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  • Birthday 01/11/1998

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  • Byond CKey

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  1. 50_Noob and their character Sasha Kaiser have created a unique dynamic within the position a Command character holds, characteristics which are so profound and within my experience are rare aboard/in the Aurora Command roster. I should preface this by saying, my character absolutely despises that of Sasha Kaiser, dating to incidents prior to Kaiser becoming a director. Predominately due to their aggressive initial nature and bluntness, however, that is not synonymous with the character being unfit or a poor choice for command. As I view it, a vast selection of the current Command rosters typically results in what I’d describe as players attempting to play your boss in addition to being your ‘friend’. I rarely ever see department heads holding standards to work, productivity, etc while also keeping player interaction fun. Most interactions from my perspective with Command follow the path of, A player character in a department makes a mistake, a bad judgment call, or is unfit for the job they picked. This is eventually brought up to the online head of staff character Some questions are asked The resolution to the issue is to laugh, act like your staff are your best friends, and just say mistakes happen. While not inherently negative, this seems to be the unanimous play style I’ve observed across the command characters, at least until interacting with Sasha Kaiser. 50_Noob has created a character that is not immediately likable, a character that takes the position of a ‘boss’ and plays it unlike any other I’ve seen aboard. I’ve also yet to see a research player complain about Sasha Kaiser, meaning this aggressive banter/appearance at the very least is not off-putting to interact with, which I can personally attest to enjoying. Sometimes it’s nice to not get along with everyone and to get into arguments with characters who aren’t in Operations. I think it would be a mistake to not permit 50_Noob and their character of Sasha Kaiser for a whitelist. Aggressiveness should not be considered a negative and 50_Noob should be encouraged to continue refining their character's aggressive nature as a Research Director to perfect it for antag interaction, player interaction, etc. I wholeheartedly give this a +1 and hope to get in debates/arguments more with this character, adds some spice to the round. If that was not clear +1
  2. >>> Update The mapping is done for the most part, going through Bridge stuff now but Read was busy, there is no rush obviously. PR should be up tomorrowish.
  3. As Dreamix said, the core is basically above the Supermatter directly. If the SM delams, AI is probably gone/damaged heavily (IMO gives some chaos/high stakes so the research director will rush to card the AI. Additionally, if the SM delams usually we are looking at an evac or round end anyways. I am open to other suggestions for the core, I would gladly put it above the Tesla but there is no space there. My initial idea was to place it where telecommunications currently is, but that did not seem to be desired via discussions in the coding-channel. So if anyone has other suggestions I am more than open towards moving the AI core there, but I would like to keep it EVA, that was a neat suggestion and I like the gameplay that will come around with space-bridges/EVA.
  4. I am still debating whether having a space walk is necessary, so if a majority of players still want that I am more than pleased to provide such. I will just have to move the cyborg-spawn points at round start and late join to the drone-manufacturing area, so cyborg players don't have to waste extra round time moving through airlocks, going EVA, and then back into the Horizon! We will see, I appreciate the feedback though!
  5. My quick two-cents: I do not directly oppose having more consulars or representatives, however, I do not see the present need as we have a rough time already getting both of them on any given shift. I much rather the slot be contested and perhaps the player who did not win the slot at round-start played another department/character for the shift to event out department loads. However, I could also see interesting RP on those once-in-a-blue-moon rounds where we do have two consulars and two representatives online, I do not care much either way. I personally do not like the suggested remap and thus expansion of offices on the bridge. Plenty of recent PRs are serving to debloat the Horizon and I am a fan of that, I rather see us condense and make the ship more compact and thus driving the chances of players walking by each other and interacting rather than expanding any further. Alongside adding maintenance and this to areas for antag benefit. The PR in question regarding the moving of tcomms and AI is here: This is not an attempt to draw attention away from this suggestion, just want to ensure everyone knows what areas are 'free' and where other things like tcomms are presently being conceptually moved. I know Read is planning on expanding into the area that telecomms has left, I personally would like to see: Captains office/room move to where telecomms is Meeting room move to where current Captains office is, has a pretty scenery and gives star trek vibes being connected to the Bridge. Bridge Crewman to move to in-between the new meeting room and the new captains office. Consular/Rep offices to move to where the meeting room currently is Bridge storage to move to where the current Bridge Crewman locker room is. In basis: I like the idea, I guess it could be neat having more slots, but this presently seems to bloat the bridge and I am not a fan of bloat. I rather move offices/switch things around.
  6. They will, I have pathed the maintenance area for the RD to be able to access telecommunications in the event they need to/want to. Typically, engineers are the ones responding on-scene to fix telecommunications in my experience, this is simply to aid them as we usually have an engineer online over that of a director.
  7. Another PR from Huntime, this time working alongside @ReadThisNamePlz for a majority of this. This PR will serve to change the telecommunications, gravity generator, maintenance-drone fabrication, AI core/chamber, captains office, bridge-crewman space, and a few other areas I may have forgotten. A PR for this should be on GitHub by 04/18/2023, the thread is so we start getting feedback ahead of time and can hopefully push the PR to merge with relative ease. Please feel free and do provide all feedback, these are major changes (regarding AI, comms, and captain's office); however, the captain's office images should be added later today (4/16/2023) when Read has time to upload their concept. New gravity-generator location: Airlocks will reflect access so engineers can easily access the area through a maintenance shaft or atmospherics if access allows. Telecommunications Telecommunications is now located across from starboard propulsion This provides easier access by engineers who need/do have to fix it during power issues or other events/antags The windows will all start with shutters down Deck-1 Engineering section: Maintenance Drone Fabrication: Research Maintenance: Maintenance behind research will contain something like a construction site and other nondescript features; perfect for antag shenanigans Ignore the space-tile beside the elevator. This space will serve to either aid antag chaos by providing more maintenance alongside a future/planned update to the research map by giving us more space to use towards the aft rather than the nacelles. AI Chamber: The AI chamber will sit aft of deck-3, connected to Dreamy's new maintenance additions. I am against having a space walk, as it will impede the speed of cyborgs who spawn in the AI upload from entering the round easily and also enjoy the concept/visuals of a glass-walled space bridge. Moving the AI is a necessity to clear up the aft section of research for maintenance space for a future research remap, in about a month after other projects, in addition to deck-1 so I can debloat the port side of the Horizon. This will also aid in antag shenanigans who perhaps want to interlard the AI as the chamber is a tad less secure but subverting an AI will still require far more effort to get the cards and then get to the upload. Bridge Changes: This is a placeholder image. Read is working on their concept for the area. The Captain's office will move away from the fore of the bridge and fill up/occupy some of the space here. The present space taken up by the Captain's office will become the Bridge crewman work area/space. If possible, consular/rep offices may be moved inside the Bridge alongside the meeting room moving. Read should have their concept up by this afternoon on 4/16/2023
  8. This has merged to master Give the thread two more days once merged for any issues, concerns, or changes to be made. If nobody responds, feel free to close.
  9. Map/Progress update: Thrusters Atmospherics Locker Room: Hangar Fuel Bay: Atmospherics Tank Network: Meeting room update: Regarding the new hangar fuel bay, I expect that to be the area of most concern/opinion. Only atmospherics, hangar technicians, shaft miners, and xenoarcheologists can access this area to refuel the shuttles as needed; hangar technicians now can do what actual hangar staff do. The pumps alongside the airlocks are access-restricted, ensuring potential issues are rarer. The Phoron line to the fuel bay starts off, and an atmospheric technician will need to start it if the canister gets low, but the canister starts at 5000 kPa and should be more than enough to refuel shuttles throughout the shift. In the event phoron-tanks are lost/misplaced for shuttles, spares have been put in the secure segment of EVA.
  10. >>Starting work on this now since the pipe updates by Camo are in, stay tuned<< https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/16195
  11. If I can give my two cents, I am not the biggest fan of the layout for this remap. I do not play research so I will try/stray from providing feedback based on the size of fabrication, xenobiology, etc. However, my main concerns are the major removal of maintenance areas and the huge but unnecessary hallways that now are within Research. First off, comparing the old -> new images shows that research was shifted two tiles to the right but also expanded into the entirety of the maintenance that was previously beside xenobiology. There is a loss of something like 72 maintenance tiles minimum, making the present issue with the Horizon map (the lack of maintenance for antags) worse. I do not see a reason for research needing to expand by so many tiles, where it is either equal to or now surpassing the size of engineering. A solution to this could be the removal of that center ring that research has now in your map, moving the meeting room to the side, and filling in the space with maintenance areas for antag mischief/blank space. Second, in part to the above issues I have with the remap, there are so many hallways in research now that seem to do nothing but take up space. The current map has a single central hall, which extends all the way through deck-2 research and connects all the labs by that same hall. There is now a hallway connected to the elevator area, a hallway going to the research central ring, hallways all around the research meeting room, and a hallway going towards xeno bot/bio. All in all I would rather see research condensed, similar to other departments with a single central hall, attached labs/work areas, and taking up minimal space so that the ship retains maintenance halls, antag areas, and limits having 'squares' poking off the diagonal ship sides as best as possible. I'm excited to see what you do with research but right now the remap looks like it improves the laboratory areas/aesthetics but uses space for hallways, room sizes, etc. poorly.
  12. 🙏Thank you, my loyal fans, I do this all for you🙏 Thanks for coming to my meet and greet.
  13. Apologies for the late response, I appreciate the feedback, I was unaware the Phoron/Hydro/and CO2 lines starting 'online' was a significant issue so I will see what changes I can make, it should be an easy fix. As for the ladder, you can walk upon the ladder tile without issue, the current placement of the ladder simply allows you to climb down into the actual atmospherics area instead of being behind a windoor. If there is any other feedback/changes people notice in the coming days that they would like done with engineering, please do let me know. The PR/mapping of this may be delayed slightly, due to a PR that would involve changing pipe code/etc, it is easier to wait and implement my map changes once such is merged. I believe it should be done within the week so we will see. Synopsis: You can not fall down the ladder-well, so it should be fine in the location it is, I picked such just so you would climb into atmospherics itself rather than the gas-tank area. I will try and have Phoron, Hydrogen, and CO2 lines start off to give atmospherics/engineering players an easier time with modifications. I will straighten out the phoron supply and mixer lines instead of having them follow the edge of the room. If there is anything else, once again, let me know! Should have progress pictures/updates tomorrow.
  14. As per usual, got bored, and decided to see if there was an area I could improve the mapping of, turns out there might be. First: The nacelles for the SCCV Horizon were a bit compact/misused some space, even having the phoron line go to both the omni-mixer and the input line that the omni-mixer connects to, was pointless. Additionally, engineering players have been running tests and just enjoying the mechanics of atmospherics, so I thought it might be nice for them to have more workspace and thus the potential for bigger/better projects. Lastly, there was a suggestion to have a dedicated Hydrogen line brought to each nacelle, so that engineers could also experiment with such in the burn chamber. With that, I decided to look around and personally thought the atmospherics storage/lockerroom was a bit obtuse, poor use of space, and in general might need polishing. The remapping of the lockerroom changed nothing about the resources/equipment atmospheric technicians have, but it did extend/expand the portable pump and scrubber area to now hold four each instead of two. To compensate for that, I removed two of each from the hallways of engineering, since you would fill them before use anyways or return such to a scrubber line. I do not play engineering as much as others so I refrained from touching anything else, however, if there are any requests/desires from engineering players or players in general for QOL improvements to the area, I would be more than happy to implement them. I plan on putting up a PR for this about three days, feedback is always appreciated.
  15. A few concerns I have: When I first designed this Bridge, a major concern and issue those had with my earlier versions and something I see here now is the attempt to separate the helm, engines. and sensors. Bridge Crewman presently have no issue delegating who has what task, one person handles sensors and the other handles the helm. However, distancing themselves from each other will now negatively impact lower population rounds or solo-crewman rounds as in an emergency they will be unable to access sensors to find hazards in front of me, disable the engines/monitor the power supply and if we are losing thrust, and keep the helm in control to get to an away-site so mining/xenoarch can do their jobs. Keeping the helm, engines, and sensors together is vital in my opinion. If a Bridge Crewman is solo for a round, they should be able to do their jobs still. Even when we have a bridge full of crewmen now, each delegate and handles their own tasks, I have yet to see a Bridge Officer doing all three jobs. I do appreciate having the weapons system swapper with the camera/engineering consoles in the front right second of the bridge. That is a solid improvement. The amount of tables is a bit overkill, in my opinion, I rarely see a time when we are without table space and in-fact most of the items in the Bridge (toolbox, paper, folders, paper scanner, flashlights, etc.) rarely get moved during a shift. The paper shredder/desk setup is a bit wonky and tightens the walk space heavily, the bridge is a traffic-heavy area for command. As a mapper, I know how it 'feels' with the feedback I gave, especially since I disagree with the changing of the helm/sensors/engine locations. There is plenty of changes IMO that you have done that are positive, such as the weapons system being moved, but id like to see a return to the normal helm setup and some finishing touches before I say more. But alas, I am only one voice. Id recommend something more similar to this since it'll provide the addition to table space, give the Captain their sitting area and the XO a desk, etc. Of course, it is just my take on so feel free to take anything from it or nothing at all. I am looking forward to seeing what magic you make with the bridge.
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