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About FireNightPower

  • Birthday July 16

Personal Information

  • Interests
    Bowling, headbands, logistical minecraft railway construction, Entomology, thunderdome dueling, 800 psi launch across the room whoopee cushions, sex, drugs, roll, roll, 2005-era planned parenthood, fuzzed dice, red hydraulic fluid, pink diesel fuel, legs coming out of bubble bath tubs, watermelon shampoo, 1998 naval weapon systems, invisible ink, the british musical icon derpam derpan, chainsaw insanity, knock you on your asshole flat hilarity, and Ryan Seacrest
  • Occupation
    Stunt Double, 2019-Present

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Station Engineer

Station Engineer (8/37)

  1. BYOND Key: FireNightPower Staff BYOND Key: All; locally peppermint96 Game ID: N/A Reason for complaint: Even if I've gone to war, even if I reach the age of 30 from 14, even if I've assisted notable members of the community -- What am I to know of what's 'too many', who could I ever talk to if I'm not ever given a chance to even ask a question, and none of you want to talk with me. Why do you have to incorporate a profile over me, and why is a record forced to be rent free even if it's been a year, 2, 3, 10ths or 100ths of a fraction of my life. I make mistakes, I'm critical of forms of your administration, yet I want to improve. I am not a disease, and your server is not heaven by any means. Why do I have to traverse my way up to cloud 9 and to forget about the server even existing for me to be granted any flaking graft of value. Evidence/logs/etc: Additional Remarks: Give a more proper reason for why I'm a lifelong undesirable. 7 people calling me a retard otherwise to their own sickly exchanges of livelihood that they take as a pedestal of welfare pride is not reason enough for my deletion over a winkling of social friction that occurs 0.6445 times out of each set of 365 days. This is reason enough for me to form up some kind of complaint as to the extreme contrast from the nature of my appeal. This is ridiculous. On average, my actions were not that ridiculous or corrosive to the scale of the entire community and server. I did not harm anyone, and I did not foul the atmosphere to the scale of what you'd call 'chucklefucking'. There's far too much of a ratio of distrust that keeps on being reinforced in comparison of others, I am/have not ever been on your server to destroy or befuddle it. I read the lore, I help if asked, I do not desire to halt the flow of order, and I've just needed time to understand the game. I don't know what's expected, and I do not know what's seen. Grant me that.
  2. BYOND Key: FireNightPower Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Peppermint Reason of Ban: Grief (End-Of-Round; EORG) Reason for Appeal: Considering that the prior claim to my prior appeal, and mental liaison (the clone of myself to be solidified in an attempt at representing my real self with a statistical probability of not holding a capable defense due to an assumption of maintaining proper evidence of a credible lesson), to be designated as a 'never-ever-will-you-be-again-clever', in that I will not be granted the same function as anyone else in being able to wipe my sorry hubba-bubba clad ass off of the prerogative of the demographic stone of the turn-tail administration -- You have to understand that between the actions that I have ever exemplified in conjunction to the status of ruling, that I present an outlier between the ability to desire correspondence and improvement between years of sexual development (puberty) on the 7 year chronology of me existing in some way within the server. As a free, acting, breathing, see-as-movement-of-sea, soothing. and greeting individual stood as a marble of an orbiting countercision of the light, the warm, the dark, the cold, the round, the eye; I request a testimony by rule of law, as I guarantee with the public interest stood against the practical, clear, and colloquial representatives stood high among a form of a 'Divine of Kings', that there ought to be some form of association to the history and error of previous malfunction, that downscales to the rate of my development in youth that simultaneously chooses to not adhere to the permanent deaths and gunfire of a schismatic federal moderation team that takes no chance in the jacket of my context. I'm speaking in analogies, you shouldn't consider that to be my clear lipped defense, but I don't believe it's fair to choose to oust my appeals for all time to come for calling an admin a 'cracker', exploring your server with plenty of a possibility for curiosity, abusing the already sensitive and lethal aspects of the game, and finding satire in overlapping oblivious stereotypes and phenotypical symmetry that can be assumed in the background of the game, and the active audience among real world dividends of incorporated sums of public interest. I make this appeal as the terminal of my mind produces limitlessly elliptical airfields for the controlled interface of ballistic, neurotransmissive telemetry. If my mind does not exist outside of my body, and is already contained in increments of fold laid inconceivable, then how can you tell me that I'm liable by prediction. I request a jury, or a jury of your mind to come to terms with giving me a chance. Willy Whirlow, in some fragment of the elementary data cell, in the metaphase layers of the Tau Ceti, and in the timeline of his recordance in a movement by tile, click, and command -- He traces the concrete of your station's solar circadian rhythm, as the ulterior artery of the halls as the unseen sight of cloud and sky.
  3. I've seen things, so many things you all wouldn't believe. Second-hand sounds, future sounds, synthesized dialogues, incomprehensible softwares, forever currency, nylon oxygen, polyester landscapes, ashes to concrete, atomic 3D vacuum printers, and procedural soda mix dispensers for chemical warheads. But other than that it has been an absolutely beautiful evening on this day of April 20th, 2022 in the realm of our truly almighty kingdom of the forever chromatic floor to ceiling insane-aquarium that peaks beyond the range of color and to the source of our fruity father. I cannot solemnly wait to breathe when the sun shines all the nearer.
  4. I'd like to keep it as a form of a constant archive to continue to measure my character so I can perhaps gain some credit in a very long haul, or, ermhaps not, but I do plan to at least try and have some method of exchange and zip-zerp sardine can family picnics
  5. I'm glad you're both here and ready to get banana bombastic on the LOTR saddlebacks of pot belly caragors--but on a sidenote I plan to keep this as active as I can between my own private work in order maintain a nice watt-measured micro-community that can at the very least speak with me while I'll be in Aurora jail for 10,000 years
  6. Butterrobber202, I believe we can make very good Aurora Station friends. Whereas the first order of business that I'd like to outline to yourself is to spread word of my hostel (not hostile) thread of funny bunny bubble bing bob legs raised in the air bird bath beach times. I'd also like to reach out an invitation to you yourself on roleplay enacting an exhilarating honey comb theme basketball session that will decide on who gets to use whose discord account for 24 hours in order for me to establish a tributary uplink with Frankie Vosk Deadlantern Sr. However if you decline this particular match, I'm also fine with sustaining a nice and clean 1879 AD Victorian Secret fashion runway on some of what I've made in a few dress-up games I play on my phone, while also conversating on the concept of water dollars (dollars that can get wet so eventually I can commercially fish for $70,000 rather than nice chubbed up tuna)
  7. I'd also like to announce that I'm going to make this my sorrow and self pity thread; I'd like to request that mercy be instilled, and that I be exempt from 'So-Bold-To-Assure-Fly-Wheel-Ass-Max-Mcghee' banter over and on my character. I'd just like some positive, earthy, and round correspondence here to allow myself to build back some street cred by maybe roleplaying a basketball game here in this *cough* thread Personally a flavor such as this, is something I'd like to have in order from any willing PBM (Play-By-Mail) contender (A concrete down to fucking ashes sort of game):
  8. In the due respect of all men, and the dawn of their own hand, let there be forgiveness. Even when they at times look like they're a little more slathered in marinara sauce than they ought to be in a given range of time. But let it be known that I do not have anthrax on my wrists, or on my cheeks, or on the nearing horse trail approaches of my crotch and buttocks. Simply the lowly son of a BYOND banker with at times a little more pull and turn on his drive shaft.
  9. BYOND Key: FireNightPower Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: alberyk Reason of Ban: Grief (End-Of-Round; EORG) Reason for Appeal: I'd like to come as clean, and as thorough as held respectful to my own distinct circumstance in relinquishing an image of myself left on the server. That overall in consideration of my agreement to the server, as a matter of a record as gracious as what can be viewed as being above-average to a value of ban/warn-count, that there is no single excuse in any frame of sight. That I reap the seeds that I sow in simply choosing to appropriate myself into your hierarchy orchestrated by an organization going beyond the entirety of my own history on the client, to ignore a sense of restraint. I collectively apologize for a matter of my behavior throughout all of the years that I've existed on this server, and the weight that I allowed on my record when I chose to be so bold to assure of my own innocence. I do not know the entirety of the framework, or history of this server, nor do you know who it is that I could be; generally my record is a reflection of that, and most of the administration upturns their nose at me when they lean to hear: 'Willy Whirlow', 'Wayne Schoeffler', 'FireNightPower', 'SpankMan', 'BigManSpankMan'. 'RocksTheCaspah', or otherwise. I wish to be a friend of the server. To you, and likewise to myself, it's like hearing from one of the town drunks who talks so liberally to the extent that it's of no moral discipline. Nevertheless I'd just like everyone to understand that morphine isn't me (I was on it for an injury), my antics are just left up to a stimulus of abstract exploration with sometimes proper and sometimes improper execution, and that I don't mean any harm--I wish to learn and better myself to appeal to the interest and flow of the community. When I was 15 and playing I felt no regulation, and I felt as though I didn't exactly feel as though an honor was warranted. When I was 17 I felt that there were others to enjoy the game, however the other end of my mind always kicked in to where I made a half-assed joke leading to a warning or an eventual reprimand. And now, sitting here at the age of 19, I'd wish to dedicate a full honor to all forms of constructiveness, a maintenance of relative hierarchy among the server, principles of overall cohesion among a progressive atmosphere, to publish design therapy to those requiring icon assets, to deliver equations of program procedure to enable a refinement of established systems in applying all forms of scientific phenomena reflecting into machinery, and to assist with a forever continuity of a kaleidoscopic capability towards all needs oriented among a binary stratosphere. I do not come to you here as a matter of sitting with my hands empty, and towards the bowl of your children. I came to this forum again as a factor of simply desiring to apologize, and to at least be able to salvage anything as apart of the time I put into the server. To at least come to some form of salvation as a matter of the stains I left on the experience of the player-base, the administration, and it's effect of portraying a world among a world of infinite possibility. I'm not going to request that I be unbanned, but that I be considered to at least be observed as I get involved in the forum to talk with members of the community, to that is relate an interest to the game, and what can be held as constructive to the lore after taking preliminary readings to find any form of means to assist. I want to find if there's any access point to rehabilitation no matter those that look down on me rhetorically for a late night schism of debilitating injury, that simultaneously compromised the terms of the ban being lifted and the connotations that come along with the fact of the issue at hand. I made a grave mistake. It's on top of many, but I only have so much longer to live before I can actually see, and grasp that I can help what's been left on my name. I don't want to live the rest of my life in having been a Cockalorum Cowabunga Oogly Doodly Ring-Around-The-Rosy and Ryan Seacrested Plaque of a Bad Time. I just want everyone to know that I'm sorry. However, I do wonder to myself if there really is any place on this Earth, in this Space of All-Time, in manifestation of fractal patterns ranging beyond the prism of light into the source of what is, that can ever allow me to truly express a scale of apology that can remedy the ill-ooze that I squeezed onto the server. That will allow me to at the very least work my way back up in your community, to do any good and bountiful thing in your community ever again.
  10. Yes I’d consider that to be perfectly acceptable
  11. To form a buffer on my previous argument, as a clear statement, I’d very much of only wish to see myself playing the game to the expectation of the defined atmosphere and background. Whereas I’d be presenting myself as being genuine in that I’d have only have wished to check in on what exactly was going on in the realm of the game, and my own residential compatriots. I’d find it to easily be the most administratively effective server in and around the entirety of BYOND. That I can easily see myself donating towards in the expectation of developing upon it’s many dynamics and flavored segments to continue to provide for it’s progressing cohesion. I request an amnesty so I may continue to play a game that I have thoroughly enjoyed, yet at times under appreciated, since the time of being 15 years old to a now 19 years old.
  12. I’d have enjoyed talking to them within the Aurora community, as I’d rather speak with them back to back, and I as well have wished to get a greater insight into what might have been going on within the discord in correlation with the game itself. My intention wasn’t ever one of volatility, and I simply just wanted to take ganders after multiple years of time. To visit others that I have not been able to speak with naturally in a shared discord. And as a side note, everyone that I speak with on discord would know me distinctly for nonsense posting universally, it wasn’t anything so aptly targeted
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