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Everything posted by Gamegod12

  1. Don't normally do this, but bump. Tis been ages since anyone last posted...
  2. That feel when you've been here a long while, and some new guy makes a far deeper looking char than you xD I was curious to ask if she has those "human" moments, (anger, sadness, etc) and understands why people do such things, or its a clear cut: "if you're not perfect, you're lower than I am" kinda deal.
  3. WHY IS EVERYONE LEAVING US?! Anyway, bai.
  4. "Just a few... Things... I think... Those fancy bathsalts... I cooked em up while I was cleaning... I think." She mumbles into the microphone, blinking more than a few times at the camera, her eyes appearing to be a slight shade of red, whether it's sleep deprivation or the "salts" is anyone's guess.
  5. Jennifer nods once, spraying a bit of deodorant under one arm as she speaks into the microphone. "Oh... Senri... I know you... You're like the only normal hot guy on the station... Didn't know you browsed the intranet... That's cool...." She speaks slowly and calmly, almost like she's high on something.
  6. I honestly wouldn't mind a random objective every now and again, that's coded so that it depends on the crew currently posted: For example, if science is stocked, an objective should be to produce a certain amount of mecha or something. While yes, any of this can be done in-game at the result of initiative, most players tend to need a guiding force, or something like that.
  7. Honestly, we're only on the station for a few hours at most, don't see why you'd starve to death...
  8. Even if you're a cunt sometimes. I'd be bored without you. Go, and come back, it'll be better that way.
  9. BYOND Key: Gamegod12 Character Names: Jennifer Hynes, Jonas Hynes, New Dawn, James Middleton, David Caulfield How long have you been playing on Aurora: About a year and a half Species you are applying to play: Tajara Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: The Tajara as a species seem to be easily impressed and convinced by the simplest of things, the concept of one true God, Heaven, etc would resonate well with their history, and their nature as a whole. Basically, I imagine them to be loyal to a concept, in this case, religion. (So no Raieed Tajara, thank God). I want to play as a Tajara simply because his religion defies his (supposedly) nature and initial impression as a member of a supposedly an uncultured, uncouth, and morally bankrupt. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: First of all, the easily pointed out differences: No footwear, No spacesuits not designed for them, and of course, the rolling of the Rs. The Tajara as stated, are viewed in a negative light, so much so, it prevents them from being appointed in leadership positions, leading to some interesting scenarios with racism. However, I think their low position in society might also give them a rather unique view on spirituality and the nature of what God is. Why does this species in particular hold your interest? The Tajara for me are interesting in the fact of their history and nature, being commonly believed to be rabble and criminals, though their history begs to differ, being basically a story of liberation and revolution. Also, the stated unique views on spirituality and god. I’d like to try and explore that avenue of RP as a catman. Character Name: Moses Tra’Jirra Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs What do you like about this character? I like how he’s different from the cookie cutter template of what is expected of Tajarans. He’s more passionate about things, and of course his piety must be taken into account. He was raised by humans, adopting their religion and values, while still being of a different species and having the labels associated with that being applied to him. That and the religious upbringing made for a rather unique early life for Moses. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 10 catmans/10 Notes: Roosty helped, and bullied me into doing it.
  10. I also hate Skrell, and want them all to die a horrible, warble invoked death. (I love them really) But yes, Blue's shown he's easily capable of playing different varieties of chars (the difference between Jenifer and George is astronomical.) Along side doing it rather well. So a +1 for you, totally not favouritism or anything silly like that.
  11. Incog, I can't find you ;-; Mine's Gamegod12..
  12. Jennifer signed, another guy, amazing. "Oh heeeeeeeey random guy... Uh.. How you doing? You uh... Hey... Do we know eachother..? You look familer..." She spoke into the microphone with a rather tired tone, it was 2am, but she didn't want to sleep. She was dressed in nothing but a loose fitting tank-top, shown clearly by the high quality webcam, though the rest of the background is blocked out by a pitch black darkness. She clicked submit, and rested back on her chair, taking a bite of her chocolate spread sandwich.
  13. Honestly, this is my first -1 ever, why? I'll tell you. Fortune is literally everything I wouldn't want to see in a head positon. When I made Jennifer a head, she was young, inexperienced, hot headed, etc. I made her rather... bad, at her jobs deliberately so to see how crew would react (was pretty fun I might add) But I have this weird feeling that Fortune would do literally fucking everything herself, not dishing out orders or commands, except of course when told to. Also the hair, if she goes anywhere near a deconstructive analyser, she's getting her head torn clean off. (It's actually why Jen's hair changed... fun fact.) Also, she's way too antagonistic for my tastes, taking mechs and joy riding them instead of taking them to the relevant positions. (And a incident where she offered a Durand to a rather dumb warden... but that's another story.) So yeah, -1. The char is too immature (if the char is going to be made to fuck up at certain situations deliberately, then sans this point.) And antagonistic for a head position.
  14. +1 Kindly don't fuck this up, people do the whole asshole thing badly sometimes. (Look at all of Skull's chars in command positions (nah kidding, love you Skully.)) But seriously, he'd better be at least half decent some times, and be redeemable in some qualities, cause people like this don't tend to last long under the wrong conditions. Also, be too much of an ass, Davey will be on his ass in a matter of seconds. (Gotta love head warfare by the way, it's pretty fun, though I always end up winning ) But yeah, good RPer (Jason is neh sometimes though.) And good char (he's actually a tad like mine..) Be good, but be an ass.
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