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Byond CKey
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Detective (7/37)
(OOC: In an IC interaction it was mentioned that the supermatter seems to be stronger. I am assuming this is working as intended and therefore popping it in suggestions. But the crux of the suggestion is to make engine shielding stronger. Shift cac-bw4o 1/20/21) (IC:) Facility: NSS Aurora Date: 2463-01-20 Index: 001 To: Central Command Subject: Supermatter Engine radioactive shielding Statement from Engineer Hannah Mi-Young: "... The supermatter engine, based on reports from engineers stationed here and my own experience, is getting mroe radioactive and dangerous. At one point, and engineer could be in the same room as the engine without gear on, and only need gear to turn it on. Then, you needed gear on in the room but could safely fire the engine within the engine room. Now, you must be in the control room with radioactive gear on when firing the enigne without suffering from. This is either from two reasons. A.the radiation shielding needs replacing, the reason I want. Or B. The supermatter is growing more radioactive. Please take time to investigate." Statement from Captain Edmund Blade: "Given the potential danger to personnel, I will be recommending to Central Command that we investigate this matter and see if shielding can be reinforced or if there are any supermatter irregularities." Employee: Hannah Mi-Young Signature: Edmund Blade This paper has been stamped with the head of personnel's rubber stamp.
New Gibson Derelict Hunters Wanted
XChrisUnknownX replied to XChrisUnknownX's topic in NanoTrasen Public Network
August 22, 2462 Posted by: NG GBLAZE: Great. Name's Guy. I've been pourin' basically everything I make into this. Haven't found anything yet, but I don't think this watcher fella's joking. Just wish the images uploaded were a little less grainy. I've been off a couple of days. Hoping to catch a shift, make some money, and get somebody to take us up there to look again soon. Who knows? With enough eyes on, maybe we'll actually see something up there that isn't total junk. Like I said, I got a new job. If you see me in NT Net, feel free to shoot me a message. Mention the NTPN, we'll get started! ((With the general idea I've laid out, I'm also happy for feedback or ways to modify this. I'm keeping track of rolls made here, I rolled us a little into the future because I don't anticipate being able to play for the next 40 hours.)) -
New Gibson Derelict Hunters Wanted
XChrisUnknownX replied to XChrisUnknownX's topic in NanoTrasen Public Network
((I would love it if people did. I’m hopefully gonna play more Guy Blaze tonight. I took it from the perspective of being a New Gibson forum so though it’s public I used it to mean New Gibson. A kind of way to introduce the posters anonymously / semi anonymously.)) -
August 1, 2462 Posted by NG DHUNTER: Hello hunters. Not too easy to come by malfunctioning scrap that's whole enough to make it work again, but we know it's out there. I know a lot of you have jobs and lives you can't ignore. But in your spare time, you can join the treasure hunt. Post if you dare. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - August 2, 2462 Posted by NG Skep Tick: Bogus. Admin, delete. Even if you could find a derelict, NT would take it away from you in a heartbeat. They own this system. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - August 3, 2462 Posted by NG DHUNTER: They're out there waiting to be found. (Several snapshots of New Gibson orbit are uploaded. The images show the date 8/3/2462 at the bottom, and a timestamp of 14:22. Despite the claims of NG DHUNTER, there are no visible derelicts in any of the photographs, but the zoom level and amount of space covered by each photograph would make it impossible to see one anyway.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - August 10, 2462 Posted by NG GBLAZE: I just got a new job. I'm puttin almost every dime I got into searchin for derelicts. Love flight. Love space. Been at this 2 years but no money. Please upload more photos soon. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - August 12, 2462 Posted by NG GBLAZE: I think I got a hit off of one of the detectors I bought in the back alley. That fellr said it would work. I dunno where DHUNTER is, but if anybody wants to go dhunting after work, let's do it. I got EVA training, can teach. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - August 13, 2462 Posted by NG Skep Tick: Have you ever even seen a derelict? No? Because they don't exist! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ((This is a metagame and side story I am currently developing. In terms of game impact, very minimal, except our characters would have some familiarity with each other on shift because of this shared hobby. The basic premise is to form a team that goes searching for derelicts in their spare time. Right now, each station shift, I am doing a random roll between 1 and 1000. If it hits 500, a derelict will be found. Then I suppose there will be rolls to fix it room by room, perhaps 1-100, catastrophic failure, blow a room, if no rooms, destroy the derelict, 101-750 fail to fix a room, no progress. 751-1000 fix a room. Obviously, with more people comes a higher chance of success. As of now, the interval or "tick" I am using is every game round played, I roll for Guy Blaze. If others join, I suppose I will roll for you or we'll honor system it, I will edit this post as appropriate to add info or respond IC / OOC. If our team gets stupidly large, there's also a chance for some roleplay to evolve from NT or supervisors disapproving of the hobbyists or having them report their off-work activities. )) ((Also, keep in mind the expense of the hobby should keep your character very interested in staying employed.))
Reporting Personnel: Edmund Blade Rank of Reporting Personnel: Captain Personnel Involved: - Zach Chapman, Chemist, Offender - Riley Tulmann, Miner, Victim. -Hayden Locke, Cargo Technician, Witness -Nicholas Flack, Security, Collected Evidence Time of Incident: Unrecorded. Real time: (approximately 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. GMT, 2:00 a.m. EST, Location of Incident: Likely mining. Not known by me personally. Nature of Incident: [x]Misconduct Overview of the Incident: Reportedly, Zach Chapman thew acid onto Riley Tulmann's EVA suit, causing injury. Riley Tulmann broke a bottle over Zach Chapman's head in defense. Hayden Locke apparently witnessed Zach Chapman dealing drugs throughout the shift. Nicholas Flack investigated, arrested Zach Chapman for assault, and booked Zach Chapman for contraband after finding PDA messages where Zach Chapman had set up a drug deal. I was unaware of this for the most part. On the crew transfer shuttle, Zach Chapman raised his voice to me, gained my attention, and when I moved over to him he spat in my face and stated that he was assaulted and arrested. I interviewed all of the people named in this complaint on the Odin, and I have come to the following conclusion: Zach Chapman was the primary aggressor and should be held accountable for his misconduct. I had stated to Zach that he could make a formal complaint if he believed the situation had been mishandled, so I am inputting this report as a potential cross report to whatever he may say. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: I am the Captain and therefore did not report to any higher authority. This is my report. - Additional notes: My recommendation to CCIA is to order a no-contact order between Riley Tulmann and Zach Chapman, and a strict warning to Zach Chapman that further misconduct will result in the suspension of his chemist clearance. We need good, dedicated chemists, and cannot afford to have people making the station dangerous and distributing drugs.
Thanks Xander. Somehow you always manage to make my day a little brighter. I may wait for the list of councillors. I have a real interest in development of Gibson politics, but I think that to be involved with Mendell would also be essential and inspiring.
Understood from the lore biesel is a puppet of nt but it is currently fairly difficult to piece together who the major players are from our forums. 1. I believe we had biesel elections sometime ago. Who is the leader of Biesel? Perhaps character and forum name. 2. We have an entire board devoted to mendell's leadership and how it works, but the actual people in these spots, or npc characters, are fairly ambiguous and impossible to really bring up in normal convo. Who's running the show player wise? 3. Does New Gibson have any simple leadership structure? It's the second hub of Tau Ceti and seems important enough to give a once over on its structure. 4. More philosophical. How do we get more involved in playing out the politics game so what's happening on the forums and politics translates into the game story more? Is this going on already? What board? Upping my activity after a long pause. Trying to locate all of what I missed.
(TLDR AT BOTTOM) (major edit added) I would update the lore summary to have a top-most section with mandatory RP knowledge, like the year and current events, so that people can feel connected to the current universe and be aware. The game is centered in Tau Ceti, so I really feel like what's important in terms of lore is really continuing to develop Tau Ceti, make it feel alive, perhaps introduce a big bad of some kind that people think about or comment on constantly during shift. Quite frankly, I was away from Aurora a long time and have generally pieced together some of what I have missed, and I find that generally the key to good RP is to have some overarching and coherent storyline. For example, our RP takes place over static rounds, and some of the occurrences in those rounds cannot be canon, and that's fine, but it doesn't reduce the viability of some overarching narrative, something we're researching for, some crisis our work might stop. Right now the story tends to be Nanotrasen is God, which as a concept I get, but makes for a relatively boring story. 2457's entry in the timeline states the future is uncertain, which is supposed to arch into potential plot, but almost every storyline I see, Nanotrasen remains without any major enemy in Tau Ceti. The syndicate is an almost nameless, faceless thing that people are hardly afraid of, and I think the solution to that might be introducing specific cells in the syndicate that can be named and fought against or feared, etc. For example, I introduce in the personal stories of most of my characters the concept of Ross's Raiders, they're a raider group from the Ross 128 system, they dislike NT, and they've got operations in Tau Ceti. Where this'll manifest itself in-game is if I get syndicate or nuke ops, I can name the character Nelson Ross or Victor Ross (Father & son, leaders.), and RP out whatever they're about to do or how they're doing it, or whatever. How this could theoretically be carried over is if someone does a particularly outstanding job, maybe it makes its way into the canon, not by saying Aurora was destroyed, but by renaming it. Oh, Station Flannigan was attacked and severely damaged, they found the captain clinging to a piece of debris, and this was the first major attack in x months. Or if someone does really well on a defense or research, maybe The Commander of Station Rodriguez defended against an infiltration unit after top researcher was murdered. Basically I think we should consider the possibility of taking regular RP rounds, maybe even end of round reports or whatever, and possibly canonizing them, but changing the names so that it's not forced canon upon the characters involved. Captain Lowe dies in a round? Great, news article says Tau Ceti Captain dies! Never named Lowe. Oh look, Lowe is back in a new round, he wasn't the one that died, but his death contributed to a story. One way I used to do this on an old server, and may do it in the future to see if people like this here, is I would play captain a few consecutive rounds, and I would just gently reference the last round. For example: Round 1. Captain Blade faces off with nuke ops, everyone is killed. This is obviously not canon. Round 2. Captain Blade gets on the loudspeaker at the beginning of the round and says something like, listen up, I know you've all heard the rumors, that there are terrorists in Tau Ceti and stations being attacked, but that's not gonna happen on my watch. Do your jobs, perform well, and today'll be another victory for Nanotrasen! Then the AI goes rogue. Round 3. Captain Blade gets on the loudspeaker: I heard some of you chatting on the transfer shuttle about malfunctioning equipment. Let me assure you, Nanotrasen's AI systems are top of the line, there are no malfunctions. So get to work, and no more discussions about killer cyborgs, it's pure fiction! Also, just glancing at the timeline, having not really invested a lot of research into it, there are some gentle holes in it which need to be patched. For example, Nanotrasen is supposedly founded when Xavier is 47 and it is 2346, then we have that he dies 2443 at 87 years old. The issue here, unless my math is very wrong, is that 97 years pass between 2346 and 2443. Xavier would have actually been 144. If we do a comb over of what we have now and make it consistent, it'll help going forward. *major edit I wanted to add that if I were you I would consider revising the lore to reduce the amount of territory held under the sol alliance. I would literally drop it to sol, and just a couple stars in between sol and tau ceti. The reason is simple. If there are less landmarks or areas, more depth can be added to each one, a higher player base can focus into a specific area or system for lores, backgrounds, and to interests. This would effectively make the frontier unpoliced space as opposed to the edge of sol space. This would make the seemingly equal power dynamic make more sense. One thing that continuously eats at me in our lore is the sol alliance covers such a wide area that it would either fracture into mini nations or it would be the dominant force in the universe, so cutting back and saying sol alliance is 3 major systems and a bunch of frontier claims and biesel is a 4th major system that broke away 4 years ago makes more sense than biesel is a dot inside this huge empire of the sol alliance that somehow maintains sovereignty. Look at Starcraft versus say elite dangerous. Starcraft takes place in a few measly systems in a couple pockets of space, but the story is far more interesting and deep than elite dangerous, because elite dangerous literally is just too large to connect to. This is the same reason mmorpgs have relatively small and recognizable worlds, people can become attached to a region emotionally instead of just oh here is the blank system which looks exactly like the blankx4 system but Kevin wrote this one. I mean, right now, as I recall, the sol alliance is stupidly huge, and while that may have been the intent, it is too vast of a space to really give life to or make matter. TLDR: 1. Make Tau Ceti the center of the lore and development of events. 2. Consider introducing a solid big bad that is actually scary and less taboo to talk about, be afraid of, or even laugh at (Spess Koopa Troopas.) 3. Connect game rounds to the lore. Do this by renaming the things that happen on Exodus or Aurora as happening on other stations or planetary installations. This prevents character deaths from being canonized but creates a universe with conflict. Think StarCraft. Imagine if StarCraft had ended after Arcturus defeated the confederacy. That's what we're RPing every static round. NT Wins, the end. NT lost? Not recorded. Alternatively, make the lore matter more during rounds by making it accessible and interesting for people to include. This is the thing lore team has least control over, unfortunately. 4. Patch current inconsistencies in the lore. 5. Consider reducing the size of the Sol Alliance to be comparable with Biesel to make it easier for players to interact with the lore. End. Overall I really like the lore, though I am able to poke holes and offer suggestions, it is no reflection on the team or quality of writing. There is a lot of good here.
Reporting Personnel: Chris Blade Rank of Reporting Personnel: Civilian, Hydroponicist Personnel Involved: - Nick Castle, Warden, Suspected Perpetrator. - Cadmus, Security Bot, Perpetrator. -Wilhelm Eberhardt, Security, witness to security's general lack of professionalism during the shift. -Cayden Biery, Assistant, Victim. (game ID by9yRf) Time of Incident: Approximately 13:00 station time. Real time: 0200 GMT 7/19/16 (1000 EST 7/18/16) Location of Incident: Aurora Station, Security Department Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment []Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident: I was working Hydro. We believed Cayden Biery took a bucket from us. Cayden Biery did take a bucket from us. Believing it to be stolen, I reported it stolen to Nick Castle, who presumably set Cayden to be arrested. Shortly thereafter, Cayden returned the bucket to me and I learned that it was a misunderstanding. I promptly informed Nick Castle that Cayden Biery returned the bucket and there was no problem. Nick Castle did not take Cayden off arrest, and he was arrested by Cadmus. Cadmus arrested and detained Cayden without knowing what he was charged with or why he was doing that. Cayden was detained seven minutes for no good reason. Honestly, Cayden's a little odd, but I'd really feel comfortable if the security team was a little more attentive, civilian crew getting locked up because somebody drops the ball doesn't really help confidence in a safe work environment. William Eberhardt suggested I file a complaint and was a witness to the general lack of concern/care that security had during the shift for the crew. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: I did not report it. There was only a Chief Engineer aboard and they were very busy attending to the station's needs. Additional notes: I don't think anybody's job should be threatened, but some kind of talking to or dialogue would be good. I really think security needs to be just as attentive in taking people off arrest as they do putting them on. (OOC NOTE: Cayden was antag but from the facts as I have them this is still an actionable report.)
It's been my issue for a long time, people don't really make or keep friendships continued through rounds so it has actually led to me getting bored and leaving for months and months and months. Thinking about rewriting Chris Blade and bringing him back, but the only way for people to create role play and some persistence is to have ongoing developing relationships with their fellow crew which people have been generally unwilling to do. *edit special exception to zundy. It was amazing every time the old Chris Blade and his laurenzi met because they were working on projects together after work storyline wise
This is a terrible application and Jamison Stamos is a terrible thing to Vaurcarize. REJECTED.
~Social Screeching~ (IC Shoutbox/Twitter)
XChrisUnknownX replied to a topic in NanoTrasen Public Network
@Blueshirt227 It's so cold here, the heaters wear a coat. #GibsonStrong Chris Blade -
USER: CBLADE@NT.NET BLOG POST 'Ey folks! Just found this thing, Idris Bank. Forget the local branch, this is where the money belongs! I know you all use this site, why not use them too? [!! Link broken. IDRIS@TAUCET]
[The terminal before you flickers with several images of a rectangular ship with 4 living compartments, a bridge, and cargo bay. The ship is absolutely filthy, with countless broken panels and debris cluttering its main hall.] (This is an old post. I am deleting the contents as I may begin something similar and may use a new post or edit this old one)