, that seems a bit like cherry picking, evil. I don't think it would be possible for security to make it their own special thing. Considering you'd need a sales rep, a tester, and a lawyer. It could go through a three test process, let me write a 'Scenario' below. 3 Robinson & Redelle employees come onto the station, Representative Helen Valern | Engineer Dean Alezkander | Scientist Mario De fierro. Dean and Mario bring in the newest revolver design, the Bottiglione spazio .357 (.357 snubnose | 6 shots | Gyroscopic | single action) and came to the Aurora with NT permission to show off the newest design. http://i790.photobucket.com/albums/yy183/haraplane/rhino3.jpg 2 Fasse Armoir employees, however, come on with NT permission as well: Representative Louise Clermont and Engineer Daren Clermont. They bring in the newest revolver that the twins created: The Valor-1 Energy revolver. A revolver with instead bullets, a battery cylinder, it is double action, 5 shots, and to reload you had to eject the entire cylinder and put in a new one (Which can cause jams and malfunctions.) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4003/4389773143_3f3744272a.jpg) and a single start up company brings in one man; The owner Johann Vesuvius with the Pompeii Gauss revolver Mk.X. A revolver with seemingly infinite firing power that fires 20 Gauss rounds but requires a lengthy reload process and can be hooked to a charger instead. It has a chance of overheating and burning the users hand if he does not wear gloves and the new Gauss design is a little unstable where if it is fired after being overheated can melt the frame of the gun (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/259/1/a/capsule_pistol_by_spex84-d4a0i4z.jpg) An ERT commander, 2 engineers (who volunteer/are chosen) 2-3 scientists (depending on volunteers) The warden, a security officer, the HoS, RD, Captain, CE, and HoP (depending on who is on at the time.) and maybe a NT rep are taken to the security firing range/science testing range. Each inventor and rep shows off the inner workings of the weapon, and shows off the weapon firing (probably should use trusted RPers for the guns so they can actually RP malfunctions, failures, ectera.) Each employee is a player, active RPers who have either applied for a company, applied for a job, created the weapons design and features, its drawbacks, ect (there will be a balance system implemented) After the displays all the staff discuss it, it could change the field of combat with new weapons, the players can decide what is put into the armory and sometimes what is replaced/upgraded. Some security officers, engineers, scientists, ectera could even RP making their own upgrades and new guns that could put them up the corporate ladder. Now, the ERT and NT reps pick the Fasse Armoir revolver, as they are picking it due to NTs love of energy. While the Aurora staff selects the Spazio .357 (under the contract name the Security-357/ S-357 Mk.I.) the two companies get a boost in profits and stock values shoot up, while Johanns company sadly goes under and he files for bankruptcy. His company and designs are bought out by Bradley arms and the company starts improving the design (or not, depending on what the company players decide.) The weapons are integrated slowly as the contract is filled, with one S-357 starting out in the armory and replacing the Fasse MR-99, while the Valor-1 is put along side the Mk.27 and semi-44. It couldn't be 'security' only because it requires a committee to decide and watch, of different branches of staff (medical can go fuck itself though.)
And. I'm not seeing an issue with this. If you don't plan ahead, then that's a fault of planning. I repeat: you should not be prepared for every situation from the getgo. It breaks one of the key points of this game, regardless of serer. The highest powered ballistic weaponry is an SMG. It's not available through cargo because NT prefers energy weapons. Here's what I'm still stuck on: you seem to be wanting variety, but this is exactly what variety is about. I'd rather have one group limited to a distinct set of weapons, as opposed to giving everyone the same weapons, just sprited and named differently. Think about it. It's easier, yes. That's actually exactly why I don't want it to be a thing. The armoury is already targeted to the point where a lot of folks complain, and making it the soul source of everything forever will just mean it gets attacked more often. And it literally detracts from the game to give sec all of the weapons, all of the tools, at once. Refer to one of my arguments in my previous reply. My point with the talk about ArmA was missed, apparently. In order for there to be a set of meaningful variances, we need to have more incrimentation. You need more space to work with. We don't have it. The best example I can show you is the energy carbine versus laser rifle. The difference is, without thinking too hard, non-existent beyond the fact that one can stun as well. But codewise, and realistic capability wise? They're effectively the largest contrast you can create, while ensuring both remain effective. Anything between those two is practically worthless. 1: Alright. 2: Yes, they do prefer energy weapons. BUT that can always change, energy is not going to last forever. And I still bring up the whole ammo thing, energy: Good for quick combat. Ballistics: Good for prolonged fire fights. Let me bring up the Beretta and Colt m1911 example: A colt (energy weapon) is good for a short firefight where you just want to kill somebody quickly. A beretta is good when you're engaging multiple targets in cover who can fire back. (Refer to 2/3,5/4 for a better explanation. I flubbed this a little.) 3: Yeah I do see your point about the whole "Easier" thing and I don't really have any argument for that other than time is going to be close while you're waiting for those weapons and it would just be morel logical and convient to have them on hand, it's not laziness its Logic. A somali pirate band raiding your ship, you won't have time to call Jerry down in munitions and get a boat full of rifles. You're going to want to get that fucking gun-locker open and start defending yourself. 2/3.5/4: The variety part of it, it may seem miniscule but still with new sprites, sounds and handling it could work. It isn't the same, you may think it's only sprited differently -but- it could have other ways to reload, extra steps, having to cock the weapon after firing or reloading, pumping the weapon, bolting it, jams, maintenance, cool downs, also with the evoloution of companies with Railguns and laser and ray stuff it would cause a bigger divide of weaponry and types. it's an evolutionary thing, everybody gets a pistol, during a comparison however. The Captain of the Aurora could pick a breech loading rail firing design, The equipment commander for the ERT could pick a semi-automatic multi-shot bullet, and the Syndicate could pick a quick shooting machine pistol that fires a sort of "laser" cartridge... Yeah the laser thing is just an example. Also.. The lore and RP. This is kind of being shifted to RP and lore focus as I think it over. I already explained it to rusty so i'll wait for his response. EDIT: Or, this could come eventually Robinson & Redelle Prototype magazine laser carbine-1 (PMLC-1) (Has a chargeable 10 shot magazine | Easy to reload | renewable ammo.) http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/096/1/d/laser_rifle_concept_by_hazzard65-d7dcu56.jpg
0: Ehhh, this isn't 100 weapons, however. Its 10 types for each 'Faction' that all have uses, and I don't think comparing it to Arma where some weapons are absolute shit tier (Lee Enfield, CZ hunting rifle, AK-47) is a good comparison to a group of smaller, balanced weapons that all have uses and play styles and situations. 1: Yeah, I see what you mean. But by having a limited amount of weapons (like say 2 rifles, 3 SMGs, 2 carbines, and the max amount of each pistol.) would require some people who arrive late to the pick to be forced to grab something else (or just have the warden Dole out loadouts while using everything.) 2: It does sound like that now that I think over it, but you cannot order ballistic rifles in the first place, which is my problem. It's easier to get them from the armory instead of waiting 3 minutes for a crate that you need the HoS to open when Nuke ops is running up on you and/or setting up the nuke. 3: I did not know about the sound thing, good to know. I'll try and think of a different way for it to work out. 4: I'm not saying it'd be a hardcore massiv varying thing. I think for the basics Firerate Damage and Ammo cap would work, Lets say you have more Fire rate and ammo but less Damage, but more damage and less fire rate and ammo. And to rusty: Yeah I know, but different sprites, sounds, ammo, fire rate, and Damage still can work. It's not about flexibility, honestly. It's about the new items to use and give advantages and disadvantages and different types of weapons that can be found. Aaaaaaand this wouldn't be necessarily be set as Ballistics only, now i've had a discussion with Erik. We've been talking about Railguns and Coil weapons and other types of lasers. Also I wanna bring it back to the lore/RP situation: An arms race evolution. As it goes on people could create flexible ways and different types (Bull pup Sub machine guns, .50 cal MGs, Railguns, ectera.) It may not be a gameplay thing, but a Lore and RP thing. I'm also a fucking gun nerd, I live in Iowa and I swear every time I go out to my step-uncles farm and shoot it feels sooooo good...
"Get out of my fucking house Conservan I don't have ghosts!" Hunter goes back to sleep, muttering "Fucking ghost busters voodoo bullshit... As if I don't have Nia pestering me about 'her' shit. I can't sleep in my own house in peace." But looking at this, it seems to only pan to Hunter when his relationship is in the shitter XD Everybody gets pups and I get heartbreak, marvelous XD
Except. Please put yourself into my position. Understand this: each human has 200 health. Each human has a tolerance for pain. Increasing one variable forces you to decrease another, in order to keep the weapons in line with the with each other. There is no meaningful way, beyond speciality weaponry, to produce variations from here. You could have minor difference, or things like that, but I have a fun little story about that. Basically: introducing a slew of weapons that are of slight variation to each other will result in the objectively best being used, and the rest discarded. And that isn't a cost effective tactic for a small development team. ...All of this can already be simulated with the tools at your disposal. Well, except for the note that Nukes don't have access to energy weaponry, but I'm of mind to amend that easily enough. Now, how is it already possible? Simple: go to cargo, order supplies, voila. There is very little that positively enhances gameplay that can come from providing security with these tools from the getgo. No. Tracer ammunition is not used, and even if tracers were in the game, or multi-coloured lasers, all of it goes belly up once people realize that attempting to identify a terrorist force based on the signature of the weaponry they use is silly. You ID by uniform, and confirm that before you shoot. Also, this can already be simulated ingame with present resources, and it really doesn't change anything. I've been in confrontations where both sides use the identical weaponry (laser rifles, or so forth), and I've never been confused as to who to shoot. You can only shoot the people you see, ergo, any point about second-hand identification is a very small one. I'm just going to drop the lore arguments, my apologies for ever going with them. I am responsible for maintaining aspects of gameplay, and lore can be bent any which way, with ease, to accommodate whichever approach serves gameplay best. 1: I do understand the code it will take and I know it's a big job, but I think it could be just for the small variations and not a big game changing thing. Also to discourage dropping weapons it could just be an issue of ammo scarcity. Like Nuke ops, ERT, and Sec all have different ammo types so they can't change it out, making them have less ammo and less of a fire rate advantage. I'd assume if anybody is dropping a weapon it's because they like the AK more than the M16, and even then that's a very questionable move. All miltaries have once scavenged the battlefield for weapons, and I don't think that's a bad thing. It gives people preference. And there won't be a "best" both will have their weaknesses and strengths for balance. 2: Yes, it can be simulated. But sometimes cargo is not in working order or you cannot order ballistic lethals. It might cause positive game play by adding variants, and yes its a big order. And I do not expect it to all be done, but i'd be more than willing to learn how to code and sprite to help out, or get some more people (I know a few coders from other communities that would be willing.) 3: I'm not saying tracers. But sounds. If you're being shot upon you can tell from the noise you're being fired at with an AK and you can try and calculate where the bullets are firing from by using the bullet sprite (bullets do have flying sprites I think.) And snipers can get easier pings (due to scopes.) and both sides using the same weapons: Good point. But sometimes if one side has kevlar and the other side has kevlar and you're already jumpy. You could be a security officer running into another officer that decided to gear up in Nuke ops gear and you I.D by looks, and not mousing over. 4: The lore thing I brought up is because you brought it up and it still could bring in some special RP and player driven interaction. Like somebody buys stock in my (Robinson & Redelle) company and in an RP scenario NT buy's a contract for a new Sniper rifle. I then go to my engineers and scientists (who got hired.) and talk it out and brainstorm with them. Lets say I succeed, stocks for that guy go waaaaaaaaay up and he makes money, however if the sniper is not up to par the contract is failed and stocks go down. Which could have RP depression, anxiety, extra job stuff, it could make a story. And I don't think we should drop it, as it is still is something valid to discuss. Although you are not in charge of it it could be for a debate. EDIT: And skull, I cannot get on the Server or TS and I do not know anybody who is in charge of that type of lore so if you or anybody else can get somebody to discuss this as well, I would appreciate it.
Well, arming up security a bit more does give Nuke Ops a bit more of a challenge, and upping weapons would simulate an arms race that would happen between the syndicate and ERT. Besides, ROF, Damage, Mag size, and reload types with other types of sprites is good variables. The groin flap will be fixed, thank you for telling me that. Well, the riot armor Gun armor thing is something that goes back to my situation point, you could take an ablative vest or a Bulletproof vest depending on how the enemy is armed. If nuke ops brings a bunch of kevlar and no Ablative it gives security an energy advantage. But if security gets caught by a nuke ops ambush who have rifles while you have energy armor you're screwed. It's different weapons and types, which is not a bad thing. I think if Nuke ops and ERT both had M16A6s nobody would know who's shooting at who because they're the same. While however, a nuke ops and ERT firing it out with an AK-408 and an ERT with a HK450 you can tell who's fighting and the advantages and disadvantages. It may seem like little differences but they can be big in certain places, like who's fighting, how many there are, damage it could put out, location, ectera. EDIT: It also makes me realize the lore that could be added with companies, arms races, certain IC events like scientists thinking up new weapons, the OOC and IC people who run/work for the company (We could have people design, pitch, and create guns and companies and see how it reacts IC through events/RP) It could add a layer of corporate espionage, contracts, even some special work like Jeremy Silver and Erik Bradley both come down to the station to pitch the newest weapon to the HoS/Captain/Duty officer/NT rep. Like a 9 shot 12.7mm revolver and A .44 sub machine gun (a little outlandish yes) and the characters start debating it and seeing how they test and work and decide on what else goes in the armory. We could even code in/RP malfunctions/Jams/breaking once and awhile for tests as it would be "Prototyped weapons." Or could add nations and yeah... Arm races, that could be influenced by the players or created. from a fourm RP to economic trade RP or corporate espionage RP. Another example Robinson & Redelle engineer Louis Voltic comes onto the NSS aurora with a brand new design, the Redelle 21 (beretta M12.) meanwhile, Corporate spy for Fasse Armoir Jean Fettersen tries to steal the design to make a cheaper copy and sabotage the work and business. During a test Jean and two Greytide- Er... Two mercenaries assault Voltic and the captain, knocking them unconcious and taking the blueprint. It could be a good antag objective/Event for people who like weapons. It also gives good RPers and imaginative minds like SierraKommando to get their gun designs inside the game and make ingame money for their characters. Like Sierra Private security arms (SPSA) doing deals on station or on the fourms. It also can have people make more backstory and get second jobs working for the other companies (Scientists and Engineers who actually make some pretty good stuff in game but get it wiped.) who can be approached by Scouts/Investors for the rights to the patents or a job offer or they could apply for the position depending on how good they are. I know this is about a space station but it could also expand to the companies.
The problem I have is: It's still a science station, I would think it would be way more protected. And everything is a bit too "passive." sure we have full sets of Riot gear and laser weapons but the vests and rifles could have more of a use, I don't see the reason about differentiating. Different weapon caliber, different sprite, different handling, different ammo count, different damage. And Riot gear in real life wouldn't really protect against bullets. I do understand the reason for outgunning the ingame staff, but that is simply fixed by having the Nuke ops weapons be more powerful and better armored. Nuke ops weapons > ERT weapons > Security weapons. ERT Armor > Nuke ops armor > security armor. Security size > ERT size > Nuke ops size. Just because it might make people 'lazy' I think it'd be the opposite, we could enforce ROE and a rule of "One sidearm, one Primary." and if you take multiple primaries you get punished or ICly it's too heavy to carry. It could fit different play styles and different tactics. Damage Energy > Ballistics Rate of fire Energy < Ballistics Reloading while in Combat Energy < Ballistics Non lethal Energy > Ballistics EMP Resistance Energy < Ballistics Malfunctions Energy > Ballistics use in space Energy > Ballistics Internal damage Energy < Ballistics Armor piercing Energy > Ballistics (a laser can easily shoot through a bulletproof vest.) I would not say security is armed to the teeth, but still able to be flexible and able to defend a bit better against Nuke Ops. And having gun fights and ballistics armor could prevent people from just blowing holes out of the station to cut off non-hard suited men, because both sides will have ballistic armor, hard suits would be more susceptible to bullets so it's a bigger risk to wear it. The ballistics and new armors DO serve a purpose for different situations. And gunfights and standoffs could add excitement. And what Xander said, due to some de-stabilization it would cause heavier weapons funding to go to stations in that region and the Syndicate would compensate by designing and purchasing new weapons. EDIT: And during code blue unless there is an immediate danger/all the heads are dead. Pistols only.
That reminds me; Canon and I were discussing the Space swiss guard and we were taking about space Halberds and swords, I dunno about you but I think giving the HoS a ceremonial officers sword is bad ass.
Having windows into space at all is pretty silly. The windows need to withstand getting hit by a small micrometeorite with the KE of a bullet, as standard practice. They're already very bulletproof. An actual bullet isn't too much of a danger, really. Just make them hollowpoint bullets if you have to. I am going to rename the gun's in the final version if implemented. And re-naming it from Kevlar will also happen, I was thinking of having it like this however to fit the whole "Groin, chest, neck covers: http://www.safariland.com/tactical-carriers/fav-mkii-enhanced-carrier-FAV_MKII_EN_M_V.html EDIT: And for the guns, Ehhh... Alternate reality. Besides most of the designs ARE solid.
Well, it -is- double layered bulletproof glass. So you'd need to unload an entire magazine into it.
0: NT's signature may be energy, but that can easily be changed/modified. 1: I prefer ballistics due to: Ammo may be rarer but easier to re-load. Let's say mid combat, your energy pistols out and next to the man another officers pistol runs out of ammunition. The energy guy has to either: Find another gun, slowly re-charge it, or take out his back up. While the pistol guy can load another magazine and keep fighting without heavily moving position. 2: I'm not saying we should remove laser weapons and replace them all with ballistics, i'm just saying we can mix both in the armory. I think both have uses as well, and with new armory gun's and armor it allows situational pickings and foresight. As in "Hm... I can take this assault rifle, which has more ammo and it'll cut through like butter if they have hard suits or ablative gear... But if they have bulletproof gear and an energy weapon i'm in a very bad spot." It has advantages and disadvantages over each side. 3: Gun diversity can be fixed in a simple way, I think of the NATO ammunition standards act. The M16A4 and FAMAS both take 30rnd STANAG 5.56. So if your mate dies, you can take his ammo. The reason I chose variable weapons for Nuke Ops is because they would most likely try and get their hands on anything, so ammo would be much more spread out. A draw back due to the heavier armor they wear.
EDIT: Added more weapons, armor types, and arms producers. We all know we have energy weapons: Tazers, laser rifles, energy carbines. But, there is a flaw I see in the designs: Ammo. Sometimes you're in a prolonged firefight and your energy weapon run's empty, of course you only have one (unless you're a greedy piece of shit.) and you're left with a non-lethal tazer or a stun baton, so what would you rather have? An extra bulky energy weapon that can crap out with only four-six shots or be hit by an EMP? Or would you rather carry a lighter, more powerful projectile weapon! Yes we're talking about Rifles, pistols, shotguns, sub machine guns, and defenses or counters you can put in. COMPANIES (will be changed as more weapons are developed.) First: Increased equipment. The armory is quite bare bones, one bulletproof vest and one ablative vest. Fuck that. This is a research station with very important progress in an unstable region, why the hell would we not have more armor? I'd say some more Mk. II light armor vests that can protect against pistol's and SMGs along with lower powered Rifle rounds (which would still give you bruised ribs or a cracked sternum but not completely punch through.) and a Kevlar and plastic bulletproof helmet (that can really only protect the head, not the face. And would only protect against pistol caliber, maybe SMG.) Protection area VEST: NECK, GROIN, CHEST. HELMET: BACK OF HEAD, SIDE OF HEAD, TOP BROW OF HEAD. BALANCE WEAPONRY These are possible nominations for weapons and multiple types for different people/different situations/different styles NUKE OPS ARMORY SECURITY ARMORY Nanotransen Mk. V Ballistic vest: Nanotransens own developed Utility armor vests for security forces on station, with heavy plates in the front and back that can protect against rifles but pistol side plates for more flexibility. Nanotransen Bulletproof helmet: A standard bulletproof helmet with a tinted visor that goes down to the tip of the nose for flash protection and a SEC hud. A smaller Security armory, yes. But it's to prevent OP armed security forces ERT PISTOL Mark 23 (Mk.27) http://hk-usa.com/hk-models/mark-23/ Automag (Callis Security Semi .44) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AutoMag_%28pistol%29 SUB MACHINE GUN H&K UMP (H&K ERT UMP.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_UMP Kel-Tec PLR-16 (Callis Security KTC-5.56) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kel-Tec_PLR-16 ASSAULT RIFLE HK416 (HK450) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_HK416 G36C (HK36C) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_G36 SHOTGUN H&K FP6 (H&K FP9) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_FABARM_FP6 (img here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_shotguns#/media/File:H%26KFabarmFP6entry.jpg) Franchi Spas 12 (Robinson & Redelle ERTS-15) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franchi_SPAS-12 SNIPER RIFLE PSG-1 (H&K PSG-8) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_PSG1 equipment Same ol' hardsuits with minor bullet nerfs Callis Security MK. IIII Kevlar helmet & ballistic mask: A combined Mask and helmet for large head protection. Covers the entire head. Callis Security MK. V Plate carrier: A plate carrier that covers the upper arm, chest, neck, and groin with rifle stopping protection. *WIP. Will be edited more later but I am happy to take suggestions and opinions and answer questions now as is.*
BYOND Key: Plahunter101 Character name: Hunter Wayne Robinson Item(s) name: Why is your character carrying said item to work? Hunter’s uniform is a true, connected part of him. He wears it to remind him of his service and the adventures he had before becoming A security official for the NSS Aurora. He doesn’t trust his Child, Sterling, Alone with it so he brings it as well. He keeps the Ribbons to show and brag about his Achievements. But mostly, he dreads the boring ‘Blood red’ Wardens uniform, feeling it Clashes with his blue eyes… What, A Navy man can’t have a good sense of fashion? “I didn’t get shot in this outfit and pay a ton of damn money to let my beautiful uniform sit in a closet.” Item function(s): Hunters off duty uniform, something he can wear while wardening to re-live his command on the New London capital ship, only the Jacket really provides any protection, miniscule at that. However the Ribbons attach to the Jacket as an accessory. It also is a great conversation starter and a bragging device. (I didn't say Hunter wasn't arrogant anymore.) Item description: Item appearance: WARNING, IMAGE HEAVY. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Additional comments: I know this does seem like a big outfit, but it’s a flavor item that my character would carry when he wants to relax, walk around, or run a boarding drill by himself in the armory. It is also a big part of the character backstory as it is his off-duty navy outfit and shows his veterancy, telling a story of his service and actions. And to the spriters and Coders that try it: I’m soooo sorry. It’s a massive Job and I don’t expect it to get accepted, but if it does: Oh my lord I am so sorry the shit I am putting you through on this. EDIT: Punctuation, some specifics, misc stuff.
Take my opinions with a complete grain of salt here, but: "The New York Post has just reported that Brooklyn Assembly Members Annette Robinson [D.-Bedford Stuyvesant] and Darryl Towns [D.-East New York] have introduced a "minimum force" bill that would require officers to "shoot a suspect in the arm or the leg" and to use firearms "with the intent to stop, rather than kill." (source: https://www.pfoa.co.uk/110/shooting-to-wound) There may be IRL dangers from "Shooting to wound." but so is shooting in the chest. Imraj was not a threat and was non-violently resisting arrest and attempting escape. Imraj was from what I have read: Cuffed and Un-armed. It is overuse of lethal force, and in my opinion not right. Like I said take this with the tiniest grain of salt you can find.
Theplahunter replied to GlamourChariot's topic in Syndicate Transmission Network
Theplahunters unban appeal (An actual serious one.)
Theplahunter replied to Theplahunter's topic in Unban Requests Archive
So it has been accepted? If yes: I will not let you down. -
Theplahunters unban appeal (An actual serious one.)
Theplahunter replied to Theplahunter's topic in Unban Requests Archive
I promise you guy's wont regret giving me a second chance. -
Theplahunters unban appeal (An actual serious one.)
Theplahunter replied to Theplahunter's topic in Unban Requests Archive
I, Hunter Robinson, vow to not repeat the actions that caused me to become banned and Vilified among the community. And I will have my behavior drastically improved, I will be nothing but Kind, polite, helpful, and well mannered. And I will stay FAR away from the actions and words that got me banned. And if I do, I understand that I will be banned permanently without appeal. EDIT: I also apologize again and I hope I did get my point across clearly that I understand what I did was wrong, and I have had a change of heart. I would be greatful if I am allowed to return. -
Theplahunters unban appeal (An actual serious one.)
Theplahunter replied to Theplahunter's topic in Unban Requests Archive
Wait... Holy fuck. Dalton, I didn't even know it was you. -
Theplahunters unban appeal (An actual serious one.)
Theplahunter replied to Theplahunter's topic in Unban Requests Archive
Chris, I do understand. But i am practically begging for a second chance on this, I love serious RP and I do realize how bloody wrong I was. All I am asking for is a new beginning, even if it is a heavy probation I am willing to show I have fixed myself and I understand the risks. Sorry if the probation suggestion seems a bit heavy, but it'd address the issues people have with you. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. Simple. I do think it is a bit heavy but I am very willing to be under it to prove myself. I wish to show the people here I have changed and I am very eager to do said probation. -
Theplahunters unban appeal (An actual serious one.)
Theplahunter replied to Theplahunter's topic in Unban Requests Archive
Chris, I do understand. But i am practically begging for a second chance on this, I love serious RP and I do realize how bloody wrong I was. All I am asking for is a new beginning, even if it is a heavy probation I am willing to show I have fixed myself and I understand the risks. -
Theplahunters unban appeal (An actual serious one.)
Theplahunter replied to Theplahunter's topic in Unban Requests Archive
FFrances, I had a change of heart after a talk with Vix. He apologized and I realized how I was a cunt as well, I promise if I am put on probation I will keep in line.