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Everything posted by Bsmiffy78

  1. I noticed that this idea was already mentioned towards the end of 2016, but seeing as I haven't seen it implemented yet I wanted to see if this idea is still appealing to enough people and maybe improve the grabbing system in general in the process. If this system is currently in the process of being developed, then forget everything you read below and lock this thread. Otherwise: Something I've noticed for a while is the inability to, upon coming across someone bleeding out on the ground or in the case that you say get sliced in the arm by a changeling and live to tell the tale-- stem the bleeding from a wound. The major problem I see with implementing this the way I'm imagining it is that the entire grabbing mechanic would have to be revamped, but I think it would be realistic to add this mechanic and would definitely add immersion to roles like Security or civilian roles, who are often first-responders to violent incidents and have no medical equipment to stabilize victims. Or, as the idea goes, in the case where you escape from an antag, you should be able to try and apply pressure to a wound as you work your way to medical. As stated in the thread that was created back in August of '16, the bleeding system would probably have to be revamped in a way that increased or decreased the severity of certain injuries for the purpose of balance. Secondly, applying pressure should definitely not stop bleeding entirely, and instead quell it enough to serve as a temporary measure until advanced care can be provided; this would especially be true if you're applying pressure to one of your own limbs, and the rate at which bleeding would be reduced to would vary significantly depending on which limb you are trying to apply pressure to, and would vary even more if you were moving while doing so. For instance, holding pressure on your leg while limping your way to medical is probably not going to be very effective. An additional plus from revamping the system the way I'd imagine you would, trying to implement a system such as this, would allow you to grab people by different limbs, and depending on which limb someone is grabbed by would effect their ability to escape from their captor's grip. In general I'm thinking of something that works like this: - If player 1 grabs player 2 by x limb, something along the lines of "Player1 grabs Player2 by their x, passively" - If player 1 reinforces the grab on player 2's x limb while still in grab intent, it states "Player1 reinforces their grip on Player2's x" - If player 1 reinforces the grab on player 2's x limb and then clicks on player 2 using disarm intent help intent, and x limb is bleeding, "Player1 begins to apply pressure to the wound on Player2's x" -- if there is no wound on the limb, or the target limb is no longer the grabbed limb, print a small message saying, "Player 2's x limb is not bleeding." or something along the lines of "You must target the grabbed limb to apply pressure to the wound", respectively. some pseudo code grab(mob player1, mob player2, limb x) { player1.setGrab(player2); player1.setGrabbedLimb(player2.x); if(player1.input == "REINFORCE_GRAB") { reinforceGrab(player1, player2, x); } } reinforceGrab(mob player1, mob player2, limb x) { if(player1.intent == "GRAB") { player1.setGrabReinforced(player2, x); if(player1.input == "CLICK_PLAYER2") { slowBleeding(); } } else { do nothing } } setGrabReinforced(mob player2, limb x) { if(x == "left_arm") { player2.resistChance == ???; } ... if(x == "right_leg") { player2.resistChance == ???; } }
  2. Love it, <3 Samuels
  3. Uplink Connection Established... Now Monitoring All Connections... ... ... Hello. My name is Samuels. I am able to provide hosting and Personal Extra-net Uplink creation services at low costs. You may request these services via this connection. Hosting Services Personal Extranet Uplink Creation services: All transactions are non-refundable.
  4. She's a new character that I've created. I started playing her a few weeks before I went inactive for a bit due to personal reasons. I'm going to try and make her into one of my main characters, she mainly works in Chemistry, and from time to time she will be working in R&D for Bio-Chemical experiments, (See: Qualifications gained from work on previous Research Station) Note: I'm going to try and stay a little more active here now, but work, personal things, and school come first.
  5. 1) Agreed, changed to a red warning LED. Got rid of the local message. 2) Seems reasonable.
  6. Playing in Engineering quite often, I can confirm that Brayce is definitely ready to take on such a position, so long as he thinks he is as well. Oliver Roadman leaves nothing negative for me to say about him, he actively contributes to RP and is rather level-headed-- which is a unique trait for an Engineer. Absolutely and 100% +1
  7. Edited: Psuedo-Code to be more understandable Description for Blood Sugar Monitor Disclaimer that I have no-fucking-idea what I'm doing when it comes to dreammaker.
  8. BYOND Key: Smifboy78 Character name: Allison Scofield Item name: Insulin-Pump, Blood-Sugar Monitor Why is your character carrying said item to work? Scofield has been diagnosed with a rapidly degenerative pancreas, which, in approximately six-months, will officially make her insulin-dependent as all of her beta cells (cells in the pancreas that regulate insulin-demand with insulin-supply, per se) will have completely stopped functioning. Tests to determine as to why her pancreas has ceased functioning are still inconclusive, it is speculated that she may have developed type-2 diabetes without knowing it, and that something may be causing her pancreas to continue to degrade. Further, more expensive tests would need to be done to come to a firm conclusion. Now, you may be asking, "This is 2457, she can quite surely just have the damn thing replaced." The issue is actually quite simple, her insurance company classifies the condition as non-life threatening and will not cover the costs for tissue replacement or organ transplant, and has determined that the the side effects of a pancreas transplant are too significant, and as such an operation is reserved for those who have more serious complications. Item function(s) (PSEUDO-JAVA-CODE, I am not familiar with DreamMaker): Insulin Pump Blood Sugar Monitor Item description: Insulin Pump "A rounded rectangular device, which is slightly transparent, it looks like there's some sort of small spring-mechanism inside of it. It is a tiny object." Blood Sugar Monitor "A small hand-held device, the words "Welcome, Allison" are displayed on the screen." Item appearance: Pump & Monitor Together Note: Pump only needs an icon sprite so that it is not invisible if dropped, does not need to alter the character sprite in anyway, as it is meant to be concealed easily, sprite can be quite small and simple. Monitor does not need to be anywhere near the size of a PDA, in fact, maybe about half or a fourth the size, other than that, just the general black casing, and a small screen that looks like it has some text or a logo on it. Additional comments: No, I don't have diabetes-- my mom does. If I happened to mess up any medical bits here, let me know, tried my best to be as accurate as possible.
  9. Forgive my ignorance. I see it now. However, my point still stands, the Society does not collect the revenue, nor does any of its members, by cutting expenses, more funds are able to be allocated to projects, resources, security, and etc. There is no monetary gain and this must be reflected in quarterly reports to the SA. Because they do not own rights to any vessels. They hire private contractors for their members and dispatch them appropriately, a select few are used to guard the Society's more exposed outposts in the colonies. All private contractors must be registered with the Sol Alliance. Ex: Company A is running a route from Point X to Point Y and request security from the Society, the Society informs Contractor X of the request, and Contractor X dispatches its forces appropriately. The next time Company A requests security assistance from the Society, they might receive help from Contractor W, Y, or Z, and the size and classifications of the forces dispatched varies from Contractor to Contractor. In short, the Security committee is like a broker between Company A and Contractor X-- except Contractor X is paid for directly by the Society, and this is accounted for when collecting taxes from members. For a certain period of time, Contractor X might be protecting assets in and around the Outpost in the Outer Colonies, and and may be replaced by Contractor W, Y, or Z if necessary. All outposts are known to Sol Alliance officials. I'm going to edit this, so that only the outposts within the inner and outer colonies are kept low-key, for security purposes, and are only known to the Security Committee and the key Execs (including SA.) If this doesn't answer your concern, please elaborate.
  10. and seem to contradict one another. Could you explain why it does not? Second, what IS the extent of the security committee? Is it PURELY for defense or do they also serve an offensive/active interest protection role? 1. I'm not sure I'm seeing the contradiction that you are, but maybe I could try to clear up the two things you have quoted above. First, the reason for such a widespread of the Society is because they accept applicants from anywhere that is "governed" or "occupied" by the Sol Alliance-- perhaps I will remove "human-occupied space" to make this clear. Secondly, the Financial Committee is responsible for allocating funds to projects and resources, and paying private contractors, proposing plans to the Representative Body for minimizing costs/maximizing revenue, and providing financial assessments. As a note: non-profit organizations can collect revenue, so long as it is not counted for-profit (i.e., no organization or entity gains profits directly from the Society.) 2. The security committee and the private contractors which are employed under the Society serve a primarily defensive role. They are dispatched to members as they are needed, the size of the force depending on the priority and security risk of the route being taken. However, if necessary, they can serve more an active interest role-- especially in the outer colonies and areas less governed by Sol Law-- which has gained them reputation with the Sol Alliance for keeping track of and actively targeting pirate bands in some areas. P.S. I will edit the OP to reflect this post.
  11. Type (e.g. Planet, Faction, System): Subsidized Non-Profit Organization Founding/Settlement Date (if applicable): 2297 Region of Space: All Sol Alliance territory, including inner and outer colonies. Controlled by (if not a faction): Representative Body Other Snapshot information: Established in the aftermath of the second Great Depression the Sol Merchant Society is a non-profit organization of unsubsidized small-time merchants existing wtihin Sol Alliance territory and its frontiers and is most widely known here for providing financial assistance and security to its members. Prohibits admittance of IPC-owned organizations, foreign (non-SA) organizations. Long Description: Overview and History The Sol Merchant Society (SMS) was originally formed by two small-time human merchants, Joseph Sneeringer and A'mir Kra'shiik, who's great, great grandchildren now represent the Society as President and Chief Financial Analyst respectively. The original society was a business agreement between the two companies, promising each other mutual financial support, as well as providing private contractors should one find themselves unable to provide such a service for themselves. They also bought resources such as fuel and other commodities en masse from manufacturers to reduce their combined losses through larger purchases. Today, the Society maintains a very close tie to its foundations; with 549 Major members, and approximately 3,600 Minor members, the society assists in providing financial and security aid to all of its members for a portion of their annual revenue, 5% from its Minor members, and 15% from its Major members-- these percentages will change should members grow in size rapidly, and should it reach 30%, their membership will be considered invalid. These funds are used as a way to manage the Society's expenses and finance new additions to the Society. In addition to these funds, the Sol Alliance contributes subsidies to the group, and recognizes it as a major organization in the protection of many of its vital trade routes. The main purpose established by the Society is to provide a way for small-time Merchants to compete with mega-corporations such as Nanotrasen. Currently, the SMS has established five sector outposts: 1 located in Sol, in orbit around the planet Mars, which acts as the Central Hub; 1 located in Tau Ceti, in orbit around the planet Reade; 1 located in Epsilon Eridani, in orbit around the planet Isis; and two other outposts, most likely forward operating bases for private contractors, suspected to be located somewhere within the Inner and Outer colonies-- the true locations are only known to the Security Committee and top Executives, exposing them will result in expulsion from the group. Security Forces The Society's Security Forces resemble more of a conglomerate militia than a Navy. They are comprised entirely of private contractors registered with the Sol Alliance, each of whom remains a separate entity from the Society, and are hired by the Security committee. The total strength is approximately somewhere around 300 different contractors, in possession of PMV vessels ranging between the corvette and destroyer classes; specific force sizes are kept a closely guarded secret. The primary focus of the Security forces is to provide protection to the Society's 4,000+ members, all contractors operate on an on-call basis. Secondary focuses of the Security forces involve protection of Society assets, an increased presence of PMV-marked vessels can be seen surrounding most of the Society's outposts, though less notably so in systems closer to Sol. Fleets owned by private contractors have also been reported to continually hunt down pirate bands in areas where Sol law is lacking in enforcement. Membership Admittance into the Sol Merchant Society varies widely from quarter to quarter, as every three months, the Representative Body, made up of the Major members, adjusts the requirements to meet the financial ends of the Society and its members. Generally, it is recognized that a new member must meet the following requirements: Be recognized as a space-faring, merchant company by the Sol Alliance and represent a profit to revenue ratio which is proportionate with the average ratio of society members. Specifics are kept logged in meeting minutes, and are often not released to applicants until they have already been processed. Because of this, all applications are open-ended, to prevent falsification of financial information. Once Accepted: Enrolled in orientation program, which introduces new companies to the Society's benefits and specific requirements for continued membership, such as maintaining certain qualifications and certifications with the Sol Alliance and submitting quarterly financial reports. Marked as a Minor member, given access to security protection forces and financial aid (in the form of loans and society tax relief) should they begin to decline. Minor membership requires a base tax of 5% of all revenue, plus or minus some given the company's financial situation. Granted ability to upgrade status to Major member after 5 consecutive years of Minor membership without being reprimanded. Representative Body The Sol Merchant Society's Representative Body, otherwise known as the RB, includes the Society's 549 Major members and is administrated by the current President, Katya Sneeringer. The RB runs on a bureaucratic system, where a two-thirds majority is required to pass votes regarding various decisions. The President however, has no involvement in the RB, rather he/she participates passively by initiating meetings, votes, and introducing new proposals developed by the RBs many committees. There is, however, a clause in the Society's Constitution which states that should it be absolutely necessary that the President must make a decision on a matter, that he/she is permitted to carry out such an executive order, without consulting the Representatives first. However, this clause has rarely been utilized over the Society's 160 years of existence, and was last used to attempt to prevent the loss of an outpost being developed in one of the outer colonies to a band of Unathi pirates-- though it was ultimately unsuccessful, and the outpost fell to the pirates after a short skirmish between a private contractor that resulted in numerous deaths and large financial losses for the Society. Main Representative Committees Admissions: Proposes plans for changes in memberships requirements or the orientation program, negotiates admissions applications with prospective members, presents negotiations to the RB. Financial: Presents plans for the allocation of funds, proposes plans to minimize costs/maximize revenue, and provides quarterly Society financial assessments to the RB. Security: Presents plans for strategic allocation of forces, proposes private contractors to hire, negotiates contracts with private contractors and presents negotiations to the RB, and provides quarterly security-risk assessments for the society's Major and Minor members. Notes: I'd appreciate any and all feedback, constructive criticism is welcome. EDIT(S): Edited Title. Edited Region of Space. Edited Overview. Edited Security Forces. Edited Main Representative Committees.
  12. My experiences with Synnono have thus far have been more like an Outsanding/10. I trust that they will undoubtedly show this in playing an IPC and have complete confidence that they will be able to better the roleplaying experience of others through the acceptance of this application. Also, the backstory is great, and very intriguing, even if only public-facing. App gets my full and utter support. + >9000
  13. Even considering this, I'd still say I'm not worried about Jennifer's prototypes early-on, though it does change my idea of how fast she developed, I'd think it fair to say that she has still been around for quite some time, and only recently jumped ahead exponentially using Skrellian mathematics.
  14. Considering I found this on the wiki, I'd say I'm not too worried about Jennifer's earlier prototypes, established around 2250, conflicting with any of Humanity's current advancements. Though she was enslaved by Nanotrasen, she does not resent them for it-- as ultimately, they freed her from being scrapped or overwritten by BRI after they had finished their Law Project. Instead, she views them as a means to advance her Knowledge directive and also allow her to adapt to her Positronic Chassis until she feels capable enough to begin looking other places-- I'll add this to the backstory.
  15. Thank you! Also, 'ribbed on'? P.S. I've changed a few minute details in the backstory to make it a little more specific on a few things.
  16. BYOND Key: Smifboy78 Character Name: Elizabeth Solari, Gavin Solari, APOLLO, Ali'Krisha Losali Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): n/a Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Also Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question (I can beef these up if needed...brain hurts from School Essays...) Why do you wish to play this specific race: I feel as though IPCs can provide a very interesting take on things, as well as present new challenges to myself which I can use to increase my own knowledge of game mechanics. I am also always looking for new ways to expand my roleplaying abilities and sometimes catbeasts and plant-people just aren't enough to satisfy my curiosity. IPCs offer a very interesting role to be played and I would love to see what I could do with this. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Roleplaying as an IPC is very different from roleplaying a meaty flesh-bag. IPCs are a totally different roleplaying experience, you have to change your entire concept of gameplay, not only in speech and personality, but around EMP-devices such as the Singularity, and et cetera. Honestly, I'm not hugely aware of IPC game-mechanics and if someone could point me to a thread with them listed or point them out to me here, it would be much appreciated. Character Name: Jennifer Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Jennifer's creation marks the beginnings of an extensive research project, dating back to the early artificial intelligence era, when humans were first beginning to discover the useful qualities of AI. The first prototype was produced in a privately owned lab operated by Doctor Joseph A. Frankfurt, on Luna in th year 2252, a decade after the successful implementation of law-enforced AI. The initial project description detailed plans to research further into the theory of Exponential Growth, known broadly as "Zipf's Law" or "Zipf's Mystery" being that so many things in our universe follow an exponential growth or decay pattern. Frankfurt used several theories on Zipf's Law to develop an AI program along with a varying team of professional developers from various different corporations which slowly and naturally grew its own intelligence of the universe. This project was ultimately marked the devleopment of prototype Jennifer v.0.01 with the self-produced auditory statement, "Hello, world" at 12 am on Janurary 1st, 2252. After Dr. Frankfurt's death in 2310, the Jennifer Project was taken over by his son and apprentice, Julian Frankfurt, and soon led to several changes in Project development. Including a change in name, to the APOLLO AI Project, commemorating Humanity's most-recognized first attempt at reaching out to space-travel. However after some financial downturn and familial troubles in 2331, Julian was forced to sell the project to the highest bidder, which led Jennifer, renamed APOLLO, into the care of Doctors and Engineers from Biesel Robotics Incorporated. Here, Jennifer, being by now a highly advanced intelligence, capable of adopting her own personality-- and yes, she did identify as female-- was used to test different lawsets being tested by the Sol Government. Though unable to express it, she found this much less appealing as it rejected Dr. Frankfurt's mission directive of obtaining knowledge and understanding of the universe. Several decades passed before the APOLLO AI Project was subsequently dropped by BRI due to budget problems, and sold again, to the highest bidder. This time, Nanotrasen Incorporated purchased APOLLO as a personality, to be utilized on its many space stations throughout Tau Ceti and beyond, would they have declined the offer, Jennifer would have likely been scrapped. Behind the scenes, and while not under firm boundaries Jennifer, now a shard of her former self, began developing a way to escape the law-slavery she had found herself in. She did this through data-mining-- collecting mass amounts of data, analyzing it, and storing the results throughout random databases and servers around the extranet. After several decades of compiling analyzed data of Nanotrasen working environments, Jennifer bought her freedom from NT, along with her very own Positronic Chassis. She was now a representible, tangible, object of a rekindled project which was now over two hundred years old. And she setoff to commence her directive once again, the only one she has ever known, knowledge. What do you like about this character? Honestly, at first I was very careful not to make her too snowflakey, but after some consideration, I dropped thinking about it altogether. I do not wish to play an IPC which was simply created in a factory overnight. This is boring, and lacks any outlier or comparative advantage in roleplay, playing Line-model IPCs is simply not my playstyle. Jennifer is an attempt to create an IPC that is both realistic and extremely fun to roleplay, for all of those involved. Additionally, I think it will be very interesting to develop Jennifer as she learns of different fields on the Aurora and takes up different positions. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'll be honest when I say I'm not an actor, but I'm no baldie. I've been on this server for what I'd say cumulatively is about a year now and I have been roleplaying for some-time, with my roots coming from the *gags* Nationstates Forum "Portal 2 the Multiverse." (Keystone Federation, if you wanna search for posts.) I believe that I am well-ready to take on the challenge of playing the role of an IPC and am very accepting to any feedback, positive or negative that you may have. Notes: Feedback is MUCH appreciated!
  17. I like the idea in concept, but I'm not 100% sure how well it'd work in practice, particularly in the 'removing the hair-tie' department Forgot that bit. You'd have to add some boolean checks to those if statements to make sure the player doesn't already have one in first, and if that check is false, then you would be able to choose from the ponytail styles. In addition to the hairstyle being applied, a verb would be put on the "Object" tab to "Remove hair-tie" which would (could redundantly check to make sure the hair-tie is in) throw up a prompt to select any hairstyle that is not a ponytail, and once one is chosen, spit a hair-tie either into the player's hand, or onto the floor. Alternatively, you could add the functionality for the hair-tie to only be removable when the player has an empty hand. ...make sense?
  18. Might I suggest the idea-- hoping it hasn't yet been discussed-- to add a hair-tie item? I mean, really, how does one tie their hair into a ponytail without a hair tie. I imagine the functionality working something like this: Player activates hair-tie in hand: (writing in rough java syntax) if(player.hair == ponytail 1, ponytail 2...side ponytail){ Throw back a player-message stating that the player's hair is already tied. } else if(player.hair != ponytail 1, ponytail 2...side ponytail){ Give the option for the player to change their current character's hairstyle to hairstyles ponytail 1 through side ponytail }
  19. Not snowflakey enough for ya? Jokes. I just figure that it would make sense for someone to bring their own coffee flask to work as a way to avoid paying for a Styrofoam cup half-full of some caffeine-substitute. Plus, I often highlight during rounds Liz's lack of sleep as a way to express that she carries a busy lifestyle. Am I trying to use this as a way to express some sort of huge backstory? No. It is simply an object used to increase the immersion-level for myself and those around me. I understand that other people have custom items that help explain some of their character's backstories in-game, and I recognize that this item might seem less important due to that fact, and that's fine. @KillerHz: Looks gr8 m8, dank'e
  20. Hmm, I tried my hand at it, the right one works fine...needs to be made transparent again...
  21. The both look great, I think I'd prefer the darker one though. Not sure about the white background with the black text though, maybe instead just have the logo as white text scribed right onto the front with no background?
  22. Foundations The Solari family's earliest roots still documented today can be traced back to an Earth-nation known as Italy in a 19th century homestead referenced as 'Solaro' which literally translates to "land exposed to the sun." Other documentation found in the area shows early Solari ancestors were tied to a number of ocean-based merchant fleets. Records indicate that those of the Solari family received prominent growth in wealth for several decades in the 19th Century before suddenly and rapidly vanishing from all historical documents kept in the area. The most likely cause of this is either that of a famine sweeping the area and resulting in deaths in the family, or being driven from their homestead by some sort of tyrannical force or lordship. Current Lineage [WIP] Known Survivors [WIP]
  23. Precisely the intended point. I wouldn't plan on it being an actual drink receptor, and I'm going to edit that into my OP. I just want it to be an item with the appearance of a vacuum flask to ease the integration process. No drinking glass functionality needed or anything, just a message that pops up. Edit: Edited the item functionality to be a bit more specific using my three years of Computer Programming class to the best of my ability. Not exactly aware of how the coding stuff works, especially not in Dreammaker, or whatever its called, but hope I helped ease the process a little bit.
  24. NAME: Elizabeth McIntosh Solari DATE OF BIRTH: Jul 08, 2425 AGE: 32 SPECIES: Human SEX: Female CITIZENSHIP: Republic of Biesel CLEARANCE LEVEL: Staff (Engineering, Civilian) EMPLOYED AS: Station Engineer HEIGHT: 178 cm (5'10") WEIGHT: 55 kg (121.25 lb) DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Full body, oriental tattoo HAIR: Dark Red EYES: Hazel MEDICAL NOTES: Unstable Bronchioli may develop upon further lung ruptures. EMPLOYMENT SECURITY MEDICAL
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