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  1. BYOND Ckey: ey Discord username: EffYank Character names: Varvara Krówka; Amina Usman; Limquoi Xuqilquum; Vexiaezu Umxioilir. Species you are applying to play: IPCs! ------------------------------ General Whitelist Requirements Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this species?: IPCs are very appealing to me, not only because I somewhat connect to the species' general premise on a personal level, but also because of their unique origins, or, as one could put it, lack thereof. They, albeit a subject to some contest, are most apart of the other species of the Spur. What differenciates them from humans is what lures me in the most! What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: IPCs are really interesting to me primarily in the way of what differentiates and ousts them from most of the other species in the Spur. They don't have a single planet they can track their culture, nor descendancy to — origins of the inner workings of the "black box" notwithstanding. If one would begin to try and trace one's own origins, it'd in most cases come down to a Megacorporation, rather than a specific nation or ancestry, clan, guild. Most of them, are, quite literally, popped into existence, without their own customs, culture, time to form an identity, any semblance of self. Despite that, they're still thinking, they're still intelligent. Without parental, or any guidance for that matter, most of the times, at all. It's... A very interesting theme, struggling, finding self while basically having no rights, no possessions, nothing. Having to find your own place in the world, make sense of it, while being thrown out right into the workplace, with only datapacks to lean upon in guidance. Moreover, while the Spur generally is warming up to the idea of self-owned synthetics, many still are outwardly hostile towards their own existence. Another matter is, well, the "P" in the "IPC". The brain, how they think. While they still vastly differ from positronic to positronic, depending on their memories, software, datapacks and so on — still, inside of them is, mostly, that same "core", that allows them to operate. What's also interesting is the differences between one make to another. The budget of a budget IPC will show, be it in their even more acute naïveté as to social clues, limited capacity memory-wise, or just generally finding it ways harder, if not impossible, to think outside the box. And yet, as positronics mature, come against different situations which require solutions outside of their experiences, they. sometimes, manage to transgress their limitations and come up with unorthodox solutions, still within their operational limits. Almost as if alongside the broader struggle for their own existence in the Spur, independant or otherwise, they also struggle with the literal box their brains were fitted into. It's horrible and it's beautiful. ------------------------------ Character Application Character Name: SLU-Pyxis#004D45 Skała Logistics Unit Designation Pyxis ID #004D45 Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. SLU-Pyxis#004D45, or, later, more casually amongst its colleagues, Picks was manufactured as a part of a modest, mid-to-higher-end Hephaestus production line, and was built in 2458 on a Hephaestus Facility on Tau Ceti V's orbit, being auctioned off right from the production line by Skała Logistics, a big, albeit not "mega-" big corporation, one of the few corporations to have filled the void left over from Hephaestus Industries retracting from the Coalition, despite the name, primarily concerning itself not only with deliveries, but also mineral exploitations, with the initial purpose to aid it in its humble, nonetheless then-steadily growing mining market share. Fit for environments as harsh as Burzsia's, what little mining IPCs Skała could get their hands on, Xion were ideal for its purposes. A blunt tool for Skała such as Picks meant possible savings in terms of medical aid, additional equipment costs and other expenses it would usually expend on organic miners, to get them into the nooks and crannies of the most distant and hostile environments of the Spur where even Hephaestus before didn't dare to set their feet in. After some minimal in-house after-market off-the-book post-production modifications to better support remote work in hostile environments, Picks was sent off towards the distant and not-so-distant stars, mostly performing resource extraction in general — be it scrapping debris belts or mining celestial objects from lone asteroids to exoplanets — whatever Skała was contracted to do, wherever. That notwithstanding, Picks mostly operated within the Frontiers, primarily keeping to the edges of, well, the Light's Edge. Due to Skała's stretched operations there, Picks, as many other employees, though not so optional for Picks, was involved in many occupations diverging from its original duties — deliveries, minor maintenance and many others that could be stretched within Picks' original occupational datapack and sometimes beyond. During any number (and the number was vast as compared to any organic of its working experience) of its missions, and since Skała wasn't particularly known for its pickyness as to their employees — what made its "flash mining" strategy successful, Picks had many opportunities to work with all kinds of Spur's inhabitants, from all kinds of cultures, of all kinds of backgrounds recieving not only, at times, very mixed reception as an IPC, but also bits of information about the "outside life" they could gather. As it, at first, was only led by its mining mission, very rarely divulging from it and even speaking up besides basic responses to commands from its colleagues, it later, with more work experience, constantly overhearing its colleagues talks during and inbetween work, found a growing interest within it about the life all about the Spur. often finding itself to taking after the personalities of people it got along well with, as to project the same reception towards its many other colleagues, as well as people set hostile towards it, to warm up to them and come into their liking. Most of its coworkers never remained for any longer than a few months, as their work environment was subject to constant change. A few years into is life and work, as Picks had settled within its workplace, more or less had accustomed itself with the Skała's operations and intricacies of its operations, it had started to piece a semblance of an outward personality for itself, going by the thing it knew the best, the longest — Self-Preservation. It long weighed against each other different personality traits, its biases as to which one would further help the efficiency of the task as well as provoke less conflicts, seeing it as merely a ways to further not only its own survival, but its mission, with time — amending what Self-Preservation /exactly/ meant for itself. On its third year, it's memories grew sufficient enough, while it's many other positronic bretheren began to expire or otherwise delaminate, Picks, in many regards thanks to the then-Skała's sparing attitude towards what means it was applied to, so far away from most of its traffic, hence the significantly more vast database, remained not only intact, but it's efficiency was continuously growing, which, in turn, resulted in a somewhat more hostile attitude from its organic colleagues, as it was evidently outperforming them, but an even warmer attitude from the "upstairs", Picks had recieved somewhat of a reputation amongst its few case managers over its operations. Four years into its activation, Picks was retracted into the Spur, now operating within states' borders, on more constant positions, however considered high-risk. That poured over into Picks being a core part of a more constant rotation of crews, operating on a few select facilities, however, still performing somewhat different numbers of duties, though most of which were still constricted to delivery, scrapping and mining. Picks, having long cemented within its algorithms what different traits of personality and character were most helpful, efficient and generally looked up towards, had also chiseled out a reputation among most its organic colleagues as an overly enthusiastic, cheery and talkative, however still naïve about most of the goings-on in the Spur outside its colleagues' converstations, integral part to its respective collective. Over the course of the fifth year, however, mostly due to Skała Logistics' more-or-less experimentational augmentation, which, despite having given results, with the time's passing, quickly began to deteriorate the chassis from within, most of which spilled over into vastly decreased cell capacity and energy efficiency, which, given the off-the-books and experimental nature of the modifications, were proven to be not only costly, but not directly replacable, a task, which Skała Logistics would have to allot some of its time and forces to fix, that it didn't have. That predicament, as Picks started to less and less see work from the harshest of environments, retracting to safer, less remote, albeit still hostile locations, six years into its service, in 2464, a few months prior to the merger of Skała Logistics into Orion, but when it was already inevitable, resulted in being offered another solution, a unique proposition by one of its previous case managers, who oversaw Picks' transfer to the inner part of the Spur, as well as the most of its early years, to be bought out — its expenses for repair paid in full, which, however hefty a sum it was, was cheaper than buying a new replacement and especially so, considering Picks' databanks and credentials and continue work on contract with the newly formed Orion Express, just in the capacity of a privately-owned IPC, under a renegotiated contract, more akin to one offered to unbound IPCs and organics. Picks, seeing no other feasible option, besides scrapping in very distant hopes of reaching its monetary goal before expiring or what it felt was even worse for it — being sold off to another company, memories wiped, agreed, knowing the private entity in question, with them previously having shown amicable attitude towards Picks, and having contributed in great not only to Picks current /gestalt/ of a personality, but also with Picks owing them current and future job prospects, slowly progressing from being what was, albeit a very advanced, yet an industrial tool, to not only an employee, but an individual. It's owner, as spoken with Picks before, allowed to much degree of freedom, with much of the "ownership" boiling down to Picks itself recieving the smallest part of its own pay, which it, sincerely, did not mind, having been offered more lax freedoms as well as a more warm, however still that of an IPC, reception. Having worked now for two years with Orion, its repair expenses have been paid in full, effectiveness restored, Picks doubles down on its curiosity of the people, that inhabit the stars, first getting to be transfered towards working on mainly logistics missions in the Republic of Biesel, and then, when its owner presented it the option to be employed upon SCCV Horizon, it, shortly considering it's whole existence, agreed. How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. Picks was activated during the invasion of Biesel, however, despite having little concern nor, frankly, knowledge of the events going on "way over there", in retrospect often considered the exodus of it, when it pondered about the broader political landscape of the Spur, eventually that crystalizing into its somewhat distrust of the Solarians, only reinforced by the Coalitioners' attitude, who were much of its colleagues during most of its life up until basically a year ago. Probably, the most important, pivotal moment for Picks was SCC's formation of Orion. With it, it recieved not only a gateway to its further pursuits of integrating itself within the Spur, but also, basically, a second chance at life, despite Orion /itself/ not contributing to it, but it's formation leading to the circumstances that allowed it. How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? Picks' stance on ownership is very conflicted, its own history with it being rather well, but in retrospect, it attributed that to ignorance. Primarily that of its other synthetic bretheren's fate in Skała's working environment, as it, despite being seemingly lax on the surface, valued one thing and one thing most — results. While Picks wasn't underperforming, but even overperforming most of the times, it was, for most of its life, unaware of what other IPCs went through, as its colleagues and work environments were constantly being rotated. It, despite now being mostly aware and in-context of the horrors of being an IPC of today's Spur, is glad to have an amicable relationship with its owner, as well as thankful not so much to either Skała or — later, Orion for its relatively good treatment there, as its own achievements, however unoptional they might have been. Picks had several possibilities to purchase its own freedom, however, it felt relative security with being employed in a corporation, and especially with its private acquisition.
  2. A-a-and to answer some of Meep's questions: Limquoi loves the tastes of Nycii cheese. Especially they find it enjoyable along a nice glass of Ylpha wine. It is rare that they get their hands on it however, most of the times settling for a refreshing cup of dyn tea along with some Jyalra. It helps them to focus down on their work and get in the mood for it. Its popularity, abundance of different flavoring and ease of acquisition has made it Limquoi's food of choice during their studies, and, later — work. Limquoi's Odurserr was carried by the their Aliose Qrri'Myaq, whom Limquoi since their Ukutanii and throughout their upbringing in the society, kept close and looked up to, her being a well-respected historian and xenoarcheologist, whose mind was almost always able to sate the small Limquoi's scientific inquiry, yet didn't fail to spawn more. During their Odurserr, she brought Limquoi several hand-made gifts, representing many of the fields available for study. A mold of a Luxupi ship design, representing architecture and engineering; a miniature of a particle detector telescope, representing the cosmic sciences; and a wooden tablet, inscribed upon it, three "6's" (standing for the Carbon atom) and a chisel, with which it was inscribed, representing the broader xenological studies. Limquoi, hesitating between the latter two choices, ended up burning the tablet.
  3. So! The "Given" was, in fact, meant to lead to something, but I've felt that the latter two questions could lead on that, too. Not supposed to /still/ be there, however. ...And I, also, apologise for how bloated the initial App is and the answers/clarifications might be. As to clarify on the matters of religion: What I was trying to get across, was that Limquoi was just not as heavily religiously practicing. Limquoi, being brought up on Aliose, involved heavily in academia, was raised as a follower of the Qeblak faith — it appreciated their efforts and held (as, frankly, does the Weishii, even though not to maybe the same degree per se) their academic inclinations as a virute. And even then, despite publicly and mainly adhering to Qeblak, did so either by inertia or, as they think of it in restrospect, lack of a wider perspective, without much enthusiasm, though they did find some particular practices intriguing. Despite their stance of clear separation between personal and religious life (counting their work and academia in the former, rahter than the latter, as it the opposite case with some of the devout Qeblak skrell) they did, however, enjoy many of the various religious practices, finding it somewhat like a guilty, yet still a pleasure, not to involve themself with the precise machinations of how either worked — be it the calculations of Zareq'Eaq or the Qwei'Paqui readings (which they themself have performed on multiple occasions over the life's course, and, in the hardest of matters, even somewhat relied upon), and surrender themself to the albeit seductive, general concept of belief (given the incredible complexity of the Zareq'Eaq, Limquoi found it easier for the peace of their own mind to view its complexity it as serving a purpose of religious gatekeeping). In the end, I'd say that they were still a public follower of Qeblak, just, by far not the most devout one. Partially, because they find the Federation's societal division in the religious matters somewhat appalling. In the end, Limquoi still wouldn't miss a local communal stargazing event. Secondary point in story was that they, in fact, don't have any leftover biases against Weishii skrell, even if they did so inbefore, somewhat reflexively dismissing them as either lazy, or, bluntly speaking, failures. Later, however, they came to appreciate the comparatively liberating nature of the latter faith (primarily with their moving to Tattuqig and a deeper involvement with the local community), moreso sympathising with the practicing Traversers, rather than appreciating and surrendering to it for themself. Considering that even the Tretiary numericals are able to partake in the Programme, I'd assume that a valuable scientific mind like Limquoi's, notwithstanding the controversial past, would still qualify for the Programme, having long (not that long if you consider the timeframe of a skrell's life, but life-changing exeriences) put past themself that... Well, past, behind. They, obviously, by their own actions lost much of their trust and good will with, probably, all the parties in the debacle, but they, as they saw it only natural, "repented" and worked quite hard to climb, work back up. The skrell, being eternally the great pragmatics, saw the attempts at reconciliation and, probably wouldn't let the Aliose-educated scientist go to waste. Limquoi, even, at a point, had signed up with the Ublureak, but, their tumultuous past not being quite yet behid them at that time yet, and the latest attempt at an expedition resulting in the aforementioned accident, were promptly rejected. By the time they involved themself with the Programme, they already have reintegrated themselves into the workforce, even being put back on Aliose, which, Zeng-Hu, given that no actual harm to the keiretsu was done, missing prior infractions, nor the latest trespass resulting in anything more than, could viably let pass. The accident itself, even, considering the actions taken by the guards, could have been spun by the Zeng-Hu as a means to ease the tensions between the local population and the foreign researchers. ...And I also wouldn't say that the Limquoi's intent of joining the Fog Wardens was malicious to begin with. I'd reckon that it began through the peaceful means — public demonstrations, agitations and such, with Limquoi being overwhelmed by genuine, strong feelings, however misguided they might have been, and pressure not to back down. Sometimes lines between different structures inside one cause can just be blurry and hard to spot, especially not from the outside. As to avoiding the prison sentence due to the criminal trespass, considering the harm to either the broader colony or the Zeng-Hu, or, rather, lack thereof, done as a result of the crime, depending on how heavily the intentions of a given criminal are a consideration, I'd wager that Limquoi would make away with a fine, with loss in public standing, probably, being the by far the most major of its direct consequence, the weight of conscience born by Limquoi, on Limquoi, being probably the secondmost. Limquoi, being well-versed in Biology and having gone through the mandatory, as well as extended, study of Xenobiology in particular — has their rigid stances on the non-skrell native workers. They admire Dionae, even though still harbouring some cautious reservations towards them, they appreciate their uniqueness — even more so in contrast to other known intelligent life in the Spur, and their rather mysterious origins, which make Limquoi just as curious as they do — cautious. They find the Federation's regulations upon the Dionae fairly adequate, allowing for exemplary specimen to ascend socially as they would skrell, however inherintly harder it is, they think that Dionae are allowed a certain amount of leeway for their service to the skrell, particularly in to which degree they helped the struggling skrell bounce back after the Tri-Qyu Calamity. Limquoi also views the C'thur Vaurcae cordially, especially the Unbound individuals, however drawing a clear distinction, contrary to how some skrell reduce the Bound drones — between the synthetic workforce and that of an organic hivemind. They welcome both species in the society, notwithstanding the Traversers' general concern in their replacement with the non-skrell, which Limquoi acknowledges, but on which matter they are still conflicted. From one point, they see the disadvantaged in comparison to other skrell, situation that the Dionae and the Vaurcae are put into this world into by the Federation as well as the necessity of such disadvantageous treatment. On the other hand, they recognise, the, well... The lack of recognition from the Federation of how that, in turn, disadvantages the already-disadvantaged skrell of the Traverse, handily dismissing their concerns as those of too lazy to even surpass the non-skrell, seeing that maybe, to some extent, the Federation wouldn't mind some replacement of the dissenting Traversers with the sometimes ruthless by their position, non-skrell workforce. As of right now, I'd wager that Limquoi would stand at an SCS of 5.9/10, having, at a point dropped down to the lowest ends of 5's. Never expressing nor bearing /disloyalty/ to the Federation, they still were a relatively renowned doctor in multiple fields, notwithstanding their past affiliations, they still managed to contribute to the betterment of the settlement as well as finish their contractual obligations. They are a good, contributing to the betterment of their society, as well as their own, a member of the Federation. Just mixed up with the wrong crowd at one point; criminal trespass would still not be a life-ruining misdemeanor of a crime.
  4. I've went ahead and broke the backstory down further into more paragraphs as well as changed up some wording here and there for an easier read. Good to hear that you haven't found any major issues, though! Thank you for the prompt reply.
  5. BYOND Ckey: EY Discord username: effyank Character names: Varvara Krowka, Amina Usman Species you are applying to play: Skrell ------------------------------ General Whitelist Requirements What colour do you plan on making your first skrell?: Light, almost biolumiscent, -blue. Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes. Why do you wish to play this species?: I've always favored skrell, since the olden days playing on different, mostly bay12 servers. Something about their almost Taosit mentality, yet them being rather scientific always appealed to me. Their lore is practically an untapped (for me) gold mine for different role-playing capabilities. I've long leaned towards them, increasingly so with each interaction with any of the members of the species. What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: Possibly, the biggest difference between the skrell and humanity is how they think, how their minds operate. Many things influence this, such as their much longer lifespan, how their communities, interpersonal relationships are structured, the Nlom and many others. They are comparatively much less rash, more aware of the greater needs of their species, rather than their own, in part thanks to their communal thought and are generally more steadfast. Though, they are obviously not a hivemind and in some regards, the uniformity is at best very wobbly. Their seeming isolationism is, also, distinctly skrellian. They don't bear as much prejudice to the outer, as they approach it with careful interest, which could be mistaken with the former. ------------------------------ Character Application Character Name: Limquoi Xuqilquum Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. Limquoi was born on Aliose, in 2376 to a humble Quya of both Qu'Poxii Xiialt — one, an Aliose researcher and another being from Tattuqig, both were set on providing the best possible future for their sole child. Being a child of only two Qu'Poxii, they sought partial reconsolidation in their studies, utilizing the comparatively less strict parental gaze over them not to their detriment, but rather to engulf themselves in studies even more. As they graduated the Untuk'mak, they were enrolled into the Aliose University of Medical Sciences, with the latter marking and making use of their seeming academic prowess, even amongst the skrell. The University were able to provide Limquoi with the ability to pursue other studies, amongst which the field of Xenoarcheology stood out in particular. They sped through the studies, having grown sceptical (however much they held that sentiment to themselves) of the academia, eager to put their knowledge to the common good, graduating early, at 76 years of age, with degrees in Xenoarcheology, Biology and Biomechanics signing with the Ziip'Ta Medicinal almost immediately upon graduation. In the following years, Limquoi, left Aliose for Tattuqig, having taken interest in their Qu'Poxii homeland since their Untuk'mak years. Limquoi's Quya rejoined with their parents' Quya on Sura'zlip. There, they found the research rather difficult, later transferring to Ublureak'qwip, where their both xenoarchaeological and biological prowess came in much use. Reflecting back on those four years working on Ublureak’qwip, Limquoi thought of it as a direct consequence and continuation of their studies. There, as frequently as they could, Limquoi often visited the rest of their extended Quya on Sura'zlip, slowly picking up a common negative sentiment towards the Zeng-Hu researchers, ever so strongly aligning themself with not just the locals, but the Fog Wardens amongst them, their sympathies not gone unnoticed, followed shortly by them enlisting with the Wardens. In the span of the next two years, Limquoi's research had suffered, which hasn't gone without notice nor impact on their career. However, their two years of affiliation with the Wardens ended after an incident with the Zeng-Hu researchers. Mainly, on their first mission with the Wardens that benefited from their scientific genius, the group they were with was attacked by the Fog Crawlers, due to a miscalculation on their side and the lack of a Psionic Sherpa. Caught by surprise, their group scattered, being picked off one-by-one by the pair of Crawlers. In a rather fortunate turn of events, the patrolling guards of the near temporary camp of Zeng-Hu researchers they were meant to sabotage, rather than turnin back to alert their own, to Limquoi and others' surprise, rushed and made it in time to ward off the Crawlers. Not all skrell of the small group had survived the attack, however, none were foolish enough to refuse the researchers' help. With the Limquoi's intentions of their trespass being obvious, the disgruntled Limquoi left their Ublureak'qwip research group ashamed, their SCS having dropped even further than in the unproductive years past joining the Wardens. Instead, Limquoi decided to shift focus on providing for and tending to the skrellian settlements on Sura'zlip in the following year, during which they had come to terms with the Zeng-Hu researchers, shifting, along with their perspective, having come to see Zeng-Hu itself not unlike the Federation in certain regards, the blame for the colony's problems with resettlement partially on the administration as well as the Federation's officials, since they, in Limquoi's view, bear the absolute most of the responsibility for the native skrell, rather than Zeng-Hu itself. After their breakup with the Wardens, Limquoi took academic interest in Weiishian ways, never quite aligning themself fully with Qeblak's teachings nor its clergical structure. With stars often being not visible at all on Tattuqig, there they often indulged in private as well as small, ocassional communal meditative practices, finding it a nice break in contrast to how they lived through most of their life. Nevertheless, they abstained from fully devoting themselves to either belief, Following their reconciliation, they renewed their work for the Ziip'Ta Medicinal in full, finishing the remainder of their contract with Ziip'Ta in 2462, having brought their SCS back up, and, the same year, signing with Tuz'qlip, transferring back to Aliose, shortly prior to the mass Traversal exodus to Tau Ceti of 2463. Having missed that opportunity, being however much politically aligned with their fellow Tattuqigans, they took up the Work Initiative Programme just four months after, right as it was estabilished, signing with the Zeng-Hu who they have resented and later came to owe their life to, and, after completing a course of half-work half-integration course on Luna and Europa for a year, they were transfered to the SCCV Horizon at their own behest. Given How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. Limquoi's breaking point on issue of their own migration were the results of the 2463 Grand Councilor elections. Whilst they didn't deem the election results unfair, they found themselves in disagreement with many of the Inner Systems' skrell. The aforementioned incident with the Zeng-Hu might have alienated them to some extent with some, most radical and conservative of the Tattuqigans, yet they still bore sentimental, however irrational it might seem in retrospect, attachment to Tattuqig as well as the broader Traverse. Seeing the divide widen between the Inner Systems and the Traverse, how really out of touch with the whole skrell some of the Homeworld skrell are, they, for their own mind's sake and as a cause of their and their alignment, left as shortly as they could, to reconsolidate with their fled brethren as well as to widen their own Horizons that they, as they were discovered, were, too, rather narrow. The feelings have only strengthened since, and Limquoi was assured in their choice as the Federation had begun to feel the effects Phoron Scarcity, aligning themselves with the opinion that its handling by the Grand Councilor Weashabi Jurgl as partly one of their many cheap political populist stunts, directed to bolster their support with the Inner Systems, rather than alleviating the troubles of the wounded Traverse. The poor handling of this crisis has only further solidified Limquoi in their political standing, notwithstanding the positive outcome. How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? Despite the fact that Zeng-Hu researchers practically saved Limquoi's life, they are however able to draw a very clear distinction between the conglomerate and the people working for it, in contrast to the sometimes less distinct lines of how both — the government, as well as the state-owned enterprises work inside the Federation. Nevertheless, Zeng-Hu, especially in stark contrast with other Megacorporations came to the liking of Limquoi, finding it not unlike the Federation itself, with researchers and doctors themselves spearheading how the conglomerate operates. Most notably Limquoi admires the megacorporation's work on the cure for X'Lu'oa, eventually growing to be carefully, yet proud of the corporation they work for. With the current mentality many Homeworld skrells bear, they ocassionally wonder, whether some skrell wouldn't do the same for their research's sake, what Zeng-Hu did and the Federation allowed to pass on Tattuqig.
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