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About FrozenDahliaRose

  • Birthday 26/01/2001

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  1. Not sure if this thread is still in the 'people are free to bring up points in the discussion' phase, but working off of this point, I'd like to bring up an aspect I haven't seen mentioned here yet (at least I don't think it was mentioned), that being untagged shells. But particularly with the removal of nanopaste, I think it's important that it, or something similar (that being a way for IPCs to repair damage to themselves without a machinist), stays specifically because without it, playing as an untagged shell goes from playing on hard mode to downright impossible. I recently made and have started playing as an untagged shell, and from my experiences so far, a lot of the damage mechanics on the server makes playing this niche extremely difficult. Particularly the fact that wounds show up on the body (through clothes even) and for an IPC, those wounds are black rather than red. For a character that's essentially breaking the law by existing, that's probably a good thing. It keeps it as a very conscious choice that requires a lot of mindfulness when playing the character. But, since IPCs can't repair themselves with a welder and wires like a machinist can, and a trip to the machinist will immediately out them, an untagged shell's only option is nanopaste. Removing nanopaste would make playing an untagged shell nearly impossible, or at the very least, extremely unenjoyable to play, even for those that do enjoy the existing challenge such a character poses.
  2. Thank you very much for your time in reading my application, and also for your questions which definitely got me thinking! After giving it some thought and giving the lore another once-over for good measure, here are the requested additions: 1. Uuqoia follows Qeblak, their belief in which was instilled in them at a young age by their Qrri'Myaq. 2. Uuqoia's Quya, while worried for Uuqoia and how they would fare among humans, were generally supportive of their decision and believed it to be the best way for Uuqoia to engage with their interest in humanity. One of their two Qu'Poxii even suggested the idea of pursuing a transfer of contract through the Work Initiative Programme as a more official way of living and working within human space while still maintaining some connection to the Federation. Their other Qu'Poxii, the more cautious of the two, was honest with Uuqoia about their worries, but offered their support in exchange for Uuqoia's reassurance that they would keep in-touch and keep them updated when possible. 3. Uuqoia is most closely aligned with the Symbiosis ideology and is abundantly supportive of the exchange of knowledge and ideas between cultures (especially human cultures). This belief has resulted in Uuqoia aligning themself with the United Federation Party. 4. Uuqoia's favorite constellation is the Poet, as they believe it most closely aligns with who they are. 5. While Uuqoia is by no means an expert on Vaurca or Diona, they view both species with moderate intrigue and believes their presence are beneficial for the Federation as a means of gaining more knowledge of the Spur as a whole, especially from such a close perspective. Both of their Qu'Poxii view the species in a more cautious light, however, which Uuqoia finds somewhat confusing -- unsure why others may not share their sense of wonder and curiosity. 6. Uuqoia has an odd perspective on humanity's reliance on synthetics which comes from their study of human culture. While they know humans' curious and impulsive tendencies (as a result of their short lifespans) often get them into trouble, they also know humans to be incredibly resilient and often think outside-the-box, so to speak. Overall, they worry for humanity, but they're also hopeful that humans won't repeat Skrellkind's mistakes in regard to synthetics. 7. Uuqoia's Social Credit Score is 6.97. 8.
  3. BYOND Ckey: FrozenDahliaRose Discord username: Frozendahliarose Character names: Narcisse Juno Janvier Lavoie Yvonne Durand Lucien Species you are applying to play: Skrell ------------------------------ General Whitelist Requirements What color do you plan on making your first alien character?: Purple Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes Why do you wish to play this species? I want to play a Skrell because as I’ve been playing and interacting with Skrell characters, I’ve found their culture, their behavior, and the different ways Skrell can be to be very interesting and very cool! The more I’ve read of their lore, the more interested in playing a Skrell I’ve become, as everything about them is so incredibly in-depth and utterly different from any other origin I’ve made characters for. What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human? Skrell are so entirely different from humans, it’d be easier to list what is similar between them. However, for the sake of the application, some of the major differences from humans include the age range of Skrell and how this impacts their culture and worldviews, as well as the impact of Glorsh-Omega on their society. Skrell live to be up to five times as old as a human can live to, and this impacts how they view current events around the Spur. This can often make them seem detached, or even uncaring to the plights of shorter-lived species, even if unknowingly because to them, such fleeting problems have no substantial impact on the greater picture. Meanwhile, the impacts of Glorsh-Omega on Skrell society are so greatly entrenched in most if not all Skrell’s worldview/psyche and this causes them to greatly differ from humans with their views on synthetics. While most human societies rely on a synthetic workforce, Skrell have had to pick up the pieces of society after (what they now see as) the natural consequences of reliance on synthetics, hating them as a result. ------------------------------ Character Application Character Name: Uuqoia Zuuiru Write a backstory for your character. Uuqoia hatched in 2384 on Qerr’Malic. A Xiiori and receiver, their parents were another Xiiori and a Xiialt. From birth, Uuqoia held a strong fascination for humanity, collecting any bits of information they could on the subject, and reciting that information back to anyone who would listen. Upon graduation from Uyi’vesi in 2464, Uuqoia was eager to enter the workforce. Uuqoia’s interest in humanity only increased during this time, and having joined with Tuz’qlip Researchers after graduating, they requested to take part in the Work Initiative Programme. Entering the workforce of human space under Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, they began work as a Xenoarchaeologist in early 2465. Uuqoia initially worked within Solarian space, however around the Spring of 2466, Uuqoia was transferred to the SCCV Horizon by Zeng-Hu to continue their work on a wider scale. Uuqoia is a very friendly and easily-excitable individual, with a deep-seated interest in humanity and human culture. They are generally very loyal to the Federation, even if the Federation works in strange ways that they don’t quite understand, they understand that the Federation surely has Skrell-kind’s best interests in mind. Though Uuqoia was raised to distrust, fear, and even despise Synthetic life, Uuqoia’s lack of experience with synthetics have left them without any strong feelings of hatred towards IPCs,and instead they hold a cautious curiosity for them. After all, humans seem to like them quite a bit! Overall, Uuqoia is incredibly loyal to the Federation, and holds a strong sense of curiosity and wonder for most things in their life, including their practice of Qeblak as well as their work and their interests. How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Having started work in the Sol Alliance in 2464, in the aftermath of the Sollarian Collapse as a result of the Phoron crisis, Uuqoia has begun to see things they hadn’t experienced before, though still from an outsider’s perspective. Such things include wealth disparity and crisis among humans. While these events have garnered sympathy from Uuqoia, nothing they’ve experienced so far has shaken them quite like hearing about the crisis on Konyang. Having been raised to believe a new era of oppression by synthetics could be just around the corner, hearing about such a crisis created a severe sense of unease for Uuqoia. How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? Uuqoia views Zeng-Hu in an incredibly positive light, both due to the collaboration between the corporation and Tuz’qlip Researchers and also due to Zeng-Hu giving them the opportunity to work among humans and experience more of humanity and their culture. Uuqoia is more than eager to continue their work in order to benefit Zeng-Hu as well as scientific discovery as a whole. They are, however curious, confused and even a bit concerned as to why Zeng-Hu seemingly lends its support to both the Nralakk Federation itself and the Resistance that undermines it.
  4. Hello! No worries at all, and I'm sorry for the delay in the responses! I wanted to take a bit to really think about the questions being asked. 1. I think that I can bring an amount of attention to detail to the table that's really unique. Particularly, I dedicate a lot of focus to thinking about how one area may interact with other areas, since these places within the Spur don't exist within vacuums. The lore of Sol, for example, is informed not only by itself but its interactions with, say, Biesel, or the Coalition, and so on. Furthermore, I would also bring experience from the point of view of someone who’s thought a lot about different characters from different corners of the Spur, and can easily put myself in the shoes of someone approaching the lore with the goal of making a character. 2. The thing I liked most about the past arcs are how far-reaching and long-lasting its effects are, especially on the characters. My goal in working on an arc would be to think about how the events could potentially impact characters involved, whether directly, or even distantly. Interesting characters change and grow in response to their environment, and a lore arc can make for an amazing vehicle for the type of change necessary for interesting growth. 3. Some planets that I believe need more attention in particular are Jewel Worlds of Sol in regards to their culture, though there are certainly other planets as well. On these pages, there's a lot of focus placed on history, and while I think that's certainly important, there's not as much given towards information on how someone from these places would behave, interact, live, etc. As an example, while Mars has a very rich history and Violet Dawn is given loads of detail, there's not much on how Martians really lived before Violet Dawn. What foods are stereotypically Martian, what type of music people listened to, popular activities, etc. While that level of detail isn't fully necessary, a bit more of a sense of how your Martian character would've grown up, even if they were off-world for Violet Dawn, would make a huge difference. In making additions to the planets, I would take a look at what we already have available, particularly with the mindset of someone making a character from that location, and adding information to help fill in the blanks.
  5. Hello! 1) I think my biggest flaw currently would be that this would be my first time being involved with the lore team and I don't have as much experience with the formatting, process, etc., though I have not doubts that I would be able to learn fairly quickly! 2) I think my best attributes that would help me reach compromises would be both my experience in problem solving, which means I'm always going to be looking for ways to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone, and my ability to cooperate and work well with others! I know that when it comes to working with a team, there will be a lot of different opinions and perspectives that will be brought to the table, and so not everything will necessarily go the way I personally would think to do it, and being able to readily accept that and move forwards, I think, is one of my best attributes when working with a team. 3) I think one of the subjects I would be the most nervous about handling with public reaction in mind would probably be Dominia. Dominian lore and Dominia as a whole, I've noticed, is incredibly polarizing and most people have very strong opinions about it one way or the other. Personally, however, I really enjoy Dominia, and so I would probably handle approaching it with a great degree of thought and care, and make sure to take into consideration all facets of Dominian lore to make sure that I'm doing it justice to all sides. 4) While I don't think there's too much to human lore, I think it's quite expansive in terms of how much there is overall. That being said... I think it's very lacking in some key areas in terms of substance. A lot of planets definitely need a lot more attention, lore-wise. So rather than expanding, I think it would be better to take a look at what we have and add to that. 5) Personally, I enjoy both articles and in-game events and while I personally prefer in-game events, I don't necessarily think one is better than the other. I think both serve their own unique purposes, with in-game events being a good choice for what's going on in the Horizon's immediate surroundings, and articles being good for keeping the characters (and players) up to date with what's going on in the rest of the Spur.
  6. 1. I really like where the crossovers between human lore and non-human lore is right now, though if I had the opportunity to suggest any additions, it'd probably be to give a bit more attention to the Tajara community that had once lived in Sol and were displaced from their homes. Tajara that had lived or even were born in Sol certainly would've had some lasting impacts from having lived there. Even if they're not welcome in Sol now, they once were, and it'd make sense for that identity to be represented. Other than that, I think the strengths would be how well it makes the Spur feel like a whole community of multiple species trying to live in this space together rather than just boxing each species in their own separate spaces. This mainly comes from how well these species are integrated into the areas they share with humans. As for weaknesses, I think that there is a bit of a lack of information on how these diaspora communities interact with their worlds of origins and the communities there that could be more expanded on. 2. More of my ideas for Sol have to do with expanding what has already happened (or well, really more to do with culture a la the expansion to Dominia), but as for events going forwards, I would definitely aim for something to do with Elyra (maybe concerning NCPs or conflicts with Dominia outside of skirmishes with the Goddess's Flotilla) or possibly even something with Dominia, whether it's an internal conflict or a conflict with Elyra as mentioned previously or even the Coalition. There is definitely a lot of internal tension as far as Elyra goes, and the idea of Dominia as an expanding threat could both be utilized well. 3. I think Off-worlders are at a good place at the current moment. I don't really see the need to cut them down and I think they make for an interesting sub-group of humans. If anything, an expansion on the Off-world NCPs in Elyra or the refugees in Biesel and the specific challenges they may face being at the crossroads of both a displaced people and also Off-worlders in an environment literally not built for them could be a good addition.
  7. Ckey/BYOND Username: FrozenDahliaRose Position Being Applied For: Deputy Lore developer Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page? Yes! Past Experiences/Knowledge: This would be my first experience with writing for a lore team, but I believe that I can make for a great addition! Examples of Past Work: None so far 1. Why are you applying for this position and why do you believe you would make a good Human Lore Deputy? I’m applying for this position to get more involved with the community, especially in regards to the server’s lore, and also because Aurora’s human lore is something that interests me greatly and I would love the chance to be a part of that process. I believe that I would make a good Human Lore Deputy because I often pay a great amount of attention to detail and, when making my characters, I’m always very thorough with their backstories, trying my best to keep everything in line with the lore (though I often find myself having to ask questions to fill in the blanks - which I also make sure to do to ensure my characters fit in nicely). 2. What is your favorite part of Human Lore and why? What is your least favorite? (Note: If you submitted something that was canonized and is now part of human lore, you may not select your own canonized submission as your favorite or least favorite part of the lore.) I couldn’t decide on one over the other, so my two favorite aspects of Human Lore are Mars, especially in regards to Violet Dawn and its lasting effects on Martians throughout the Spur, and Dominia and Dominian culture (with the Lyod being especially interesting to me). My least favorite part of human lore would have to be the empty spaces in areas of the lore, especially with Sol. It can be hard to create a character from a few paragraphs, and especially when a lore page gives very little in the way of culture. 3. What are three projects (medium to large sized additions, reworks, or arcs) you would like to do or help organize if made Human Lore deputy? (NEW PLANETS OR FACTIONS ARE PROHIBITED FROM ADDITION AT THIS PRESENT TIME. DO NOT INCLUDE THEM IN YOUR ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION.) One project I would love to work on if possible would be a rework of the lore of Solarian planets, particularly the Jewel Worlds. Rather than changing anything that currently exists, I would like to expand on some elements of the lore that’s lacking, and fill in some of the aforementioned blank spaces. Another project would be to expand on relationships between different areas of Human lore, and expand more on how different nations, or different planets would interact with each other. There’s already quite a bit of this in some aspects, such as Elyra and Dominia, or Gadpathur and all of Sol, but I would also like to take a deeper dive into how relations between Solarian planets look, or how different planets in the Coalition feel about each other outside of what currently exists. Another project I’d like to work on, though it’s a lower priority in my mind, would be to expand on the other planets in the Eridani Federation aside from Eridani I. It could give a better sense on what’s available both to native Eridanians that live on the planet, but also visitors, or those training with an EPMC. 4. What do you believe are the current strengths and weaknesses of human lore? Why? What would you do to improve upon the weaknesses? In my opinion, the greatest strength of human lore is its sheer variety. There are so many cool and interesting places with different cultures, histories, and more to choose from when creating a character. The greatest weakness of human lore, in my opinion, is the lack of substance in some areas. Like I’ve mentioned above, while creating a character, running into holes where there’s nothing written can be a little frustrating when trying to really flesh out a character. As an example, if I wanted to talk about my Martian character’s favorite foods, or activities, I’d really have nothing to go off of, and would just have to make something up. Which isn’t a bad thing necessarily, but it can leave a feeling of incompleteness to the character. 5. What are your thoughts on the past arcs that have been organized by the human lore team? I’m really fond of the past arcs from the human lore team. Unsurprisingly, my favorite would have to be the King of the World arc, just for the sheer ramifications it’s had on human space as a whole, with lingering effects seen even nearly three years later. The arcs really give a sense that this world isn’t just isolated to a station, or to a ship, and that there’s a whole world out there, experiencing life at the same time as your characters. It’s a great way to better immerse players into the world. 6. What is an idea for a future arc that you would like to have a part in writing and organizing in the future? (Note: If you provided an arc or arcs as part of your answer for question 3, you may expand on the ideas for that arc or arcs here, or you may provide another idea.) While I don’t currently have any specific ideas in regards to a storyline, I think a future arc that could be interesting would be to have something happen with Dominia and the larger Spur. While there’s a lot going on within Dominia, there’s not much of a reaction from other nations in the Spur, except for maybe Elyra. With how much the actions of Sol, or Biesel, or the Coalition have on human space, it would be interesting to see something in Dominia happen that affects not only Dominians, but other humans in the rest of the Spur as well. 7. Have you ever been subject to any strikes or bans of any kind from Aurora's moderators or admins? If so, how long ago were these actions and what were they for? I have not!
  8. BYOND Key: FrozenDahliaRose Character Names: Narcisse Juno, Vitaliya Lebedeva, Cato Volvalaad, Darya Kovalev Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Xakt Unbound (RGB: 91, 31, 0) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: From the interactions I’ve had with current Vaurca characters, I gained an interest in Vaurca as a whole, as well as their history and their culture/society. This interest only grew as I read further into the lore pages on the wiki. The tragedy surrounding the ultimate fate of their homeworld, as well as the trials and tribulations the species as a whole have faced and also the wide variety of backgrounds due to the differences in each hive (and even more so under each lesser Queen) all have given me a great deal of inspiration in making a Vaurca character. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Vaurca are incredibly different from humans in nearly every aspect. First and foremost is their biology, particularly their reliance on phoron and k’ois to live, two things that are otherwise toxic to other species. Playing a Vaurca means taking these differences into account both during general gameplay, but also in how the character would take these differences into account while having to navigate life in spaces that weren’t built with their physiology in mind. Furthermore, Vaurca, as a hive-structured species, behave entirely differently from humans. Whereas human culture often encourages independence and one’s “purpose” is generally one’s own to discover, Vaurca are made with a specific purpose in mind, and a loyalty to their hive/queen that is practically second nature to them. Vaurca also endure a great deal of discrimination that many other species (especially humans) wouldn’t have to deal with. Character Name: Ka’Akaix’Niyx Zo’ra Please provide a short backstory for this character: Ka’Akaix’Niyx Zo’ra, part of Lesser Queen Xakt’yagz’isk’s brood, was created to further studies into the nature of death and decay, as well as the preservation of organic material. They lived and worked among human and other Vaurca scientists in a settlement near the southern pole of Luthien. One human scientist in particular, a female Xenobotanist named Ava, gained Niyx’s respect and later admiration due to her dedication to her studies and the efficiency of her work. The two developed a close bond after working together for around three years. Unfortunately, due to an incident where k’ois spores were released by the careless mistake of a Lab Assistant, Ava contracted and succumbed to mycosis, passing away before they could fully be removed. Ava’s passing had a profound effect on Niyx, especially with the knowledge that a human’s consciousness could not be preserved in the same way Vaurca’s could, and thus Ava was gone forever. Confronted with a sort of grief they had never felt before, Niyx retreated into Virtual Reality, particularly in the subrealm Resurrection where they spent around five years. During this time, Niyx developed an intense fixation on death, decay, and the potential for organic preservation, not only among Vaurca, but in other species as well. After emerging from Virtual Reality, Niyx was sent to work for NanoTrasen on the SCCV Horizon as a Xenobiologist. What do you like about this character? What I like most about Niyx is their devotion to discovery and their fixation particularly on the topic of life and death. Especially how this fixation on a topic usually deemed by other species to be incredibly creepy will impact how others see/interact with Niyx. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I believe I roleplay well enough, and I’ve been told that my roleplaying is enjoyable, though I also acknowledge that I still have the potential to learn more and further improve my abilities. (As for a number rating, I’d probably give it around 8-8.5/10) Notes: In regards to religion, Niyx maintains belief in the Modern Hive Pantheon. In addition to this, though they acknowledge the poor likelihood of it, they hold a sliver of hope that humans’ ideas of life after death has some merit to it, and that Ava may still exist somewhere, even if they never reunite.
  9. Thank you so much for your feedback! I can definitely see the problem in the wording here, so I've made an edit (highlighted in bold) to fix that! Hopefully that works to fix the problem!
  10. Thank you so much for your feedback! With your questions in mind, I've made some edits (which I highlighted in bold) that hopefully better explains those aspects of their backstory!
  11. BYOND Key: FrozenDahliaRose Character Names: Narcisse Juno, Vitaliya Lebedeva, Jovna Amlliq, Janvier Lavoie Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character: M’sai - Ivory (#cdcdc0) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes! I have read extensively and have taken notes! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Tajara have an incredibly interesting history and culture, and there is so much potential for a wide variety of unique and interesting characters. The lore itself is incredibly detailed, with multiple factions on Adhomai itself as well as Tajaran communities outside of Tajara space that also have their own history and culture. Even down to the food, the religions, the music and the fashion. The culture is so in-depth and amazingly detailed. Even playing as a human interacting with Tajara, I have seen so many different characters but they are all so fascinating to talk to and get to know. It’s so interesting to me and I would love the opportunity to explore and create my own take on a Tajaran character, based on the lore available. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: As an alien species with an entire culture and history that developed both separately from and later influenced by humans, Tajara have a way of life that is incredibly different, but not so different that a human couldn’t relate to them. Their traditions and cultures are highly informed by the world they inhabit and their history. And also as an alien species, their physiology is different from humans as well; The biggest difference (aside from appearances) being their sleep-wake cycle, but even their calendars differ from humans’. A lot of their behaviors come from their history, their cultures, their traditions and their values by way of simply not being human. Meanwhile, in human-dominant spaces, playing a Tajara is different in having to navigate the prejudice that comes with being a Tajara in human space. Character Name: Darya Kovalev Please provide a short backstory for this character Darya was born to M’Sai parents in Crevus in 2447. Their parents were devout S’rand’marr worshipers, and as such, Darya grew up in a community that was similarly devout. Their father had served in the Adhomai Liberation Army during the Second Revolution, and this, combined with the chaos he had grown up surrounded by during the First Revolution, gave their father a conservative outlook, focused on keeping his family and traditions safe. Meanwhile, their mother was a Child of the Parivara who had, at one point, intended to become a member of the clergy, but instead decided to marry and start a family after having met and fallen in love with Darya’s father. The oldest of five, Darya felt trapped by the expectations put on them by their parents, both in terms of education and religion, but also to take up the role of a third parent to their younger siblings. These expectations, combined with feelings of confusion and shame as they started to question their identity and even their sexuality, led to Darya feeling a great deal of pressure for most of their teenage years. As a result of this constant pressure, Darya began to rebel, at first in little ways that would often result in lectures from their father or concerned talks from their mother. However, as time went on, Darya found that they could no longer alleviate that pressure with small acts of defiance, and eventually, their dissatisfaction with their life became too much for them to put aside. Darya left home upon becoming an adult, moving to another part of the city, away from the community they grew up in. Darya found themself working as a barista, and later a bartender, for Idris and living in a small apartment with not much else to their name. Naive and lacking experience with any part of the city outside of the community they grew up with, Darya soon found themself welcomed into a group of young Tajara that noticed her plight. Raskariim, they called themselves, worshipers of Raskara. Having grown up as a worshiper of S’rand’marr like their parents, Darya had always believed in Raskara, but was taught that he was an evil being. Upon further interaction with the --seemingly friendly-- group, Darya began to believe that he perhaps wasn’t evil like they were taught, simply misunderstood, like them. Darya quickly embraced the group and became a follower of the cult and in exchange, they were introduced to an entire world outside of what they’d known before. New music, new fashion, new culture that they’d previously only known from the warnings their parents would give. And above all that, the freedom to explore their identity. Darya would continue to work at their bartending job with Idris by day, but during the night they would party with their new friends at various clubs, though The Lock was their favorite. After one too many experiences with gangs and law enforcement, Darya decided to take up the offer by Idris to transfer off-world, hoping for freedom away from the persecution of Raskariim, but also for the freedom to fully explore their identity, something that would be much more possible in human space. What do you like about this character? What I like about Darya is the juxtaposition of their place in the world before they left their community and after. In the community they grew up in, they were a rebel and considered somewhat troublesome. However, upon moving out of that tight-knit, religious neighborhood, they have become the odd one out in a different sense, naive and even gullible when compared to those around them, especially the Raskariim “friends” they made. Also, their personal journey with their identity is something I relate to in my own life. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I would consider myself pretty good at roleplaying, and I have been told I have a way with my characters that makes them enjoyable to interact with. That being said, I am always open to learning how I can improve and become a better role-player. Notes: While not an avid supporter like their father, Darya has a positive opinion of the DPRA. Meanwhile, they hold a negative opinion towards both the NKA, but especially towards the PRA, as it was mainly them who their father fought in the Second Revolution. However, their 'Live and Let Live' attitude and their willingness to give everyone or everything (up to and including a malevolent deity) a chance means that they are incredibly unlikely to cause problems or act on these opinions.
  12. BYOND key: FrozenDahliaRose Discord Username: cherrypoison#0 (previously frozendahliarose#9411 before the discord update) Character names: Narcisse Juno Jovna Amlliq Janvier Lavoie Kyriake Antonelli Elijah Lovelace Evdokiya Iliev How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Since mid-2019. After a lapse in playing, I have been playing regularly since early April. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?: I have not received any administrative actions thus far Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: I believe that the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff in-game is to ensure that everything within the Head of Staff’s designated department (or the whole ship in the case of the Captain) is running smoothly. Heads of Staff are meant to be the first step to resolving issues before the issues are taken OOC. If there is a problem between two characters ICly, for example, a Head of Staff is there to attempt to fix the problem in an IC way. They can also serve as guides for the rest of their department, being able to address a wide variety of issues that may arise during any given round. Finally, Heads of Staff are important in communication between departments to not only ensure their own departments are functioning properly, but to keep other departments and their corresponding Heads of Staff up-to-date on any situations that they may not yet be aware of. This directly corresponds to the OOC experience, as communication between departments can keep players outside the department in question aware of what’s going on during a round, and thus keeping them out of the dark. This is incredibly important for the enjoyment of players as they aren’t left in the dark for half of a round. For example, a Research Director communicating an issue in science to an Executive Officer, and the Executive Officer, in turn, keeping service up to date on the situation. This allows players to get some idea of what’s going on around the ship if their job confines them to one area of the ship. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? The OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players to other players are mainly to facilitate an enjoyable rp experience. They have a responsibility to ensure other players remain immersed in the round and that things run smoothly and as expected. Whitelisted command players also have a responsibility to new players as a guide and teacher for the learner roles within their department. Finally, a Whitelisted player has a responsibility to provide a character that is both competent at a variety of responsibilities corresponding to their departments and also believable as a person, and not just a walking, talking wiki guide. I would strive to uphold these responsibilities by putting my best efforts towards presenting a character who is both knowledgeable in the field as well as personable and approachable, even to new players/crew. I would also listen to any feedback given to ensure that I can always be improving both my roleplaying abilities as well as the rp experiences of those whom I'm interacting with. Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon: What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? I plan on playing as a Research Director and eventually as Executive Officer once I get more experience playing Bridge Crew Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes, I have read through and taken notes on the pages for both Executive Officer and Research Director, as well as the attached guides and the general Command pages (including the one on the Chain of Command). Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Hector Gehrig - Research Director Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? I do understand, and I will ensure that I continue to behave and rp in a way that is expected of me, especially with the expectations that having a command whitelist entails. Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? I believe so, though I’m not sure how to check. I clicked the link bringing me to the login page (the one on the post for the application format) and it keeps directing me to a server error. Extra notes:
  13. Thank you for you input! I've expanded on her backstory with the topics you suggested. Please let me know if anything else needs to be added or expanded on!
  14. BYOND Key: FrozenDahliaRose Character Names: Narcisse Juno, Jovna Amlliq, Kyriake Antonelli Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Albino (Specifically the "Bleached Bone" color) Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Alongside what I’ve gathered from interacting with Unathi characters, I spent a while reading through the lore to ensure that my character adheres to the expectations of an Unathi character. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: As I’ve been playing and interacting with Unathi characters in-game, especially while playing as Narcisse, what I’ve learned and the characters I’ve encountered has drawn me to learning more about Unathi lore and has gotten me very interested in playing my own Unathi character. In particular, the Unathi code of honor and how pervasive gender roles are to both the career prospects of a character as well as society in general are both very intriguing to me. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Unathi are seemingly much more bound to traditions and societal expectations than most humans. They stress loyalty to one’s clan, to one’s religion, and to one’s family. They also have much different biology than humans which has to be taken into account when playing a character. Even their use of language is different, with unique terminology and slang based around their culture as well as their own bodies/biology and how that differs from humans or other species. Unathi society places heavy emphasis on clans and gender roles which influences the behavior of the individual Unathi on a level that’s much more ingrained than humans, and this has to be shown in an Unathi character through their interactions with other Unathi, as well as characters of other species. Character Name: Yzteka Guwan Please provide a short backstory for this character: Yzteka was born in 2440 in one of the tent cities surrounding Camp Integrity. Yzteka’s parents were an older couple who had already had two sons before her. Her brothers were much older, and the gap effectively kept the two distant from their younger sister. Oftentimes, the boys would leave Yzteka behind to entertain herself with whatever she could find. This usually meant that she would have to play with rocks and stones and, if she were lucky, she would enjoy the company of other hatchlings her age… at least, until their parents pulled them away. An albino, Yzteka was seen as an omen of misfortune by her highly religious and traditional-minded Th’akh parents. Growing up, Yzteka was made to believe that her birth, as well as her very existence was a curse on the family. Her mother would often have Yzteka join her in ritual prayer to ask the spirits for forgiveness in whatever they had done to anger them. As a hatchling, her mischievous and playful nature seemed to confirm to her parents that Yzteka was more trouble than she was worth and as she became more rowdy in her early teenage years, she was very abruptly abandoned. Yzteka wandered the city for a while, mostly living off of scraps and the pity of others. However, as food was already a major concern to most families, the idea of another mouth to feed wasn’t something that was willing to be entertained. Around the age of 14, Yzteka left the city. Less than a week out from when she left, close to death out in the Wastelands, a Reclaimer clan heading to the Vihnmes took pity on her, taking her in and saving her life. The clan welcomed Yzteka as another set of hands to help out. While living with the clan, Yzteka often assisted the other women with cooking and other basic yet necessary chores that kept everything running smoothly. She was especially close with the clan leader’s wife, an older woman who treated Yzteka like she was another of her daughters. She helped Yzteka learn the skills typical of Unathi women, as Yzteka was denied the chance to learn from her own mother. Despite her efforts, Yzteka believed she could always be doing more to help out the clan. She eventually married a young man from the clan at the age of 16 in the hopes of being able to better contribute to the clan and repay them for their kindness in saving her. Within a few years, Yzteka was still without children, drawing the anger of her husband, who gradually began to mistreat her. At the age of 23, sick of her mistreatment, Yzteka confronted her husband. An intense argument ensued and Yzteka ended up killing her husband after he began to attack her. Horrified at what she’d done, she begged and pleaded with the Clan leader for forgiveness. Her pleas failed to reach him and instead, he petitioned an imperial court to have her exiled. The court overwhelmingly sided with the Clan leader and Yzteka was exiled and marked as ‘Guwan’. For around half a year, Yzteka wandered from city to city, but found she was unable to stay anywhere for very long. As Yzteka drifted from place to place, she found herself turning to religion once again. Shaking and tearful, she asked the spirits what she did in a past life to deserve their anger and pleaded with them to be allowed a chance to appease them. The next morning, she arrived at a city where a she was offered work in service by NanoTrasen, which she desperately accepted. What do you like about this character? What I like about Yzteka is her ability to survive and eventually overcome adversity despite what the universe has decided to throw at her. Her status as ‘Guwan’ was not a mistake, and was earned through her actions, but also prompts the question of ‘What would or could you have done if you were in her place?’. She is not overtly rebellious and wants nothing more than to have a peaceful, average life for an Unathi woman, though the opportunity was never really available to her. She still, however, aspires to return to that feeling of belonging somewhere, which gives her motivation to persist in spite of everything that has befallen her. On a less character-driven note, I also love the idea of a Wild West-style Unathi lady. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I believe that my role-playing ability has improved significantly from when I played on the server in 2019. I especially believe that my ability to flesh out a character both through their background as well as their interactions with other characters has improved greatly. While I’m still open to learning more and improving even further, I am confident that I’m at a good place as far as my role-playing ability is concerned. If I had to give a number rating, I'd say maybe somewhere between 7.5-8.5/10 Notes: Yzteka considers herself Th’akh, but has a very complex relationship to the religion after her very early experiences growing up in a stricter, traditionalist household.
  15. I must thank you again. Because of your help, I really think I've been able to recreate my application into something much better and much more promising!
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