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About Feorn

  • Birthday June 23

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  • Byond CKey

Feorn's Achievements

Medical Doctor

Medical Doctor (12/37)

  1. Your first step is to pick up the Dream Maker software(probably already installed, just use the little gear on the beyond pager or look around your BYOND directory) . This is an IDE, it also contains the software used to make the sprites, animated or otherwise. As for the language, it seems to be a proprietary language, but it'll be familiar if you've ever worked with Java, c++ or any thing else object oriented really. The sprites are all 32x32, no idea what the frame limit is for animated sprites. As far as I know, Dream Maker will only let you use the .dmi format for sprites. Then, pull down the latest Aurora from github here: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3 It'll take a little fiddling and reading to figure out how to get compiling and running to work correctly, I honestly can't remember what I had to do at this point, I'm sure one of the coders would know precisely.
  2. I also can't seem to figure out where the unread post indicator is when I open a thread. On the old forums (and most forums I browse) there's a little folder icon or something that'll be a bright colour if I haven't read the post and greyed out if I have.
  3. Yes please. But add another section to the third update. Misc. Loan/credit payments. Since a good portion of our characters went to university/med school etc. We should have an option to include that.
  4. These were needed back in the day when emergency shutters didn't flash, and didn't require engineering access when conditions are unsafe on the other side. My very first round way back on Apollo years ago this message saved me. Doesn't seem like it would be needed to save new players these days. Since those changes, they're probably more annoying than anything else.
  5. pAI are also currently available as a custom loadout option. I spawn in with them on a few of my characters.
  6. Nah, you were right, the new nano UI version of the pAI software interface doesn't have it. I haven't played pAI since newcode.
  7. I would endorse the majority of these improvements, except the guardian module and manipulator module. Having pAI work as more of a station AI lite would be fun. The camera module would require a lot of camera network renaming I think, as last I checked, only engineering, sec and supply have their own network names on cameras. Could be wrong there. I would expand the door opening module to include the same shift+click function to remotely open doors that the AI and cyborgs have, but keep the master ID access requirement. No bolting/electrifying/full door interface like borgs and AI have, just the shift+click to open. As for the medical analysis suite, it does work, the option is under the Host Bioscan function. But I agree, it should be extended to allow scans on adjacent players.. The guardian and manipulator modules run contrary to what I feel like the idea of a pAI is. A small computer with a wireless interface. Although, I'm one of those who wouldn't have given them an unfoldable chassis either.
  8. Hey, so, uh, I've been playing a synthetic named JOI for like the past year or so on Aurora (And longer on Apollo) and recently a new player has made me aware that the name JOI is also the name of a very obscure genre of pornography. A quick google search confirms this. I'm not really sure this is the right place to post this either, but I would just like to say that I apologize if this broke the rules, and I definitely didn't intend it. I'll just go ahead and change the name to JOIE (french for 'joy'), unless anyone has any objections. Once again, just a super obscure reference that I was completely unaware of. So, next time I might just go ahead and google every character name I ever make before I start playing it. And if some of you out there knew the whole time and were snickering quietly well, uh, thanks for not telling me at all jerks. Once again, just super sorry.
  9. The suggestion is so that people with these specific custom job titles show up on the secHUD/AI SecHUD, otherwise we need to examine them to get their job title.
  10. Feorn

    Map talk

    In my opinion this is something similar to the two OR thing. Make the map so that it is almost redundant but requires some effort to get there. They've already said they're putting in the power substations, which provide local backup power for nearly thirty minutes or more. More than long enough to repair breaks if you have a midway competent engineer.
  11. I know you're fairly new around here, but Aurora got by just fine for a long time with only one operating room. If you're talking about game balance, an antag murdering someone often gets them back in the game faster. You can clone someone faster than you can perform surgery on them. If an antag really wants to take someone out of a round permanently they can. One OR makes teamwork more important for the medbay. You have one doctor/nurse run the scans and prep the patients and another cutting them up and it'll go nice and quick. In addition, other than bones/internal bleeding/appendicitis/missing limbs everything is faster to treat with chemistry anyway. Something to keep in mind with the new map is that vacuum injuries (ex. Ruptured lungs) might end up being a lot less common. As far as I understand the map is an asteroid map, and when people blow holes in the station, it might not lead to hard vacuum right under the floor tiles.
  12. We already have a job title with officer in it that is completely not whitelisted: Security Officer.
  13. What about just plain ole' Medical Officer? It denotes seniority over regular MDs while showing that they are below the Chief Medical Officer. Yeah, that's better than mine.
  14. I also like this idea, but not Senior Medical Officer. It doesn't sound below Chief Medical Officer by enough. Head Physician maybe?
  15. Has played slaved to JOI a few times. Good character. Good fun. Good app. +1 Haven't had a negative experience with Fluffybirb yet.
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