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JaceyLessThan3's Achievements

Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician (4/37)

  1. I like hatches as well.
  2. The game uses the term "airlock" to refer to all airtight automated portals. This is contrary to the common definition of airlock, which is a chamber for passing through areas of different pressure or atmosphere composition. We have real airlocks on the map, but the usage of the term for the majority of the doors on the ship is unnecessarily confusing.
  3. There is a distinct lack of fire alarms in Engineering. I think I only found two, one in the CE office, and one in the breakroom.
  4. I apologize for putting words in your mouth. I do believe that your original statement, and your response identifying security vs antagonists as the main gameplay loop, are indicative of a security-centric viewpoint common on the server, but that is outside the discussion at hand. I still believe that not having a full command roster during medium and high pop hours is a problem, but, as I mentioned, I don't think this change will greatly affect it one way or another.
  5. I think you may have mislabeled Chef and Gardener. Edit: It has been fixed.
  6. While I wanted to disagree with the assertion that "command population is fine", I don't disagree with the reasoning for the purge. I suspect that people who have been gone for a year aren't going to come back longterm anyway.
  7. Our current command population is not fine. Only two or three rounds a day, during peak times, will have a full command roster, and many rounds during the day have no command at all.
  8. So, you are running on internals in an emergency situation, and your tank runs out of oxygen. Somehow, you breathe hard enough to pull a complete vacuum in the tank, and now the tank is trying to suck your lungs out of your mouth. I am pretty sure this is not how air tanks work.
  9. Modern commercial ships typically have 3 departments, Deck, Engineering, and Steward. I have split Deck into Bridge, Medical, Research, Security, and Operations. Operations also has elements from Steward's department.
  10. Submitted for consideration and discussion for the NBT. Organizational structure, including department, ranks, and positions, based on modern commercial maritime ships. Officer level positions are bolded, division names are underlined, tabs represent subordination. Ranks determine pay scale and general responsibility, not direct command authority. A Senior Officer does not issue direct commands to even an Ordinary Spacemariner outside their own department. Captain - The Captain Senior Officer - First Mate, Navigator, Department Heads Officer - High responsibility roles aboard the ship, notably engineers, doctors, and security officers. Able Spacemariner (or Spacer) - Technician level crew. Typically have special training for their role. Ordinary Spacemariner (or Spacer) - Assistant level crew. Command of the Bridge - Aboard a starship, an officer must always be in command of the bridge, able to respond to external situations. If the Commander of the Bridge must leave the bridge for any reason short of general evacuation, they should first give Command of the Bridge to another officer. Captain - Master of the ship, answers directly to the corporate owners. May order crew directly, but usually commands through Senior Officers. Default holder of Command of the Bridge, and can take Command of the Bridge at will. Bridge Department- Generally responsible for controlling the ship, including navigation and piloting, tactical operations, mission planning, and away teams. First Mate- The Senior Officer in direct command of the Bridge Department. If the Captain is missing or incapacitated, the First Mate has precedence before other Senior Officers, though not absolute command. May be given Command of the Bridge by the Captain, and can take Command of the Bridge from the Navigator or Helm Officer. Navigator - The Senior Officer responsible for navigation. The Navigator's command duties do not extend beyond the bridge. May be given Command of the Bridge by the Captain or First Mate, or take it from the Helm Officer. Helm Officer - Officer responsible for maneuvering the ship from a helm console on the bridge. May be given Command of the Bridge only under extreme circumstances. Sensor Technician - Able Spacer specifically trained to monitor and interpret sensor information. Communications Technician - Able Spacer trained in operating the communications terminal, responsible for answering routine communications, and relaying communications to the relevant individuals. Bridge Assistants - Ordinary Spacer, responsible for various tasks around the bridge, such as transcribing verbal communications for faxes, filling out reports, and fetching coffee. Can take the helm during routine maneuvers. Engineering Department - Responsible for maintaining the ship and its systems, including engines, electrical, and atmospherics. Chief Engineer - Senior Officer Engineers - Officer, includes specialists on different engine systems, atmospherics, construction, and electrical systems. Engineering Apprentices - Able Spacer Medical Department Chief Medical Officer - Senior Officer Doctor - Officer First Responder - Able Spacer Medical Assistant - Ordinary Spacer, fetches things for doctors, cleans the medical suite, fetches things for patients, learns about medicine. Research Department Research Director - Senior Officer Science Officer - Officer Graduate Research Assistant - Able Spacer, capable of performing independent research under the supervision of a Science Officer. Research Assistant - Ordinary Spacer, cleans labware, fetches things for science officers and GRAs, cares for lab animals, learns about science. Security Department Head of Security - Senior Officer Warden - Officer Investigator - Officer Security Officer - Officer Security Cadet - Able Spacer Forensic Technician - Able Spacer Operations Department Chief Operations Officer (replace HOP)- Senior Officer Boatswain - Able Spacer, petty officer. Along with the Hanger Crew Chief, leads and represents the non-officer spacemariners aboard. Generally responsible for crew safety. Cook - Able Spacer Bartender - Able Spacer Hydroponicist - Able Spacer Librarian - Able Spacer Chaplain - Able Spacer Corporate Reporter - Able Spacer Janitor - Ordinary Spacer General Assistant - Ordinary Spacer Hanger Crew Chief (replace QM)- Able Spacer, petty officer. Along with the Boatswain, leads and represents the non-officer spacemariners aboard. Oversees hanger operations. Mechanic - Able Spacer Hanger Technician - Able Spacer Hanger Assistant - Ordinary Spacer Prospector - Able Spacer Alert Levels Green - Normal operations, Captain, First Mate, and HoS may carry a sidearm. Blue - Potential dangers, Security Officers and Senior Officers may carry sidearms. Yellow - Confirmed dangers, continue operations, all Officers may carry sidearms, Security Department authorized to use heavy arms. Red - Uncontrolled dangers, continue only vital operations, all spacemariners take up arms to defend the ship. Black - Destruction or capture imminent. Salvage or destroy confidential assets, abandon ship.
  11. Learning and practicing skills as a person is part of the roleplaying in SS13 for me. It makes me feel like an engineer to learn and practice the set-up process for the SM engine. I would much rather keep that, and trust myself and others to limit their player skills to what is reasonable for their character.
  12. This sounds like a great idea, and I could see the narrator role being added to other game types as well. +1
  13. Request: IC: A form or computer interface that department heads can use to request particular jobs be assigned to the current shift. OOC: A job slot requested in this manner will be flagged "high priority" to late joiners, and a relevant message placed in lobby chat. Justification: IC: Heads should be able to request particular roles be assigned when they are required to deal with problems aboard the station. OOC: Helps late joiners decide which character to play, perhaps will ease some of the difficulties of low pop.
  14. I acknowledge that in my post, but at least one person claims to have been under a contrary impression, so I am asking that these policies be posted explicitly.
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