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thesu353's Achievements


Chaplain (2/37)

  1. BYOND key: thesu353 Character names: - Kenji Jo - Mark sulien - Antony sulien - Piper Eccles How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I used to play quite frequently over a few months a year ago, recently it's been over a couple of weeks of playtime. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I think I can summarise this with two reasons; firstly, to assist newcomers to both med bay and to the server as a whole to role play to their best in a medical environment by having some good quality role play with as many people as possible. Secondly this feels like the next stage of progression with my character Kenji and I feel I can develop him and his interactions with the other crew further as a CMO. Why did you come to Aurora?: When my old server shut down a year or so back, I came to Aurora as it held the monopoly at that time on Heavy RP. Little did I know that I would actually enjoy it more and would come to make some good friends on here. Exams and my personal life eventually took the driving seat and I had to leave for just under a year and so I'm back again for some fun RP. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: Indeed, I have Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay to me is about bringing your own creative flair inside an existing universe's lore and story. Interacting with other people in this world in a way which allows you both to have enjoyment, for instance sometimes putting yourself at a disadvantage because it would be more realistic and fun for both parties. Playing a character with both flaws and good points in such a way that everyone's interested and everyone can get involved equally. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: In my opinion a head of staff is a standard setter to new players in their department and on the station as a whole for how to roleplay and participate in the community. They may fix mistakes caused by misinformation in their department, and help to educate people on how the department should run (Standard operating procedure etc.) Yet, they shouldn't be bossy. A head of staff should be like a roleplaying engine, keeping the roleplay running in a department when there might not be anything to do, handing out assignments in research or assigning training drills or patrols in security. They help to keep the roleplay running and everyone having fun. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: As were approved by members of staff, I feel like we should be standard setters for the new players on the server, we should be able to help out new people who approach us and be positive members of the community, giving visitors to Aurora a good image of the player base. I would also say it is more important for whitelisted players to acknowledge and hold up the rules as I said earlier that they are a representation of the player base. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Kenji Jo Character age: 35 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Kenji Jo was born on Mars right into a family of 3. His father a rather grey and traditional man, worked at Idris Incorporated, on site as an IT security consultant. It kept the family alive, though long hours and a hounding boss caused the man to become bitter and resentful of life. His mother, in contrast was a housewife. Apparently when they were a young couple Kenji's father had told her she would never have to work again and whilst this seemed like a dream to her at first became a living hell with 3 children and debt clawing at their door. Dealing with stress was not in Kenji's parents skill set and the two would constantly barrage each other with insult and sly comment, when they weren't shouting at the children that was. Kenji kept his head down, with dreams of one day leaving mars for a life of a much better quality. When Kenji was 14 two events of note happened, firstly his eldest brother left to join the Sol Alliance Army, never to be heard of again, and his parents finally split, after apparent adultery on his mother's part. Kenji and his remaining brother were stuck with their bitter father and had to learn to become independent when he was stuck at work. Kenji funded his way through college through various illegal activities, including salvaging cyborg parts out in the deserts, to shady drug deals with the assistance of his brother in their home dome. After completing his bachelors in medicine his father took ill and shortly died, the funeral turnout was poor and Kenji and his brother shed not a single tear. Kenji began to work at a local clinic, whilst his brother continued their illegal activities, Kenji's brother getting sucked deeper and deeper into Mars' underworld. One day however, the police came knocking at his door accusing Kenji of being a part of some organisation he had never heard of. Kenji lacked the funds to bribe the officers in his home and was nearly arrested when his brother stopped them, offering to be taken instead. Like a coward Kenji of course didn't do anything to save his brother and instead spooked by the police applied to work aboard the NSS Aurora as a medical doctor. To Kenji's delight he received a reply to his offer and was soon enrolled on board the ship, with the express intention that one day he would get his brother out of jail and off of mars, once he raised the funds to grease the right palms. What do you like about this character?: He's got a lot of potential for development imo, also he feels very natural to roleplay. He also reminds me of Mark from Peep show in that he's quite a witty yet dull man. What do you dislike about this character?: He's an utter coward, in one of my shifts when the cult took over, he took to hiding in a cupboard with the shutters down. Whilst this can make for some funny situations, half the time I have to choose my character's realism over most forms of danger. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: First of all, it is important to say that Kenji is only meant for playing CMO. In my experience, most Head of Staffs feel very authoritative or quite cold, Kenji is also one of the workers and as such would be a great team leader as I feel many people would click with him, as long as results are shown he's pretty linient. Because of his background he has empathy for those struggling and I feel that no matter the character he could give out some quality roleplay interactions . He's a hard worker and good at taking command, furthermore mechanically he knows how to perform every role within the medbay to an acceptable standard, yet would if given staff members delegate it down to them and give advice and training where needed. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I've been doing it for a few years on and off so I reckon I know a thing or two, but like everyone I'm not perfect. I'd probably give myself an 8 out of 10 as I still have some things to learn. Extra notes:
  2. This is beautiful +1 from me, I've not seen any chucklefuckery from you as of date.
  3. Sounds like something that should exist, +1
  4. Pressing F12 makes your HUD disappear bar your two hands.
  5. Mark and Antony Sulien - Years 2430-2440 - Birth to 10 years old Identical twins! Mark and Antony Sulien were born on the first of April 2430 to Sergeant Antony Sulien SR and Charity-Worker Theresa Sulien in Harmony City, Luna. There were no complications with the birth. The children had a fairly fatherless childhood, Antony Senior's job required him to be working for most of the day policing and so he rarely had time to see his children, Theresa resigned from her job to raise her children. As stated in the lore, the military took over the policing of Luna, Antony was part of this military. Antony was responsible for policing northern slum areas of Harmony City, He ensured any aggressive forces were met with an equal force and quelled the tension between refuges and those who were native to Luna. Surprisingly racial tension was high nobody seemed to realise they were all in the same boat. Antony's driving force was that his job was for the protection of his children. If a riot broke out and it spilled into the more economically stable areas of the city his children could get hurt, he didn't see them because he was too busy protecting them. His companions for his daily patrols were his junior officers and a folded up picture of Theresa and the children just after the birth. September 2434- Mark and Antony join "Lunar Tots!-Nursery" A nursery open for all races and backgrounds, Mark and Antony have their first encounters with unathi, skrell and tajaran children. June 2437- Misfortune! - Antony Senior is struck down during a violent misunderstanding of an unathi refugee, Antony was commencing a search on the man's shanty house he asked him to hold his hands behind his head during the encounter, this specific unathi couldn't move his arms that far behind him, health issues likely the cause, of course Antony thought he was just trying it on and pulled a stun-gun on the man. The Unathi being a refugee of a previous war recognised it as a weapon and PTS kicked him, before Antony could react the Unathi was upon him, he died before his superiors could help him, the brain damage suffered during the conflict prevented him being clonable, the unathi got away with a murder charge and time in prison, Antony however left the conflict in a bag. January 2438- Mark and Antony are forced into state care, their mother is arrested for prostitution, the lowest point in her life to try and scrape together what little credits she could for what her children need, they are forced into adoptive families, both are separated but contact remains between them. With nothing left to provide for her children, Theresa had to get as much money as possible as fast as possible she was so used to her husband providing, and her charity background reminded her what some of the slums women would do for money it was a last resort but it was her only resort to keep up to date with rent and food and her childrens' well being. She could not describe how filthy she made herself feel but she would rather a few black eyes than her children to starve on the streets. Mark and Antony Sulien - Years 2441-2450 - Ages 11-16 Antony Sulien Antony was adopted via a mixed race family who couldn't have children of their own. A human father and a Skrellian mother, the father a social worker and the mother a bio-mechanical engineer they were nice and they weren't in the slums, Antony could finally live in safety since his fathers death. He bonded well with his surrogate parents despite them not being his own, they treated him right and he responded in kind they were just happy to have a child. Antony respected his father and loved his mother, even referring to them as "mum and dad" he was glad to be in a stable environment. Ages 11-16- During his middle school life Antony chose the medical route, maybe if a doctor could've helped his father more efficiently he'd still be around? Those thoughts circulated Antony's juvenile head. Antony wanted to heal the world and his mother helped him during his studies of the sciences having taken that route herself. Antony was a straight arrow during school, he didn't make waves he didn't really socialise much either, a lonely child but he put the work into his classes. Age 16- Antony left his middle-school and joined up with the Lunar University of Medical Science to pursue his dreams of being a medical doctor. Mark Sulien Mark was adopted to a much lower class family, they weren't in the slums, but they definitely weren't in paradise. Two human parents both farmers with a relatively low education, secret supporters of the Humans against Aliens movement. They convinced Mark that life's problems were caused by the aliens and so he grew cold to any race but his own. He wouldn't actively attack another race but he preferred to avoid them. Mark's father made him refer to him as "sir" and was a fan of corporal punishment "for his own good" he would repeat as he punished Mark with belts, slippers and anything on hand. His mother was however much more compassionate she wanted her new son to be what she wasn't and so became very strict about Mark's free time, if he wasn't at work he would be working or getting experience, she didn't expect him to be a brain but she wanted him to have some functional skills. This resulted in Mark falling into some bad crowds. Age 11-16- During his middle school life Mark chose the vocational route, he learnt how to become an engineer after all that's what all his friends were doing that must've been the right choice. At age 14 he dropped out of school to pursue work with his father, his mother didn't like it but his militaristic dad saw it as his new son following in his footsteps. It was valuable work experience working the land, and taught Mark about all fields of botanical work and manual labour, these years moulded Marks very character. Age16- When he was 16, Mark got an apprenticeship as an engineer at a Luna engineer corp. Whilst being paid Mark learnt all about engineering with hands on experience. Mark and Antony Sulien - Years 2450-Present Day Antony Sulien - As part of his university's placement program Antony was given work and paid accommodation by Nanotrasen, specifically aboard the NNS Aurora as a trainee doctor. As of 2455 Antony had finished his doctorate course and so, became a fully fledged medical doctor aboard the NNS Aurora, he was finally being paid to follow his dreams and was beginning to pay his own bills and insurances. Mark Sulien - Mark's apprenticeship took him to taking an apprenticeship at the NNS Aurora, working under fully qualified engineers learning to become a member of the new breed, he had to put his grievances with aliens beside him with such a diverse crew. As of 2455 Mark had become fully qualified as an engineer, but in his homesickness transferred into botany, his previous experience allowing him to do this. 03/01/2456- Mark bought shares in Miko Du'Razhu's business, after befriending the Tajaran through selling ambrosia with him. A further shift later in the day allowed mark to smuggle a large amount of contraband off of the ship. With no idea who to sell this too Mark is currently hiding it in his home on Luna.
  6. "Mark_Sulien" has bought 10% at 1000 credits.
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