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  1. ------------------------------ BYOND Ckey: Fyni Discord username: Fyni Character names: I’ve played a lot of characters semi regularly, however most people will know: Rhea Volvalaad (Investigator) Elizabeth Joyce (Captain) Hilda Vestergaard (Security Officer now Paramedic) Ekaterina Belova (Engineer) Hazel #S-H8.11 (Chef) Species you are applying to play: Skrell ------------------------------ General Whitelist Requirements What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: A light purple/slightly pink. I’ve not been able to test different shades on the model yet so not certain though. Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes Why do you wish to play this species?: Are Skrell the elves of the Auroraverse? Not really, but they predate humanity (in space), have powerful magic (ok, psionics + technology), are long lived beyond humans…. All these things are what appealed at first, but as I read more I came to love all the work with relationships (even "negative" ones), the confines of living under the federation, the links with basically every other species. What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: The primary roleplay difference is emotion. They don't lack it, but it isn’t easy for none Skrell to read the emotion of a Skrell thanks to the lack of complex facial muscle – but this can be made up for tone of voice and language, certainly a fun roleplaying challenge! Skrell also prefer to think thing through, thinking much more long term then humans due to their long lives. They are influenced by the psionic wake of others around them too, which can influence their thoughts and decisions. ------------------------------ Character Application Character Name: Qiltroi’var Yoxoil, (Head of Security) Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. Qiltroi’var (SCI 6.79) is a Xiiori Skrell and psionic receiver, hatched on 2385 CE on the planet of Aweiji, in the capital Tresja. Doted upon – and closely controlled – by their Qrri’myaq from the earliest possible moment, they grew up in the shadow of the planet’s bureaucracy above the ocean. An only child thanks to the effects of the X’lu’oa, their parents were alive to witness the signing of the Tresja Agreement, and were determined Qiltroi’var would be a model citizen of the Second Federation. As they developed through the Ukutanii, a plan and future for Qiltroi’var was already formed and when it came time for the Oderserr, they burned a writing set. As they progressed through Untuk’mak however, a new future began to form. They became athletic (for a Skrell) becoming involved in water polo, enough to develop a Lu’Poxii relationship with a fellow Xiiori who attended the same reef garden. They developed a love of neaera brain loaf, the soft sweet desert becoming a lifelong guilty pleasure. Finally, they also developed a keen interest in the newly released Homeworld: Invasion, even attempting to stream on Viv-ID where a few well shared clips even saw a small boost to their SCI. However, the biggest impact of all of this was the algorithm targeting them with repeated pro Kala message, and soon they aspire to a place in the Qukala. By 2320 CE, they felt they were ready to advance. Journeying to Qerrbalak, they undertook a degree first in philosophy, penning a paper on the ethics of the use of violence against stateless aliens, before pursuing a second degree in history, learning law and martial arts alongside their studies. A model citizen by every account, they finally entered the Qukala in 2345 CE, where they became a decorate solider, though political ambitions still reside in their heart. How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. Qiltroi’var was serving in the Qukala still when the Federation started to ease on its isolationist policies in 2464. They believe in a philosophy of projected strength as a means to prevent actual conflict, still a firm believer in scientist idols to bring the weapons needed to prevent needing their use. This belief was shaken by brazen attacks by the Admiral Beauchamp, and then again as the Marauders piracy began to escalate back at home. They were assigned to patrols with the Qukala to protect phoron shipments against Marauders, and was involved in the law keeping in the Q’elpi basin, carrying out the grim threat to attack any vessel breaking the travel ban. Somewhat shaken at the outright violence, their resolve was tested, and an even firmer belief in the federation emerged. Doubling down on their loyalty publicly and on Viv-ID, they sough to enter the primary numericals, seeking greater influence in the Federation. Feeling their 20 year tenure with the Qukala had brought as much advancement as it could, they applied their experience to gain a position aboard the SCC’s flagship as a Head of Security, with their final ambition now been to return to the federation with the last few points of SCI they need and experience working directly under the Conglomerate, and join the Federalist League to influence the Federation’s future. How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? The role megacorporations played in easing the impact of the phoron scarcity in the Federation was essential in winding down the chaos Qiltroi’var was directly involved in as part of the Qukala, so they take a very positive view on them. Directly employed by the SCC, they see the cooperation of the big five as a sign that despite what problems each megacoporation may have, they can work with each other, and later with the Federation. The shared work of the Federation and the SCC recently on Moghes has only boosted this positive view.
  2. Me and Loorey have looked this over and it's a pretty clear case of powergaming mixed with OOC harassment, neither of which are acceptable on Aurora. If you are upset with someone's actions, it is better to talk to staff rather then get heated in OOC. Appropriate action has been taken, this complaint is now closed.
  3. The point of this ban was because you were just fishing for antag spots, or playing ghost roles exclusively. It was not a week ban, else that is what would have been applied. It was a ban until you could show you were not doing this and were happy to play rounds as Horizon crew. Since then, you have played a single round on the Horizon during lowpop. I recommend you play more rounds aboard the Horizon to prove you are not adverse to none antag none ghost roles, and apply in no sooner then two weeks. If you disagree you're welcome to make a complaint.
  4. Me and @Loorey will be handling this complaint.
  5. Not at all. Security has the same number of slots as Engineer and Medical. It just so happens to get filled more often due to them having more interaction with antagonists and thus more likely to have out of the ordinary rounds. Also I'd like to clarify my pro "add SoP for Ody" idea: I'm not advocating for hard and fast rules, nor am I advocating paragraphs of text. I'm literally saying add a line similiar to the follow: "During away missions, provisions must be made for crew comfort, such as on site service and safe resting zones, except in the most dangerous of circumstances"
  6. This complaint is been closed after talking to the character's player, who decided personally to delete the character. We always expect people to be considerate of other people's roleplay experience and act in a believable way IC. This will be locked in 24 hours if there are no further questions.
  7. I truly believe in the vision of Odyssey as a way to involve the whole crew instead of having antagonists hogged by security like is often the case with merc or raiders etc. I know this because I've chatted with multiple people involved in it's creation about it. I think there are two solutions to this: 1. It comes down to the STs in charge as much as command. There needs to be a level of escalation and an effort to allow everyone to get involved in a gimmick up front - rounds can end in big shoot outs, or Spur changing actions, but they must at least start with an open door to as many people as possible. The command WL application should be ammended a little now it involves ST but also commanding Ody missions to include Ody, and a loud annoucement for current command WL players to know that some effort must be made to include the whole crew. It's a special unique game mode and people might not entirely understand. 2. An established, IC SoP for away missions. This gives characters something to point to IC to justify some odd ones ("why is the chef been sent to distress signal? Well the SoP says they should be on hand to serve survivors if possible" etc.) I wouldn't see this SoP as hard and fast "must do / follow rules!" but as a way to justify the intended openess of Ody rounds IC.
  8. Kaizia is somewhat of an conflicted sinta, growing up in the heartlands as she did. The coup attempt by Unzi during her time at Baandr College of Spirits shook her faith a little, given she was extremely loyal to the Hegemony. The vacancy in the seat she felt was jutified, and the new call for elections left her worried. Azandar's stance which was to focus on Sk'akh over earthly politics was just the reassurance she needed, and been from a somewhat disadvantaged background saw his connection with the common sinta as another plus. She thanked Sk'akh for his election. She had some difficulty at first with aliens. While she had been around humans before, and even met a Skrell, she had largely spent time around other unathi. However she had some extra training on working with none unathi bodies (medically), and has gone into the Horizon hoping to learn more on what makes them tick - particually humans and skrell, given how much they are involved on Moghes. She is thankful her role does not interact often with synthetics (and tries to avoid them where she can), and thankful that she does not have to worry about installing augmetics too (a surgeon's job.)
  9. More suggestions: Cancelling of hostile mob events (Grems, Hivebots) on Ody rounds - this can be highly disruptive and an excuse for holding sec, med and eng back. A "STRAP IN NOW WE'RE DEPARTING IN 10 SECONDS" button on the Intrepid which broadcasts to everyone on the Intrepid, annoucement size.
  10. It's more it's unusual a cargo room is so deep into the Intrepid, and I foresee stuff been dumped in the central "hallway" given the chance, potentially creating those one square chokepoints that this remap is designed to beat. The exterior shutter would make it faster to load / unload cargo while also meaning it can be used as a room to aid the mission AND provide faster access to medical. I know the concerns with venting the Intrepid, but the inside door to the cargo area will limit the breach most of the time.
  11. It'd be a shame to see the custom sprite go but I see why it's tricky to keep. If this remap goes through I'd like to see the Canary and Spark sprite go so we can have consistancy. As for the remap itself: I'd like for the cargo area to have a seperate shutter (only openable from the inside) to open up the side of the Interpid maybe - allow the field kitchen you propose to serve without people tramping through the whole shuttle, and allow quicker unloads too. It'd be somewhat like the "open" back of the Spark, but with closing shutters. I also like on the current Intrepid you can shutter off the rear and front half - this is helpful for dealing with a variety of (IC) issues and would like to see this remain in the new one.
  12. BYOND Ckey: Fyni Discord username: Fyni Character names: I’ve played a lot of characters semi regularly, however most people will know: Rhea Volvalaad (Investigator) Elizabeth Joyce (Captain) Hilda Vestergaard (Security Officer now Paramedic) Ekaterina Belova (Engineer) Hazel #S-H8.11 (Chef) Species you are applying to play: Unathi ------------------------------ What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: #980606 – S’th Berry Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes Why do you wish to play this species?: I wanted to get this WL during the last event, seeing Unathi areas– and especially AFTER the event ironically, with the final banquet. Unathi are an interesting take on the “warrior / honour” culture trope which is pretty common in all sorts of storytelling. Instead of playing it straight, numerous “dishonourable” elements exist which give room for plenty of character ideas. I also have a soft spot for lords and lessers in roleplay – I play a Dominion, but I feel Unathi have a different angle on it. What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: There is the “Biological” / mechanical differences – eating fun meaty things, that sprint. But more importantly, there is the mindset to get into – that feudal culture, the honour but also the theology and understands of gender. ------------------------------ Character Application Character Name: Kaizia Akranis, (Medical Intern) Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. You have not sought her help, of whose soft grace, For the like loss, I have her sovereign aid And rest myself content. -The Tempest, Act V Scene I (I couldn't help myself after reading all those Tempest quotes in New Blades Old Wounds) A energetic Sinta, Kaizia was born to war in 2438 in Imas’hi to a clan in decline. Not even a child proper when nuclear war reduced Moghes to its current state, he grew up in the literal fallout of this devastating conflict, surronded by a community and clan beyond supportive of the Hegemon even as the war grounb on. This loyalty only became more engrained as he benefitted the most from the Hegemony's ascent, living in the Heartland. As he grew older he turned to Sk’akh after the death of many male Unathi of his clan in the fighting. While his clan was not one to run a church, he never less sought out guidance from a young age as the war still raged, drawn to Sk’akh’s aspect as the warrior Mukari. Great dreams of fighting in the name of the Hegemon and killing the traditionalists responsible for the deaths in his clan always filled his idle time between school and helping at the church, where he gained a reputation as a reliable and faithful child. While his clan was never wealthy, These dreams came to an end when the war did, just as he was on the verge of his teenage years. A keen a diligent worker as a youth in the church, and an attentive student in the heartland’s excellent education system, Kaizia got lucky and was sponsored by a similarly faithful noble who chanced to be visiting the church. Seeing promise in the now teenaged Kaizia, he was offered a place at the Baandr College of Spirits to seek a future in the church. Kaizia had been contemplating the post war Moghes as his teenage years came to a close and a bright (personal) future loomed. More and more, he put aside thought of revenge against a now mostly shattered enemy, and instead decided to study under the mantle of the healer, Simi. With the priest of the church he has spent many years helping at alongside visiting peers, Kaizia transcended the sublime barrier and dedicated herself going forward to the arts of healing, not war – now in all respects a female to herself and other sinta. Kaizia’s time at the college was productive but uneventful, attaining her Mastery of Sacred Theology in their late 20s. Near the end of her course, she started to become involved in church politics, learning from priests and nobles alike when the High Priest Unzi’s attempted coup failed. Torn between a life long loyalty to the Hegemon and to Sk’akh, Kaizia became sceptical of the upper ranks of the church, and the continued absence of a High Priest does not concern them. After becoming a peer with the help of the same noble which sponsored her place at the college, Kaizia began travelling the Moghes and the wasteland to practice both her healing arts and spread the word of Sk’akh. How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? More recently, Kaizia has had some hope for Moghes as the rebuilding effort picks up pace. However, the outbreak of conflict by the rebel Lord Izaku brought memories of her childhood to her – this was war once more, and she would do her part, loyal to the Hegemony still and forever. Travelling to near Mudki, she one more applied her healing skills and preached in equal measure, often treating warrior of the Isweski as a preference. As the walls fell and the rebel Izaku was executed, Kaizia felt even more loyal to the Hegemon – she considered the rebel lord as ignorant, risking Moghes future with the rebuilding effort for selfish personal gain, and the Hegemon’s swift action as justified. With the brief outbreak of war stretching their skills to their limits, Kaizia felt the ultimate test ahead: time abroad, off Moghes even to bring an end to her peership. Remembering the Horizon’s roll recently, she sought employment through the Hegemony to work aboard the SCC’s flagship. How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? Through her desire to get aboard the Horizon, Kaizia signed up for a short contract with Sekhmet Intergalactic. The trip to Sol to spend time at the PMC academy on Eridani was the first step into a new world, though she found the managers above her to be stuffy, with focuses in the wrong places. The more she learnt, the more she came to think of the PMCG as a whole to be opportunistic and honourless, somewhat ironic given her using them as a gateway to her travels.
  13. Hey Geno. I have personally seen you ghost out multiple times when it’s clear you’ve not rolled antag, and the same when a ST starts to propose a none violent Ody round. While this could be a coincidence, it seems to always happen at round start when you don’t roll, and it is lucky you do not suffer the same problem when you do roll antag. This is something of a trend, which is why the ban was placed. if you are having connection problems, you’re free to ping us on Discord telling us you’ve DC’d too. Additionally, regarding you not DCing but ghosting on purpose because it is lowpop and would be boring – you can see how many people are queued in the lobby before a round starts. If you do not want to play lowpop at all, you are always free to not queue. While sometimes you can’t get the role you want, you should still play the round and get involved – we are a HRP server, and you have the opportunity to partake in antag stuff and create a story even without rolling it yourself. Given all this, I’d like to see you try and play some none antag rounds to know it’s not just DCing when you don’t roll. Feel free to appeal again in at least a week if you do this, and you may escalate to a staff complaint if you disagree. For now this is denied.
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