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About NerdyVampire

  • Birthday 30/11/1992

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    Gaming in almost all its forms.
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  • Byond CKey

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Research Director

Research Director (27/37)

  1. Also nice if they can provide flash protection for vaurca antags
  2. I like the idea of making body parts vulnerable to damage for a set amount of time after injury/surgery. It provides a very cut and clear reason for characters to consider taking a rest and RP. I think the right balance can be struck as discussed, and think it is worth experimenting with. Disclaimer; I have 0 medical characters or training.
  3. My experience with Quark is very positive, though I think it should have a NanoMed akin to the Intrepid one for emergencies - unless I missed it.
  4. Played a round with them as captain with some very tough situations and a lot of things to handle. I only communicated a bit with them personnally, but overheard their communications with others and I felt they had a good handle on balancing authority and being involved. Hope I get better opportunities to get to know them.
  5. I enjoyed playing traitor bridge crewman with her. The response was measured and she didn't jump the gun on antag activity. Even throughout she managed to favor roleplay over punishment, and engaged my gimmick in good faith. I did not have much opportunity to test her command presence in regards to other departments or command members.
  6. Well not quite the scale I was thinking of.. in my head this would be akin to getting hit with a ship weapon projectile. Maybe what the Horizon is dodging is just the shard of a comet?
  7. Bumping this and adding that the comet should despawn if it leaves the sector borders, rather than teleport around. I still think this is a worthwhile event to consider and a realistic addition to the NBT suite of events.
  8. This makes me think of my beloved Death Alarm. Why not "implant" the shuttles with one that goes off automatically the first time the navigational consoles become inoperable (due to loss of power, or destruction)? I would suggest it sends to command, engineering and operations. The death alarm, conversely, sends to command, medical and security. I wouldn't be opposed the the pilot having a way of manually triggering the alarm or a similar alarm. Fax machines, I think we should keep off the shuttles, it seems a bit wrong that they can communicate in that manner. One of the exciting things about the shuttle systems is the inability to easily communicate over large distances.
  9. Lazarus injectors to be added to the science catalogue for xenobiological research.
  10. I don't have much of a beef in this, but I wouldn't want vessels to be too fast to be reacted to by other vessels. The time it takes to get a lock and fire at another vessel, should be taken into account. Sure it's nice to be fast, but it isn't fun if it just becomes impossible to actually combat. I do think it makes sense for more people to have access to the Canary, especially hangar techs. I do not entirely agree Atmos techs need access. I think it is more reasonable that they deliver mixes to the hanger crew, to then install as fuel.
  11. Engaged well with a inter-departmental project, communicated and handled staff well, I have faith in their capabilities for roleplay and command +1
  12. Bumping this up. Since the last reply we've gotten more research-relevant equipment to do things off-ship, but the guide to piloting still doesn't list scientists as a viable candidate for expeditions. And I totally agree that it should be "locked" for xenoarcheology use for the first twenty minutes or so, whether a xenoarch is here or not. (https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Guide_to_Piloting)
  13. I've interacted with several of his characters and definitely feel Fabian has a good grasp on everything required to engage in command business, including good roleplay interaction. I also like his answers to the above questions, I can only imagine he'll be well able to handle what will be required of him.
  14. Definitely still in a raw state right now, so there are kinks to work out. The antaggery is mostly addressed by the end-round validation step, that doesn't actually save it to the database if any of the involved parties have been flagged as an antagonist this round. This doesn't stop the antag corp ex from filling it out to show the employee and being a meanie, or the antag employee from going out of their way to embarrass them or the company. You are right though, that it cannot solve "antag influence" on the round, but I would argue that a corporate executive can be expected to make a fair judgement call. I would expect a program like this would need some in-game directives to help the corp ex player do it properly. Regarding the number of items, I only said three to be certain not to ,take up more space than necessary, I don't really have a concept about how much is reasonably available to something like this. If it works, then 5 or 10 items per category would certainly be better than 3.
  15. Made to complement: TL:DR of the above suggestion, is that we should find a way to bolster the authority (or illusion of same) of our corporate executives. The above suggestion is to formally place the corporate executives inbetween department heads and employees, so there is sufficient reason for employees to obey their executives when a relevant situation arises. That made me consider an additional implementation; Corporate RecordsTM --- The best way to support authority without actual authority, is bureaucracy! The Corporate RecordsTM are a program accessible through the corporate executive and department head laptops, ID scanning to ensure only such eyes come upon them. These records are ways for bosses to apply comments to a character's (not corporate executive, not consular, not department head) performance, which gives the impression of a long career, while in actuality only showing the latest three items for each given category (as we don't want to explode in space usage). It works like this: The corporate executive opens the Corporate RecordsTM and finds a relevant character. They click on their name, and are met with a list like so: Each item has been added by a corporate executive through the program in a previous round, and each item has been validated by the ID of the executive and a departmental head (only required in case of performance review, optional in others). At any point, only the three latest items are shown (and the older ones automatically deleted to conserve space). The corporate executive decides that the latest employee interview is rather old, so they contact the employee to schedule a new one. They click the 'Open new Item' and now has the form ready to be filled on their laptop. Once they are done, the program will ask for their ID and that of a department head (optional). Then the corporate executive clicks save, and they receive a small message that it has been submitted for approval. Approval happens at end of round, if these two conditions are met: Each item has been properly validated, with the ID of at least (1) corporate representative and up to (1) head-level command member (exactly 1 for performance reviews). Neither the employee nor any of the validators have been marked as antagonist for this round. If they are, then the item is added to the Corporate RecordsTM of the character, pushing out the oldest item if the new count of items for that category would surpass (3) items. Here are a list of the suggested items that an employee/head/corporate exec might engage in together (or without the department head for anything but performance reviews). Here is a suggestion of an item-format for a merit: What would this do to the rounds: Employees should stay on the good side of corporate executives to keep a clean record. Department heads have more reasons to meet with the corporate executives, and has another aspect to their department leadership. Command can more easily see what corporate executives actually do, and what their role is. Corporate executives can more easily find an excuse to call in and meet with their employees. Potentially, Corporate RecordsTM can be used to adjust an employee's bank account, making the average performance review score add or subtract a percentage from their money, or recent merits be used to argue for bonuses to be paid out to the employee. This was a lot, but if you've read so far, good for you!
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