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Everything posted by RustingWithYou
NothingNew - Unathi Whitelist Application
RustingWithYou replied to NothingNew's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Good answers and a solid app, happy to approve it -
NothingNew - Unathi Whitelist Application
RustingWithYou replied to NothingNew's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey, thanks for applying! Just a couple questions: 1. You mention the Ouerean revolution, but don't really mention that much about Lazura was doing during it - did the revolution have any specific impact on her/was she caught up in the fighting in any way? 2. Related, how does Lazura feel about the new Ouerean democracy? Is she satisfied with the outcome of the rebellion? -
Fyni wants a headFyni - Unathi App
RustingWithYou replied to Fyni's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Seems good to me, accepted. -
Fyni wants a headFyni - Unathi App
RustingWithYou replied to Fyni's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey, thanks for applying - I apologise for the delayed response as it's been a fairly hectic week for me. I just have a couple questions. 1. Given her views on the upper ranks of the Church, how does Kaizia view the recent election of High Priest Azandar? Did she have a favored candidate among the Archpriests? 2. How has Kaizia adjusted to working among the various aliens of the Horizon? -
Unathi Whitelist Application [Vandalxx]
RustingWithYou replied to mivoid's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Looks good to me, application accepted -
Mudki Restoration Efforts Begin! New Blades, Old Wounds Epilogue A historic day today, as a joint effort between the Hegemony, Hephaestus Industries and the Nralakk Federation has been announced in Mudki, the site of the cowardly rebellion of Juyzi Izaku. Skrell scientists, Hephaestus resources, and Hegemonic oversight have come together, with Hegemon Not’zar making a public speech in Mudki declaring the beginning of ‘a true restoration’. A transcript of the speech is available on our Extranet page, as well as full video footage of the event, which has been attached below. Subtitles are available in Sinta’Unathi, Tau Ceti Basic, and Nral’malic. Already, scientists from the Nralakk Federation have arrived, alongside the finest of Sinta and K’laxan researchers working on Wasteland reclamation projects. Hephaestus Industries has been expanding operations in Mudki enormously, working to repair the city’s ancient walls, as well as the historic buildings destroyed in the battle. It seems that Mudki is poised to be the linchpin of future reclamation efforts, and only time will tell for sure whether the Hegemon’s efforts will succeed. We at Sinta Articles wish the best of fortune to those working to reclaim our world, and pray that they are successful. As always, we will keep our readers updated on further news of relevance to Sinta affairs.
Slight Reworking of Mindshield Implants for Skrell
RustingWithYou replied to Owen's topic in Suggestions & Ideas
Mindshields are kind of weird in general TBH, and we could probably just replace them with giving Captain/HOS blanket immunity to antag conversion, as that's pretty much all that they do anyway. Failing that, I think that removing the psionic cuck cage for Skrell - either fully or by adding some kind of toggle or alternate version to the implant - would be for the best. Given the general influence of Skrell in the setting, and the various corporations which have Skrell in high positions (NT and Zeng both come to mind), it feels kind of weird that they'd require Skrell in positions of authority to basically cut themselves off from other Skrell for no real gain (90% of the shit mindshields protect you from is non-canon antag abilities) They exist for a purely OOC reason, I don't see the sense in cutting out a big part of Skrell RP because of it. -
UltraNumeron - Unathi Application
RustingWithYou replied to UltraNumeron's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Solid answers, application accepted. Enjoy riveting lizard gameplay -
UltraNumeron - Unathi Application
RustingWithYou replied to UltraNumeron's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hi, I apologise for the very late response - I was distracted with the event arc and fully forgot about this. I do have a couple questions, though. Where on Moghes is Sarick from? How does he feel about the other Aut'akh communes and their interpretations of the faith? Don't have to go super in-detail, just if there's any other ones he's strongly opinionated about. -
This thread exists to collect feedback for the New Blades, Old Wounds arc. This was the Unathi team's first proper event arc, so if you have any feedback - what worked for you, what went wrong, what could be improved and what you'd like to see more of in the future, then this is the place to talk about it. (Note: I am aware of the slightly erratic event scheduling, and I know that this wasn't great on my part. Unfortunately, real life got in the way a few times here.) We're taking feedback both on particular events and articles, as well as the arc as a whole.
Juyzi Izaku Found Guilty, Executed New Blades, Old Wounds Article 16 Following his capture and trial, former Lord of Mudki Juyzi Izaku has been found guilty of the charges laid against him. For the crimes of murder, sabotage of vital national resources, dishonor in the gravest of forms, and high treason against his liege lord, Izaku was sentenced to death by order of the Hegemon earlier today. The execution was carried out in Mudki - despite his titles being stripped, Izaku was granted execution by beheading, rather than hanging or firing squad. The execution was not public, due to concerns about remaining rebels attempting to mount a rescue. Izaku did not attempt to mount a defense during his trial, electing to remain silent throughout the proceedings. With his death, the once-honored Izaku clan is extinguished. Discussions among the nobility have reportedly already begun as to who Hegemon Not’zar intends to elevate to rule Mudki, as it seems increasingly unlikely that the city will be abandoned. The Hegemon himself has made no comment on the matter yet - whatever he plans for Mudki remains a mystery. For now, Mudki remains under military occupation. Trials are continuing for rebel warriors - most of the levied and conscripted men have been granted some measure of clemency, though they are forbidden from taking up arms until the military occupation ends. Most notably, the captured perpetrators of the Izilukh Massacre have been found guilty of murder and dishonorable deeds. Several of the Izilukh murderers were hanged this morning, with the remainder likely facing execution later this week. The Nralakk Federation delegation declined an interview, but offered a brief statement describing the executions as "A conflicting conclusion to what has happened. The Federation mourns those we have lost, yet we cannot condone executing those responsible. The Grand Council appreciates that the laws of the Hegemony are not our laws, however, and is grateful to the Hegemon for bringing these criminals to justice." Mudki itself has remained largely peaceful so far - a madman such as Izaku seems to have inspired few to true loyalty. Though the cost of this rebellion has been bitter, it seems that a resurgence of fighting is thankfully unlikely, in a land which has already seen too much death. We will keep our readers updated on the situation in Mudki as it develops - remember, for Sinta news Spur-wide, stick to the source you know you can trust. Stick to Sinta Articles.
Humanitarian Program Sets Sights On Mudki! New Blades, Old Wounds Article 15 Following the Mudki Rebellion and the capture of the traitor Juyzi Izaku, many worried that the city and surrounding region would be left to ruin, given the difficulties of maintaining the city due to the encroaching Wasteland and the damage left by the battle. Fortunately, however, it seems that this is not the case, with the Hegemon declaring that Mudki, and the wider Zazalai Mountains, will form the beginnings of a true restoration for Moghes, with the aid of our allies in the Nralakk Federation. Corporate and Federation vessels have already sent aid to Mudki following the battle, with medical assistance and supplies being provided to the locals. Though the city remains under military occupation for now, the office of the Hegemon’s Claws has reassured our correspondents that this is a temporary measure, until a new lord can be properly appointed over Mudki. Attached is a photograph of a medical tent. Several Skrell workers in Federation uniforms are gathered outside, with an Unathi leaning on a cane standing next to them, waving happily at the camera. The corporate assistance in humanitarian efforts in Mudki cannot be understated, with Hephaestus providing millions of credits in material aid, and pledging to see the city rebuilt to what it once was prior to the devastation that the Contact War, and years of mismanagement from the craven and corrupt former Lord, have wrought upon the region. Workers from the wider Stellar Corporate Conglomerate were also present, providing medical, food, and supply aid to the people who have suffered long enough under the former Lord Izaku’s misrule. Attached is a photograph of a long table, with what looks like food cooking in the background. Several corporate workers, mostly human and Unathi, are handing out meals to a long line of Unathi. The flag of the Izweski Hegemony is flying proudly in the background. Though the first weeks of the humanitarian effort have been fraught with danger, it seems that the kindness of our friends across the stars has persisted. We at Sinta Articles offer our deepest thanks to the members of the humanitarian programme, and their efforts in restoring order to the region. As always, we will keep our readers updated on any new developments.
SCCV Horizon Operational Briefing - Mudki Good afternoon, SCCV Horizon. Following the Izweski Hegemony's victory over the rebel forces led by former Lord Juyzi Izaku, the city of Mudki has been placed under military occupation. Humanitarian program representatives from Hephaestus Industries and the Nralakk Federation have already landed in the city, and are working to provide immediate relief to the civilian population in the aftermath of the battle. Preliminary reports indicate that decades of neglect and mismanagement from Lord Izaku have led to severe infrastructural decay, in addition to the more recent damage caused by the fightting between Izweski and rebel forces. Mudki is located in the northern Zazalai Mountains - at one point a vital military asset against potential invasion from the east. Since the Contact War, Mudki has fallen into disrepair due to misrule, neglect, and the dangers of the nearby Wasteland. Though it is in a dire situation, Mudki is the largest city in the northern Zazalais, and could be an instrumental point for future restoration efforts in the region. This is a large-scale endeavor for the humanitarian program, and many teams from the Hegemony, the Federation, and Hephaestus are currently working to aid the people of the city. The Horizon has been tasked with assisting in the southeastern part of the city, near the outer wall. City plans indicate that the area is home to a power plant, water treatment facility and a small hospital, all of which will likely require some level of maintenance and repair to restore to working condition. It is unknown if any former or current employees of these facilities still reside in the area, as available census data is significantly out of date. Izweski military forces are on the ground, working to maintain order in the city. The troops in Mudki have been instructed to assist humanitarian efforts where required, and you should cooperate with any requests that they may have of you. If you encounter any signs of remaining Izaku loyalists or other potentially dangerous activity, report it to the Hegemony forces as soon as possible. Reportedly, the risk of hostile action is minimal, but as always care and vigilance are encouraged. Enclosed are general notes of departmental responsibilities, intended to be fluid and allow for adjustment to planetside circumstances by Horizon command. Command personnel will be responsible for the management and deployment of crew operations in Mudki, as well as coordinating efforts with the Nralakk Federation team, the Hegemony occupation force, and the local population. Ensure that the staff under your command uphold SCC employee behavioral standards, and remember that your actions reflect on the reputation of the Conglomerate. Security personnel will be responsible for safeguarding the operation and crew against potential danger or disruption of mission objectives. Cooperate with the Hegemony forces if hostile action occurs, and ensure that corporate regulations continue to be followed during the operation. Medical personnel will, as normal, be tasked with ensuring crew wellbeing. Additionally, you may be required to provide medical aid to the local population or the Hegemony troops, should they require it. The district of Mudki that Horizon operations have been scheduled for reportedly contained a small hospital at one point, but its current status is unknown. Engineering personnel will be tasked with infrastructural maintenance and any necessary repairs to the district's power, water, or other vital utilities. Specific requirements and damage is uncertain at this time, and will need to be determined on-site. Research personnel will be tasked with survey and analysis of the local environment as in prior missions. Zeng-Hu Environmental Analysis terminals and associated scanners will be present for your use, along with other environmental survey equipment required. Operations personnel will carry out standard duties of ensuring that the crew is fully supplied in order to carry out their mission through standard supply drone operations. Machinist personnel should cooperate with Medical and Engineering staff to ensure Horizon synthetics are able to operate in the field. Service personnel will be tasked with deployment of food aid to the local population if required, in addition to managing crew food and beverage supplies during the mission to Mudki. Cooperation with Operations staff may be required, as well as the use of any suitable facilities on-site. Available census data indicates that there were at on point several hospitality businesses in the area, and any which are in servicable condition may be of use for this part of the mission. This briefing will be updated with further relevant information. Thank you for your participation, and remember - you're what keeps this chainlink unbreakable!
Event Type: Canon Event Scale: Medium Intensity Assigned Admin: Melariara OOC Event Description: The Horizon crew is deployed to the city of Mudki, to provide aid following the end of the Izaku Rebellion. Who knows about it: Everyone Host/participants : RustingWithYou
Izaku Rebellion Brought To An End! New Blades, Old Wounds Article 14 The Izaku Rebellion has come to an end, after hours of intense and bloody battle within the city. Earlier today, after fierce fighting from his followers, several Kataphract warriors were able to breach the Izaku keep, and confront the traitor Juyzi Izaku directly. We have confirmed reports that though he fought ferociously, killing at least one Kataphract in his bloodlust and injuring several more, Izaku was captured by the valiant warriors. We were able to receive a brief statement from a Kataphract warrior being treated for injuries, who stated that despite Izaku’s cowardice and dishonor, “he faced us as a warrior.” The city of Mudki remains occupied by Izweski armsmen, as members of the humanitarian programme will be moving to provide assistance to soldiers and civilians injured during the fighting. Thankfully, casualties among the Izweski armsmen assaulting the city were minimal, in no small part thanks to the heroism of the Kataphracts and the in-depth knowledge of the city’s defenses provided by the warriors of the 52nd. The future of Mudki and the surrounding lands remains unclear. Though the population was already greatly diminished, the region is now left without a ruler, as the once-storied line of Izaku will likely soon be extinguished when the disgraced former Lord stands trial. Whether Hegemon Not’zar will appoint a new Lord of Mudki, or allow the city to be abandoned entirely, remains to be seen. Reports have come in of humanitarian program vessels landing in the city and providing assistance to those injured in the fighting. We at Sinta Articles would like to offer our gratitude to the warriors of the Kataphract Guild, the Navy and the Izweski levies, who have fought bravely to keep the peace of our great nation intact. We also offer our condolences to those harmed by the fighting, and hope that the humanitarian program will be able to assist. As always, we will keep our readers updated on the situation in Mudki as it develops. Spirits bless the Hegemony, and our friends and partners from both the Nralakk Federation and Hephaestus Industries.
BREAKING: Mudki's Walls Fall! New Blades, Old Wounds Article 13 Breaking news from Mudki, as it appears the city’s ancient walls have been breached by a combined effort from Izweski armsmen, Naval vessels, and the warriors of the Kataphract Guild. Footage of the assault was captured by our military correspondent, Kas’van Rizek, and has been attached. Viewer discretion is advised. Though some have protested the destruction of the city’s ancient walls, once thought impregnable, our military analysts have assured us that a conventional ground assault would have resulted in catastrophic casualties for the warriors on the ground. Though there is still fighting in the city, we hope that soon the Izweski forces will be victorious, and order will be restored.
BREAKING: Mudki Under Siege! New Blades, Old Wounds Article 12 Reports coming out of the Zazalais indicate that Hegemony forces have encircled Mudki, and have dug in for a prolonged siege of the city. Troops from Camp Integrity arrived earlier this morning along the city’s old highway, and have joined forces with the warriors who recently captured Fort Ozi to the south. The city’s eastern highway has also been captured, blocking off any avenue of retreat into the Wasteland for the rebel forces. How long the siege will take remains uncertain, particularly if the Hegemon in his wisdom wishes to avoid collateral damage. Mudki is a shell of its former grandeur, but the city stood as the shield of the Hegemony for centuries, and its defenses - and the experience of its remaining warriors in holding those defenses - remain unmatched. As the rebel forces prepare for a prolonged siege, it remains increasingly apparent that the former Lord Izaku has no plans to surrender himself to face justice. However, as the siege of the city has begun, something unusual has occurred, as large numbers of warriors from Zazalai clans have made the long and difficult journey to Mudki - seeking to join with the Hegemon’s forces in crushing the Izaku Rebellion. Flying proudly above the army camp is a standard depicting the Hammer of Iala - a popular image among Zazalai warriors, and the emblem of the Mudki 52nd Infantry, a distinguished regiment which served under the Izaku clan during the Contact War. The Mudki 52nd disbanded after the war’s end, and most of its surviving warriors left the city behind to seek greater prosperity elsewhere. The majority wound up in Res’karum, from where the bulk of their assembled host has come - alongside a significant host of warriors from both the city itself and the mountain clans. Upon their arrival, Ozur’saa Sirax rode out to meet the approaching host, fearing that rebel reinforcements had emerged, and was greeted by the regiment’s former commander, bannerman Yaret Utuzi. Though we were unable to capture footage of their conversation, the 52nd and the assorted Zazalai warriors soon joined with the Izweski host, making camp nearby. Correspondent Kas’van Rizek sought to interview Lord Utuzi, as well as several of the warriors who arrived. Footage has been attached. How the Hegemon intends to approach this siege, and the challenge of capturing a city which has never fallen, remains to be seen. We will, as always, continue to update our readers as this situation develops, and express our hopes that justice is done.
Hi, I apologise for the delay in responding to this. I do have a couple of questions - you mention Surika's religion, but not really much about how that impacts their views or personality, I'd like to hear a little more about that. You also mention their clan's activities in the Revolution, but I'd be interested to know how extensively and in what ways Surika was involved personally. Thanks for applying!
Rebels Defeated At Fort Ozi! New Blades, Old Wounds Article 11 Earlier this morning, Izweski warriors under the command of Ozur’saa Kuzwe Sirax engaged Izaku rebels at Fort Ozi, located to the south of Mudki. After a swift battle, the rebels were defeated, with a few survivors fleeing north from the fort. Since then, Izweski forces have established a command position in Fort Ozi, and are reportedly working alongside Hephaestus engineers to restore the fortress to working order in preparation for the final phase of the Zazalai campaign. Humanitarian program representatives have also landed near Fort Ozi, with Nralakk Federation healers working to establish field hospitals for wounded warriors and civilians, and beginning preemptive studies for long-term aid in the region. When asked for comment, one Skrell representative informed us that the Federation had no plans to take part in the battle, but would continue to offer their aid and support to those seeking to bring the Izaku rebels to justice. The captured commander of Fort Ozi, along with his warriors, has been charged with high and dishonorable acts of treason and sentenced to death. The prisoners are scheduled to be executed by firing squad within the next few days, serving as a warning to those who would continue to fight with this rebellion. Ozur’saa Sirax issued his own statement on the matter, calling for rebel warriors to “stand down or face a traitor’s death”. The rebel zone of control has decreased dramatically already, though Mudki remains a significant challenge ahead. Though Izaku’s rebels are no match for the warriors of the Hegemon, the city’s impenetrable reputation is a daunting task for even the most skilled of commanders. What many have called into question, however, is what the fate of the region will be when this conflict is finally over. Juyzi Izaku has no heirs, and his once-esteemed line will end with his death, leaving the greater Mudki region leaderless. Whether the Hegemon means to raise new lords of the northern Zazalais, or simply abandon the region to its ruin, remains uncertain. Some voices have called for a proactive aid in restoration, chiefest among them being High Priest Azandar - who has been vocal in the Church’s position on this rebellion, declaring that “Sk’akh will see justice done for Izaku’s crimes”. The High Priest has also stated that the innocents of Mudki deserve compassion in a public announcement, closing with a quotation from Dedications of the Three-Faced God. Though few have claimed Mudki should be abandoned, many among the nobility have raised concerns as to the expense of maintaining and restoring the region. Lord Karkatus of S’th has publically speculated that the damage may be too far gone to restore, and that the Hegemon should concentrate his efforts on lands which can be stabilized rather than investing in a “lost cause”. The Hegemon himself has made no comment on these remarks at this time. We will keep our readers updated on the situation in the Zazalais as it unfolds. Remember, for Sinta news Spur-wide, stick to the source you know you can trust - stick to Sinta Articles.
Hegemon’s Forces Advance Into Zazalais New Blades, Old Wounds Article 10 The campaign in the Zazalais continues, with Izweski forces making steady progress towards Mudki. Several of the settlements in the lower foothills between Mudki and Res’karum have surrendered, and Izweski troops have reportedly encountered little resistance in capturing the city of Isekas - once a prosperous stop on the Mudki-Res’karum railroad line. Though some resistance from Izaku troops was encountered, reports from the front are indicating low casualties from the Hegemon’s forces. Footage from Isekas indicates severe neglect from Lord Izaku’s leadership. Representatives of the humanitarian program have shifted efforts, with Nralakk Federation personnel assisting military forces in deploying food and water to the local population. Hephaestus Industries has reportedly inquired with local leaders as to the status of the rail line, leading to speculation that they may plan to restore the Mudki-Res’karum connection once the Izaku Rebellion is defeated. Footage from our coverage of Isekas, and the overall status of the campaign in the Zazalais, has been attached. Viewer discretion is advised. As it is plain to see, the northern Zazalais have suffered from decades of neglect and misrule. Though the future of the region once the Izaku rebellion is defeated remains uncertain, we at Sinta Articles offer our most sincere hopes that the conditions of these poor souls will be improved once peace is restored to the region. We will continue to update our readers on the Izaku Rebellion as the situation develops. Remember, for all Sinta news Spur-wide, stick to the source you know you can trust - stick to Sinta Articles.