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    Colorado, USA

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  • Byond CKey

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Chef (10/37)

  1. That was... incredibly ambiguous. Not sure what to think of it from the trailer. Definitely going to be an increase in SS13 players, though. Brace yourselves.
  2. http://www.twitch.tv/bethesda/v/6189973 I just had the biggest nerdgasm. The whole stream is worth watching, but if you just want Fallout, skip ahead. Don't watch the YouTube videos, as they're missing some massive bits of content. Also, (MAJOR SPOILER):
  3. Locked and archived following a resolution with Techno.
  4. I played some GW2, but with ESO going with the same one-time-buy business model, I might be making the switch.
  5. Locked and archived.
  6. I play Bethesda games because they are fucking infinite. Also because I like bugs.
  7. Well, uh, no one's responded to this. Sorry about that, man. I'd give you another go, personally. Seems you've paid your dues.
  8. Normally, I'd let stuff like that slide, but I had just announced to the entire server that attacking another person on the shuttle is considered end-round grief, and that anyone who did so would receive a three day ban. It can't get any clearer than that. Your notes are where admins write down previous incidents. Yours contain the issue with you and another player poking each other's eyes out with cigars and the subsequent warnings to you both about doing so again. Incidentally, they also contain what happened in the round after that, when you and the same player gored each other with pickaxes. I see no reason to lift this.
  10. Wolf's crazy competent at science, and they know when to put their serious face on.
  11. tuiee


    +1 to what Frances said. Excellent chucklefucking. Next time, though, save it for when you're an antag.
  12. Hi, there, Paranoid. Welcome to the server.
  13. Man, that first time Selvion threw himself out of the airlock as RD was the funniest thing ever. I'm going to miss the friendship we had, but I sincerely hope you find yourself back here some day. Love you, pal.
  14. Welcome to the server, Focks.
  15. tuiee


    Hey there, Py. Good to have a new face around.
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