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About ZipZero
- Birthday 14/02/1996
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Is that something you eat?
Somewhere east of the west end of Nowhere.
ZipZero's Achievements
Anomalist (21/37)
That's something I disagree with. If there are no medical personnel, and a crewmember is dying on the shuttle, a medical cyborg should be on the shuttle to keep them alive until the shuttle reaches Central. Same thing with security, if there are prisoners to watch over and there are no other security members awake, or engineering if you have to fix a window/door on the shuttle and you can't get off in time before it leaves. Also, it's not uncommon that a crew transfer gets called during an emergency situation, where nobody is able to call for an emergency shuttle. You shouldn't stay behind while Nar'Sie eats the station, just because a cult summons it when the round is ending, should you?
New Code Discussions: Shells v Androids
ZipZero replied to Skull132's topic in General Announcements
I've been playing on Polaris for a bit, as well as fooling around with their code, and as much as I like our shell system, I would much prefer having their full body prosthetics. It's more of what I initially imagined shells would be, anyway, and it really makes IPCs as a separate species redundant (I would prefer only the posibrain option being whitelisted). However, there are a few things that I think should be changed if we port them over. One, colour customization. It would be really nice to be able to change the colour of each limb, if not individually, then based on body colour. Especially for Zeng-Hu parts on a skrell/tajara/unathi/nonwhite human, it can look rather strange having your robolimbs be stuck on the default white human skin colour. Also, I would really miss PARAGON being pink. Two, remove the seams on Zeng-Hu parts, and resprite the female torso so it doesn't look the exact same as the male one. Considering all that business with the Shell Registration Act, it's already been established that we can make completely realistic mechanical bodies, and it would be a shame to retcon that whole thing, especially with all of the RP that has come out of it. Hell, we're close to making humanlike prosthetics even today. At the very least, take away the horrible neck seam that looks like a beard. It looks awful, especially on female characters. Also, would we be porting over things like EAL, the unique "Android/Gynoid" examine texts, and the renames for lawed synthetics - robots to drones, and androids to robots? Will prosthetic parts be a difficult to repair as they are on Polaris? TV head would still be an option, with the Morpheus parts. -
BYOND Key: PrismaticGynoid Character name: Irene Niequist Item name: worn purple scarf Why is your character carrying said item to work? The scarf was received as a gift fifteen years ago. Although it hasn't been worn in many years, Irene has decided to wear it again as a sort of subtle defiance of the Shell Registration Act, despite it being uncomfortably warm. Item function(s): Worn in the mask slot, and can be pulled up to cover the face. Item description: A hand woven purple scarf made out of synthetic fibers. Some of the edges appear slightly frayed. Item appearance: Additional comments: Sprites: Code:
Will you be playing in expert mode?
The pods do not travel in a circle. They reach the end of the tube, then reverse direction. You can also control the direction while riding inside.
You can already control their transit while inside the tube. I don't think it would be a great feat to have this sort of control while outside of it.
I would love to see what work you've done so far. Do you, perhaps, possess pictures?
Well, I think this answers most of it: /datum/species/diona name = "Diona" name_plural = "Dionaea" icobase = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_diona.dmi' deform = 'icons/mob/human_races/r_def_plant.dmi' language = "Rootspeak" unarmed_type = /datum/unarmed_attack/diona primitive = /mob/living/carbon/alien/diona slowdown = 7 rarity_value = 3 has_organ = list( "nutrient channel" = /datum/organ/internal/diona/nutrients, "neural strata" = /datum/organ/internal/diona/strata, "response node" = /datum/organ/internal/diona/node, "gas bladder" = /datum/organ/internal/diona/bladder, "polyp segment" = /datum/organ/internal/diona/polyp, "anchoring ligament" = /datum/organ/internal/diona/ligament ) warning_low_pressure = 50 hazard_low_pressure = -1 cold_level_1 = 50 cold_level_2 = -1 cold_level_3 = -1 heat_level_1 = 2000 heat_level_2 = 3000 heat_level_3 = 4000 body_temperature = T0C + 15 //make the plant people have a bit lower body temperature, why not flags = IS_WHITELISTED | NO_BREATHE | NO_SCAN | IS_PLANT | NO_BLOOD | NO_PAIN | NO_SLIP blood_color = "#004400" flesh_color = "#907E4A" reagent_tag = IS_DIONA /datum/species/diona/can_understand(var/mob/other) var/mob/living/carbon/alien/diona/D = other if(istype(D)) return 1 return 0 /datum/species/diona/handle_post_spawn(var/mob/living/carbon/human/H) H.gender = NEUTER return ..() /datum/species/diona/handle_death(var/mob/living/carbon/human/H) var/mob/living/carbon/alien/diona/S = new(get_turf(H)) if(H.mind) H.mind.transfer_to(S) for(var/mob/living/carbon/alien/diona/D in H.contents) if(D.client) D.loc = H.loc else del(D) H.visible_message("\red[H] splits apart with a wet slithering noise!") And then they also heal and gain nutrients from light/radiation, lose it while in darkness, and are difficult to knock down.
You can make them in the autolathe now. Just make sure to replace the battery with one capable of lasting longer than the airlock takes to cycle. Now, if only nuke ops had one of those...
BYOND Key: MasterZipZero Character Names: Organic: Kimora Hunt, Raelene Sagan, Myriam Hall, Amarleen Sinha, Henrike Flanagan, Lejorei Zhareiu. Synthetic: PARAGON, Lemon, Anathema, Erythrite, Maxwell's Demon, Laplace's Demon. How long have you been playing on Aurora: Almost 10 months now. Has it really been that long? Species you are applying to play: Diona. What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): The colour of tree. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Numerous times. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Dionaea have always been interesting to me, and not just because I love plantlike aliens. Their life cycle, from a small seed, to a massive organism that can dwarf a space station. Their language, of infrared and radio waves. Their unique relationships with other sentient species. All of these things interest me. The relatively small number of them on the station is a plus as well. Also, having created two diona characters already, it would be a shame not to play any of them. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Dionaea are truly the most alien of all the aliens (playable, at least). They think and act slowly. They are not quite individuals, but rather, a collective consciousness, a being of many organisms acting as one. Their names being based on important memories, ones that may drive them toward a particular course of action, is something I think really impacts playing as a diona. Character Name: A Figure Glimpsed Through Rising Flame, As Air Becomes Smoke And Green Becomes Black With The Ashes Of A Burning Home Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs A garden near Phoenixport, associated with the Botanical Society of Selene, had received their first shipment of seeds for a rather exotic type of plant - not a plant at all, in fact, but rather, a plantlike alien species, the dionaea. In time, these seeds would grow into the nymph form of the species, and would become unofficial mascots of the gardens, and even guides for the hundreds of visitors who passed through each day. They were in the main building, a towering pyramid of glass and greenery. A group of tourists were there, being shown the thousands of plant species grown in that building, with the nymphs as guides. Unfortunately, one of the tourists had neglected to read the "no smoking" signs. Combined with a poor fire safety system, and a failure of the sprinklers, a tiny flame soon became a fire that threatened everyone in that building. The fire department arrived quickly. The nymphs did not know what they were seeing, not the harmful nature of the flames, and not the mysterious figure that arrived beyond them. As the flames cooled around them, the nymphs merged together, in mimicry of the figure they see. The figure yells something about evacuation, but this new diona does not listen. They want to learn more. In time, this diona would depart the gardens, and go on to fight fires, teach about fire safety, and inspect buildings to ensure they would not burst into flame. Many years later, they would leave Biesel to learn the behavior of fire in space, and eventually sought employment aboard NanoTrasen's stations. Hopefully, they will not catch on fire. What do you like about this character? The idea of a slow diona firefighter is sort of amusing. I suppose I like the fact that they are determined enough to do it anyway. How would you rate your role-playing ability? With an "ehh" noise and a sort of noncommittal wiggly hand gesture. Notes: Fluttershy: I'd like to be a tree.
Only minerals. Chemicals can be easily acquired from the dispenser on the outpost. Speaking of the outpost, I would appreciate it if a random anomaly spawned in storage there at the start of the round. Without any xenoarchaeologists, it's impossible for an anomalist to do their job.
Alright, I've taken a look at the code for this. Keep in mind that I am not experienced with this coding language, so my analysis may be incorrect. In if(status & ORGAN_ROBOT ) var/brmod = 0.66 var/bumod = 0.66 if(istype(owner,/mob/living/carbon/human)) var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = owner if(H.species && H.species.flags & IS_SYNTHETIC) brmod = H.species.brute_mod bumod = H.species.burn_mod brute *= brmod //~2/3 damage for ROBOLIMBS burn *= bumod //~2/3 damage for ROBOLIMBS From what I can tell, this bit here means that brute and burn damage to prothetic limbs is reduced by one third. Unless, strangely, if the mob taking the damage is an IPC, in which case it uses different values. In brute_mod = 0.5 burn_mod = 1 IPCs have a slightly greater resistance for brute damage, but don't have the burn resistance. If you want to reduce the resistance they have, perhaps these values could be changed to match? Or even removing the bit that makes IPC limbs act differently than other mechanical limbs, because I do not understand why that's a thing.
Riot armour isn't magnetically attached to the wearer, as far as I know. If you find yourself unable to stab someone through it, perhaps you should consider removing it? It's not IPCs that have a resistance against brute damage, it's mechanical parts that have that resistance. IPCs are just, conveniently, entirely mechanical. The fact that mechanical parts have a reduction to brute damage is balanced out by the lack of natural healing, and extreme weakness to EMPs. Having metal limbs be as easy to damage as soft flesh doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Technically, the only advantages IPCs have in a fight are brute damage resistance and lack of pain. Don't underestimate how much a lack of natural healing can effect a fight, I've seen several times where people have been able to regen out of crit when they shouldn't have been able to. The only effect broken bones will have while fighting is make you drop things, which also happens to mechanical limbs that take damage. Internal bleeding, while certainly deadly, won't kill you quick enough to stop you in a fight that only takes a few seconds. I do wish IPCs had organs that could be damaged, though. (Power cell? Cooling system?)
Why not just have more prosthetic options and customization? We could have more options for mechanical parts in the character setup screen, such as all of the organs, the chest, and the head. Perhaps have them be coloured based on the body colour, as skrell prosthetics or IPCs are? You could match your skin tone, if you wanted, to disguise the fact that you have prosthetics. I have two characters who would have an interest in this. An IPC running a human brain who is unhappy with their current chassis, and a cyborg that I'm sick of being abused by nearly everyone on the station.
If you think that not being cloned will make your death more "meaningful", then you can put a Do Not Clone order in your medical records (and don't return to your body in the event that medical "forgets" to look at your records). Removal of cloning will not make people care more the the deaths of others. People don't generally mourn for the deaths of those they do not know, and making more people stay dead will not change that. In addition, in a lot of rounds, people just do not have the time to show the way they feel about someone's death. It's hard to hold a funeral when a new body is turning up in maintenance every few minutes, people are streaming into medbay with bullet shrapnel and failing organs, and the station is full of holes that have to be fixed. Taking away the ability to come back into the round is not going to make any of this better. In fact, it might make it even worse, when the only people that are able to fix the situation lie rotting in the morgue. It's true, death is less frequent if you're not running into danger. However, even if your individual chance of dying is small, plenty of people die nearly every round due to factors that were beyond their control. You could be out wiring the solars when carp/drones spawn next to you. You could enter the round only to find out that the arrivals shuttle, or cryogenic storage, were vented, and you die only seconds after joining. Maybe you're just at the wrong place at the wrong time when someone bombs decides to bomb the station. I don't see how these deaths can be "meaningful", or how preventing these people from coming back into the round will further roleplay. It's generally regarded as a pretty terrible thing to do to prevent someone from being cloned after death, taking them out of the round permanently. If cloning was impossible, killing someone at all would do just that. Not being able to play because some antagonist has an itchy trigger finger is not fun at all. I've seen a fair number of decisions regarding players being killed be done using the argument that people can just be cloned. I don't think it's really a good idea to upset this balance without a suitable replacement. As I generally play synthetics, cloning does not have a major effect on me. In fact, having no medical side of genetics would make my mapping quite a lot easier. Yet, I feel that a lot of rounds would lose their appeal if people were dead for good, and I've had plenty of good RP regarding cloning. I don't want that to be taken away.