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Everything posted by Wer6

  1. Using the scanner on yourself, it hums for a moment, and then prints up the results on a screen Neurological damage detected, possible concussion High BPM, low blood pressure: loss of blood likely! Left false rib fracture detected! It prints out a small bar code wrist strap. Perhaps it can be used by the other medical machinery?
  2. Reactor-[EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN] Battery-[56%} FTL-[NOT RESPONDING] General alerts:[ Breach detected! Bridge! High radiation detected! Reactor room! Camera network not responding!]
  3. Um. The game mainly consists of killing boats. but maybe.
  4. The insignia has the name, "Chris Reverra", with "Chief engineer aboard Ramsus" The credit pad has, "13,250" on a holo screen, and a singular button that when pressed activate the holo interface for transferring and receiving credits. Nifty! The Wrist pad appears to be a PC on the wrist, but from its current programming, used for checking the status of on board ship components and systems.
  5. As of now, we are stationed near Egypt and Cairo. Today is the day, those bastards die. Yes... Launch missiles. They appear to be... launching their own missiles? Damn them. I bet their missiles will fizzle mid-air, ha ha ha. The exchange lasted roughly 20 minutes.. I saw missiles from all over the world... I have a bad feeling about this.. Fuck. Lets head back to new york, I bet those commie missiles never reached it. FUCK We're fucked. Time to head the ship out to sea, gather everyone in a room I've damaged the hull in multiple compartments. We will sink. I will activate the fire suppression system and lock the doors.. oxygen levels will plummet, and we will all die. A peaceful, sleeping death. The sub is at break depth, and has flooded. God have mercy on our souls. Everyone is dead. Someone had a breathing apparatus, but they died reguardless. The ship rests on its final grave, on a dead, irradiated planet. This was based off a game of Sub commander. Yes, you can have nukes. http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=202304
  6. I played this alot. It was fun
  7. You begin the slow process of doffing your suit, and then hanging it on the wall somewhere.. The wound hurts alot, but you bear through it. You have revealed items underneath your suit Insignia A credit pad A wrist pad .... Your jumpsuit also matches the ones on the bodies outside. Taking a syringe and a vial of morphine, you inject half of the vial inside you, and you soon feel its affects. You take the hand scanner, and deposit it into your pocket. Looking at the wound, it appears to be bleeding a fair mount, and you apply some stitches, not feeling much do to the morphine. It will hold, but you will have to make sure it does not get infected. From what you can tell though, you still feel a fracture in your chest, and you feel dizzy, and you are pale.
  8. Stolling forward toward the cabinet, you check inside it 6 vials of "Morphine" 3 vials of "Currelium A" 3 vials of "Currelium B" 4 Trauma kits 2 pill bottles of "Asperin" A handheld health scanner A note.
  9. Heading into the medbay, you notice a distinct smell of chlorine. Perhaps it was cleaned recently. There is a sugery pod, a medicine cabnet, a diagnostic machine, and a Bio-generator. There is a closet, that is closed. You aren't really sure on how to use the machines...
  10. Wer6


    its down I haven't been able to connect
  11. ((maybe a good idea to have the chest wound checked out?))
  12. After the airlock cycles, you are now within the suit. You unseal your suit, exposing your nostrils to the local air. It smells sterile, with a hint of blood in the air.. Its hard to stand, but you see a terminal, that is displaying a map of the ship, and what is currently bolted and accessible. There is currently, an atmosphere. The medical bay is a short distance from where you are, and would be easy. Walking into the hallway... You see bodies. Their hands are bound to their back, and they were shot in the back of the head. 13 of them, all wearing the same jumpsuits. ... Medical status(Unaided by technology) Suit diagnostic Equipment on hand You can feel items within your suit, but you cannot reach, nor see them. Environment Gravity: .7Gs Atmospherics: 101KPA You are in the central hall. Bodies are lined up, and were executed. You can access most of the ship through this hall, including Medbay, galley, Bridge(Sealed-Pressure loss) Reactor(Sealed-Radiation hazard) Crew quarters, Drone bay(sealed-Manual override). The wound on your lower chest hurts...
  13. How can one realize their bounds, without knowing where they are, or can go? By going. Exploring. Finding out what you can, and can't do.
  14. Maneuvering around the ship, you find dents and marks suggesting high velocity impacts, mainly towards the bow. Perhaps it was attacked? Reguardless, you know that there is still an atmosphere within the ship. Heading to the airlock, you enter the chamber, and wait for the compression to begin, after signaling the panel to cycle the airlock. Now may be a good time to size up that wound. OOC NOTES! In the first post, I gave all those neat little notices? If you ask, I will a few, or all them again. Just tell me.
  15. I really wanna do this . C'mon people, start posting.
  16. Using the nearby stationary objects, you navigate towards the breach, before you notice that the hull is twisted and shattered, several sharp, fine points are jut forward from the hole. You are going to have to be real careful to not breach the suit, your hullbreach kit is spent. After the ordeal, you are now on the outer hull of the ship, you can either head to the airlock, or get a better look of the ship, and try to determine what has happened. Be wary.. your life support needs to be replenished soon.
  17. Looking towards the airlock, it appears to be sealed, judging from the flashing red indicator light on it. You are going to have to go though the breach, onto an EVA airlock.... Hopefully the battery is still working.
  18. You pull the breach kit from the pocket it lies in from your suit, and ready it. Unbuckling yourself carefully from the chair, you remove the restrains, exposing the breach. Your ears pop, and the wound sears in pain. Quickly as if trained by extinct, you activate the breach kit, and it sprays resin onto the breach. As the suit repressurizes, you note that there is 370KPA left. You are now floating amonst the debris. Breach sealed. Now what?
  19. Perhaps it would be wiser to ah, get inside first, or use the breach kit you have? After a little bit of looking around, there is a medical kit, bolted onto a wall.It seems to have bursted open though, and there are no supplies within it. You are still buckled to the acceleration seat.
  20. The shrill shriek of the oxygen alarm awakes you from your dying slumber. You appear to be buckled to an acceleration seat, and the room((which appears to be the bridge, or a control center)) you are currently in is exposed to the depths of space, there is debris and items floating about. There appears to be a bullet wound within your suit, and your rib cage feels like it fractured in places. Blood appears to have boiled off at the entry wound, and sealed the suit with residue. The seal is weak. You can't remember anything that happened.. Or much of anything at all. Medical status(Unaided by technology) Suit diagnostic Suitlog: Equipment on hand You can feel items withen your suit, but you cannot reach, nor see them. Environment Gravity: 0Gs Atmospherics: OKPA There is debris, and around the room is what appears to be burns, from lasers, and bullet marks from ballistics. The room has a major breach, a large portion of it is ripped off, and exposed to space. Emergency lights are flashing, and the consoles in the room are dead. There is a dead body, wearing a blue jumpsuit, floating. It is facing away from you. You can see the moon you are orbiting, and the planet the moon orbits. The planet looks habitable most of its surface covered with water, while the moon looks barren. OOC STUFF! This will be a RTD/Suggestion. You guys post what to do, he tries and do it.
  21. Me. USA, Florida keys.
  22. And uh. I make some sprites too.. but, this seems like an intresting idea.
  23. I disagree. I also illustrated it bellow. Pumpking is a bad person.
  24. Some of what you need is here, http://aurorastation.org/wiki/index.php?title=Economy
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