Johnny Mnemonic
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@ Delta Wow, Delta, says the pot to the kettle much? like, jeez, did your sense of irony die or so- This post perhaps has some irony behind it w-what? Oh, dear lord, WHAT? Oh my god, Delta, what in the actual f*uck? YOU'RE A THIRD PARTY TOO. What sort of information do you posses that Frances doesn't have access too?! ok, i can see two responses, since the involved parties are the skype group i'm a part of and the staff (i'm excluding everyone else afflicted because Frances would fit inside them then). So you either got "super sekrit insider staff info" which i can assure you, isn't real because literally everything was said on the forums, or maybe in the brief time that you joined our group and talked shit about staff/becoming Aurora's god emperor you managed to glimpse at our sekrit ERP databases and have ben given major groundbreaking insight into the situation that Frances cannot attain. But neither of those are true. You are just so full of s*it that it's not even funny, i admit i have chuckled throughout this thread somewhat but this genuinly pissed me off. I strongly desire elaboration on this as it simply does not make sense to me as of yet, seeing as all information you might have would be accesible to Frances aswell, and you are not an involved party either. The argument that Frances is a third party that has no clue as to what's actually happening, but you are is quite possibly the stupidest fucking thing i have read in all of these threads. Not only that but Frances actually went out of her way to talk to staff and Cassy and what not. Like, what drove you to type that, please for the love of christ tell me that was bad word choice before i get an aneurysm. Further, i would like it to be known Frances has tried to garner more information and it further solidifies my confusion as to what information that Frances doesn't you posses. Oh dear lord it's not a bad choice of words, oh dear lord, why even? Yes, good job, Delta, you know the facts, FUCKING EVERYONE KNOWS THE FACTS, IT'S LITERALLY ALL IN THE THREADS TOO, SOME PEOPLE HAPPEN TO DISAGREE WITH WHAT TRANSPIRED THOUGH, YOU FFFF-GRRRR. Maybe the accusations have some ground to them, maybe you should use that knowledge that you happen to own singularly to set things at ease in such case, and not ask for locking the thread every five minutes What makes the knowledge of facts somehow make what you say correct? Are you saying that,because you know what happened, you're in the right and the threads should close? Chaz's issue is the very personal reasons behind the ban being put in place, as opposed to Frances, who was concerned over the ERP sharing. It is still very hard to justify what the staff did as non metagrudge, for a number of factors, primarly being one of blaming Cassy for her militant attidude. But I firmly believe i share her attitude by now, i can easily be called Militant in the eyes of the staff. Rec is at least 2 Cassy's by now. Chaz is, too.militant, in fact, is a title easy to attach to anyone with an argument. So, if bans are put in place for militant attitudes, then isn't this just gonna leave people with a server who just shove everything under the rug? Frances is out, I was never even in, the only person here still trying to make a difference is Chaz. So closing the discussion with Chaz would be much more productive then locking the fucking thread maybe. Chaz is trying to help, and contrary to your belief, /no/, closing down a discussion is not how you solve anything. It's just annoying. You, and a bunch of others think that nothing more can be done on this issue, and you're ACTUALLY RIGHT. Nothing is gonna bring Cassy back. Now about such things happening in the future? That's what Chaz has a problem here. That's the thing you all seem to miss. That's also why he repeats that this should be resolved /now/. NOT CASSY'S CASE, THE CASE IN GENERAL. POINT HERE IS NOT TO MAKE CASSY COME BACK, IT'S FOR INEVITABLE SITUATIONS OF PEOPLE LIKE CASSY ON THE SERVER. It's not demorilizing to state problems, if such problems exist, because then you can fic problems, It baffles me this is a concept some people don't get. Now, let's observe Chaz's original argument before you assholes individuals bombarded him with requests to lock everything ever. 1)there was a psuedo apology 2)ban was removed 3)they evalueted themselves as staff members The issue here is, this was all for how the ban was handed out and not really on how valid banning her was. Still, what are your problems with staff/community here exactly and what do you want to gain as of now anyway?
Ok, i am officially too confused and bored to continue the ongoing debate here. Skull, if i get what you're saying (and it's so hard to understand you that i might not be), then you're dividing your personal opinion and your admin decisions apart, but your opinion is same as Doom's and you think Cassy has been the problem child for months now, and totally deserved to be banned. But as an admin you think she shouldn't have been banned. BUT now you state you will re-apply the ban (with a forum one) to her if she persists having your definiton of a militant mindset, even though as an admin, you unbanned her because of your self admitted poor, poor choices, choices which you still say are personally correct. So you're unbanning her but you think her ban was totally justified, because in your opinion she is the definition of "militant". So...fucking, god damn! LIKE, FUCK, on one end you say that you were personally justified to do what you did and will re-ban Cassy if she continues being Cassy But on the other end as an admin you admit you did a bad course of judgment? God, i am so confused at this point of where your admin decisions start and your opinion ends, and the fact you still seem persistent to ban people who have this vague attitude that you don't like, but you unban Cassy that has it because...i don't even know anymore. Because of the way it was handed rather then the reason why it was handed maybe? This is literally such a incomprehensible mess to me that i'm rather just gonna "forfeit", you're right, let's all just go play on whatever mediums we like,
Yahahahahaa yes, YES! you got me Rech, surely i am singular in taking things too seriously. All I am missing is a naked french lady and the admin guillotine may commence. I think Skull might be embezzling funds and doesn't even deserve a senate staff position. caught my crusade red handed, you did Hey, by the way, were you aware i didn't involve myself in any shitstorm prior to pissing you off? Hell, i passed the Susan arguments without voicing my opinion once i believe. I'm not quite clear how this is something i've been doig for months i don't think there is any proportions being blown here, I mean people seem more focused on shoving this under the carpet then actual discussion. I think the only thing blown out of proportion was the amount of people doing that and people's reactions to it. Yea, but this goes beyond just this thread, he hasn't changed his mind since the start, only the way he did the ban, which is horrifing because it only means that the future bans based on metagrudges will be silent. But exactly what points were not adressed by us? yahahahaha ah, probably, since i'm doing this for amusment. Sorry if me being a bitch pissed you off, wasn't the intent!
To me, there doesn't even seem to be a conclusion. OP threw in the towel which means that the thread is most likely ticking to closing time. But i mean, if Skull hasn't realised that te server is kinda being utterly horrifying (out of server conduct affecting server, moderators applying mentioning duty,obligation, and strong morals, banning people on metagruding reasons, yada yada...) then,like, what the hell will? At this point maybe he just doesn't want to lose favor with people that still support him because he knows he lost ours, kinda like a cripplingly scandalous politician. I don't think there /will/ be a resolution, as depressing as that sounds. Skull still believes that he was morally justified. And shit, i'm all out of tricks, what's been said has been said yet he keeps on going. What is there more to do then just leave? If i wanted to talk to a wall, i'd go annoy Doomberg on skype
What an utterly disappointing conclusion... @ Skull)So, tl;dr you agree with Doomberg completely, think Cassy is the worst and made a "bad environment", and you go back on your word, now only being displeased with the way you handed the ban rather then the ban itself. For what does the gesture of unbaning her even stand for? Just to silence us? It certainly isn't admission of guilt, or because you now see that she didn't deserve it. Hell, now there's forum ban threats and vague "militant mindset" bans to be handed out, ironically you and Doomberg being the biggest militants here with your riot helmets and iron clad boots. Like, fuck, you literally might as well write "we'll ban you because we don't like you". But i feel that this discussion is dying down, the staff's badminning is out in the open for everyone to mock, and people are just sort of evidently giving up on you, or realizing they never should have even tried. The fact you seem disinterested in continuing the discussion is just another nail in the coffin Just one last question, is the ERP laughing still worth a ban? If someone else does this in the future? (Oh, and JB, we're totally working on house server having zombie and other modes :3)
i can only add my thoughts, if you really mean the "Hands were stuck where hands probably shouldn't have been stuck" bit, maybe announce the fact that out of server conduct shouldn't warrant a permaban and unban Cassy, if only for the gesture. The present case seems to be that Cassy was banned for two reasons, the ERP logs and whatever Doombergs problem with her is. Neither really warranted a permaban. Optionally it would be really good to see an apology from Doomberg, or at least some acknowledgment, or anything to not make him look like the worst Again, this is personal opinion of myself
no, we're waiting for Skull to come home so we can reach a consensus, can you pleaseeeee not ask this anymore? Oh, God, not this again The argument of why that was shitcurity and why you failed as a mod was already done to death and you aren't doing anything different here then painting yourself in a better light. Let me add something more that you weren't made aware of however. You were acting like a victim being saltier then a bag of chips in the dead sea. Also, Dire and Cassy are friends, if need be I can ask her to post about how baseless "she was insulting her" is. Speaking of Skull, formulating a reply since his post was actually really good and contributing to a solution and deserves more attention
ok, phew, Josh, no one in the group (except Delta) wanted to overthrow the server. All of us actually just went and found another server to play at. No one even wanted, or wants, to be /back/ to the server, let alone take it over. What are you even basing this on? I want to call this out on being like, stupid, but it's not, it's more insane. Josh, i am gonna need you to just trust me (because i don't know how to prove a negative in this case), no one in the group wants the server for their grubby little hands. Seriously what are you basing this on?! Yea, Cassy broke a lot of rules like...which one was it? her "rubbing people the wrong way" or "out of server conduct". I forget. Maybe it was her entire post history. Or maybe you just didn't like her because you play security and she pointed out shitcurity? Please feel free to tell me i'm a horrible person for thinking that, but it's the first thing that crossed my mind seeing as you don't have anything solid on Cassy except mentioning security in specific. holy shit, that is terrifying, Jackboot. so you mean that out of server conduct punishable on server now totally a thing? you don't see a problem with that at all?! Doomberg is gonna need a seperate post
Jakers, there's more important things in my life then SS13 too, doesn't mean i'll stop playing, and while we're on note, shouldn't this apply to you too? there's undoubtedly more important things in your life then telling me that i have more important things in my life, and that's assuming i don't enjoy debates and arguments and what not. Which i personally do, writing these things out isn't a chore for me Do you enjoy telling me I have a life? I'll gladly wear the title of "disgusting" if it brings about any change. And I utterly despise the notion of people not being able to change, fault me as you may, i am gonna point out if people are in the wrong, because otherwise they can't improve. and plus, clearly there's people still in your community that don't see these decisions as "fitting". Are you going to ignore them? Note, this was made by Frances, who wants to do the server better. Unless you actually want to address her and not bitch at me, do you think you wouldn't do better then walk away?
because this is about how staff dealt with this rather then Cassy being in any way relevant to the conversation. If you just intend to persist in shoving this under the rug, might i suggest you walk away from the argument? There's such a disturbing amount of you people that just want to end this prematurely and let the problem fester, you, thundy, Jakers, Delta, Tenenza, yada yada yada... can we maybe stop with the "guise pls nu figt". It's only gonna cover this in useless posts burying the actual discussion taking place. You've made your point, I get it, thanks a bunch might as well ban someone for being from Croatia and then when they don't want to come back pull out the "well, them not comin' back means we ain't gotta fix anything" and move on, like, seriously, problems should maybe be adressed
"yea, it's not political correctnes, she's just a drama causing bitch, because i interpret those posts differently then you do and she shouldn't have said that because i'm offended" Doomberg, that's literally political correctness, i'm gonna go sleep now, i think you could really use some too.
well, guesss its that time to say my goodbyes too. Don't plan on sticking around here to see myself become the next Cassy. Hell, Aurara's been kinda tough to bear lately anyway, guess i'll go with Scopes's recommendation and get away from here. Guess this ended pretty spectacularly, to be honest. Least that much and, Doom, weren't you tired? i sure am. Aurora can choke on it's own lesbians and whispers in the back ends of the station for all i care now. And yes, sure hope driving away a bunch of players alongside Cassy was worth it in the end, It's almost like there is a large portion of people agreeing with Cassy or something. Hell, i'm sure that we were in fact toxic, best of luck. I don't think we'll be on that "ever so growing" list of your problems for much longer, Doom, it's only gonna get better from here on out. After this thread's in the ground, at least. Hope Frances can shape Aurora into something alright, it's a fucking hard task, and hell if i could pull it off, but best of luck regardless! uh...what else...guess i'll miss Conspire, he was fun to be around. Past that maybe Xander's Emma Godswood, just managed to finallyget some pretty ok RP going too. yea, bye
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