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Everything posted by callum99877

  1. Of course i was armed, nukies attacked crew already, and you say you didnt shoot anyone that was downed? Ok i want to hear from the third player. Because that tells me he did, once i was downed i was shot multiple times and then beheaded using an energy sword. And you may have spoken to security, but i personally didnt hear a single word.
  2. I must point out that there was one nukie (delta?) that did attempt to talk, he was communicating via comms, but the other two were just... Gank central.
  3. All good points, as far as Kaipov is concerned, as a security member would you not hand out weapons if someone had been shot? And i understand violence is a given but killing everyone in sight? Even those on the floor unable to move? Then after they were in crit they proceeded to behead people (me at least) with energy swords. Also, I dont approve of lying, 0 nukies said a word to me at the bridge, and i was the captain. There was 0 contact attempts to me. It was gank. So dont attempt to turn this on security, there were many chances to take hostages, you took one and failed even with that and they needed a rejuv. You did not once aim your gun at me or speak to me, you shot and didnt stop, you then beheaded me when i was in crit and could be saved and captured. Do you deny this?
  4. BYOND Key: Callum99877 Player Byond Key: OneOneThreeEight, Adddude1, Alberyk Staff involved: SenpaiShadow_ Spoke to them, i still felt a complaint was needed so as to explain the whole situation and so everybody could give their version of events. Reason for complaint: This is more of a complaint about Nuclear rounds all together. Dont get me wrong, it makes my day when people make an enjoyable nuke round with lots of RP but i've seen countless times nukies just shooting to kill and "ganking" crew and security. This is not RP. At first seeing two names i know for a fact have very good RP on the list got me thinking it would be a good round, very fun. I knew things were taking a turn for the worse when they started by bombing the armoury (i have no problem with that) But then shooting and killing both engineers trying to repair it. Then things went quiet for around fifteen minutes until they subverted the AI (which i also have no issue with) But as we attempted to fix the AI they showed up at the bridge. From my point of view i saw them gun us all down with no words or RP. I consider this gank. They say security shoot first, and if thats true would you blame them? After shooting the CE and killing two engineers, and bombing the station. And after some of us were downed they proceeded to continue to attack and behead us. There excuse of "they shot first" will not suffice, they could have easily taken prisoners that were downed and unable to move. They instead killed multiple crew. And another point on that, if it was a case of returning fire, why did you gun down everyone that ran away? I fail to see any attempt of RP in the round, I fail to see any goal from the nuke ops other than "kill anything that moves". And explanation would be appreciated. I believe nuke rounds like this have happened many times before and if players cant make nuclear fun then what is the point in playing it at all? Like I said, my complaint is more about the gametype, not the players, I genuinly dont want to play on the server when its voted. Thanks, Please add anything i missed in the comments. Approximate Date/Time: about 18:30 BST
  5. Yes I was playing as the warden, not the HoS, this round. I do think it was quite annoying due to the fact that the rest of the players over in medical were enjoying the round, just ending the round like that was no fun at all. I feel as though techno shouldnt have acted like that. However, I dont know what happened before Ezra arrived on the station. If, as techno said IC, the wizard was using the fireball spell left right and center then I can understand his reasons for wanting to get crew off station. If that is the case an explanation and actually RPing this with other crew members would have been better. I cant really say how to proceed because im bias about him having ended what was starting to be a fun round for me, but if what he said is true then his actions may be justified. But since the moment i arrived there was no hostility shown from the wizard.
  6. A reply eventually comes out after a lot of thought " The most abnormal..... I guess id have to say i once detained a command staff member for dressing up as a clown, stealing an ID and pretending to be a girl from wetskrell.NT" He chuckles. "That was an interesting shift"
  7. Also, as i answered sierras ahelp, and wasent moving. He bolted open the bar, nearly killing me. I did not enjoy the round. The borgs being locked down was silly as one saved my life. From a staff point of view the extent of my involvement was giving the Byond Key to sierra.
  8. Feel free to send me a byond PM when your willing to actually discuss this without just insulting me and my characters. You need to calm down. Yes i said lies. I never said they were deliberate lies. Till then, i wont comment more on this.
  9. Your bringing up things that have nothing to do with this just so you can argue where everyone can see it. If you want a discussion then you can do this in a private chat, you dont even know alot of what happened so why not ask. If your just here to slander i wont be replying. You have the "im always right" attitude.
  10. Also, i did not say "i will watch over them" As i said, the IPC was there and the captain. Then the ERT arrived with FIVE members. It was overcrowded enough.
  11. Where i agree with Dracula i will also state that we had the IPC officer in there also and there was no need for more security. I told them to patrol and report any sick people. All i see from your character is refusing orders and insulting people. I kept the minimum amount of crew present to avoid it spreading. We dont need more security present then there were infected. There were two security personnel present me and Ser Knyght (if thats how its spelt, jboy?) and there was no need for more. Your complaint is 99% lies. Ezra has only "got drunk" at the bar once, after getting an arm cut off a few months ago, and i believe your just looking for excuses to make a complaint. And if im honest i believe its your IC behavior that is the issue. I will say that Dracula overreacted and shouldnt have. But your character never follows orders and is rude to every head. Would NanoTrasen continue to employ that?
  12. I believe its a three day. Therefore should be up by monday. Locking and archiving,
  13. A dont believe hunt would make a good head of staff. Ive seen him IC and all he wanted to do as an officer was get drunk, when the HoS denied him this he wanted to change his job. Is this how we want a commander to act? Other than this one experience ive never seen you, so if you have been here all year you will need to name other characters if you want my feedback. Till then i cannot endorse this application.
  14. Hycinth, this was not about being "above the regulations" i released her because the three officers there (i believe one was a detective, one phobos and one the warden) could not tell me the crime, after i released her centurion came along and told me the charges. Hence why i delayed her exitting the brig. As i said, the warden should be able to present a charge when asked, not wait five minutes for centurion to come along.
  15. And i have apologized and said i know im in the wrong for that. If security (not centurion) Werent incompetant, as we have seen many times, then the whole situation would have been avoided. All the people here were in the security department so this is more of a "There are more of us so everything we did is right" situation.
  16. You clearly did not read my post, also, as an assistant i go afk. Ive not once trespassed into security and i believe your now just making things up. I was arrested while litarally climbing into cryo.
  17. No, as you missed out a 5 minute conversation where an incompetant warden cant even state a crime this means nothing. It was until centurion came along i knew not what she had done. If all three security members that were there cant state a crime i will always think "Why are they in a cell" Secondly i did not "barricade" myself in the brig, i walked in there, its not as if i barred the windows. Thirdly, shooting was wrong, yes, but when im climbing into a cryo cell and they start arresting me (i had to go) it starts to become a bit much. I apologize for that.
  18. Im quite surprised this hasent come sooner, Japak has been brilliant in engineering and more recently in medical. I have enjoyed RPing with you.
  19. I dont want t hear about it anymore. Ive tried resolving it IC, this is why i joined as other characters to act as a "bridge" to resolve the needless conflict. Its not been possible to resolve IC and so ive had to resolve it OOC.
  20. Judging by your post you have clearly only seen Karenza IC and barely interacted with my other characters.
  21. I dont agree with the majority of this, and yes she was a poor head of staff, Hence the reason she was played as an assistant. She kiiled herself one time, so your "constant" dealing with it is an outright lie. And if you consider a hug ERP then your mistaken. Ezra for one isnt hostile toward anyone unless they have, for example, attacked him with a crowbar or something similar.
  22. Im not instigating anything, ive tried getting this to stop IC and McGrath has just continued it with all my characters. When she learned Callum's name she immediatly assumed his relation without even knowing.
  23. Enkas, i have done this, and the first thing she said to this character was encouraging to stay away from all my other characters as she has to others, and this started because Rebecca did something to Karenza, and she overreacted. And when these IC situations make a player want to not play it becomes an issue. Ive tried resolving it IC and ive been unsuccessful. Is it too much to ask for this whole situation to end? ive already had to stop playing one character because im sick and tired of it both IC and OOC. Id rather not have to lose all my others.
  24. She sat at the engineering desk for her until the HoP called her away? It was last week or the week before. She has tried on a couple of occasions to stop this (Because its ruining both of our IC experiences and we can stop it very, very easily)
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