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Everything posted by Bsmiffy78

  1. Biesel Robotics Incorporated Est. 2384Executive Management: CEO - Analkih Za’reed COS - Gabrielle Alesei FCO - Seane Axel Middle Management: Mechatronics Div. Supervisor - Alli Kalihat Biomechanical Div. Supervisor - Krashi Ja’labate Advanced A.I. R&D Div. Supervisor - Jarrod Kroshon Mechatronics Div. Foreman - [PERSONNEL WANTED] Biomechanical Div. Foreman - [PERSONNEL WANTED] Advanced A.I. R&D Div. Foreman - Silvia Howser Divisions: There are three main divisions operating under Biesel Robotics Incorporated. Mechatronics, Biomechanical, and Advanced A.I. R&D. Each division is specialized in both equipment and employees to properly complete its assigned duties; all division complexes are fitted so to be swiftly optimized to fit new objectives, as is often the case for the R&D department. Mechatronics Division The Mechatronics Division is one of BRI’s top-producing and most-requested Divisions. With a varied array of customers, from private military organizations, to the average consumer, BRI’s top-of-the-line Utility Mechs are sure to satisfy every customer’s needs; from Advanced Military Exo-suits, to a standard APLU Utility Mech. On Biesel, there are a total of five state-of-the-art Mechatronics Production Facilities, two located in Mendell City, and the other three spread out across the Biesel country-side. On average, 55 Million Mechs are produced and shipped total each year from these facilities to Tau Ceti and beyond. To further benefit the customer, each unit is hand-assembled and hand-inspected by our highly qualif ied engineering and research staff. Biomechanical Division Beisel Robotics Incorporated is also one of the largest producers in Tau Ceti of automated service units, or ASU’s. Again, with the same array of customers, from PMC’s to the average civilian. In recent years, new research has given BRI the ability to mass-produce military drones and androids. With the Nanotrasen Navy being one of their largest paying customers. Though the top-selling civilian service units, still remain the most-wanted product for all average customers. BRI’s top-of-the-line service units are produced with a pre-made and highly-secure law-set: to serve its owner to its best ability and follow all directives, while refraining from allowing any human to come to harm. Each unit is powered by a specialized Positronic Brain, with a personality that can be optimized to the customer’s needs. And with extreme security measures in place, it is near-impossible for any breaches to occur in the Brain’s law-set or personality. As per last years report, BRI produced and shipped approximately 253 Million Service Units, from tiny Spider-bots, to large, weaponized Military Drones. Of which, only 870 thousand were decommissioned. Advanced AI R&D The most recently formed branch of BRI, the AAIRD Division, is committed to ensuring customer satisfaction through-out. While in addition, providing research and technology to those who are willing to pay. Nanotrasen is one of the largest mega-corporations with a foothold in the AAIRD Division, being one of Tau Ceti’s main manufacturers of Artificial Intelligence Units.
  2. Alright, well, I guess I'll try this out, since it's late at night and I have nothing better to do. As I am not on my main computer, with BYOND and such, I can't really get the flavor text and all of that fancy shmancy stuff atm, but I believe this big-ass biography from my Custom Item app will have to do for now. Please read carefully and give meh all dem complaintz.
  3. Muzic Thread So, as you can probably guess, this is a thread to discuss your favorite music genres, bands, songs, et cetera. Share some gud tunez and chill. I can honestly stand a variety of music genres, though heavy metal and some forms of rap just annoy the living hell out of me. Favorite Song: (dunno, this song just givz me dem gud feelz) Favorite Composer: Eminem -- I think Eminem is probably one of the greatest artists, not just of rap, but of all genres (modern, that is), some may see this as a stretch, but the amount of emotion and meaning he puts into some of his greater songs is very awe-inspiring once you realize it. Favorite Genre:...eh, I'd say Classic Rock, or Country..really because that's what I was raised on, though like I said, most other genres don't bother me (except for kidz pop, fuk dat shit).
  4. So, Imma copy Farcrai, bcuz dat gai iz a totul scrub, and du dis. Rules Please, PLEASE, no pee pees. Skusku will ban. *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BOOOP* GO!
  6. Mosin's are the mother of all early 20th century firearms, my father has a collection of...close to ten? I believe? Anyway, awesome gun to shoot, I always joke that it'd burn a person before the bullet did any damage because of the kick-ass muzzle flash. Also, not sure if anyone else has handled either before, but the M1 Garand as well as the 1903-A3 are probably one of my favorite rifles to shoot of all time.
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