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    The 21st dimension

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  • Byond CKey

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  1. Looking pretty good. Liking the way of integrating the events of Phoenixport into character backstory. +1
  2. A person told me to comment, so i did. Blades are for skatin'. Jokes aside, i find that something like a weak knife for cutting cabling, opening boxes and such would be a nice addition.
  3. > People who die in Cannon rounds cannot be cloned no matter what. This is worrying.
  4. I'm not too sure. I find it pretty difficult to die by extremely low pressure (The shuttle getting vented). As in, you go into hard crit quickly, but you're still technically alive. 3 minutes in low pressure isn't enough to give you the amnesia message. (You have suffered massive brain damage! You won't be able to remember the events leading up to your injury.)
  5. Yeah, i don't have any valid arguments against this one. I give up.
  6. Yes. You would be able to toggle hearing voice sounds the same way you could toggle hearing footsteps or AI VOX. As said in the original post.
  7. Idea. Make it so that the less players are on the screen, the more range the speech has. It would fix the whole 'places too crowded causing sound spam' issue, but it might (or might not i dunno) be a pain to code.
  8. There hopefully would be the toggle if you dislike it.
  9. There have probably been suggestions about bringing Text to Speech into SS13. I got something different. Let's make it so that characters make 'instrument' sounds when they talk. Let me explain. In the character customization menu, you would get to pick your 'voice' in the form of musical instruments. Think Don't Starve, except instead of continuous 'music', only one or two notes are played. Short sentences would play one or two notes. Longer sentences would play more notes. Up to a limit of 6 notes. (Examples of 'multiple notes' include Captain Von Kroner yelling at Hendercon and Mann they already had a Director.) Here's an example. This would allow players to recognize more easily as to who is talking. When there is a large amount of players in an area, the chatbox itself can get kinda cluttered. For those who, however, dislike this feature, the speech sounds would be toggle-able simmilar to turning off AI VOX or footsteps. For reasons obvious, chatter over the radio would not make speech sounds. Once again, emotes (Director Moon shaking his head) would also not make speech sounds. Whispering would either not make speech noise, or be very silent. Speech sounds would be audible trough walls, albeit muffled. (Allowing you to for example hear the Chief Medical Officer give the yelling of the century to a Pharmacist next-door.) If you are deaf, (flashbang or otherwise), all voice sounds will be heavily muffled, and next-door voice sounds will be nearly inaudible.
  10. [Seeing as a full character rewrite ocurred to better fit the setting of the NBT, this character introduction is outdated and no longer canon. I'll probably take this down if requested but, for now, i'll just keep this here.] The scene takes place in the Western corridoor of the NSV Clarion. The area seems relatively calm exept for a commotion comming from the maintenance tunnel. The commotion consists of loud noises of a working machine, sounds of bashing, and two people yelling. A muffled voice can be heard yelling. "Oh shit!" The banging gets louder. Two individuals emerge from behind the airlock, both running like their life depends on it. The first is wearing an Industrial Mining Suit, covering their whole body. The second, coming right after the miner, is wearing NSV Clarion Standard-Issue Security Gear, presumed to be a security officer. Suddenly, a Strangelet loaf of bread busts trough the maintenance door the two men were running from. There is barely anything left of said maintenance door. The loaf is flying at random, destroying anything it impacts. The security officer shouts as he is running; "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!" The flying loaf of destruction chases both men all the way into the Chapel, where it is flung at the man in the mining suit. As the loaf hits him in the backside, he is thrown across the room and afterwards collapses to the ground like a bag of bricks. The security officer makes a sharp 180, heading to where he entered the Chapel from. He starts screaming. The flying loaf follows. It is flung towards the man in security gear and just as it is about to violently hit him in the back of his head... *record scratch* *freeze frame* *The Who - Baba O'riley starts playing* "Belive it or not. This... actually happened to me." "What you are seeing is the work of the dead guy over there. And that guy, the one in the vest, just so happened to be the poor soul to witness it." "Who is he, exactly?" The camera zooms slightly on the security officer's face. He has a panicked expression on his face. "It's actually me. Nathan Sanford." "You might probably be wondering as to how i got into this situation, but that's a tale for another day." "Let's fast-foward a bit." The scene shifts to Nathan wearing Nanotrasen Commander gear running to the NSV Destiny's escape shuttle, as the area behind him is engulfed in flames "Err, a bit more." The scene shifts to an Nathan writing something on a peice of paper in the NSCC Odin, within some sort of office "A little bit more, please." *the scene shifts to Nathan emerging from behind an airlock, leading to the preparatory wing within the NSCC Odin. "Many thanks." "So, our story starts right about in the 21st of November, 2461..."
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