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Mark9013100's Achievements


Chaplain (2/37)

  1. "YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" "Fuck you, you black armor wearing douche."
  2. Mark9013100

    New Brig

    IMO, morgue trays really shouldn't be in the brig, if detectives want to do an autopsy, they should have to head to medical to do it.
  3. While I like the uniform, why is there a tie sprited on when one exists in custom loadout?
  4. And for the love of god, go AFK in the dorms, medical shouldn't be forced to play super para-medic when antags bomb wherever.
  5. Actually, Baycurity still has tasers in their lockers (dunno if this has been said already, only read the first page). Edit: I've been playing security and medical on Bay for the last two years, even after the pistols became standard issue, only like three times have I seen someone get sent to medical for rubber bullet related injuries. Not once have I seen someone get trigger happy. Pal, I think you're just making stuff up.
  6. Pretty sure I've heard the Ops can't get assistance from admins.
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