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Everything posted by Bsmiffy78

  1. BYOND Key: Smifboy78 Character name: Elizabeth Solari Item name: Insulated Coffee Mug Why is your character carrying said item to work? Solari runs a very busy lifestyle, due to running dual contracts with both the Sol Alliance Army Engineering Corps (Reserves) and Nanotrasen. She tailors a custom sleep-schedule, ignoring Biesel's regular day-night cycle, waking up around 6 or 7 hours before her shifts start on the Aurora in her downtown Mendell apartment. She starts her day exercising and is quickly rushed out the door to the Nanotrasen Spaceport to get to work on time, conjoined with this, she is a (undiagnosed) mild insomniac, averaging about 5 hours of sleep each cycle. She, in all seriousness, runs on coffee. It's annoying to have to pay credits for a tiny cup of coffee at work, when one could easily bring their own flask from home. Above all else, this simply seems like an overall economic and logical item. Item function(s): Item description: "Caffeine is my shepherd; I shall not doze. It maketh me to wake in green pastures; it leadeth me beyond the sleeping masses. It restoreth my buzz; it leadeth me in the paths of consciousness for its name's sake..." And if the above is not acceptable: Oooh! Coffee! Item appearance: A retextured Vacuum Flask sprite with a matte black finish, and a silver strip across the middle that looks like it has some sort of logo on it in black lettering. Additional comments:
  3. Another idea: You could have the world randomly generate mineral deposits that are structurally weaker than others, and have the only way to see this through examining the mineral deposit. Forcing the mining process to slow down to avoid being crushed.
  4. Also a great idea, maybe harder to implement, but, emershuns.
  5. So, after spending a few lonely, dreadful, uneventful rounds on the asteroid, I came up with an idea. As it is now, the only real action/potential for injury a miner may have on the asteroid is spacing themselves, or accidentally misclicking on themselves and puncturing their hardsuit..or being an idiot with the airlock. My point here is, the EVA experience on the asteroid is not good for immersions. I have come up with a certain cave-in feature, that we should definitely contemplate implementing-- as it seems like a rather simple thing to do... Basically, there is a whatever chance that when digging out a piece of the asteroid, the player receives a message like "You hear a rumbling noise from above..." or, "The ground trembles slightly..." and after a second or so delay, the area is filled with crushed rocks, and anyone within that certain area receives mild brute damage, is stunned, and has a possibility for broken bones. As OP as this may seem, it is realistic, and adds a hazardous working condition, providing more things for medical to do and shaft miners to worry about. After all, why make the asteroid so gloomy and dark, and add no real dangers? Thoughts? Questions? Feedback?
  6. I will quote thy dead-headed one by saying,
  7. Seems pretty legit, not to special snowflakey and looks like a potential contribution to the community. +1
  8. -@ARipley51- People can be such ignorant assholes. I didn't know they hired twelve year olds here. #idiots #drama #stfu
  9. Bsmiffy78

    Ear Mounted Lights

    I think this is a great idea. You usually never have both ears taken up, so you can utilize an appendage that would otherwise go unused. Also, on a completely different topic: Directional Flashlights.
  10. OP modified to include a vacant position in place of Axel, the only real problem that was given. Bumpity bump
  11. Right...I'm just going to stop arguing because at this point it's really a waste of my time...my personal opinion that I cease to drop has been made. This application is trollish, provides minimal role play and is in my opinion horrendously unrealistic. End of discussion, end of argument.
  12. In a cold dark room, a man with dark, faded brown hair stood peering over a corpse. He mutters something under his white sterile mask rather dully before beginning an incision approximately six inches from the base of the neck, on the right shoulder. He continues the cut to the sternum just as the room is brightened by a hologram from the news bulletin. He glances up quickly muttering something about the media, before directing his attention back to his gray friend. As he starts the second cut he is distracted once more- annoyed he puts his scalpel down with a sigh and pulls his mask below his face. He takes his gloves off and tells his friend not to go anywhere before going over to the holographic display. With a few fingers he swipes the display, an automated AI pops up on screen, "Greetings Dr. Scofield, you have 5 new notifications. Displaying..." He squints slightly reading of the news 11 light years away, "Interesting...any further developments, VISCERA?" "Negative, Doctor. Would you like me to subscribe to this feed?" He nods slowly, skimming over the display once more. "Yeah, keep me informed." He walks back to the table, pulling his mask and gloves back on. "Hope you didn't miss me," he states without emotion as he picks up his scalpel and resumes his work.
  13. Right. I'm just going to quote Skull from the guide. The fact is that we're playing a video game here and perhaps we shouldn't be TOO stingent on realism. However, this application surpasses the cutoff. It's uber-unrealistic and absurd and quite frankly, would give no benefit to role play other than sending your character for a psych evaluation each round. Which is horrible for the continuity factor and annoying for anyone in a CMO or Psychiatric position. Come back with a better idea. P.S. The idea of having a variety of test subjects for science is an interesting topic. Perhaps a box of species cubes that work similarly to monkey cubes except for farwa/naera/etc. either way, you will likely find nothing but disagreement on this application due to its level of absurdness. Drop it and reapply with something a bit more realistic.
  14. Hey! I helped make this thing! Your welcome for the protohuman Also, great guide, I'll be sure to bookmark this for future reference
  15. This application scares me. As it looks like a troll, but you fail to acknowledge it as such... If you're trolling: Stop, it's really not benefiting you in anyway and it wastes moderator time on insignificant tasks. If you really are being serious: ....wot. no.
  16. -@DrScofield- Okay, okay, I now have a Screecher Account. Am I hip yet?
  17. BYOND Key: Smifboy78 Character name: Hunter Scofield's Item name: Pocket Watch Why is your character carrying said item to work? Personal item carried by character most places; due to his near-OCD-Professionalism, he likes to make sure he is on time. Could also be used to check the time more quickly then pulling a PDA out of your pocket (speed and efficiency is key). Item function(s): Same functionality as a wrist watch (already in game), but more practical and convenient. Not wearable on wrist (hands). Item description: It is a small item. It appears to be gold-plated, with the initials D.M.S on the back. Item appearance: I'm horrible at spriting, but I figure with the amazing sprite work I've seen, a small item such as this will not be too much trouble. Here's some motivation: clicky (Chain would be kewl but not necessary. Also, the cover can be closed, so you don't have to sprite the Roman numerals or arms.) Additional comments: Really excited for some feedback!! P.S. Won't be on for a little while, away for Christmas! P.P.S. HAPPY HOLLYDAYS!!!!!
  18. Seems fairly legit, could offer some of dem arpees, doe +1
  20. Alright it's not that big of a deal, we'll say he's transferred to NT, I'll edit a few things and be done with it. Also, I think Seven is referring to the Fed Republic of Biesel
  21. EndeavorToxic Transactions “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” ― J.K. Rowling The Year is 2138 and the era of Human Expansion is in full swing. Faster than Light travel has been discovered, and is continuously being revised, and made more efficient, throwing the fertilization of mankind over the stars. Earth, with rising pollution-levels, social disorder, and over-crowding, is becoming an extreme inconvenience to its residents, and it is time that alternative habitats are arranged. Most recently, a mega-corporation by the name of Sol-Enterprises Inc. has begun work on a project dubbed 'Endeavor'. First formulated in the early twenty first century, as astronomers began looking at Mars as a possible future home for Earthlings, Endeavor has been re-initiated, with ever-growing excitement. Now, Sol-Enterprises, owned in collaboration by a multitude of Earth-based space organizations, has set its sights on a new project, approximately twelve light years from home, in the Tau Ceti System. Who?: Sol Enterprises Inc. was founded at the dawn of the Second Space Age, in the year 2067. Originally starting as a private space tourism corporation, based in Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA. Sol Enterprises soon began to expand its company as new-footholds in the science community gave it opportunities to begin coop-work with government-organizations. With the funds from these organizations, SE started up a Research and Development Division, and soon with the help of a large band of other organizations, theories once though ridiculous and impossible, were broken one by one. What?: S.E. Inc. has launched a new mission: Operation Endeavor. The goal-- reaching Tau Ceti, a solar system with recently discovered hospitable planets. The planet in question has been nicknamed Biesel, in honor of the mission director, Commander Frankfurt Joseph Biesel. The planet is known to be slightly toxic to humans, with an atmospheric make-up of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, xenon, ammonia, methane, and hydrogen sulfide- so the Operation will be unavailable to unqualified personnel. When?: The SEICS Endeavor was launched in 2132, and expected to arrive in early 2138 - Earth time. The starting date for this plot will begin as the Endeavor approaches its final destination. OOC Information Now that you have been briefed on a general overview of the RP at hand, I'd like to take a paragraph or two discussing the level of Roleplaying I expect. First off, no one-liner posts, these are annoying, and get spammy extremely quick. Being from a Heavy RP Server, I don't think we'll have a problem with this. All this means is that I expect some detail in every post, it doesn't have to be a five page article, just give people detail to work with, describe your character's emotions, physical attributes, et cetera, just try not to leave any detail out that could have been included. Secondly, this roleplay will be Character-based, I will allow an unlimited amount of characters per person, and if said person wants to drop said character after a while, they will become an NPC. No, this is not based on trufax from the SS13 wikis. This is my own take on the development of Tau Ceti and the creation of Biesel, with a slight twist (shh, its a sekret). Alright, now, let's dive in. You are a member of the Expedition Crew onboard the SEICS Endeavor, which is now in an LO around Biesel. You have been hired by Sol-Enterprises Inc. for your multitude of skills in EVA, as well as Engineering, Research, or Security. All expedition crew have basic knowledge of space flight and travel, as well as Standard Operating Procedures on board a vessel such as the Endeavor (Military-style SoP applied to Civilian crew and Command, ask for details). The objective of this mission? Secure a colony-site on the planet, Research the planet, Terra-form the planet, and send regular reports back the Chain of Command. Simple enough, right?. . . Character Applications: [b]Forum Username:[/b] [b]Character Name:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Age (21 and above):[/b][hr][b]Qualifications:[/b] [b]Strengths:[/b] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Eqiupment (5-10 personal items allowed, no weapons, standard equipment TBD):[/b] [b]Short Biography/Description (2-5 Sentences min.):[/b] P.S.: Any questions can be directed to me via a PM, so not to crowd the OOC Thread (this one). If you believe it is important enough to bring up on the thread however, then please do so. (I haven't done one of these in at least a year, so pardon my rusty-ness)
  22. Okay so, I looked at the application format like I should've done first and realized that my character Mike Axel is a member of middle management. Does this conflict with the "no characters with leadership roles" rule? Really, his only IC job is to maintain the mechs tropics facilities, he's not involved in major decisions for the company.
  23. Ah..dammit. I mixed those up :I Fixing, now.
  24. Yay! Thanks for all the positive feedback!!!
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