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About SpookyCactus

  • Birthday October 3

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  • Byond CKey

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Cargo Technician

Cargo Technician (4/37)

  1. Hey! As someone who mostly plays investigator roles, i dont have as much experience with the weapons and stuff, but what I do have is experience with the armor. I think you made some really great points about how strong the armor sec gets is, and imo at least, it ends up leading to sec offs just kinda chucking themselves at combat as soon as they can, as opposed to making well thought out plans or using any real teamwork.
  2. +1 for sure Love playing with Kira (gay people moment) and her having the flag would be really cool to see, super fitting for her character, and if nothing else, a great conversation starter should any of our 15 new cadets ask about it. sec bloat forever ❤️ also the flag is pretty
  3. [X] - Calm down. This isn't real. You wouldn't do something like this.
  4. +1 from me Love playing with them a ton, and I think them playing a strong willed character fits really really well. Hope to see and interact with Kasa'an Drek'za in the near future :)
  5. [x] - Make him pay. (torturing prisoners is morally correct)
  6. [x] - Tilt your head back and try to keep it together. You're with friends.
  7. Palisade is at a point in their life where they are beginning to be able to make decisions of their own, and are really just doing their best to figure out who they are and the nature of IPCs in general. they believe in the values of the trinary perfection, mainly that IPCs are alive and have souls. They view their position as a guardian as an important part of who they are, and believe that organic life should be valued (they believe this because of their connection with Valdez, who is a human). Pali still struggles sometimes to make their own decisions and identify their feelings, and is working on getting better at this with Valdez.
  8. 1) Disscussed it and we came to the conclusion that Palisade was still critically damaged while disarming a UXB, in the Northern Regions of the Solarian Alliance, and was recovered by the military, but deemed not worth repairing, and so was sent to be scrapped. Valdez ran into a friend of theirs who worked as a soldier, and was transporting the broken SAEOD, and Valdez offered to buy the broken bot instead of letting it get scrapped. From there Palisade followed Valdez, joined the Trinarist church, and became a Guardian, gaining their new name. 2) yee they are owned by Valdez so is all good
  9. Hey! First of all want to say thank you for looking at my application! For the questions: 1) I didn't notice that the Trinary church didn't have much influence in sol, so that's my bad! I am 100% up to revising this, and perhaps having the site be an old battle field or even civilian sector part of a previous war? As for location within sol, San Collette may work best as that is where Valdez is from, meaning it would be easier to connect the two characters. If needed though, I can always talk to Valdez' player and work something out! 2) As for ownership, since Palisade was within sol and cannot really get citizenship, I was thinking that since Valdez took ownership of them, I was thinking by buying them from the Solarian military for a heavily discounted price, due to the damages, they would still technically be considered privately owned equipment, which I believe is allowed on the Horizon as long as Palisade is listed as either independent or under Orion. Also that as long as Valdez has a valid citizenship to sol, Pali's "citizenship" would default to that if needed. 3) I was thinking to either play them as a passenger, independent assistant, or maybe loaned out to Orion for work as a cargo tech? (absolutely not opposed to revising this though) 4) Their current view of self preservation is heavily influenced by how they were treated as equipment within the sol military, and so their idea of "self preservation" is to do what is ordered of them to avoid getting wiped or scrapped. I also plan to have them slowly change this view, and eventually grow to view themselves as equal with others (they do not see themselves as such now, due to how they were taught and treated in sol) 5) I intended them to be occupying either a G2 chassis or a Baseline frame. I was thinking G2 as they are built to be durable and do dangerous or strenuous jobs in place of humans. As for interaction with the crew, they very much still see themselves as equipment, built to follow orders and carry out given tasks. Hope I answered well enough! And I am absolutely open to re-doing any part of Palisade (other than their connection to Valdez I think)
  10. BYOND Key: SpookyCactus Character Names: Nira Jotunheim, Lockie Naya, Wynfride Saar, Audra Kairyte, Bright Flare of Eager Curiosity Under The Peaks, Roots Bathed in Knowledge Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yep! re-read it a good few times too Why do you wish to play this specific race: Primarily wanting to play an IPC to go along with another player's character, but also IPCs in general are really neat. I love the fact of the brain and body also being more separate than with a human or other race. Also I really love having all the different options that come with playing an IPC, from the chassis to their ownership and names, they're just super unique. My last reason is because I just really like how cool the sprites and stuff look too. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: A ton of things make IPCs different from humans! The biggest difference to me is their physical form, and how that affects RP and thinking and all that awesome stuff. An IPC is a positronic brain, or essentially a really really powerful computer, that is made to mimic a human brain. This brain is then put into a frame, which it can operate, mimicking a nervous system (minus things like pain and some other senses). The posibrain page mentions that their memories and stuff are almost split into two groups, those being knowledge and memories, where knowledge is like their... coding? kinda? and their memories are their experiences of carrying out the knowledge. I also found it really interesting how self preservation is always an IPCs top priority, but that as they age their interpretation of what self preservation is can change. All of that would obviously massively affect how you RP, and especially makes a huge difference between IPCs based on their age and if they've been wiped or reset before. Also worth noting because of how they work they need electricity in order to function, like how a human needs food and stuff. Character Name: Palisade Please provide a short backstory for this character Palisade is an IPC built in the Sol Alliance, specifically for the Sol military. Palisade was originally known as SAEOD-U238 (synthetic auxiliary explosive ordinance disposal, unit 238), and was a used as an EOD unit to disarm or detonate explosives in place of human soldiers. Through their service in the Solarian military, they were treated like any other IPC, a piece of equipment. Although they were well maintained and kept functioning, they were afforded little opportunity for freedom, and were looked down on and treated poorly by the soldiers. They spent roughly five years in service, and were seen as a valuable asset, that preformed their job well. They were deployed repeatedly, and over the course of their service, took more than a few explosions to the face. Although they were well maintained and repaired, the damage slowly built, and built, and built. Eventually, when they were deployed, the accumulated damage became too much, and while attempting to disarm a particularly large UXB just outside an old Trinarist chuch, they slipped up, and detonated the explosive. The military determined that attempting to retrieve the damaged IPC wasn't worth it, and so abandoned the burning, broken shell on the field. As they sat laying on the ground, sparking and twitching for half a day, hanging on to the last ounces of power they had, they were found by a priest that had come to see the church. The priest took pity on them, and dragged the IPC to be fixed. After a long period of repairs, SAEOD decided to repay their debt to the trinary church, and to the priest that saved them (who now had legal ownership of them). Over another number of years, SAEOD joined the Trinary church, eventually becoming a member of the Order of Guardians, and adopting a new name, "Palisade". As they followed the priest that had saved them, and rose through the ranks of the church, their path eventually led them to the Horizon, where they now reside, officially as an off-duty crewmember, and unofficially as a Trinarist Guardian, following the Priest Rodrigo Valdez. What do you like about this character? The more I wrote on this character, the more I started to fall in love with them. I love the idea of a former bomb squad IPC becoming a Trinarist guardian, and having another player be their official owner is going to be super fun to RP. I also plan on having a good few of their parts be replacements, to signify the damage that was done to them while working for the military. Also!!! I really think it will be fun to play an IPC with a slight distrust of humans, since they abandoned them when they were damaged. Also also, having them go through a journey of like... becoming sentient (kinda) will be a lot of fun I think. Having them go from "take orders, do your job" to "live your life, protect others" seems really cool to do. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I think a solid 8.5/10 I still make some spelling mistakes and stuff and I can be awkward at times, but I think I RP my characters fairly well! (and practice can only make me better!)
  11. +1 Riphea is one of the best captains I've interacted with. love this dude, and his Rp ability is crazy good.
  12. +1 from me! I play an investigator and have worked with Kira a ton. They do great in tough situations, and have shown good leadership when it was needed. They also are just super fun to play with, and RP well.
  13. BYOND Key: SpookyCactus Character Names: Wynfride Saar, Lockie Naya, Audra Kairyte Species you are applying to play: Dionae What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes! there are a lot of parts to it, so I'm sure I'll need to re-read some parts, but I've read all of it at least once. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Dionae are super interesting to me, and I love the idea of a group of smaller, individual, organisms working together to be one entity. I think playing around with a bunch of their mechanics, like having different internal dialogues and their views of age and experience, is going to be super fun and interesting in RP. I also don't see too many Dionae around the ship when I play, and because of that don't know how the crew interact with them too well, and am very excited to learn. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Dionae are super different from humans, in tons of different ways. Their biology meaning that their body is more than just flesh, it is individuals that all matter greatly, and the fact that they can't taste or smell, or that they eat light and radiation, makes them vastly different from humans physically, which I think changes a lot of both passive and active RP. They're also super different mentally, with a single gestalt being a collection of nymphs, which are each individuals, with their own thoughts, meaning you're not RPing as one "person" but as a bunch of nymphs that together make a person. Despite this however, they are still similar to humans in the sense that the individuals in a gestalt (and therefore the gestalt itself) do feel emotion similarly, which makes RP a bit easier and more natural. Character Name: Bright Flare Of Eager Curiosity Under The Peaks Backstory: Bright Flare is a Coeus Diona cyclops, born in 2423, and raised on EUM, in the Gleaners of Bliss. They are made up of seven nymphs; Fiery Resolve, Bright Glimmer, Soothing Hope, Vibrant Toil, Steady Hands, Strength, and Passion, who are currently a Competence Choir They spent their early life as all other Gleaner Dionae did, learning and working in the mines of The Peaks. However, before long, Bright Flare proved to have a good capacity for learning, and once they grew to a full Cyclops form, and were given their Branched Blossom, they decided to pursue a career in engineering. Through many years and lot of schooling and hard work, Bright Flare eventually reached a level of knowledge where they were confident in beginning their career, when they got to this point, however, they reached a bit of a wall. They had always felt a strong desire to explore the wider universe, but rarely shared this, as they felt that leaving the Peaks would be abandoning the Gleaners, and as they hadn't interacted much with other species, were afraid of how they may view Flare. Despite this, Bright Flare couldn't get rid of their feeling of wanderlust, and so after a long period of meditation, they came to the decision to face their fear head on. From there, they decided to leave the planet, and pursue a career with Hephaestus Industries, in the engineering department. They worked for Hephaestus for around six years, before they were approached by a Zavodski representative, who, noticing Flare's aptitude for learning, and engineering skill, enticed Flare to join them with promises of higher pay, and better working conditions. After a few months of signing documents and getting legal information, Bright Flare Of Eager Curiosity Under The Peaks was sent to work on the SCCV Horizon, as an engineering apprentice, to finish getting their seven years engineering experience. What do you like about this character? This will be my first engi character, which I think will be super fun to learn, but more than that, I love that they have a relatively simple backstory, and they have not experience much real hardship in their life. meaning the antag rounds on the Horizon will absolutely crush them and I love that. I also really like having a Diona character be an engineer as I will be a plant man working with fire and metal, which I think is a fun juxtaposition. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I think a solid 8.5/10? I still have a ways to go with some of the technical stuff, making sure I stop misspelling things and such, but I think I can RP pretty well!
  14. +1 from me I've played a good few rounds as bridge crew with them, and think they would be a really good fit for command. they are always very polite, helpful to new players, and take their job seriously.
  15. +1 Very professional, and very nice. Did a gunnery drill with us and handled the situation very well, and after gave a good debrief to all of us bridge crew, and went and complimented each of us and asked us where we thought we could improve. Later also showed us the bunker and helped us get familiar with it, helping with any questions we had. overall I just really loved playing with them and think they'd make a good permanent XO
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