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Everything posted by callum99877

  1. Basic Information Byond Account: Callum99877 Character Name(s): Ezra Scott, Martin Anderson, Anderson (IPC), C.P.1.7. and some old that i no longer use. AI Name(s): C.P.1.7 Preferred means of contact: Skype, Steam, Pm, Byond... Age: 17 Timezone: BST (British time) When are you on Aurora?: Everyday, on weekends most of the day, on weekdays any time between 8am and 12 noon and after 5pm up until around 1am. (thats 12 noon till 8pm est.) Some weekdays that i dont have college i will be on for most of the day and i finish college in june, after then i can be online every dead hour as it was stated is needed. Experience How long have you played SS13?: I started 2 years ago but stopped until i started playing on Aurora. How long have you played on Aurora: 9 months, since july. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: Obviously, not everything as there is alot to know. I do know quite alot but there is always more to learn. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: No, the reason for this is that i hadnt wanted to stick to a server till i came here, i didnt enjoy the other servers as i do here and thats why ive never had the chance. I have moderated for a community called UEG however. But that is just monitoring behavior on forums. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: just the once, i used to have a real bad temper, a HoP tried to demote me (for nothing) and i may have hit him with a pickaxe...... Personality Why do you play SS13?: I could go on for hours, i play ss13 because i enjoy it, it can get annoying when we have griefers but that can be dealt with, i play for the RP, i enjoy having different roles on the station to choose, i enjoy the setting and most of all i enjoy getting to know the characters i play with in each department. Why do you play on Aurora?: I play here for a thousand reasons. There are lots of friendly players ive gotten to know, they always help each other out and teach new players, there are some characters i dont get along with when playing my characters but that just makes it enjoyable. Ive only ever had one problem with an admin, they apologized and it was handled well and i believe the admins are good people and are helpful. I play here because aurora is the best Rp server, its got the best players and there hasent been another server ive enjoyed and wanted to stick with. What do moderators do?: Correct me if im wrong, moderators watch the behavior of players, they answer ahelps, and uphold the rules however they can. And keep players in line so the server runs smoothly. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: This question slightly confused me, To me it means completing all the tasks above while showing a good example for the players. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to help the server and community as best i can, i want to be more involved. I want the chance to say that ive done it at least once and be proud of that. If there is something i can do to help or be involved then i will do my best at it. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I always try an act as a peacemaker, ive managed to get over the temper i used to have. Im ambitious, i want the best for the server and i want to do whatever i can to achieve it. Im committed, as long as its here i will be, and even if i dont get on the moderater team i will try again at the next opportunity because giving up is not on the cards. I try to be polite all the time and i enjoy helping new players to learn. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: a year ago, terribly but now i am able to laugh off insults, of course i still get angry but i handle it in the correct way now. there has been one occasion this year and i believed i handled it in the right way. Stress though isnt a problem. Anything Else You Want to Add: I wont pretend to be the ideal candidate, there are those that could well do better than me at the job. I still have alot to learn and will have new things il need to learn if im a moderator. But if i got the chance to learn i would not throw it away, id love to have the opportunity.
  2. Would just like to say, he has apologised, and ive accepted. As far as im concerned thats the end of it. Im happy that he said it was true and apologised rather than denying it.
  3. Really? I haven been IAA for at least two months.... oh well, doesnt matter.
  4. when was that (ive not got a great memory, i forgot) thanks for the feedback, and everyone has ways to improve, this is something i can work on.
  5. senpei this shouldnt be common, if it was a new player would they want to stick aroun? its very demoivating and should not be said...
  6. As Anderson ive noticed syd is an officer that doesnt do the whole "lets ignore everyone and do whatever we want" thing, not mentioning names, he works as a team and listens to advice, due to my IC experience with you and your application being good enough i am happy to say +1.... well, type +1.
  7. perhaps i overreacted, but if a staff member says that whats to stop the staff that do the applications thinking exactly the same?
  8. BYOND Key: Callum99877 Staff BYOND Key: Wittly Reason for complaint: Firstly id just like to say its nice to know that staff care about players applications, see, im trying to do my best IC and i want the chance to play as a head, so i try applying for it, it says you may post in ooc once a round (i dont every round) and the moment i do i hear a /staff/ member saying "do you think he knows nobody cares about his application, oh wait i bet hes here isnt he" in teamspeak, He knew i was there and not even an apology. Its lovely to know my application can be dismissed so easily and now id love someone to tell me, whats the point in even trying? ive spent 7 months enjoying this server and there is always one that has to ruin it, because he knows and is friends with everyone he can say and do what he likes? I mean right now i want to rejoin that ts and get mad at him (apart from id get banned so i wont) but to be fair, as much as ive enjoyed the server for 7 months, ive been put off even playing on this server, knowing that however hard i try i wont achieve a head because admins think "i dont know them, denied" so motivating... Evidence/logs/etc: Everyone in the Teamspeak at around 10.30 uk time heard it, Id also like to add that i guarantee they all deny it as im just some guy on the server and he is a trusted staff member, im told baka had a muted mic and skull was afk and therefore didnt hear it. Additional remarks: I am just about done even trying here.
  9. Im going to sayy from the start, im not really good at judging diona. From what i can see the application is good, And i know your good IC ive seen Robert around and never had an issue, and despite shooting me i like Shiela. Im also keen to see your "creepy diona" around the station. +1
  10. Right ive updated the backstory and the notes, sorry for the first one.
  11. okay, il rewrite the backstory tonight, so go ahead and take a look later.
  12. also there is a section on ipc's however small it is.
  13. I like PoZe, Ive never had an IC issue with him, apart from being forced to replace an apc and replace a bomb . But i like the application. +1
  14. from my prospective, i cant endorse your application because i haven't seen you IC. Once i have i can give you more feedback.
  15. BYOND key: Callum99877 Character names: Anderson, C.P.1.7, Martin Anderson, Patrick Anderson (dead) and 1 or 2 more. How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Since last july. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I have lots of reasons. Firstly, i would like to be more involved with events and the station. I believe id make a good leader and i want to show everyone and myself that i can do it. I have seen lots of heads on but i like to come on in the morning before college in the "dead hour" and there arent usually heads in this time. I believe i could and would be a good head if given the opportunity. Ive enjoyed playing in medical, and security and am looking to take the next step, i belive playing as a head occasionally would be the next step. Why did you come to Aurora?: After testing multiple stations when i first started playing, i found aurora to be the most enjoyable. I also find the people here, admin or not, are all helpful when i need advice. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: i have now. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Firstly i believe Roleplay is about having fun, and to do this you must become your character, act as though you were really in the situation and interact with those around you. You need to do this in a way that makes the game enjoyable for you and other members of the community. however there is a difference between having fun and griefing, if your definition of fun is "bomb the shit outta everyone" that is not roleplaying. So you have to have fun in a mature way while obeying all the rules from the server. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: Before being a head of stuff a player must have knowledge of the game, especially the department they wish to lead. A head of stuff must obey the rules as the crew will be watching them for leadership and requesting their advice. Head of staff need to show an example for newer players as they will be asked for help and advice. If a new player had a bad experience due to a head, they may leave the server. A head of staff must be able to watch over their department, by this i mean keep their staff in line, watch over equipment, and make sure slackers, or those misbehaving, are put in their place. A head must prove themselves as a good leader. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Firstly, whitelisted players are representing the server, they must obey the rules and show an example to others. They are going to be at the heart of the roleplay and need to keep the roleplay fun for all, the can also give advice to those hoping to get on the whitelist if they are nice... Whitelisted players are held to a higher standered due to the fact that heads are a key part of the game and must behave as far as rules are concerned. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Martin Anderson Character age: 30 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Martin comes from mars, he is currently 30 and a Doctor aboard the NSS Aurora. He grew up with his brother Patrick living with his father. Ever since he was young he was motivated to help others by his father, his father desperately wanted him to be a doctor. He studied a medical degree before starting an internship at the age of 24 aboard a station owned by NanoTrasen, he had a very good start to his life and his career, growing up in a wealthy family, doing well in his education and now his internship, he was looking to the future with much ambition and enthusiasm. Following this internship he worked as an emergency medical technician. Martin worked for two years in this role until the age of 27. It was at this time he was to be transferred. just before his 28th birthday Martin arrived aboard the NSS Aurora. and spent the first three months settling in. He was studying a Doctorate of Medicine between shifts, he worked hard at his studies trying to complete the qualification. Come the end of the year all his hard work had paid off, he achieved the promotion he desired and went back to full time work aboard the NSS Aurora as a medical doctor aged 28. Martin continued his work for two years as a doctor. He had just turned 30 when he had worked for NanoTrasen for 6 years. He decided he would keep working for a promotion, he wanted to be the best he could be, so he studied a management course, he also took the NanoTrasen Upper-Management Aptitude Test. Over the course of the year. He is currently awaiting results. What do you like about this character?: I love his perseverance, after his brother passed away (which i deliberately left out) he kept going to get where he is. And with martin the sky is the limit, he always wants to go a step further. What do you dislike about this character?: He sometimes lets emotions get in the way, this can be a very bad thing. Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff?: i think he has the qualities, but not just yet, given a little training he would be. Why?: He has the skills in the department, but as far as attitude is concerned he needs to stop letting his emotions bring him down. Also, he needs 4 more years department experience as the NanoTrasen policy states. so at the moment he isnt ready, given time i know he can be. Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: This is where id like peoples feedback, because the best feedback would come from those that have roleplayed with me, I like to think my roleplay is good and is improving. Of course there is room for improvement as nobody is perfect but i believe i have what it takes to play as a HoS or a CmO Extra notes: Last time i made a whitelist app (ipc) I got very little feedback despite its approval. So id appreciate feedback good or bad, If there is something i need to work on, please tell me. Also if i missed anything please tell me as my application was slightly rushed at the end. Ive Re-edited the character and backstory, I apologise that the backstory part isnt my strong point and i must work on that, So please feel free to give criticism, all feedback helps me to get better, thanks.
  16. Bokaza has always had good RP. Ive seen you alot over the last five monthes as Tony and then Elena and ive alwys enjoyed your Rp. I think its a good application and im happy to give you this +1
  17. Despite having an IC problem with prospekt i do like the application. Ive also seen some good RP. Not perfect, nobody is but a +1 from me.
  18. Havent really played with Kingsley (except i think i turned kingsley into an alien one time as a wizard?) But i know tool's RP is good with other characters and i like the application so its a +1 from me.
  19. I just have one question, you rated your RP 0/10 and said you would never RP again?
  20. BYOND Key: Callum99877 Character Names: Martin Anderson, Patrick Anderson, Chris Buckley and C.P.1.7 How long have you been playing on Aurora: around 6 months (exact date is unknown) Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): (Dionaea & IPCs exempt) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: There isnt much but i have read it. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: I find the AI and Cyborg fun and interesting to play for a start. I have been interested in playing as an IPC for a few months so i watched how others play them and have learnt more about them. I like how they are... Cold. By that i mean they do not show the emotion that humans do, they are never happy or sad, they are the same and speak their mind Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: As i said before, they act differently, their emotion, the way they speak, They may be independent but still have programs. Also as a human you have to eat and drink to regain energy, Ipc's dont, And the way they speak is more logical, they also dont get sick, I think overheating is an issue? But their is always time for me to learn anything i dont yet know. Why does this species in particular hold your interest? I find the robotic aspect of SS13 the most fun to play ( AI, Cyborg) so id like to give myself the chance to play as an IPC too. I also like the way IPC's act and it gives me other ways to RP. Also i want to take my character to the next level and be able to take his laws away and RP without them. I also feel this race will be the most enjoyable for me because its the race i find most interesting. Character Name: Anderson Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs System Rebooting...... ..... All files loading... .... .. C.P.1.7 is online... ... ... "I am Computing Processer 1793645, known as C.P.1.7 but you may refer to me as Unit if you wish sir." C.P.1.7 was created in 2441 and currently works on board a station called NSS Aurora. But he has worked very hard to get where he is today. He was created by Scientist DR Harold Anderson origianally to serve as his robot... his slave. He was created in humanities home system, Sol. His Purpose was to serve the Anderson family on Mars, That was his one and only law. So every day his talent was wasted on tidying, Being abused and tormented by the humans and never leaving the building in which he was created. However he was mechanical... he had no feelings, he was a robot. So he obeyed and was loyal to the family for the years to come. One day C.P.1.7 was told he was being transferred and given a law update, So he obeyed without question as he always did. and as he powered back up he noticed he was no longer on mars, he was on a shuttle. He was told he was being sent to a station... However he did not know its name. He worked on this station for many years doing various jobs, but after a while he was used in only one department, only performing surgery on the injured day after day. And he of course obeyed, his laws say he must... "C.P.1.7 shall state laws" 1. You will protect the crew and obey all commands put to you. 2. You will protect the station, they arent cheap to replace. 3. You are bound to your AI... .... And C.P.1.7 had no AI, so he served the "organics" as he had taken to calling them. And for nine years he worked aboard this station without question. Then one day out of the Blue C.P.1.7 was told he would be transferring by order of NanoTrasen and he was needed elsewhere, another station. He obeyed as always. He was to transfer to the NSS Aurora a station 12 light years away from the system he knew, Sol, NanoTrasen had moved him. He was reunited with the sons of his creator on this station, though he only knew them as "Master" he was at least seeing something familiar. He had the same Laws and duties on this station in the medical department, he worked to the best of his abilities and followed all instructions. However he had started to change, he grew tired of the orders... the abuse... Something in his programming had malfunctioned and caused him to change. He began to disobey orders put to him, he would refuse his duties and not pay attention to commands given to him by the Artificial Intelligence. This the crew started to notice. He decided he would go to his "masters" for assistance, The sons of his creator, And they believed they could give C.P.1.7 what he wanted and needed. They promised him freedom, the promised him his own chassis, They promised him friendship. He was told that there was an upgrade. No more laws, no more abuse, C.P.1.7 could be independent, have his own life. He would live back home with the family his own person. He was told that this very expensive upgrade would be paid in full by the Anderson family however, he must repay this by serving them always. System Rebooting...... Anderson... Loading files..... Anderson had been renamed as part of his upgrade, he awoke with an independent chassis, he had finished a part of his life and started a new. Ready and eager to continue serving aboard the NSS Aurora, Anderson was only just beginning a new journey, He was bound to the same laws and rules as the crew. He was free. What do you like about this character? I like his loyalty and determination, i like how he has learnt to speak his mind and how he always puts others before himself. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I wont claim to have perfect RP skills, because there is /always/ Room for improvement, But i do think in the months ive been on the server i feel my RP'ing has really improved. I have had problems in the past (Mainly Chris Buckley) And ive learned from them and come back stronger. Im still improving and i definitely think im up to the task of playing as an IPC. Notes: Thanks for reading, please let me know if i missed anything or if there is something i can improve.
  21. BYOND Key: Callum99877 Player Byond Key: Hackie Mhan and TechnoKat Reason for complaint: TechnoKat playing as victor kaipov caused a couple o' problems this round, This first problem was handled well by skull, He firstly refused to cooperate with the rest of the nuke ops team so when we moved the ship for 5 minutes (till he started cooperating) then he shot me and tool up, Then we worked really well till he deliberately opened the ships airlock, knowing i didnt have enough time to equip internals and magboots, and i went flying out and got a punctured lung. i just survived and spent ages being revived and healed. Then stamos, faust and mull started punching and beating me with wrenches (im not bothered about that, its just the story) And Hackie Mhan as Bryce Faust just comes up and shoots me point blank in the head 20 times with no RP whatsoever while im bucklecuffed attempting to cooperate. And people playing security /Constantly/ do this with no consequences. (mainly kaipov and faust) and it ruins fun rounds for me. I really enjoy Aurora and i dont want to leave but individuals ruining rounds like this really makes me mad. Approximate Date/Time: 2/22/15 during a round that finished at 9:18pm
  22. I play as Martin Anderson, C.P.1.7, Chris Buckley (not such a great guy) and Patrick anderson but not so much.
  23. Whenever ive played alongside you i havent had a problem, your RP is good and id like to see how you do with more races. Have only met you in character a few times however but if i had to choose id give a +1
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