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About TheLoneWolfer
- Birthday 14/03/1995
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Chaplain (2/37)
Heya [mention]tbear13[/mention] Forgive me if this is not send the correct way, still learning alot of things for the forums. Your response made me also see your view of what happened but also from the others that were present in that room, it was not my intention to silently attack him, true, but as you said in your reply to my post that it 'appeared that way to other people involved', I will try my best and think twice how to RP and act in such 'events'/moments more. Like I said before, I appreciated the help and info you provided me, I will try my best to not let this happen again, thank you.
"Men of NanoTrasen" 2461 Promotional Calendar!
TheLoneWolfer replied to Synnono's topic in NanoTrasen Public Network
Name: Avery Zenthir Species: Human Age: 25 Date of Hire: 14/4/2455 Job Title: Station Engineer Preferred Contact Info: E-Mail: Zenthirian@NTmail.net -
This is one of my first 'responses' to all this, so, forgive me for any mistakes and other shenanigans. Round Type: Heist. Round ID: bWU-adjv One that gave the Warning: Tbear13 Why did you receive the Warning?: Lack of fear RP Reason that the Warning states: As an untrained, poorly armed engineer, you shouldn't attack a heavily armed intruder to defend an office. (Copypasted it from the actual warning, don't know how to copy it on here) Did you acknowledge the Warning?: Yes I did, didn't know what else to do. What is your reason to make a complaint on this?: I wanted to make a complaint because in some way I don't agree with it, as in, the lack of fear that Avery showed that round/had not the time to emote/rp my stuff out. I try to recap because I don't know how to copy/paste the actual logs. So the Intruder came from Atmos in the Engineering Department, in the lobby there was Avery, Bradley and Hana. The Infiltrator got in and went to the CE's Office's Door, bashing it multiple times as they try to get into it, Avery went near the elevator and grabbed a pickaxe and went to the Infiltrator, there was some 'commotion' going on as Avery stepped closer (One tile away) from the Intruder. I tried to emote/rp it out when the Intruder said in some way 'What are you gonna do about it?' after Avery/me respond with 'This!', I stepped closer with Avery, standing next to the Intruder with pickaxe in hands, I was trying to emote/rp it out, never my intention to attack the intruder -BEFORE- rping what Avery would do. I wanted to make so that Avery would 'Stand there with pickaxe in his shaking hands." Ofcourse me stepping closer to the Intruder was already a misstep of mine, ofcourse as many Intruders would do is 'aim', 'hit' or move away from that person, in this case it was a 'hit'. I didn't had the time to emote his action out and how he's 'standing' there. The Intruder already hitted him, sooo hard that one of his limbs 'flew' off. After I ofcourse got in touch with TBear13 and asked me what happened and why my char went up to the intruder. I wanted to rp/emote it out as the server states it's a 'Heavy Roleplay'. It was never my intention to just aimlessly bash into the Intruder with the pickaxe or in some way, I don't know if it could fit into this 'greytiding', again, I appreciated what TBear told me, but I felt a bit...I don't know the feeling but I do know I thought in such rounds RP would still be involved, I didn't know that such things depends on the situation. Again, forgive me for the lack of screenshots and more information on this 'topic', I would also apologize for my grammar because English is my 2nd language, I hope this could shed some 'more' light from my side of the story but also on the round on it's own. Thank you for reading this and I hope this could help the situation out.
Character Complaint: Willow Harper
TheLoneWolfer replied to Neinbox's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Heya [mention]Neinbox[/mention] Thank you for responding to my reply, I appreciate it that I get some help here and there. As what you said in your 2nd post. It is still a thing with the whole 'Law Enforcement' and the Rules that people should follow, specially in a situation where the people get into a 'Conflict' or being 'Handsy', though like you said, they are all in Space, basically in one big metal 'box', what happened was not the way it should've ended, but, alot of people can get a bit 'stressed' specially with the events that were going on around the shift, it's really for me a 50/50, you know? Willow protecting her friend, but also that it's somewhere 'under' Security to call them if something has happened, but in a way, sadly alot of people do this if there's a emergency at the time. Surface with the Rebellion and Medical needing their pipes fixed etc, they don't know what to do or if Security cannot aid them as quickly as possible, again Willow did say in some manner to Sid to 'Stand back' or something along the lines of it, yet, Sid got closer to Willow (Who already was 'angry' at Sid) and to the Injured Engineer (Avery). Ps. Avery didn't say specifically that Sid 'made' him forget his internals, Avery told Willow that he forgot his internals because he needed to go to point A to B quickly, Bringing the dispensers to Medical to aid with the repair, but also before that fixing the 'breach' in Cargo, it was all a 'cluster of misfortune' going around. -
Character Complaint: Willow Harper
TheLoneWolfer replied to Neinbox's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Hey hallo, I read this post and forgive me if I posted this the wrong way or in the wrong format/etc, i'm the player of Avery Zenthir, the one that was mentioned in the story of Neinbox as the Engineer with the Ruptured Lung, as I read this and again, forgive me for my 'wording', I'm not from America but from Europe, I find that some of the points Neinbox made are in some way 'relevant' yes, but, I do have some own answers but also my own viewpoint I can give to help both Neinbox here and RoseTango. Story: In my own perspective in IC there was a accident with Avery Zenthir forgetting his internals when he was helping Sid, and Balki the other Engineer in Medical, but before that happened Avery did his own routine, which he met with Willow several times on shift, she wasn't already in a good mood because of the events that occurred in the shift (Something to do with a Rebellion?). Do I find Willow's personality a bit 'hostile' or a endangerment to other crewmembers? no, I do find that Willow as the character ICLY should need help with this, ofcourse this all could also be pocketed in the 'Roleplay' section, I know i'm not much of a help here but I do find there must be also a other perspective in this 'happening'. All in a short story: Willow was already dealing with things this shift, when she heard one of her friends 'Avery Zenthir' was the patient in Medical, and also knowing what happened she became a 'protective' friend, she found Sid in my viewpoint a bit 'Intimidating', like Neinbox said, it's a 7'2 Unathi walking over to a occupied sleeper pod with Willow's friend in it. The fact that Willow already told Sid to (I don't know if I have it right), 'Get out' or 'Stand back' was already a good enough and 'strong' response to Sid's presence in the area, but when Sid came closer to the pod, Willow grabbed him and threw him back, she was not having it if more trouble could have overcome to her friend (Avery), or if all hell broke loose one way or the other, again, WIllow wasn't in a good mood either because of the other 'Events' occuring outside of Medical. Sorry if some points in this was more one-sided and not much double-sided, again, not the type with words, specially as I try to explain it, I do hope this could help both Neinbox and RoseTango, because in the end, it was good Roleplay. -
I find 'different' species in one Shift or multiple ones very, let's say it's basically the best way to play with other players playing as diff species, i find it aswell interesting and fascinating how you put so much time into this, for me ((Still a sort of newcomer)) i like the idea. *Newcomer Approval!*
Yes i ment 'Torn' not 'Torned', might be late to say but Dutch is my 1st lang, English is my 2nd, so if there's some 'grammar' mistakes i'm sorry.
BYOND Key: TheLoneWolfer Character name: Storm Zenthir Item name: Blue Scarf ((It can be any)) Why is your character carrying said item to work?, Storm Zenthir haves this blue scarf for quite awhile now, he mostly wore it when he started to work on the station for a 'good luck' charm, it aswell has been there when 'said' SM exploded when he was working on a different station then this one, let's say it is pretty important for him and it's aswell a part of himself. Item function(s): It's just a scarf, that keeps you warm at cold nights. Item description: Blue 'Torned' Scarf. ((Haven't thought about a sprite, i sincere apologize)) Item appearance: It's a normal long blue scarf, nothing less nothing more. ((If possible the 'torned' up part if that's possible that be great.)) How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?: This is more for Rp-Reasons and nothing more, it gives a bit more 'Oompf' to the character Storm Zenthir, aswell something that is unique on it's own and for Storm a 'charm' that he always carries.