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Everything posted by Mazerins

  1. BYOND key: NikolaDM Discord Username: nikolaneiju Character names: Out of my active ones.. There are... Charlotte White Vivian Beaumont Elise Soleil How long have you been playing on Aurora? For about... Two years? On and off I suppose, if I had to guess my collective playtime it'd be one year total. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I received a written warning for antag-related missplay where I did not follow escalation rules while engaging in miniscule amounts of tomfoolery (1st degree murder, on a massive scale) What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? I feel like they act as more of an enabler to the broader amount of plot which happens in the game, that is to say. They tend to hold more weight in their decisions and actions which they can use in order to make the round more interesting without putting all the spotlight on themselves, so they act as a cog in the machine with which the story pushes forward when they are needed. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? They are a mentor role, command WL player that is, about every single time I joined a new department, the head was there to teach me how it's done, most of them tend to be quite veteran players that know the mechanics of the department they're leading, so it isn't much of an issue for them to show mechanics to another player. Pass down their knowledge. So I feel like extensive knowledge of the department are required to make them an effective mentor to the newer players. Secondly, I feel like the ability to delegate is extremely important, command roles are not super people that can do everything on their own, they are here to bring the department together into a coherent workforce, so ability to delegate tasks both fulfills their leadership duty as well as makes sure that other people get the spotlight and action. This is reachable by being proactive in ways that enable other PC's to, well, play the game. With the dynamic between the other PC and command role being as enabler of doing certain things (think of a quest giver in RPG). Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon. My commander comes from Novi Jadran, his name is Dante, while the greater events of the Spur mostly went right over his head, quite a few have. But Empire's long-lasting expansionist policy has certainly earned him a place in the officer corps. Being directly responsible for leading annexations of unalligned frontier worlds, he now has experience. From handling the unwilling local population, to fighting terrorist groups funded by Coalition. Years upon years of service had been accounted for his family's Mo'ri'zal, yet in a shocking turn of events for both his friends and family. Dante retired from the imperial Army. The details surrounding his retirement are hazy, even among some of his closest friends. What is known that Dante left the Empire a few years later after his retirement, seeking to work aboard and pay off the rest of his family Mo'ri'zal this way, thus he found himself under employment of SCCV Horizon! What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Head of Security is my plan for the remainder of the trial, after the trial I will look forward to play Corporate Representative and a Consular! Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yeah! Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: My character for HoS role is Dante Lucciano, a Dominian Ma'zal from Novi Jadran. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes, I do. Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? I think so?? I'm not entirely sure how to check. Extra notes: N/A
  2. Now that you clarified your point, I do see reasoning behind it, but to respond to the other person, as well. I honestly concede my point of view, if we buff antag's tools, then it could be great, but the problem I see with it is that balancing antag tools is pretty hard, as it's really high-skill dependant, even if some tools require less experience than others. (i.e getting an assault rifle, heavy armor, combat stims. And going POSTAL). It might require a lot more time, testing, etc, before being properly implemented.
  3. i like suit sensors both as a crewman and someone who plays antags often. If the threat is confirmed, go red, if not, keep it at blue. It keeps things fair and works with escalation in proportion to the activities of the antagonist(s). i have searched for the clearly written definitions of alert levels on wiki but i haven't found them, might be blind, but your line of thinking about escalation is simply wrong. If someone goes missing, or screams help before cutting off, then I'd assume Command would go to blue alert. Should the trend continue, they should go red, as the threat is confirmed, blue alert, from what I've been told, isn't about 'lesser threat', or something along the lines, it's about active/confirmed threats. Again, correct me on that if I'm wrong, but speaking objectivly - rapid escalation is bad (which is written in the rules of conflict) , and should never be done in a manner which you describe, it's an exaggeration. I personally trust in Command members since they are WL'd, venerated folk who would likely try and play in good faith and for the sake of RP, the same way I trust that antags wouldn't end someone's round or keep them paralyzed/crippled without sufficient RP, so those that go missing aren't suffering either.
  4. resident antag main here. You could always just coordinate a place to meet together in AOOC, and go from there IC, I think that much was allowed, at least in my experience of playing antag it was.
  5. BYOND key: NikolaDM Discord name/id: FallenFromGrace#3465 Borg / AI names: Dewan Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Yes! Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I always wanted to try out and play AI, it seems really fun, and powerful enough to facilitate interesting roleplay when played correctly! Personally I'd need to learn the interface/mechanics but I wanted to focus more on the roleplaying aspect of the role! Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?: To my knowledge I have none. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?: Yes, I do!
  6. +1 She is a valid and a good candidate for command, engages with the players of her department in a way that doesn't feel forced or lazy, I always smile when I see her on the board.
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