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Everything posted by RustingWithYou
Aeson Leaves Hospital, Comments On Terrorist Epidemic The Price of Victory, Epilogue A source in the Jaz’zirt House of Medicine informs us that Hephaestus CEO Titanius Aeson was discharged earlier today, having mostly recovered from the attempt on his life by the terrorists calling themselves “Champions of Moghes”. We were initially unable to reach the CEO for comment, as his personal assistant informed us that he is still recovering from the extensive medical treatment he received. Aeson himself overruled this, however, and was able to give a brief statement to Sinta Articles. When asked about his recovery, Aeson said that “it takes more than some terrorist coward with a rusty knife to keep a Martian down”. Going into further detail, he condemned the deeds of the Champions, and said he was happy to hear about the raid in S’th, even if it seems that the organisation’s leadership is still on the loose. We asked Aeson for his perspective on recent events, to which he had the following to say. Note - the above paragraph has been edited to remove several expletives in the interest of public decency. Bold words from the Hephaestus CEO - though if there is one thing that not even his worst enemies would criticize Titanius Aeson for, it’s lack of courage. Updates from the office of Guildmaster T’zakal informed us that while sabotage from the Champions is still ongoing, Hephaestus is taking steps to ensure that their critical role in our nation’s economy is not undermined by the efforts of honorless terrorists. We here at Sinta Articles are glad to see Aeson recovered, and though he reportedly will be undergoing physical therapy for some time he seems to be in fine form and ready to resume his work. As always, we will keep our readers updated on further developments. For Sinta news, Spur-wide, stick with the outlet you know you can trust. Stick with Sinta Articles.
Terrorists Strike Again - Demands Revealed! The Price of Victory, Article 8 The organization known as the Champions of Moghes has struck again, barely a week after the raid on their cell in S’th! A Hephaestus convoy carrying millions of credits’ worth of industrial equipment to mines in the Tza Prairie was attacked on the road by a group of heavily armed Sinta, who stole the cargo and recorded a message, which was later sent to Sinta Articles anonymously via the Extranet - though law enforcement is working hard to trace it. The message is attached. We do not condone the contents of this message, but believe that it is our journalistic duty to publish it regardless. The individuals depicted in this message are criminals, terrorists and traitors to the Hegemony, and we hope that they are soon captured and brought to justice. Tau Ceti Basic subtitles have been included for our interstellar readers. The driver, who wished to remain anonymous, was left alive, though the contents of the truck were stolen by this terrorist organization. Their beliefs are clearly delusional, and the Hegemon has wasted no time in declaring every member of this organization to be Guwan, and enemies of the Izweski. Analysis of the ‘Champions’ and their equipment shows that they seem to be well-armed and well-funded - suggesting powerful backers, likely enemies of our nation attempting to undermine it from within. Guildmaster T’zakal has issued a public statement that aside from criminal charges, association with the Champions will be considered grounds for immediate termination from Hephaestus or any subsidiary guilds, as well as making personal remarks on the dishonor and cowardice shown by these brutes. CEO Aeson was unavailable for comment, as he remains in hospital for further treatment. As always, we will keep our readers updated on any further developments relating to this matter. If you have any information relating to the Champions of Moghes or their activities, the office of the Spymaster has opened the following anonymous Extranet page to report suspected activity. May these criminals be brought to justice, and punished appropriately for their attacks on the honest and hardworking people of our great nation. Attached is a link to a Hegemony government website, where tips can be submitted relating to the activity of the Champions of Moghes, or any other anti-Izweski organization.
Izweski Raid On Terrorist Headquarters - Ringleaders Captured! The Price of Victory, Article 7 Breaking news from the Heartland today, as Izweski bannermen launched a raid shortly after midnight on a warehouse in S’th, revealed in an official report to be a headquarters of the Champions of Moghes. It is unclear where the intelligence on the warehouse was gained, but rumours speculate it came from the captured assailant who assaulted Hephaestus CEO Aeson. With the aid of several K’laxan Warriors, the Izweski agents were able to breach the warehouse’s main doors, catching the terrorists by surprise. Some of them attempted to flee, but most were captured on the scene or by the S’th City Watch, who had encircled the building ahead of time. The self-proclaimed Champions were reported to be armed with largely imported weaponry - several human-manufactured laser rifles as well as what appeared to be imported Tajaran military surplus, likely shipped in by smugglers or some other criminal organisation. The warriors and agents were bolstered by members of Hephaestus’ security force, who were in an advisory role, bringing specialist equipment to assist in breaching the building. The breach itself took the form of collapsing the warehouse's eastern wall, by use of demolition charges, before entry was made by heavily armoured Watchmen. A brief fight ensued, but with the terrorists off-guard and unprepared, it was over quickly, with few casualties and no deaths among the attacking force. Lord Karkartus visited the scene personally after the fighting, taking the time to individually congratulate warriors and agents on their performance, and give his thanks to the Hephaestus advisors. The terrorists are currently imprisoned in S’th, awaiting trial under the jurisdiction of Lord Karkartus. Among those captured are believed to be the three leaders of the so called “Champions” in S’th, who organised the attack on Aeson, and their capture delivers a serious blow to the terrorist organisation. Though we will have to wait and see, it is likely that they will face execution after being interrogated for information; as materials found in the warehouse included firearms, explosives and blueprints of various Hephaestus facilities - clear proof that further attacks were planned. The facilities were all located in the city, and have since seen a reinforcement in security as a precaution incase of other terrorists still roaming free, though both the city watch and Hephaestus discount the possibility. While it is uncertain if this was the organisation’s main headquarters or merely the headquarters of a single cell, at the very least it seems that one of their plots has been foiled. We will keep our readers updated as the situation develops - and we offer our thanks to the brave warriors who took down this terrorist cell before they could launch their attack.
With the addition of helium and boron gases, being able to order those from cargo would be good.
Aeson’s Condition Worsens, Concerns Rise For Hephaestus The Price of Victory, Article 6 Dire news has come from the Southlands, as it appears that Titanius Aeson’s condition has worsened significantly since the attempt on his life by the so-called “Champions of Moghes”. Our correspondent in Jaz’zirt was not allowed to visit the CEO, with House of Medicine doctors informing us that Aeson “is in poor condition, and requires rest”. We were able to gather that after arriving at the hospital, Aeson’s condition worsened rapidly - and were it not for the peerless skill of the doctors present, he may well have died before anyone realised the extent of his wounds. Though the assassin’s strike seemed to be relatively harmless - only wounding Aeson in the shoulder - the House informed us that further analysis revealed the blade to be coated in a currently unidentified toxin. With the knife left in the CEO’s shoulder for the remainder of the speech before he was taken to hospital, the poison was given time to spread - though he seemed in fine form, Aeson was apparently close to death by the time he reached the hospital. We are informed that the poison has been purged, and that Aeson will likely make at the very least a partial recovery - though there remains some level of risk. Hephaestus itself seems to be greatly concerned, with Guildmaster T’zakal having departed Uueoa-Esa to an emergency board meeting in Mendell City earlier today. What they intend to discuss is sealed, though likely it involves the murderous actions of these so-called "Champions", and plans for choosing a new CEO should the worst come to pass. We at Sinta Articles wish Aeson a swift recovery, and wholeheartedly condemn the cowardice and dishonor shown by these terrorists in their poisoning of the CEO. May they be brought to face the Hegemon’s justice swiftly.
Terrorists Attack Aeson In Southlands - “Champions of Moghes” Uncovered! The Price of Victory, Article 5 Panic gripped the Southlands today, as during the opening ceremony of the newly-opened Jaz’zirt Regional Fusion Plant an unknown Unathi assailant rushed onto the stage, breaking past security barriers, and killing one officer, to stab the CEO and former Guildmaster of Hephaestus, Titanius Aeson. Aeson was stabbed in the shoulder while he was giving his speech commemorating the opening. Quickly reacting to the assailant, Aeson defended himself by striking back, landing a powerful punch on the assailant's jaw, dislocating it and causing them to fall unconscious. Refusing all attempts by his security team to persuade him to leave, Aeson then finished the remainder of his speech, with the assailant's knife still in his shoulder. He has since been admitted to the Jaz’zirt House of Medicine hospital under heavy guard, where he is undergoing treatment. Guildmaster T’zakal has since visited him, confirming that he is in good health and “more annoyed than anything; he got blood on his suit”, before quickly heading to the local Hephaestus branch office to assist in identifying the assailant. Said assailant has been taken into custody by Miazso bannermen who have been deployed to keep order, and the region surrounding the plant is on lockdown as a hunt for possible collaborators begins. The power plant remains inactive, as the staff have been cleared out to check for any potential sabotage, and will likely remain so for at least a day. Hephaestus Industries has made a public statement, announcing that their speedy investigation, combined with testimony from the captured assailant has uncovered those responsible - a radical organisation calling itself the “Champions of Moghes”, dedicated to opposing the guild’s presence in our nation through acts of violence, sabotage and terror. Though the situation in the Southlands is currently unstable, with blackouts and panic meaning that it is difficult to contact our correspondent, we were able to gather that both Hephaestus and the Overlord were sent messages from this group claiming responsibility for this act of terror. In response to their CEO being attacked, Hephaestus has stepped up its security efforts across Moghes, with warriors of the Fighters’ Lodge being deployed across the planet to protect sites of interest. Izweski bannermen have also been deployed to some of these facilities, particularly those of national or economic importance. Reports from Ouerea also indicate that the mercenaries of the Dagamuir Freewater Private Forces have been hired en masse by Hephaestus to shore up their security, and ensure that any further attacks cannot occur. Hephaestus has also announced that it will continue to send the pay of the officer who was killed by the assailant to their clan for an indefinite period, to ensure that they will not suffer financial hardship during this difficult time. We at Sinta Articles offer our condolences to the clan of the deceased, and our prayers to CEO Aeson for a speedy recovery. May they find peace in the world beyond this one. As this situation develops, we will keep our readers updated - and we offer our hopes that the atrocities of this terrorist organisation are soon brought to a permanent end.
Hephaestus Sabotage Unveiled - Corporation Hiding Depth of Damage! The Price of Victory, Article 4 Internal Hephaestus documents leaked anonymously to TruthFinder reveal the truth of the corporation’s ongoing sabotage - and it’s far worse than what they’re telling the public. The ongoing campaign of sabotage combined with the expenses of the investigation have cost the corporation hundreds of millions of credits, nearly triple what they initially estimated as the loss. Though the company’s operations are still turning a massive profit, it seems that their operations in the Hegemony have been crippled by recent actions - and that they’ve been hiding this from both their shareholders and the Izweski government. If they’re hiding millions of credits’ worth of sabotage from their own shareholders - what else are they hiding? The company’s investigative division is floundering, and it seems like they’re refocusing their efforts within the Hegemony, having dismissed sabotage from their rivals. The leaker expressed concerns that this will be used as an excuse for Hephaestus to eliminate its internal opposition within the Hegemony - so if you’re one of our Unathi readers and speaking out against Hephaestus, be alert and be careful. While we cannot reveal our sources, we can confirm the authenticity of these documents. They have been attached for you to read yourself, and make up your own mind. Attached are a series of legitimate-appearing Hephaestus financial documents, demonstrating broadly what the TruthFinder article stated - the ongoing sabotage campaign has severely impacted Hephaestus operations, far beyond what their public statements have revealed. If these documents are true, the megacorporation has lost immense amounts of money to this sabotage - and stands positioned to lose more.
Aeson Storms Out Of SCC Board Meeting The Price of Victory, Article 3 As Hephaestus Industries grapples with sabotage of its assets, it seems that the ongoing investigation’s failure to turn up concrete results as quickly as hoped has led to corporate infighting among the giants of the interstellar economy. At a board meeting of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate in Mendell yesterday, Titanius Aeson was reported to leave early, seemingly agitated at the events of the meeting. The Hephaestus CEO later posted a message on his personal Chirper account, sharing his views on the recent sabotage and implicitly casting blame upon Hephaestus’s rivals - though no names were mentioned, the contents of his message seemed to level suspicion at fellow SCC member corporations Zavodskoi Interstellar and NanoTrasen as the potential culprits of this sabotage. Aeson delivered an incendiary statement, calling out “cowards afraid of what Guildmaster T’zakal and I have built in the Hegemony” and stating that Hephaestus’s corporate rivals “know they can’t beat us in a fair fight, so they resort to underhanded tactics like this. If they can’t handle competition, they should go back to building ships that barely fly and turning over every rock in the Spur looking for some scrap of phoron.” Later, seemingly calmer, Aeson posted that his words came from a place of frustration, and that he apologizes if his words were interpreted to be targeted at any particular person or corporation. The situation seems to have calmed since, with Aeson mentioning that he was "just mad at these cowardly terrorists who keep trying to undermine all that we work so hard for" in a brief public Q&A in Mendell City earlier today. Zavodskoi and NanoTrasen both released statements accepting Aeson’s apology, as well as condemning the ongoing sabotage against Hephaestus and denying all knowledge or association with it. As Hephaestus Internal Affairs continues to investigate, we can only wait and see how these tensions might impact the tenuous bonds holding the corporations of the Conglomerate together - and who could be behind it. Regardless, it seems that the rough patch has been smoothed over - though we were unable to ask the Hephaestus CEO about this matter directly, as he departed Tau Ceti via private shuttle this afternoon. Aeson's next scheduled public appearance is next week, at the official opening ceremony of a Hephaestus-operated fusion plant near the city of Jaz'zirt, Moghes. When our correspondent asked if the CEO was worried for his safety, Hephaestus Industries gave us a brief statement that "Mr. Aeson is not willing to live in fear, and will proceed with the opening as planned.". As always, Tau Ceti Times will continue to bring you the truth on this story as it further develops. Below the page is a series of 'recommended articles', almost all of which have to do with Hephaestus Industries in some manner.
Hephaestus Launches Sabotage Investigation The Price of Victory, Article 2 Hephaestus Industries announced today that a campaign of sabotage has been occurring against them - with valuable equipment across their operations being stolen, workers going missing, and several supply shipments reported to have been delayed. While initially, this was believed to simply be due to worker negligence or acts of piracy, Guildmaster T’zakal has released a statement that it is believed to be a targeted campaign of sabotage against their assets in the Hegemony, and that they intend to launch a full investigation to find those responsible and bring them to justice. Though the specifics of this information are, naturally, confidential, our sources report that it is a massive undertaking on behalf of Hephaestus, covering operations ranging from Moghes itself to the furthest reaches of Hegemony space. The office of the Hegemon issued a comment on the subject, stating that while this is largely a Hephaestus internal affair, the criminals responsible will be judged and punished under Izweski law, and that matters of such concern to the Izweski economy will be investigated by law enforcement as well. Currently, Lady Hizoni Izweski is believed to be spearheading the investigation from the Hegemony side of affairs, though far less resources have been dedicated to this than from Hephaestus. Speculation runs rampant as to who might be behind this sabotage - another corporation, Ouerean radicals, and Aut’akh cultists have all been considered as potential suspects. No concrete evidence has been turned up yet, however - and for now, all that can be done is to wait and see what the investigation uncovers. If you have any information of relevance to this recent campaign of sabotage, contact information has been attached for Hephaestus Internal Affairs, who are currently leading the way on this investigation. If you have seen or know anything about this sabotage, we encourage you to report it - so that the criminals responsible can be brought to justice quickly. While specific details were not made available to us, Hephaestus security personnel informed us that the investigation is proceeding promisingly, and the culprits are likely to be revealed within weeks, if not sooner. Hopefully, those responsible are found and brought to justice soon. As always, we will keep our readers updated on this investigation as it develops.
Timby's horrid beast application (Unathi)
RustingWithYou replied to rrrrrr's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
These are all good answers and a good concept, I look forward to seeing Rezak on the ship. This application is accepted. -
Timby's horrid beast application (Unathi)
RustingWithYou replied to rrrrrr's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey, thanks for applying. I like your character concept, and this is a solid app, but I do have a couple questions. 1. How does Rezak view recent events in the Hegemony? The civil war/coronation of Not'zar, the expansion of Hephaestus, and the period of rationing being the big three. 2. How has Rezak adjusted to working in a completely alien culture and environment? 3. You mention that Rezak's Sk'akh faith is largely an act - how does he feel about the other religions of Moghes, such as the Aut'akh and Si'akh cults? -
Aphelions stinky lizard application
RustingWithYou replied to Aphelion's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Yeah - having him be framed, or just keeping him as non-Guwan is good, and the other changes are all fine. With these responses in mind, I'm more than happy to accept this application. -
Hephaestus celebrates two months since end of recession! The Price of Victory, Article 1 Translated to Tau Ceti Basic A formal announcement from Guildmaster T’zakal today celebrated that it has been two months since Hephaestus Industries bailed the major Hegemonic Guilds out from the edge of bankruptcy, bringing an end to the recession that the phoron crisis has brought to our nation and the rationing we were forced to endure. To honour this celebration, Hephaestus granted a bonus to all of its employees within the Hegemony, with Guildmaster T’zakal stating that “what we have done is as much thanks to you as it is to myself or Aeson” in an internal company memo. Hephaestus goods and services within the Hegemony, including those provided by a subsidiary guild, are also available at up to 50% off for the day, in honour of the hard-working spirit of the Sinta’Unathi people. This event was also marked by the opening of a long-awaited Hephaestus project in the Southlands, the Jaz’zirt Regional Fusion Plant - set to provide power to a large portion of the Southlands, replacing various outdated, environmentally unsafe and inefficient power plants across the region. With the help of the most skilled engineers of Junzi Electric, now a proud subsidiary, construction on the plant was able to be finished months ahead of schedule, with a ceremony held earlier this morning as Overlord Miazso and Guildmaster T’zakal oversaw the plant’s activation. The regional grid of the Southlands is planned to fully switch to fusion power by the second quarter of 2466. However, not all are participating in this celebration, with some protests against Hephaestus taking place - primarily in the Southlands, with some being reported as far afield as Kutah and Darakath. Thankfully, none of these have devolved into the violent riots such as those that took place in New Skalamar and Jaz’zirt towards the end of the recession. A few nobles have supported the protestors, claiming that Hephaestus is seeking to take over the Hegemony - though these claims are unfounded, and hopefully they will realise the benefits of the relationship between our nation and the Hephaestus guild. As always, for news you can trust on Sinta affairs Spur-wide, stick to the source you know - stick to Sinta Articles.
Aphelions stinky lizard application
RustingWithYou replied to Aphelion's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hi, thanks for applying. A few notes - merely faiing as a merchant might be enough to get Khetchzi kicked out of the guild, but it wouldn't be enough to get him named Guwan on its own. Being made Guwan is a criminal punishment that's generally reserved for fairly serious crimes - the listed wiki examples are theft, assault, piracy and murder. A much more minor thing, the Tarwa Conglomerate don't really operate in Uueoa-Esa or run smuggling operations - the Shortclaw Clan could be a potential alternative organisation, or a generic non-Unathi smuggler. That being said, this backstory is tied into a lot of different elements of Unathi lore, which I do like. An extremely minor note is that the name sounds kind of off for an Unathi - the 'ch' sound isn't something that really appears a lot in Unathi language. All that being said, I love to see Si'akh characters and I like the core concept here. Some questions relating to this character: 1. As a former merchant himself, how does he view the recent bankruptcy of the Merchants' Guild? 2. He currently lives in the Free City of Vezdukh - how does he view the ongoing struggles on Mictlan/the Corporate Reconstruction Zone in general? Does he have sympathy for one of the sides in the ongoing conflict, or does he prefer to remain out of it like many of the Unathi on Mictlan? 3. What are his thoughts on the Hegemony as an institution as someone following a faith ideologically opposed to it in a lot of ways - especially with recent events such as the civil war, the expansion of Hephaestus, and the end of rationing? 4. Did Khetchzi arrive on Mictlan before or after it joined the Republic of Biesel? If before, how does he view the Sol Alliance, which he would have briefly lived under? If after, is he a Biesel citizen and how did he go about getting that if so? -
Dessysalta's Unathi Lore Deputy Application
RustingWithYou replied to dessysalta's topic in Developer Applications Archives
While it was a close discussion, the Unathi lore team has decided on a different candidate. Thank you for applying, and I encourage you to continue contributing to Aurora lore in future. -
unathi Lent23's Unathi Lore Deputy Application
RustingWithYou replied to Lent23's topic in Developer Applications Archives
This application has been accepted, and the team looks forward to working with you. -
GregorySmash - Unathi whitelist two!
RustingWithYou replied to Gregory's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hey, thanks for applying again. You've included some more of the things we talked about last time, so I'm happy to accept this application. -
New Archpriest Swings Vote in Favor of Th’akh, Reparations Being Made by Next Year! Article 7 of the Sk'akh Reformation Arc At long last, the awaited day is here, as the five Archpriests of the Sk’akh Church have made their decision on the demanded reparations to the Akhandi Order. In a close vote, swung by the decision of the newly-appointed Archpriest Roeruz, the Church has voted to pay the demanded reparations in full - an enormous sum in the billions of credits - with two votes against and three votes for. The Archpriests made a public statement earlier today, issuing their official condolences for the crimes of the Marazalite Order and stating that they will pay the demanded reparations, in the hopes that the razed temples of the Akhandi can be restored to their former glory. They did not, however, accept responsibility for the Iron Crusade during this statement. From our Biesel correspondent, Elder Shaman Vuthix Akhandi issued his official response to the Church’s decision, stating that “I am glad the spirits have guided the priests of Sk’akh to wisdom. My order has suffered much in recent years - but this will begin to make things right. While our Order has made a home in the Republic of Biesel, and continued our work here, the temples held our order’s history dating back centuries. I will be glad to see them restored, and many of the shamans who assisted in putting forward this proposal will be glad to return to their homelands once again.” Many Th’akh faithful were overjoyed to hear this news, with widespread celebration across the Tza Prairie, and groups of several hundred Sinta being reported making pilgrimages to the ruined Akhandi Temples to make offerings to the spirits to bless reconstruction efforts. While it will assuredly take many years, especially as the Hegemony continues to struggle with ongoing famine, followers of Th’akh rejoice in the knowledge that, at last, the wounds of the Iron Crusade are beginning to heal. Our correspondent in Kutah was able to reach Overlord Hutay’zai for comment. The Overlord seemed pleased with the recent news, informing us that “It was not an easy decision for me to come to, appointing an Archpriest - but I am glad that I did. Since the Marazalites and their vile crusade, I had hoped that we might see these holiest of sites rebuilt again - and I am happy to see that I was right.” Despite our attempts, Hegemon Not’zar was not available for comment in person, due to an ongoing situation that required his attention. However, he did send a brief message to us here at Sinta Articles, stating that he is “pleased that the situation was resolved with expediency.” Not all are as pleased, however, with some of the more militant Sk’akh faithful protesting the Archpriests’ decision to pay reparations - or in their eyes, admit wrongdoing. Lord Glatazk Yu'huni of To’ha’dat, known for his militant adherence to Sk’akh doctrine, addressed our correspondent earlier today, claiming that “This is a fool’s decision. The Archpriests have decided to play along with blasphemers, heretics and madmen, and I can only hope that they will realize their mistake with time. The Akhandi Temples were cesspits of degeneracy and acts of shame before Sk’akh, and the warriors of the Marazalite Order did us all a service in scouring them from Moghes - and now the Archpriests want to use our tithes to pay for their return? Mark my words, we will all live to regret this.” While some share his views, the prevailing emotion across the Hegemony seems to be positive - with followers of Th’akh glad to see the Akhandi vindicated, and the Sk’akh faithful happy that the Church finally seems to be recovering from its recent ill fortune. As always, remember - for news that you can trust on Sinta affairs, Spur-wide, stick with the source that you know prioritizes honor, honesty and reliability - stick with Sinta Articles.
Dessysalta's Unathi Lore Deputy Application
RustingWithYou replied to dessysalta's topic in Developer Applications Archives
I have never claimed to be a smart man. -
Dessysalta's Unathi Lore Deputy Application
RustingWithYou replied to dessysalta's topic in Developer Applications Archives
Hi, thank you for applying. I have a few questions I'd like to copypaste from the other app. 1. How patient would you say you are when waiting on other people? Specifically, waiting on other people to finish their responsibilities in a collective project? 2. How well do you take criticism? Do you struggle with anything specific when it comes to your work being criticised? 3. As a lore writer, you'll be expected to contribute to things that are a team-wide or multi-team responsibility - corporations, Biesel, other multi-species locations such as Gakal'zaal. Do you feel comfortable doing this? 4. Lastly, when it comes to writing, how do you feel about writing things you don't enjoy in the moment or aren't personally passionate about? -
Rationing Ends! The Titan Rises Epilogue, Finale The Hegemon and his Master of Rivers have announced today that the policy of rationing, which has been in place since the fear of a famine last year, officially ends today, as the Ouerean Aquaculture farms run by the Hephaestus Guild provide enough foodstuffs for all Unathi without need to ensure all are given an equal share. There were celebrations in the streets of most major cities, as street food vendors, restaurants, and grocery stores reopened their doors to eager customers; at the same time the old food distribution points were being torn down. Not’zar alongside Overlord Hutay’zai attended several of these openings themselves in the Noble districts of Skalamar, happy that there was no longer a threat of famine. There have however been critics of this move, most notably the Interstellar Aid Corps, who insist that the Wasteland is still facing significant food shortages, and that the Hegemony should allocate what little it has to help the people there. Overlord Hutay’zai has refuted this claim, saying it is the Hegemony’s job to help Hegemonic citizens, not Wastelanders who did not even have the courage to return after the end of the Contact War. He was caught near a microphone saying: “Those *expletive redacted* want our food?! They made their choice, they chose *expletive redacted* over the future of the species; I do not care.” Even with these drawbacks, it is clear to all that the Hegemony has passed the worst of what was inflicted by the scarcity, and we only have a bright future to look forward to. The strife that our people have endured for nearly three years now is over, and our nation can begin to rebuild stronger than ever. Spirits bless the Hegemon, and all of us, on this joyous day. As always, for Sinta news Spur-wide, stick to the source you know you can trust - stick to Sinta Articles.
Pocheto - Healer? I hardly know 'er! - Lizapp
RustingWithYou replied to pocheto's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Accepted. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or Gecko. -
GregorySmash - Unathi whitelist
RustingWithYou replied to Gregory's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Hi, I apologise for the long wait in response as the Unathi lore writer position has only recently been filled. I will be denying this application for now, as I feel like it doesn't really get to the core of Unathi lore - little to no mention of Skar'vak's religion, despite the major role it plays in Unathi society, and your response to "what makes Unathi different from humans" seems to be largely stuff that just reads like a wiki paraphrase instead of getting to the things that distinguish the species. I encourage you to read up some more on Unathi lore, and ask either myself or @Captain Gecko any questions you may have with regards to a future application. I hope this doesn't discourage you from applying again in future. You may submit another application in one week. -
unathi Lent23's Unathi Lore Deputy Application
RustingWithYou replied to Lent23's topic in Developer Applications Archives
Hi, thank you for applying. I have a few questions I'd like to ask. 1. How patient would you say you are when waiting on other people? Specifically, waiting on other people to finish their responsibilities in a collective project? 2. How well do you take criticism? Do you struggle with anything specific when it comes to your work being criticised? 3. As a lore writer, you'll be expected to contribute to things that are a team-wide or multi-team responsibility - corporations, Biesel, other multi-species locations such as Gakal'zaal. Do you feel comfortable doing this? 4. Lastly, when it comes to writing, how do you feel about writing things you don't enjoy in the moment or aren't personally passionate about?