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Xenoarcheologist (19/37)

  1. Pillow is by far one of my favorite roleplayers on SS13. They could handle playing a Tajara with ease.
  2. Happy scare your dog day!
  3. Jboy's Tajaran Alakiv is one of my favorite. Very well made character with depth and personality. And I like her breasts. I really hope whoever reads this knows what Im referencing.
  4. Graphite is my favorite cyborg on Aurora, by far. +1 (Also, medical Droideka ftw)
  5. Dwarf Fortress. ...Possibly Factorio
  6. Its already starting to appear onserver. 30+ people at 9 in the morning (PST)
  7. The bar would still be able to produce nonalcoholic drinks, and would still be there for people to congregate and take a break from work.
  8. As of recently, there have been alot of players whose characters regularly end up in the Medbay with liver damage from intentionally drinking too much, sometimes to the point of falling unconscious. The stations minimum age to work there is 17, and the drinking age (As said by Jackboot somewhere in the Lore Questions subforum) is 19. The Bartender does not, and is unable to, check for peoples ages. A couple times before, Ive seen people die or nearly die because of extreme alcohol poisoning, not to mention the times people go disposals diving or attack other people while inebriated. My character (Samir) has even been threatened with death if Alcohol were to be removed for the shift. For the shift. This also slightly ties in with some of the issues in Rev, but people seem to be entirely incapable of going without alcohol for a few hours, going so far as murder to get it. Basically, remove alcohol from the bar, and make it abundantly clear that drinking yourself unconcious is bad and abusing the health insurance provided by Nanotrasen to continually do that is also, bad. Meowy said something about drinking yourself unconcious should waive treatment rights. It sounds like a good idea to me, honestly.
  9. Furry, while playing a rather creepy character most of the time (Travis) has shown the capability to play a serious and mature Character (Iqbal) They could play a pretty good Tajara, as long as they arent like Travis.
  10. So far, Ive heard from one person that liver damage from drinking alcohol is covered under the Company Health Insurance, and from another that isnt. Who is correct? Someone really needs to type out the contract and what it states so things like this dont happen.
  11. Reporting Personnel: Ati Samir Rank of Reporting Personnel: Pharmacist Personnel Involved: Cole Mercer, Warden. Gordon Cox, Bartender. Time of Incident: Roughly 1:30 Location of Incident: Brig Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault []Misconduct [X]Other: Complete disregard of a prisoners health Overview of the Incident: In Summary, Cole Mercer had allowed Gordon Cox's, a prisoner, wounds to go unchecked, resulting in an infected wound, serious pain, bullet shrapnel left in their chest, a missing hand, and the near-death of the prisoner. Gordon Cox, prior to the incident, attacked two other crewmember which resulted in a detective on duty at the time (Unsure of their name) firing their revolver into Gordon Cox's chest. No attempt to request medical was made at that time from any officer or the Warden. Farther into the shift, Suit Sensors picked up injuries from the Cell Block. He went there to find a slightly injured warden (~5 brute damage to an arm) and a heavily injured Robert Cox. His handheld scanner showed an infected wound, a severe fever (About 120 degrees), and multiple broken bones, along with missing their right hand. Still no request for Medical from the Warden has been made prior to suit sensors detecting the injured Warden and Prisoner. After bringing Gordon Cox to Medical and scanning them, their fever had gone up by eight degrees, and he discovered the remains of the Detectives bullet lodged in their chest. They were treated (Save for the hand, which could not be attached. A robotic replacement arrived however was not attached. He is unsure why), and sent back to Security. The Warden claimed he was too busy being stabbed by Gordon Cox, who was in a straight jacket at the time, to call for Medical or even other Officers to help. They also claimed the prisoner had chewed their own hand off, needless to say of which is impossible. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: Jamine Godswood, CMO. (Possibly SSD at the time.) Additional notes: Excerpt from Robert Cox's medical records:
  12. ..Honestly, I would suggest waiting until you have played for atleast a week before applying for head. Playing a Head of Staff can be rather stressful, especially Head of Security. Wait until people get to know your character and what they are good at/bad at. The 'paragraphs' are not even paragraphs, and the backstory seems incredibly snowflakey. -1 one from me, atleast until your character gets integrated with the community and you get settled in.
  13. -Ati Samir, Pharmacist ((Feel free to copy/paste and write down onstation.))
  14. A similar argument happened a while ago on OOC, but punishing the entire crew because of one idiot/chucklefuck is a bad idea. Its impossible to control every single crewmember, and you just have to expect atleast one person to do something horribly stupid. Staff of Animation spam crippled a huge amount of people aswell. Medbay was flooded with bleeding and broken bone patients.
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