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Everything posted by Foolamancer
U wot m8 Il shag ya nan right propa swar on me mams great uncle trevs grave EDIT: all posters be advised, this thread is approaching critical levels of profundity. Any further posts made risk instigating an EK-class global enlightenment scenario.
I identify as a fleeting moment of righteous indignation and this offends me. Stop appropriating emotion culture.
Or he could make and eat an infinite number of objects that don't exist. That's the wonderful thing about omnipotence. No one ever said that you have to make sense.
Lessee here. Darwin Jove, the first character I made specifically for this server: -50. No cheating. He's just an ordinary cop who signed on with Nanotrasen. It'd be lower, but he's heavily tatted (albeit on his back, where it's not usually visible) due to some background stuff I came up with off the top of my head involving interaction with some of the gangs on Titan. Alan Noir, my standby dude that I tend to drag up on every server: -35. Again, no cheating. He's an old, wrinkled bastard who gets most of his pay docked due to his medical costs being so high. It'd be lower, because I don't think a dude pushing seventy and with chronic drinking and smoking issues having a mechanically-assisted heart should be worth snowflake points, but whatever. Edvin Telephosphor, my main character over on Baystation: -10. And again, no cheating, though I'm not sure how to address his skills-required-for-the-job bit, since he's essentially just a lawyer who got roped into Security command because of events on Bay repeatedly turning out with him being de facto Commander even if he didn't want to be, simply because he keeps his head in a crisis. So he's great at talking things out without violence and in keeping the paperwork done, making sure everyone gets the appropriate sentencing, et cetera, but he's godawful at actually robusting dudes. Not really sure how that works out for a Head of Security. ...I must play really boring people.
How did Sherlock survive the fall?
Foolamancer replied to Jboy2000000's topic in Off Topic Discussion
Plot armor thick enough to withstand a strike from a kill sat the size of Benedict Cumberbatch's forehead. -
Invalid. Both arrows should point to the "Shitcurity" option. source: am shitcurity
Foolamancer's Head of Staff Application
Foolamancer replied to Foolamancer's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
This is what you get for not assassinating the space cop squid thing before he gets promoted to Command. Edvin does not suffer fools gladly. In fact, he usually doesn't suffer them at all. Glad to see someone else I recognize, and thanks. Good to see you again, too. Yeah, I've noticed the lisp. And they're also shorter, which kind of puts a crimp in Edvin's whole Jack Skellington physique vibe. But whatever. I'll figure it out. EDIT: And he was always unusually tall for a Skrell anyway, particularly a male. I always found it kind of entertaining that Edvin's description, if you paid attention to it, actually had him as the Skrellian equivalent of the Uber-Bishie. Not many people actually noticed, but it was always hilarious when another Skrell commented on it. -
Foolamancer's Head of Staff Application
Foolamancer replied to Foolamancer's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
For the record, Edvin was never the beneficiary of any admin favoritism. Neither I nor any other 'mins used any super special powers to make him invincible. I honestly have no clue why he didn't die to things like that. He also survived a point-blank meteor strike that vaporized half of Security, a traitorous Warden emptying four shotgun rounds into his face at point-blank range, being trapped in a depressurized Medbay with no suit for an extended period, being dragged into maintenance and shanked repeatedly by cultists, and going toe-to-toe with two Rev-controlled Gygaxes with nothing but a stun baton. In all of the above situations involving hostiles, he finished the arrest before walking himself to Medbay for treatment, usually for nothing worse than a minor fracture and light-green health. The only two things that ever actually killed him were a traitor (which may have been you, Wer, but I forget) shoving him into the crematorium, which is an instant-death GG NO RE, and an admin-controlled Q expy that eventually just used a kill command on him. And he would have survived even that if Amaya had remembered to take off his environment-proof hardsuit before putting him in cryo. Dude just would not go down. It was hilarious. ...Meanwhile, Alan Noir dies to everything. Dude has been spaced at least three times because he was trying to walk onto the shuttle as it launched, eaten by slimes at least six times, and has played host to a chestburster at least twice. I think there's some sort of cosmic balance thing going on - all the times Edvin should die, Noir bites the big one instead. Anyway. Glad to see both of you are still around. Nice to see some friendly faces. -
BYOND key: Foolamancer Character names: On this server, just Alan Noir and Darwin Jove as of time of writing. On other servers, Edvin Telephosphor, Lacrimosa Teagarden, Amidad Asam, Richard Ermey, Gordon Quinn, Jack Knave, etc. A lot, basically. How long have you been playing on Aurora?: A day or so. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Because I enjoy playing Command roles. A lot of my most enjoyable rounds have been spent as Head of Security, Captain, or Chief Medical Officer, and I was considered one of the better players to have in the slot. Why did you come to Aurora?: I used to play almost exclusively on Baystation (I even administrated it for a while), but drifted away due to a combination of boredom and personal disagreement with the server's direction. Stumbled across Aurora recently and decided to give it a shot. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes. Many times. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Playing a character. There really isn't much more to it than that. You get into the character's head and act appropriately. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: Generally speaking, to make sure that the department runs smoothly enough that other players' experience is not disrupted. Medbay needs to keep people alive so that players aren't removed from the round for no reason. Security needs to make sure that there's no griefing going on, but be reigned in so that they don't do any of it themselves. Et cetera. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: No idea, really. I don't agree with whitelists in general. I prefer the idea of banning characters from roles or races that they prove to be problematic in, and think that whitelists just serve to add an air of elitism to things. But I'm not going to argue with it. I think the most likely reason someone would advocate for whitelists is that they think these specific roles have more capacity to disrupt play than others, and thus need to be given to trusted players, but eh. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Alan Noir Character age: Old as balls. Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Born on a distant mining station. Noir received his initial medical training more because everyone was required to at least be able to provide basic first aid than because he really wanted to be a doctor, but he proved to be good at it, and eventually got promoted to CMO on that little station - though, admittedly, that was largely due to the fact that the rest of Medical kept dying in horrific mining accidents than anything else. Budget cuts kill. It's been a long time since then. He's married, had kids, divorced, gotten diagnosed with lung cancer from decades of smoking, had a pacemaker installed - oh, and he tends to die a lot. Noir seems to have the worst luck in the world - if it's possible to die in an incredibly humiliating and hilarious fashion, he will (this is actually a result of his in-character history across multiple servers, not just me saying this). As a result, he's been cloned quite a lot, though he doesn't seem to mind this much. He remains a competent, level-headed surgeon, even if he has grown to be an irritable old fart. Nanotrasen considers him just valuable enough, given his ability to keep things running smoothly through medical emergencies, to keep funding his cloning and other various medical treatments. What do you like about this character?: He's a cynical old bastard. He's a two-fisted drinker and he smokes like a bonfire. He considers the crew in general, and most of the Medbay staff in particular, to be idiots. But despite all this, he gives a damn, and he'll do anything in the world to keep even the most insignificant greyshirt upright and breathing. Basically, he's Space House. And he's a hell of a lot of fun. What do you dislike about this character?: Not much, really. I wouldn't play him if I didn't enjoy it. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: He's level-headed, despite his apparent vitriol. He keeps his cool in emergencies, he knows how to delegate, and he knows the medical system inside and out. Not much more to say, really. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: Obviously I can't answer this without being biased, but I consider myself a fairly versatile and skilled roleplayer. Many people have told me that my characters are the ones they look forward to seeing on the station the most, and a couple of them have become minor memes on Baystation for their ability to keep the station running through utter chaos. Extra notes: Not much else to say, really, except that, if you'd prefer that I spend more time on Aurora specifically before applying for Head of Staff roles, I understand. I also plan to apply for access to various alien races in the near future.