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BREAKING: Izweski Forces Confront Izaku Rebellion! New Blades, Old Wounds Article 9 After his ultimatum to Juyzi Izaku has gone unanswered, Hegemon Not’zar has remained true to his word, with Izweski military forces moving into the northern Zazalai Mountains and marching towards Mudki. The warriors of the Kataphract Guild within immediate reach have been summoned, and the armsmen of the Izweski clan are providing the bulk of the assault force, alongside forces from Res’karum and veterans from Camp Integrity. The Hegemon himself has issued a formal statement, condemning Izaku as a traitor to the Hegemony. From this day forth, his lands and titles are stripped from him as punishment for his cowardly and dishonorable deeds. Izweski forces have made significant progress in the northern Zazalais already, though the harsh climate and terrain is projected to slow the campaign at current rates. Many of the remaining nobility of the region have already renounced their treacherous liege, and have allowed the Hegemon’s warriors to pass through their lands. Those nobles who have chosen to join the Mudki Rebellion have largely fled to the safety of the city The former Lord’s men have rallied around him, however, and the city’s legendary walls may well prove a challenge for the Hegemon’s warriors. The city’s sophisticated anti-air and anti-spacecraft defenses are reportedly still operational, preventing significant assistance from the Navy without causing severe damage to the city and its people. However, Izweski troops have the advantage of numbers, equipment and training - though our military analysts have stated that, in such a well-defended position, the warriors of Mudki may hold out for an extended siege. Izaku himself has issued a public statement, which was sent to Sinta Articles. We do not condone his words, but it is our journalistic duty to publish them. The former Lord’s words are thus: Hegemon Not’zar, in his wisdom, has not dignified these mad ramblings with a response. We will keep our readers updated on the Mudki Rebellion as it develops. Spirits bless the Hegemon, and we express our strongest hopes that the traitor Juyzi Izaku is brought to justice soon.
Hegemon Condemns Izaku! New Blades, Old Wounds Article 8 Yesterday, tragedy and dishonor struck the Zazalai Mountains, with several members of the humanitarian programme murdered by the warriors sent to protect them. A corporate vessel landed near the town of Izilukh discovered that several Nralakk Federation workers had been abducted and killed, and were soon betrayed by their escort, forcing a retreat from the area. One Federation worker was rescued from captivity by the crew of the SCCV Horizon, and has reportedly been moved to Skalamar General Hospital for treatment. Eyewitness testimony indicates this savage and honorless attack to have been conducted at the order of Lord Juyzi Izaku of Mudki. In response to this, the Hegemon has issued an official public statement in response, addressing both Sinta Articles and interstellar news correspondents from outside Keep Izweski in Skalamar. A full video excerpt of the Hegemon’s speech, recorded by our correspondents, is visible below. Though Lord Izaku has engaged in many inflammatory statements against the Hegemon before, it seems that he may finally have gone too far. Whether the renegade lord can still see reason remains to be seen, but we at Sinta Articles hope that Lord Izaku chooses the path of wisdom, and surrenders himself to the Hegemon’s justice. At this time, no communications to Mudki have received replies, and reports have come in of Izweski troops mobilizing at Camp Integrity. We reached out to Federation representatives for comment, who expressed their deepest sorrows with regards to the massacre at Izilukh. One representative, Quvs. Qriixi Vol’Kluu, stated that "the Federation stands with Hegemon Not'zar in his efforts to bring justice to the one responsible for this affair, and the atrocities of Izaku will not disrupt this fledgling alliance between our nations." As always, we will keep our readers updated on the situation as it develops. We offer our deepest condolences to the friends and clans of those who perished in the Izilukh massacre, and pray that their spirits rest upon their homeworlds once more.
SCCV Horizon Operational Briefing - Izilukh Good afternoon, SCCV Horizon. Following your successes in Kazseres, a location has been selected for your next major mission on Moghes. The town of Izilukh, located in the northern Zazalai Mountains, has been harshly impacted by the Contact War and the presence of the Wasteland. Prior to the nuclear exchange, Izilukh's primary source of income came from rich uranium mines in the area, as well as the economic benefit of nearby Izweski Hegemony military bases. Most of these bases have been closed following the war's conclusion and the Hegemony's nuclear disarmament program. Due to its proximity to the Wasteland, Iziluh has suffered extensively since the war - sandstorms, radiation, famine and bandit activity have all reportedly threatened the region according to currently available data. Attached is a map of the region, with Izilukh's location labeled for your convenience. Izilukh's location is projected to be highly useful to future resettlement and reclamation efforts, in addition to its proximity to a sizable subterranean aquifer - the source of the town's water supply, and a large contributing factor to its continued survival. The objective of this mission is to assist the town's inhabitants and ensure Izilukh can survive until further reclamation efforts can commence in the region. Due to the potential risk of bandit activity, Lord Juyzi Izaku of Mudki has dispatched an escort to provide additional protection for the mission in addition to the Horizon's security personnel. A Nralakk Federation team has established a base of operations close to Izilukh for continued monitoring of the region and assistance of the locals. Make contact with the Federation personnel and cooperate with them, as they will likely have further information on the current requirements of the town. Enclosed are general notes of departmental responsibilities, intended to be fluid and allow for adjustment to planetside circumstances by Horizon command. Command personnel will be responsible for the management and deployment of crew operations in Izilukh, as well as coordinating efforts with the Nralakk Federation team and the local population. Ensure that the staff under your command uphold SCC employee behavioral standards, and remember that your actions reflect on the reputation of the Conglomerate. Security personnel will be responsible for safeguarding the operation and crew against potential danger or disruption of mission objectives. Though an escort has been arranged, your responsibilities remain largely the same as during day-to-day operations. Medical personnel will, as normal, be tasked with ensuring crew wellbeing. Additionally, you may be required to provide medical aid to the local population, should they require it. Izilukh reportedly has a small medical clinic, and the Nralakk Federation team has set up their own field hospital in their base of operations. Engineering personnel will be tasked with infrastructural maintenance and any necessary repairs. Liaise with locals to determine where your efforts may be required. Research personnel will be tasked with survey and analysis of the local environment. The Federation staff have made some headway in this area already. Zeng-Hu Environmental Analysis terminals and associated scanners will be present for your use. Operations personnel will carry out standard duties of ensuring that the crew is fully supplied in order to carry out their mission. Machinist personnel should cooperate with Medical and Engineering staff to ensure Horizon synthetics are able to operate in the field. Service personnel will be tasked with deployment of food aid to the local population if required, in addition to managing crew food and beverage supplies during the mission to Izilukh. Cooperation with Operations staff may be required, as well as the use of any suitable facilities on-site. This briefing will be updated with further relevant information. Thank you for your participation, and remember - you're what keeps this chainlink unbreakable!
Hey, apologies for the delayed response, I've had a busy couple days playing Elden Ring working on event stuff. Just a couple questions for you: How does Achiilzhia view IPCs given that the Luthien Pact often works with them? What are her thoughts on the Razortail Enclave, as the other commune in Tau Ceti?
New Blades, Old Wounds Event 3: This Thing of Darkness
RustingWithYou posted an event in Event Calendar
Event Type: Canon Event Scale: High Intensity Assigned Admin: Melariara OOC Event Description: The Horizon crew is deployed to the town of Izilukh, on the border of the Wasteland, to provide humanitarian aid to the locals. Who knows about it: Everyone Host/participants : RustingWithYou -
Humanitarian Mission to Tza “Major Success” New Blades, Old Wounds Article 7 Following the signing of the Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement, the newly-launched humanitarian program has made its first major stride in the town of Kazseres, located south of Kutah in the Tza Prairie. Following the assistance of a team from the Nralakk Federation, aid was provided by the crew of the SCCV Horizon, a foreign corporate vessel brought to assist by Hephaestus Industries. Our reporters visited Kazseres shortly after the Horizon’s crew departed, and locals tell us that the difference is already noticeable. The artificial Lake Kazseres which the town is built around has been restored to its former glory, with a team of Horizon engineers having made initial repairs on the grand Kazseres Hydroelectric Dam - once the pride of the region. Reportedly, former residents in the wider Tza Prairie are considering returning home, as both the dam and the area’s rich mines are scheduled to reopen towards the end of 2466. Hephaestus Industries repair crews are set to begin work on the dam and mines, and reportedly fish populations are to be reintroduced to the lake thanks to Hephaestus aquaculture centers on Ouerea. Our correspondent in the field spoke to Lord Khuzar Mogarakh of Kazseres, who was present for the corporate mission. Lord Mogarakh was unable to speak for long due to his duties, but informed us that in his eyes: “The mission went well, and I am pleased to hear the dam may one day returned to working order. I am told by our honored guests from Nralakk that this land can be healed, and that my Kazseres can be restored to the peace and prosperity it once knew. Some of the aliens were rowdy and disrespectful - but others showed great honor and wisdom. If the rest of the Hegemon’s program goes as the mission here did, then I have high hopes for the future of our world. The spirits have blessed not just me, but all of my subjects upon this land today.” The leader of the Nralakk Federation team, one Qu’vesi (Nral’malic: “Star Graduate”, a highly accomplished scholar) Aqaz'Par Maqzi, seemed to agree with Lord Mogarakh’s optimism. They informed us that while the full report on the region’s wellbeing is still being put together, the data that they acquired alongside Horizon scientists indicates a bright future for Kazeres and the region as a whole. Qvs. Maqzi gave their warm thanks to the corporate research team who aided the Federation personnel in their efforts, stating that “The research done by the scientists of the Horizon will be invaluable in the future of the restoration efforts here. I cannot thank them enough for their work, and I hope that they see such success elsewhere.” Federation staff are scheduled to remain in Kazseres, and are reportedly preparing to work with Hephaestus Industries on restoring the Kazseres Hydroelectric Dam to working order. The mission did not run completely unhindered, however - reportedly a group of Gawgaryn from the Wasteland to the south had approached Kazseres, looking to steal humanitarian supplies from the locals in need. When discovered, the Gawgaryn kidnapped a Horizon employee and attempted to flee, before they were captured by corporate security and local law enforcement - though tragically, their hostage was murdered before the criminals were apprehended. The Gawgaryn were found guilty of theft, murder, banditry, and dishonorable behavior, and sentenced to execution for their heinous crimes. Though we could not reach him for comment at this time, Overlord Hutay’zai has reportedly deployed his own sworn warriors to several towns in southern Tza to protect against further incursion from these dishonorable raiders. The humanitarian efforts across the Tza Prairie continue, with plans reportedly being made to expand operations to similarly afflicted regions of Moghes in the days ahead. We were unable to receive any information as to the program’s next major endeavor at this time. For further news on the humanitarian program, and for all Sinta news Spur-wide, remember - stick to the source you know you can trust. Stick to Sinta Articles. You may also be interested in: SPIRITUALITY: Archpriestess Khanak Blesses Graduating Class of Teht Academy POLITICS: Lord Izaku Seemingly Recants Prior Statements, Welcomes Humanitarian Aid FINANCE: Lord-Admiral Yizarus Claims Phoron Imports "Sufficient For Current Operations" ENTERTAINMENT: Venom Hearts S6E1 "The Light of Liberty" Review
Event Type: Canon Event Scale: Medium Intensity Assigned Admin: Melariara OOC Event Description: The Horizon crew is deployed to the town of Kazseres to provide humanitarian aid to the locals. The IC briefing can be found here. Who knows about it: Everyone Host/participants : RustingWithYou
SCCV Horizon Operational Briefing - Kazseres Good afternoon, SCCV Horizon. Following the inspection of your vessel by humanitarian program agents, a destination for your first mission in the Hegemony has been selected. The town of Kazseres, located in the southern Tza Prairie region, has been harshly impacted by post-Contact War conditions, including radiation exposure, infrastructural degradation, and food shortages. The SCCV Horizon's crew will be deployed alongside Nralakk Federation humanitarian personnel to provide aid to the people of Kazseres. Attached is a map of the Tza Prairie, with the location of Kazseres labeled for your convenience. Kazseres is located on a major river in the region, and the Kazseres Hydroelectric Dam was a major power source for several smaller villages in the surrounding area. Since the opening of several fusion plants in the greater Tza region by the Junzi Electric guild (now a Hephaestus Industries subsidiary corporation), the dam has reportedly fallen into disrepair, leading to a steady decline in water levels in the artificial Lake Kazeres which the town has historically relied on as a food source. Kazseres is also located close to a large mining complex which was acquired by the Miners' Guild towards the end of the Contact War. The mine has become the town's primary industry due to the failure of the dam, but transportation of resources upriver has become increasingly difficult due to harsh conditions in the region and risk of attack from Wasteland bandit groups. Nralakk Federation personnel have already been providing assistance to communities in the area, and will be able to provide a more up-to-date report on the situation upon your arrival. Due to the potential for rapidly changing conditions on the ground, crew should prioritize making contact with the Nralakk team and local authorities in order to best ascertain how to provide aid to the town as the mission develops. Enclosed are general notes of departmental responsibilities, intended to be fluid and allow for adjustment to planetside circumstances by Horizon command. Command personnel will be responsible for management and deployment of humanitarian aid in the Kazseres region, as well as liaising with the Nralakk Federation team and local authorities. Ensure that the staff under your command uphold SCC employee behavioral standards, and remember that your actions reflect on the reputation of the Conglomerate. Security personnel will be responsible for safeguarding the operation and crew against potential danger or disruption of mission objectives. Keep in mind that you are subject to local and Hegemony law, in addition to ordinary employee standards of behavior as described in SCC corporate regulations. Should crewmembers prove disruptive to mission operations, their behavior should be handled as any on-ship breach of regulations. Cooperate with local law enforcement in any matters of criminal activity which should occur during the mission. Medical personnel will be tasked with ordinary duties of maintaining crew wellbeing, in addition to providing medical aid to Kazseres locals who may require it. Medical facilities in the town will be made available for your use. Engineering personnel will be tasked with examining local infrastructure and making necessary repairs if feasible. Liaise with locals to determine where critical repairs may be required. Research personnel will be tasked with survey and analysis of the local environment in order to determine the level of ecological damage caused to the region. Operations personnel will carry out standard duties of ensuring that the crew is fully supplied in order to carry out their mission. Machinist personnel should cooperate with Medical and Engineering staff to ensure Horizon synthetics are able to operate in the field. Service personnel will be tasked with deployment of food aid to the local population if required, in addition to managing crew food and beverage supplies during the mission to Kazseres. Cooperation with Operations staff may be required, as well as the use of any suitable facilities in Kazseres. This briefing will be updated with future relevant information. Thank you for your involvement, and remember - you're what keeps this chainlink unbreakable!
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Event Type: Canon Event Scale: Low Intensity Assigned Admin: Melariara OOC Event Description: The Horizon crew is treated to a stay at an Ouerean luxury hotel while command meets with representatives of the humanitarian program. Who knows about it: Everyone Host/participants : RustingWithYou
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Hey, sorry for the long delay on this one, it's been a pretty busy week for me. Just a couple of obligatory questions. 1. You mentioned Vyeckzho's thoughts on Demands of the Three - did he support a specific candidate for the new High Priest? 2. How does he view the ongoing developments between the Hegemony and the Nralakk Federation? Thanks for applying!
Agreement Reached on Ouerea! New Blades, Old Wounds Article 6 The High Speaker has announced that the talks with the Nralakk Federation, which have been ongoing for nearly a month, have reached an end, with both parties finally reaching an agreement. She was photographed with the Skrell representative, Ormish Jrolk, proudly announcing the signing of the newly-named Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement. The agreement is a lengthy one, but our correspondents have gathered the main points that are most likely to impact our readers, and what they may mean for the future of our own nation and our newfound friends in the Nralakk Federation. The agreement entails the following: The Nralakk Federation will formally acknowledge its unlawful occupation of Ouerea - while both parties recognise the difficulties the Contact War posed to colonial administration, the Federation will formally acknowledge that control should have been returned immediately following the end of the war on Moghes, and that Hegemon S’kresti should not have had to resort to military action to see our colony returned to us. The Federation has declined to comment on the Sol Alliance’s role in the Ouerean affair, stating that it lies outside the purview of the summit. As a form of reparation for their interference in Sinta affairs, the Federation will offer the assistance of its scientists in combating the spreading of the Wasteland, as well as assisting in medical treatment of those harmed by radiation. The Hegemon has made a formal trade agreement with the Federation, and is set to begin exporting raw materials to Skrell space soon via Hephaestus Industries. Guildmaster T’zakal has strongly endorsed this announcement, welcoming the opportunity to expand further into alien markets. The Hegemony will permit the ships of the Federation’s ‘Qukala’ (their primary military force) to dock at any Izweski colony, station or port. This will allow our new trade partners to assist the Izweski Navy in ensuring that cargo vessels are capable of safely traveling through the Badlands and Sparring Sea without threat of piracy. While some still remain skeptical of the Nralakk-Izweski Mutual Prosperity Agreement, the mood across the Hegemony overall is one of celebration, as the Federation’s commitment to the restoration efforts on Moghes has been declared. An initial group of Federation scientists and healers is set to arrive within the month, to begin working to both treat radiation-related disorders among the population and to work with the brightest minds of the Hegemony in accelerating environmental restoration efforts on Moghes. High Speaker Sarnac made a public address from Skalamar, having seen the Skrell delegation safely depart from the system, bound to return to Federation space. From the Izweski keep, the High Speaker addressed the assembled press, stating: “It has been a long and arduous negotiation - but both the Hegemon and myself are pleased at this outcome. The rabble-rousing of some who believe the Skrell hold some sort of nefarious agenda can be safely dismissed - and on behalf of myself and Hegemon Not’zar, I wish to welcome the aid of our new allies in the Nralakk Federation in the restoration of our world. May the Great Spirit bless this new agreement, and the wisdom of our Hegemon in seeking such a powerful ally.” The Nralakk Federation has also made plans for the reopening of the embassy in Skalamar, having made an agreement with Hephaestus Industries to begin construction on new premises immediately. Though an ambassador has yet to be appointed, Grand Advisor Jrolk did make a brief statement to Sinta Articles earlier today, stating on behalf of the Nralakk Federation their satisfaction with the agreement reached - and that they look forward to the age of future cooperation between our two nations that this agreement heralds. We at Sinta Articles strongly congratulate the Hegemon for this alliance, as well as the offer of assistance from our new friends in the Federation. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops further.
Senator Trang Condemns Hephaestus Role in Nralakk Summit New Blades, Old Wounds Article 5 Senator Le Hanh Trang has issued a public statement with regards to recent talks between the Nralakk Federation and the Unathi-ruled Izweski Hegemony, condemning the invitation of Hephaestus Industries. In a live statement from Unity Station today, the senator stated that “It is a dark day for the Spur when a megacorporation sits at a table with two nations, and negotiates as an equal. We in the Alliance know too well the damage that these corporations can cause - the actions of NanoTrasen have been devastating to the Alliance and its people, and Hephaestus themselves have exploited my homeworld and its people for generations. While this is not unexpected of the Unathi - a species new to the interstellar stage, who do not understand the danger that unchecked corporate power poses - I would expect more wisdom from our long-time allies in the Nralakk Federation than to allow such a predatory force to influence their affairs. I hope that both sides of these Ouerean negotiations realize the foolishness of their actions, and reconsider inviting Hephaestus to their discussion.” Senator Trang has often made such statements against the megacorporations of the Spur, having been a leading figure in the implementation of the Solarian Corporate Authority and the nationalization of corporate assets across the Alliance. SANN reporters reached out to the Nralakk Federation consulate on Unity Station, and received an official response informing us: “The Nralakk Federation is well aware of all risks involved in these negotiations, but we do not make our decisions based on fear. Rest assured that our representatives shall act with the wisdom that we pride ourselves on, and that we extend our hopes that ill-founded fear is not allowed to jeopardize the friendship between our two great nations.” SANN has also reached out to staff at the Alliance embassy on Moghes for comment, but we have only received a fax informing us that the Alliance has yet to take an official stance on the matter. Time will tell whether or not Senator Trang’s words will reach our allies in the Federation, however - or whether Hephaestus will keep its seat at the negotiating table.
To Za'Akaix'Sess, my most beloved friend, The horrors that you describe have rattled my very soul - they seem as some tale told to scare hatchlings in their beds, but I have learned enough of your people to know that your words are no fiction. If this battleground of yours is a crucible in truth as in name, I dread what miseries it may forge for you and your Hive. I believed that I had come to understand your people, in those days when we walked together, and thought that it would never end. How I long for that simplicity once again, my dearest Sess, of a time when we both were certain in our purpose. I dream of those days as you do, and the beauty of the time we spent and the battles that we waged together. A warrior's life cannot be free of strife, but there is a beautiful simplicity in battle as we knew it - one which is absent from this Chained Waste that your Hive has cast itself into. I write these words from Ouerea, where the Hegemon has chosen to invite the Skrell to speak. I am believed to be skilled at understanding an alien mind, and so I have been asked my thoughts many a time on this delegation. I have not spoken of your words to those present - I do not know how much the Nralakk Federation or their Hive have learned of your conflict, but I will not be the one to spread such tales. Still, as diplomats and scholars, scientists and admirals, all speak of our nation's future, I cannot help but think of you, my friend. As I sip on wine and stomp with the ghazkii, you are stranded in horrors that I am powerless to aid against. The cybernetics that your kind has developed disturb me, yet were I offered them now I would accept heartily, that I might fly to your side once more. I pray that the Great Spirit watches over you, dearest Sess, and that you might endure this peril and return to me once more. I do not know why the Hegemon allows this struggle to continue, but I am not one so mighty that I might question his will. I pray that your war may end, and that the agonies of the Crucible are left to fade into memory. I do not think that many among my peers have ever come to understand your people as I have, despite all that you have done for us since that fateful day when you came here. My friend, how it pains me to know of your suffering, and to be powerless to do anything save to wait, and hope that you are victorious! I have made offerings to the Warrior, and prayed that your arm remains strong - but though I know little of this new kind of war that rages in the land of the dead, this I know to be true - that you are a great warrior, with a spirit as strong as any that I have known. Whatever may happen, I can take comfort in the fact that I believe you will know victory in this, as we have known so many victories together. If there is any service you would have of me, any aid that I may render to you, I beg you demand it of me. For you, my friend, I will move the very stars from their paths, if it should free you from the torments of the Xathul Xon. Your words, even when speaking of such dire things, are a rare joy in this age of uncertainties, and so I shall await your next correspondence with the eagerness of a hunting tul. May the Warrior strengthen your arm, may the Healer mend your pain, and may the Fisher grant your lieges the wisdom to end this conflict. You are forever in my heart, my dearest friend, and I await the day when we will meet again, be it in this life or another. Your obedient servant, Lord Sarak Han'zkar, 07/05/2466
Talks Continue On Ouerea; Hephaestus, K’lax Invited New Blades, Old Wounds Article 4 War in Heaven, Part Two: “Through a Mirror, Darkly,” Article 7 The diplomatic talks on Ouerea seem to be making swift progress - while we do not have any further information on how both parties’ agenda is shifting, word from the inside is that attitudes have begun to soften, and that both sides are moving closer to an agreement. What that agreement is, and what it will entail for the Hegemony at large, remains to be seen. Hephaestus Industries has also announced that they will be attending the talks at the Hegemon’s request, with Guildmaster T’zakal issuing a statement that due to the guild’s strong ties to every part of the Hegemonic economy since their recent reorganization of the major Hegemonic guilds, the outcome of these talks is of deep importance to Hephaestus. Guildmaster T’zakal arrived on Ouerea yesterday morning, and spent the day touring the recently-completed Aquacultural Center One - before arriving by shuttle in New Skalamar last night, and traveling straight to the site of the talks. What role Hephaestus may play in this negotiation is as of now unknown. The K’lax Hive have also announced that they will be in attendance at the talks. As one of the largest and most influential vassals of the Hegemon, the Vaurcae of Tret are instrumentally positioned within our nation’s economy, with one of the Hive’s representatives stating that “Since our arrival, the K’lax and the Sinta’Unathi have held a shared destiny - and if the Nralakk Federation is to be involved in that destiny, we will be included in the discussions.” The K’lax delegation at the talks is reportedly being directed by the Queen Vedhra, with representatives of her brood having arrived on Ouerea this afternoon. Sinta Articles reporters attempted to get in contact with the K’laxian delegation in order to elaborate on why the High Queen elected not to send a representative from her own brood, but were unable to clarify. Our correspondents contacted Lady Ta’Akaix’Maz'roth'isek K’lax, the leader of the K’laxian delegation, who stated “The High Queen trusts in her servants’ ability in a matter that will affect the Hive in its entirety. Though I serve the Queen Vedhra, my role at this summit is to stand for all the K’lax.” With the talks soon to enter their second week, we eagerly await further information. As always, we will keep our readers updated as the situation develops.
Nralakk Delegation Arrives, Talks Begin New Blades, Old Wounds Article 3 The delegation from the distant Nralakk Federation has arrived, entering the Uueoa-Esa system early this morning before landing on Ouerea properly. Led by Ormish Jrolk, their ‘Grand Advisor of Economic Development’ - a role similar to a Master of Rivers - the delegation was promptly shown to a hotel in New Skalamar’s Founding District, where the talks are set to take place. High Speaker Sarnac was present to welcome the delegation, along with her entourage. To the clamoring of spectators Unathi, Skrell and human alike, they entered the hotel, where the talks have begun in earnest. Though it is very early in the process, our correspondent on the scene was able to glean some insight as to the agendas from both sides. It appears that the Hegemon, via the High Speaker, has demanded reparations from Nralakk for the occupation of Ouerea, claiming that they had no right to meddle in that world’s affairs and that it was shameful that his father was forced to resort to drastic measures to reclaim what is rightfully an Izweski colony. The Skrell have not taken this well, with their delegation claiming that the Federation was the only reason Ouerea survived the Contact War at all, and that Hegemon S’kresti’s actions were an act of rash bravado, where he could have instead negotiated with the Federation to ensure a peaceful transfer of power. The Skrell delegation also mentioned a shuttle of their diplomats destroyed by Traditionalists during the Contact War, claiming that as the ruler of all Moghes, Hegemon Not’zar bears an obligation to make amends. So far, neither side seems to be bending on their demands - though the diplomatic process can be a lengthy one, and negotiations have only just begun. Rumors abound on the streets of Ouerea, however, with many claiming that Guildmaster T’zakal of Hephaestus Industries may be invited to the talks. As yet, Hephaestus Industries has not made any statement on the matter, and these rumors may have little merit to them. As always, we at Sinta Articles will keep our readers updated on these talks as they progress, and we express our deepest hope for a mutually beneficial resolution.
Ormish Jrolk Departs for Alien Stars New Blades, Old Wounds Article 2 Grand Advisor of Economic Development Ormish Jrolk has announced their temporary departure from Federation space today - leading a delegation to the planet Ouerea, a warm and hospitable world currently under the rule of the Izweski Hegemony. The ruler of the Hegemony, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski, extended formal invitations to the Nralakk Federation to send a delegation to Ouerea, in the hopes of laying to rest past hostilities between Unathi and Skrell. The Unathi, for those of our readers who are not aware, rapidly descended into global nuclear warfare following first contact with the Federation and the Solarian Alliance - during which a delegation of Federation diplomats was sent in the hopes of brokering peace between the two warring sides, and preventing needless loss of life. These delegates were murdered, their shuttle shot down by the group known as the ‘Traditionalist Coalition’ (Unrelated to the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition party), a radical collection of Unathi micro-states opposed to further dealings with the Federation and humanity. Since that day, the Federation has had little contact with the Unathi - though for several decades, Federation officials administrated the colony on Ouerea, due to the Hegemon’s inability to do so during wartime. Following the end of what the Unathi have come to call the ‘Contact War’, the Federation graciously returned control of Ouerea to the Unathi, though a substantial Skrell population remains on the planet. Reportedly, the delegation was approved with an overwhelming majority by the Grand Council, with only the Homeworld Traditionalist Coalition voting against. Coalition leader Overseer Nalo Gir-Roq referred to the delegation as “a mistake” during an address to the Council, claiming that for the Federation to involve ourselves further in the affairs of the Spur at large only serves to weaken our position on the interstellar stage. The Coalition was thoroughly outvoted, however, with all other parties standing in favor of the Ouerean talks. Grand Advisor Jrolk and the Federalist League cited the dangers of pirate and Marauder activity on the Federation’s southern border, claiming that forming stronger ties to the nations of the Sparring Sea is a proactive measure to ensure our national security against such threats in future - while voices from the Free Skrell Union cited establishing further connections to Hephaestus Industries as a key reason for building diplomatic ties to the Hegemony. The talks are scheduled to begin in several weeks' time. Questions of whether these talks will lead to future involvement in Unathi affairs, or further connection with alien nations, remain unanswered for now - though the Federation watches eagerly to see what will come of the Ouerean summit.
Hegemon Announces Talks With Skrell! New Blades, Old Wounds Article 1 In a surprising announcement from Skalamar today, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski announced that he intends to hold a diplomatic summit with the Nralakk Federation, which will be led by High Speaker Seleta Sarnac. The office of the High Speaker followed up on this, stating that Hegemon Not’zar understands that there is a long and often-troubled history between Sinta and Skrell, and he hopes that the two nations can enter into a more prosperous relationship in future. The talks are set to take place on Ouerea, in several weeks’ time. Many have speculated as to the Hegemon’s choice to invite the Skrell delegation to Ouerea rather than Moghes - while some believe it is simply due to the planet’s large Skrell population, others believe that the Hegemon intends to call the Skrell to account for the planet’s occupation during the Contact War. The Skrell delegation’s agenda, as well as who their representative will be, remains to be seen. The office of the High Speaker confirmed to us this morning, however, that the Nralakk Federation has accepted the Hegemon’s invitation. Their envoys will likely be en route to Uueoa-Esa already, and many wait apprehensively to see what the Federation hopes to get from these talks. Some among the nobility have been outspoken against the Hegemon’s decision, however - with many protesting the inviting of Skrell to Izweski space, blaming them for everything from the Ouerean Rebellion to the Contact War itself. Perhaps the most outspoken of these was Lord Juyzi Izaku of Mudki, who invited representatives of Sinta Articles to a press conference in the city to issue his statement. Lord Izaku was certainly passionate on the matter, claiming that "The Skrell, they get inside a man’s thoughts, to twist his mind and strip his honor! You see them, small and weak as they are, and you think they are harmless, but they can manipulate your very spirit - look at the slaughter on Ouerea, barely more than five years ago! It was driven by them, twisting innocent Sinta to anarchy and murder, and now the Hegemon wishes to treat with them? He must be careful, lest he find himself dancing on their vile and twisted strings.” While the Lord of Mudki is certainly the most outspoken, he is not the only one of the nobility to object to these talks. Several among the nobility have petitioned the Hegemon to turn away from this plan, citing the occupation of Ouerea and subsequent rebellion as proof that the Skrell cannot be trusted to negotiate in good faith. We at Sinta Articles hope for a resolution that is beneficial to the Hegemony and its people. As always, we shall keep our readers updated on these talks as they develop. Translated from Sinta’Unathi
HIVEWATCH: INTERCEPTED TRANSMISSION ORIGIN POINT: HANEUNIM, COALITION OF COLONIES My comrade-in-arms, It has begun in truth, and the silence of Her absence has finally become untenable. The dead must now fight for the honor of the living - the oldest truth of war, and we have turned it backwards. [AMUSEMENT] I know that you now fight for the Young Queen, and many of Her brood do the same. I am still positioned with the Phalanx force here. Do you ever wonder, if there is a purpose to this? The Enemy is waiting, and we are only weakening ourselves with this struggle. You and I once breached the walls of Kol'axta together, and tasted the Enemy's fear in our mouths. Do you remember how we came to that place, my friend? Fire and death in the air, as the Zo'rane titans marched onwards to a victory that would leave nothing in its wake. I am grateful to the Young Queen for what she has done - the preservation of Her brood, and she is right in her belief that the Sleepwalker is unfit to rule. But I do not know if I can bring myself to fight against my own Hive, while the abomination still waits in the depths of space. For the first time in millennia of life, I am unsure of what is to be done. What would She demand of us, were She here? Would She order me to fight once again? Or is it simply a matter of persisting in a world that long since outlived us? You have not been here, so I will spare asking you your opinion. Should the struggle end, and should the Young Queen prove victorious, I would encourage you to walk this new world, and see it for yourself. Its inhabitants are strange, and it is so different from home that sometimes I wonder if it is but a strange construct of the Interstice. Yet there is a truth to it, I have found, and it is one that I feel you would appreciate. Even if it does mean having to deal with the C'thur [DERISION]. I know that there is a test the Young Queen has, in the heart of her dominion. You have walked it, and been declared as Xol’raii’kl’ox. I am considering doing the same, in the hope that I may see what is left of us in truth - if there is purpose in this new world beyond the struggle we carry. I would ask your advice. To remain here as I am and do nothing in this struggle would be abhorrent weakness - yet I am unsure what I should do. What She would demand of me. I await your response, now as ever. [HUMOR] -Za'Akaix'Kiihr K'lax END TRANSMISSION
Now that New Blades, Old Wounds has officially been announced, I'm opening the list of sprite assets required for the Uueoa-Esa sector to the community at large. This is also a place for people to share their ruin and away site suggestions for the sector. The pull request for the sector itself is opened here, and a list of currently implemented ruins and sites can be seen there so that people don't make any duplicates. This is the list of currently needed sprites for the sector.
n8_toe - Lizard Wizard application (Unathi)
RustingWithYou replied to N8-Toe's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
This application is accepted, enjoy lizarding -
n8_toe - Lizard Wizard application (Unathi)
RustingWithYou replied to N8-Toe's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey, thanks for applying! I like your app, but as I am cursed to eternal toil I do have a couple of questions. As a Sk'akh follower, how does Alrik feel about recent developments in the Sk'akh Church with the appointment of High Priest Azandar? Who did she support for High Priest? What are her thoughts on the current state of the Hegemony and the reign of Hegemon Not'zar in general? How has Alrik found adapting to a primarily non-Unathi environment, and one with many species which she may not have interacted with on Moghes? -
Make the Executive Officer the ship's second in command.
RustingWithYou replied to Kintsugi's topic in Suggestions & Ideas
A lot of things are here, so I'll go through it point by point. So the XO is second-in-command, when there's a captain, and when there's not a captain telling them to do something they're equal to the rest of command. How is this different from current implementation? Heads of staff are already expected to follow the captain's orders, and cooperate with someone if they're acting on the captain's orders. "The XO holds authority over the department heads, when they're carrying out the captain's orders and not on their own" isn't a second in command, that's the status quo as it currently is. So the XO has more power, and for that reason is species-restricted. I'm fine with that even if it would kill most of the active XO characters I see around, but looking at this doesn't seem to make sense. -XO is second in command, SCC is le racist and won't hire non-Skrell aliens in a position with that much power -XO, despite being second in command, is explicitly told to avoid being acting captain and to appoint whichever head of staff is best suited, regardless of species. -So alien with XO power = not fine, XO giving alien captain power = fine? I'm confused as to the logic behind this. My other question would be more on the lore side of things as to what the IC justification/response for the SCC firing/demoting a bunch of its executive officers would be. There's nothing objectionable in this but there's also nothing new in this. This is what the XO and captain should be doing already. This implementation feels like an attempt to implement the suggestion while still keeping the people who don't want 2IC XO happy, but just winds up giving XO, if anything, less authority than it has now. "Authority only when acting on the captain's orders" doesn't really mean anything as that's the general assumption as to any time the captain gives a head of staff an order. If we want XO as second in command, we should commit to it fully. If we don't want XO as second in command, we should keep things as they are. Trying to do this weird half-measure thing doesn't fix any of the problems with XO as a job - basically being BC+, not having anything to really do a lot of the time due to the lack of a department to really manage - and exacerbates many of them by stripping away a lot of the role's actual stuff to do. We don't need an entire job and command whitelist for "captain's all access errand boy".