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About Zulu0009

  • Birthday 06/08/2000

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  1. For fairness, I'm replying to this. I actually said that I sent a screenshot to someone specifically, not a private discord. Furthermore, I don't really talk to Stars, no. Every now and then we chat, but she's doing her own thing and I'm doing my own thing. I didn't know that she's still ban evading and I have nothing to do with it. I think the last time we actually talked was about Francisco Vazquez and his TV show? I don't really have any reason to help her ban evade or support her.
  2. I would argue it's extremely hypocritical to call me petty after banning me for a petty reason and then being petty in the staff complaint that followed. What's relevant here is that you banned me because you don't like me and are being proven wrong about this as we speak. I didn't send anyone brigading, and Ambrose has just confirmed this. But also, apparently I can't be unbanned for six more months (which is a ridiculous length with no previous warnings or temporary bans by the way) so I don't know what I could even hope to achieve here. I didn't decide that staff complaints are the only place to talk to staff, you did, so here I am. I'm not shoehorning anything, I'm being truthful. I was banned for no reason and I really don't have time to sit here and read someone twisting my words, insulting me and making false accusations. That's why I said that if that's how you want to keep going, then you can lock this thread. Also, Matt, if you have nothing good to say, don't say it. You are doing absolutely nothing constructive here aside from passive-aggressive if not outwardly aggressive jabs. What exactly am I supposed to do here? You banned me for an unfair reason, I ask for proof, you provide shaky proof that gets proven wrong shortly after. Can I ask to be unbanned now or do I need to see you guys in 2043?
  3. No, man. Re-read what I said. I have Uni lectures right now, so please don't close it while I'm away.
  4. My brother in Christ, you can't seriously use the "well he did it first so I'm justified" argument when the entire staff team publicly ridiculed someone's unban request. Also, don't fucking say "ratio" in a serious context. Fuck, man. Dude, I don't know how to fucking reiterate this to you: I did not fucking send them. I asked Ambrose to confirm if I sent him or not but I'm sure you're just gonna dismiss that because "you told him to say this!!!" or some other excuse. I never harassed Mel or Matt or Schwann, who I'm sure can talk for themselves and don't need you to speak for them, and you can continue to claim I did with no evidence or drop it and figure out a better excuse for banning me. Also: Who the fuck is "the community"? You? You're not the community, dude. Matt isn't the community. Mel isn't the community. Schwann isn't the community. The fact that 2-3 staff members can say "yeah I don't like this guy and I think he did this thing" so you can immediately permaban me doesn't make you question anything? I genuinely can't wrap my head around how fucking stubborn and close-minded you can be to assume that, for some fucking reason, one random day of the week, unprompted, I sent a bunch of people to several Discord servers to what exactly? Brigade against the staff menace? I'm gonna be 100% honest with you Cybs, I don't care nearly enough about you or the staff team to organize that. And also, why would I sit here and consistently say that you're wrong? You don't think I'd find another justification or alibi? I suggest the staff team get a course in criminal law - not that it matters when you can just ban people and bully them off the forums, right? By the way, how many other people have you banned who were actually innocent because this is the behavior you had? To be frank, I'm not wasting my time on you, Cybs. I have a paper to write, I have Uni lectures, I have a life I need to live without having to prove to you that I'm innocent. Hell, the weekend is my only free time, why would I waste it on this shit, dude? Why do you think I would have any reason to do that? By the way, turns out it's usually "innocent until proven guilty" and not "head under the guillotine and beg me for mercy". If you're going to continue stomping on the ground and arguing in completely bad faith with circumstantial evidence that proves absolutely nothing while your staff friends react to your messages, go ahead and lock this thread and live your life, I'll live mine. I hear Polaris and Bay are doing good this time of year.
  5. Considering how I... did not do that, and you're making this up, I'd continue to consider the rules of the staff complaint section. Insisting that I did this on purpose to harass you or anyone else is not only wrong, but stupid.
  6. I don't know if this is the right place for this, but I couldn't find anywhere better. Due to my commitment to University, my paper taking up way too much, burnout, I have decided to retire my characters. This post is to inform people who may be questioning where they went and to give them a good ending. I hope you enjoy and you cry as much as I did. Francisco Vazquez, the best Bridge Crewman ever to shoot the ship's guns, abandoned the Horizon silently. He packed up his things and took a ride on a trader headed back towards Sol, aided by a sympathetic man from Operations. There was no party, no celebration, not even a goodbye. The door to his room remains open, furniture clean and bed made. All that remains is a note that reads: "I am sorry, my friends. My home calls for me. If I reach it and it's standing, I will fight for it. If I reach it and it's oppressed, I will rebel for it. If I reach it and it's dead, I will die too. Hasta luego, pendejos. Fuck Sol, fuck Dominia and fuck fascists. Vazquez out." By the time anyone finds the note, it is too late. The trader has left local space, and Vazquez is already busy telling stories to the bored crew members. He doesn't know what will happen now, if he will make it home, if he will see his mama again, if he will die in Santa Coleta's embrace or in the cold void of space. He doesn't know, and god damn it, the fear makes life worth living for him. Even in the chaos he finds himself in, he can't help but smirk, laugh and dance, flicking off the inevitability of death. You can't kill Franco, amigo, didn't you know? Anyway, back to the Roses of December recap... Accordant Kin, IPC Psychologist, already left a while ago. Unable to ever walk fast enough to the lift, it thought it might be best to get back home. Just as Vazquez boards the trader and waves a middle finger at the Horizon, Accordant Kin is sitting on a passenger liner, showing a Tajara child what the ocean of Konyang looks like and singing him songs. No matter what happens, it knows the universe will embrace it, that life will be fine, that the spirits will guide it. In a galaxy filled with war and bloodshed, it is content bringing the light to those who need it. On Konyang, a short little man moves a chair into a lecture hall and places it next to his. He can't wait for Kin to get back so it can teach again. Francis Amonshaw, the big broad security officer, suffered an injury during a regular EVA session and spent several days in the medbay, recovering with a horrible realization: he couldn't feel his legs. It took a few weeks in a specialized facility to cope with the utter horror, but Francis is strong, and Francis pulled through. He quit, and now has a quiet, peaceful life as a motivational speaker and influencer back in Sol. It was hard to let go of his obsession with physical strength, but staring at the stars on the balcony of the physical therapy center, strapped to a wheelchair, made him realize that the body is fragile. The mind is strong, though, and it must be cared for. He's less bulky now, dresses well, volunteers at a VA and has therapy twice a week. Life finds a way for even a brute like him. Bennet Gris, hot-headed middle aged detective, left the Horizon after one of too many shootouts. After a heated argument with an Eagle Corp higher-up, he quit, quoting their utter stupidity and how much he wishes Ringspire would die. He now teaches rookies at a police academy in Tau Ceti, with an emphasis on, as he explains, "not gettin' shot in the forehead on y'first shift". Secretly, he is part of a union trying to bring change to the Republic's policing and to instill progressivism in the force. Deep down, he knows he will die before anything happens, and often he questions whether it's worth it in the first place, but as hair greys and joints stiffen, what choice does he have but to believe? Torpedo Port, the tall, lanky IPC with the damaged voice module, was reassigned to long-range deliveries. The days and nights pass seamlessly as it pilots small cargo ships back and forth between remote planets, but it doesn't mind. The planets are always so beautiful, coddled in a basket of stars, and it is happy where it sits. Maybe one day it will become conscious enough to understand its situation, its ownership, but life is treating it well enough now. As it lands at the umpteenth spaceport, it begins to notice that people know it. People know its name. People wave at it. It turns out delivering parts to remote planets isn't as lonely as it seemed. Annabelle Boone, ditzy Martian EMT, took a vacation halfway through her period of training on the Horizon. On an Idris station, her heart was struck: she met a girl, an engineer from the station, and her vacation extended. One day, two days, three days. One notice by her employer, then another, then dismissal. It didn't matter to her. Nothing mattered but her, her oil-slick face, her quirked smile, her childish way of waving when she spotted her. It has been a while now that Boone lives and works on that Idris station. As soulless as the corporate world is, the representative couldn't help but wipe a tear and hire Anny on the spot once he heard her story. Now she waits in their room with a little ring box in her hands. She really hopes she'll say yes. If only she knew about her love nervously pacing towards their room, little ring box in her hands. And finally, me. I have a long way to go, and life is hard sometimes. It's difficult to get up and get dressed, some days it's impossible, but it's worth a try. I'm writing a paper that I hope will get my name out there. I know what I want to do, I know my morals and my values, and I have faith that I'll make it. What is there to life if not to try, to believe? I'm writing this on a Sunday, and tomorrow I have lectures until 8 pm, but it's fine, and I'm so happy of where I am. I'm so happy that people wave at me in the halls and the classrooms, that the lunch ladies smile and call me "honey" when they see me. I hope y'all have a good time too. You can reach me on Discord if you want, I'll be there. Hold fight win, pendejos.
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  7. Milsugio posted a total of two comments. Vitaeterna posted a few more but eventually stopped. Ambrose continued the discussion in a mature and acceptable way. Drop the harassment thing, it's not working. Show me actual messages that are harassment before you cry wolf that the Baddies harassed Schwann. They did not, and if Schwann feels they were harassed, they're free to post in this to make it clear they were. Also, you really want to use these screenshots? The first one is suspicious, sure, but the second one is a perfectly acceptable response to what was seen as a really rude reply by Schwann. The third screenshot is someone replying to someone else's message, so there's literally no correlation there. The fourth screenshot shows Ambrose and Vitaeterna interacting, but the post highlighted here seems like a reply related to what I said. Please abide by your own rules and don't insult me with that "someone more self aware". Never in my original post did I say "yeah, they were justified in joining the chat," so don't put words in my mouth either. I told them they fucked up and they should've minded their business once the dust settled. This is the second time you make up something completely false. Stars did not ban evade when I was vocal about my support for them. Once they started ban evading I stopped interacting with them. And again, what harassment? Do NOT imply that I was part of some kind of "harassment campaign" you made up on the spot, or that I supported a ban evader. Where's the evidence for this? This is the third time you make up something that is factually incorrect. Everyone used reactions on posts, and sometimes they turned out negative. Also, it was the entire staff team that made fun of Stars' complaint that made me offended. You know, the thing that made people question removing forum reactions. You really need to review your facts before posting. In fact, it's happening right now, with Sycmos and geeves. You're not slick. Again, I have no idea what you're talking about, dude. I did it once recently, was punished for it, and have not done it since. Cybs, I am genuinely really confused as to what the hell you're talking about. What things do I push as a joke? What are you referring to? And also, what am I meant to post when I'm permabanned for something I had very little part in? "I'm sorry that some people did something and I know them, please unban me"? You have no evidence to ban me with and your response included several insults, so why should I take this seriously? So far your reply has been "you're harassing people" with several examples of it, which have no evidence, which are wrong. My fault in what was a minorly heated argument was sending a screenshot to someone and maybe being a little too mean. You're now escalating this beyond any logical reason by not only insulting me personally, but also claiming this is the cherry on top of a whole history of supposed OOC misconduct. I'm sorry you think I'm a negative presence. I also think you're a negative presence (the number of staff complaints against you seems to reflect this), but I'm not an admin so I can't ban you. All in all, you have provided absolutely nothing of note and have only proven that you did not gather any evidence whatsoever. You continue to try and construe arguments and discussions as harassment and attack me personally. I would appreciate it if you followed the rules and gave me evidence for what I've done wrong.
  8. BYOND Key: Zulu0009 Staff BYOND Key: Cyberspy, I think, I don't know Game ID: N/A Reason for complaint: Permabanned for no discernible logical reason. Evidence/logs/etc: This isn't a staff complaint to appeal this permaban, because apparently it's been decided that I can't do so for half a year. It is to complain about what Cyberspy did and this ban itself, and hopefully to get someone higher up to review this mess. It's 5 am as I write this, because I can't sleep after seeing the notification, and I'm assuming the thread is going to be locked or deleted because I somehow breached a rule, so I guess I'm ready for that too. Yippee. Yesterday, at like, 11 pm, I checked the Aurora Discords as I often do, to see if there's anything of note and to see news and updates. I checked the human-general channel on the lore server, and saw a discussion about whether Gadpathur is fascist or not. I thought it was a dumb discussion, so I took a screenshot, sent it to a friend and remarked about how pointless it was to sit there and argue whether the adjective "fascist" can be attached to something or not freely. It was so dumb that for the first time in over a month, I posted in there. Out of their own volition, accord and will, because it turns out people are free to make decisions and I'm not their master, a few people decided to join the discussion, which admittedly became even more pointless, but then again, it was about fascism, what did you expect? Eventually it died out, I messaged them and told them it had been dumb to involve themselves, and one of them said "hey, you should leave the servers in case they think you sent them." I thought that was dumb, because I did not, I left a total of like, five posts in that chat, and all I had done was be friends on Discord with a few of them (there's really not that many people who play SS13, by the way, being friends with a lot of them isn't crazy) and share a screenshot to one. How could anyone possibly think that I had sent them? In fact, I hadn't. Because like... why the fuck would I? Imagine my shock when I wake up at 4 am and see that, indeed, someone extended a very long arm and reached the conclusion, thus banning me from not one, not two, but three Discord servers at once, cutting off all communication to friends I might have had the same day that I was thinking about joining the Relay to announce that Francisco Vazquez is leaving the Horizon (sorry for the spoilers). I would like to ask Cyberspy what exact precedence or basis he used to establish that I was out to harass people and that "my OOC conduct continues to be consistently bad" when I haven't interacted with anyone in over a month, I haven't even played the game in over a month, my latest note was unrelated to conduct and my latest forum punishment was issued because I posted in a staff complaint. The more I write this complaint, the more I assume you banned the wrong person, honestly. As I said, I guess this isn't an appeal, because apparently I can't appeal for six whole months, which is longer than the total time I have been playing on this server, so this complaint is to highlight the baffling nature of this ban, which has absolutely zero evidence or legitimacy, and to question its validity, so what exactly was my crime? Being friends on Discord with people who talked in a public chat accessible by everyone? I mean, I am trying really hard to take this seriously and make my case, but this is like shooting a man with a Javelin because you thought you saw him jaywalk. Did nobody in the staff team stop to say "uh guys, can we double check that this is right"? Nobody? Or worse, did Cyberspy just do this alone, with no supervision or assistance? Is that worse? I don't know. What history of OOC conduct do I have, by the way? How can you accuse someone of going out of their way to harass people, which I didn't, factually (there is no evidence that I harassed anyone whatsoever)? It was an argument in a Discord channel about whether the fictional nation of Gadpathur can be defined as fascist or not, on a Saturday night, man. I really have no idea how anyone can come to the conclusion that I specifically, personally, directly sent a "brigade" of people to support me in my fight for the declaration of Gadpathur as fascist. Do you seriously think I'm that pathetic, that I would do this for an argument I wasn't even involved in, which I didn't particularly care about? I feel really offended at the thought that not only did you come to that conclusion, but that you thought the solution was to permanently ban me. From an outside perspective, you banned a completely random user several hours after a discussion had gotten mildly agitated, for the crime of... let me check my notes... being friends with people on Discord. If you actually, unironically thought that I summoned an undead horde from the throne of my evil anti-Aurora metaclique to strike down the righteous lore writer Schwann for not declaring Gadpathur fascist and bending to my will... I genuinely have no idea what to say. Sorry. The rules say that the character of a person can't be attacked, but the ban reason is an attack on my person so like... what am I supposed to defend myself against? This is a factually incorrect ban reason and I have no idea how it wasn't questioned or reviewed. I know you guys don't like me, but you could find better ban reasons and actually make your case stand on two legs instead of a single stick. TL;DR: I am the General of the Aurora metaclique known as Task Force 141 and I sent Ghost (he's literally me fr), Soap and Price to post mildly passive aggressive comments on a discussion about whether or not Gadpathur is fascist. Our attack was unsuccessful, and we inflicted absolutely zero casualties and did minor morale damage. I truly deserve to be permabanned on the spot.
  9. I feel compelled to ask what the staff's position is on notes. Is it this one? Notes are a way to let other staff know of people's behaviors, usually don't mean anything? Why are they used as a justification of punishments, then, as in "you have several notes, which support this ban/tempban/etc."? I don't mean this offensively, I am genuinely unsure. On the point of notes already being available upon request, it is similar to the argument I have made before about staff complaints. It's a matter of ease of access. Having to ask a staff member for one's notes versus just seeing them oneself is a big difference, same as opening a staff complaint versus speaking to a staff member. I would also argue something that IRL I really wouldn't: if there's nothing wrong with player notes, why aren't we allowed to see them already (the "if you have nothing to hide you shouldn't be afraid of being searched" thing)? Lastly, there is also the issue that a user might not even know they do have notes to see. Why would a user ask a staff member to see notes that they are not aware they have? One could say the same thing about a lot of suggestions in this board of the forum, but they are still valid. If there is a suggestion about it, with people commenting on it and even MattAtlas working on a solution (thank you, by the way) then it seems important. I agree with Sniblet that being able to see one's notes is harmless, probably easy to implement (<--- clueless) and adds to Aurora's transparency.
  10. I'm participating in this thread on my own volition and because I recognize Aurora has some issues that I would like to see fixed. Stars has not contacted me or asked me to post here whatsoever, and I doubt the same was done for Sniblet. I can confirm this and note that (sorry for bringing you up again) when Stars posted their complaint, the SCC Personnel Terminal Discord server's general chat focused on it for 1-2 hours, at times mentioning the reply that I posted which was deleted. They, including some staff members, made fun of the complaint until I asked them to stop because I felt it was insulting. I also must note that the reason reactions were/are being removed (or not, I don't know) is because they were used in a derogatory way by members of staff. I have to admit that after that, I felt very unmotivated to spend time in-game. Related to what I wrote above, I would argue that the fact that some staff members made fun of a player's complaint both in a Discord server affiliated with Aurora and on the complaint itself would deter others from posting about their own issues out of fear that they could receive the same treatment. May I ask if reactions will indeed be removed following that, or what the verdict is on them?
  11. In the interest of fairness, I concur and apologize for omitting this. Though it's questionable why it took me opening a staff complaint for this issue to come to light, I recognize that something did change. Thank you for correcting me. Again, I don't understand the accusatory language. I met Stars a week ago because Francisco Vazquez wanted to date their character, I'm not jumping to their defense because they're my friend, I'm doing it because I believe their punishment was unfair. If you mean that ahelps and admin PMs count as "talking," then I misunderstood. As for the rest of this post, it's really unfair and demeaning, considering that Silvie herself stated there was something wrong with the policy which changed following my staff complaint threads. And for the sake of clarity, I have received one warning for LRP behavior in the past, at least that I know of. Also: This is unconstructive and I don't see why you would post this, man. Let's just not insult each other and actually try to reach a resolution, please.
  12. No, and I don't understand this accusatory language. My whitelist removal is an example of the behavior I am highlighting. I was messaged by an SLT member on a random day and told that my whitelist had been stripped. That is, in my opinion, an example of punishment without talking to the user.
  13. How was I supposed to know that you talked to them 14 times?
  14. I would appreciate it if inflammatory remarks that bring absolutely nothing to the table could not be posted, especially with a staff member present. Saying "lol just don't break the rules" is a facepalm-inducing response. As Alberyk instructed, please don't, or I'll open a complaint. This is exactly what I mean, Alberyk. You have been here for five-six-seven-twenty years, so you have the impression that old things that didn't work can no longer work whatsoever at all. During my very infamous IPC whitelist issue, I tried reaching out to staff to literally just talk about the issue, and was met with a complete wall. I couldn't even ask the reasons why it had happened, or what I could do, because I was forced to go through a staff complaint. Which, by the way, is an inherently discouraging thing to do, open a "staff complaint." Even the name sets the expectation that the person posting is the plaintiff in a legal case. I'm gonna be honest, we don't get hundreds of new players a month. Most of the week, the highest player count is 25-30 for 3 rounds at best during American timezone hours. During the weekends, it sometimes reaches 40. I think now would be the time to start switching administrative policy to a less punitive approach and a more restorative approach. The concept that "breaking a rule: immediate punishment" is unchangeable is not realistic, not even IRL. I say this with genuine good will, I don't think the staff team is malicious, but I do think that because they've been here for so long, they/you have a warped sense of how the community can be moderated. Would a policy suggestion be considered, then, if someone were to write it? Would the staff team put it in place temporarily, as a test?
  15. I'm really not sure what this is supposed to mean and just seems like an immature quip, but sure. Seeing as the thread was locked, I had assumed that a staff member had noticed Scheveningen's unproductive and childlike behavior. Also, saying "I was here five years ago, I'm right, you're wrong" is not a particularly effective response to what was said.
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