Effie Posted August 14, 2024 Posted August 14, 2024 BYOND Ckey: ey Discord username: effyank Character names: Niqqi Iilisk (Machinist) Varvara Krowka (Machinist) IRU-Zakat (Investigator) Vexiaezu Umxioilir (Investigator) Sahar bint Zarqa (Surgeon) Species you are applying to play: Tajara General Whitelist Requirements What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: Spotted M’sai Silver. Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yup! Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this species?: I enjoy the kind of small-scaledness that the Tajaran lore brings to focus. Not a negative, but, rather — a positive thing. The inner politics of Adhomai, the very recent discovery and the current global shift that is partially still ongoing, however, one that has been brewing for centuries — millennia, even. Going back just two generations back — the Tajara didn’t know life outside Adhomai, as well as outside the established monarchical system. I think it brings if not more potential to the Tajara in comparison to other species, definitely gives a new spin to how one would approach RP’ing as one. What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: As mentioned before, I really like the perspective shift that the Tajaran lore brings in contrast with the humanity. *Especially* the Humanity. How they, even after being divorced from their homeland, would carry the lens of Adhomai with them to look at the world through, the irony, the interplay between the factions. They result in vastly different interactions not just with the other species, but within their own, distinct from how a Solarian would interact with a Bieselite and/or a C’thur would interact with a K’lax. Character Application Character Name: Fakhriyyah Sham’ha Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. Fakhriyyah Sham’ha, known by the alias Daria Hazarr’jiri while growing up, was born in 2435 CE/3527 AI, in the ranges of the Zarr’jirah Mountains. The secluded mountain peaks offered a ways in protection for her family — the Sham’ha, once being a revered family line of M’sai enforcers to the Baltorii Rasn’rr Empire stretching way back from the settling of Harr’masir to its roots in the city of Nal’tor. As the First Revolution was brought about, siding with the rogue general, as did many — by inertia, they fought vehemently and ruthlessly against the Kaltiran attackers, however, came to switch sides, no longer being able to align themselves with the initial purpose of their party, as their own ties to the Empire, as well as its existence itself were being severed. Most of those surviving of the Sham’ha — counting many previously high-ranking officers in the Baltor fortress — leading many regiments of their own and having fought many battles were quickly exalted within the Kaltiran forces against its many foes, in lands stretching from the coastal lines of the Harr’nrr Peninsula, to the Zarr’jirah Mountains’ peaks and even to the south from thereon down. Their hopeful service of waging wars in the name of the remaining Kingdom would be cut short, however, in 2432, when it was evident that the Kingdom would not be able to withstand the looming threat of the Hadiist forces, Fakhriyyah’s father along with his wife, wed outside-of-religion made haste to prepare for exile, owing to the indiscriminate massacres of the nobility and its allies in what once was the Kingdom of Kaltir making it just a question of time, before the M'sai family were ceased to be spared, too. In exile, they (leading a small group of their previous compatriots along with the few nephews/nieces and uncles/aunts that they had left into safe exile) headed for the lands they knew well — to the Southern Harr’masir, taking up false identities, utilising what contacts they had left, and what means presented themselves available to them. They, eventually, settled themselves and scattered within the many of Zarr’jiri towns, that, initially reluctantly, eventually took the M’sai fighters in, provided that they would be self-sustaining. That they were — just three years before eventually having Fakhriyyah and her identical twin sister Namirraiya, they settled within the mountains and the communities well. Some of the initial refugee group fell away, some fled further down south, some sided with the PRA, but the Sham’ha -- then known as the Hazarr’jiri, bode their time, eventually aligning themselves with the resurrecting Royalist movement, while having Faryah and Namiya grow up with the Zarr’jirah ruggedness and survivalism in mind, meanwhile making sure to educate them on matters past and present, as well as on their family line, eventually instilling in both of them the militaristic zeal as well as the ability to survive on their own under the most brutal of conditions. While Faryah took more after her father in many ways, Namiya wasn’t as impressed by his war stories as well as what she saw as many betrayals during the First Revolution, constantly jumping fences. In the years growing up, Faryah, as well as Nami were oblivious to their parents’ involvement with the Royalist movement, when they were in their early teens, eventually having to learn it the hard way, when one day their mother simply didn’t show back from work. As they had learned soon later, she was taken in by the PRA, them all learning in one moment that the PSIS’ stern gaze had gotten to their place in the queue. The father, prioritising the safety of his children first, quickly moved to flee the lands with his daughters under his wing. Faryah understood the urgency and the risks, but Namiya, after much protesting to return for her mother, simply disappeared on their way to what contacts they still had in Kaltir, shortly before the smugglers’ convoy that they traveled by, were taken by ambush by the PRA patrol. Scattered and under, once again, the risk of presecution, Faryah's disillusioned and frankly, (to put it mildly) mentally exhausted, father eventually settled in Old Kaltir, the town of Dymtris, when the Royalist rebellion started. Revitalised by the start of the rebellion, the remainder of Sham’ha — Fakhriyyah and her father were the first in lines of the New Kingdom’s defences, leaving behind the names Daria and Timur Hazarr’jiri, they took back their old family names — no longer said in whisper, Fakhriyyah and her father fought ruthlessly and tirelessly against the Republican forces, gaining the rank of petty nobility for their honours to the Kingdom past, the young Fakhriyyah always kept her mother and twin sister in mind, fighting not only in the Kingdom’s, not only their own, but the Sham’ha name. With years, retreating from the frontlines to the command behind them, by the time Republican forces overran the Dymitris line, Fakhriyyah’s father left for Kaltir, involving himself with the Officers Party — representing a moderate voice there and the New Kingdom’s broader politics. Fakhriyyah herself, however, graduated from the Alam’ard, into its command to take her father’s place, making a hame for herself on the front. In 2459, another series of unfortunate events came. Fakhriyyah’s father fell victim to the Parliament bombings of that year. Fakhriyyah took a long warranted break to visit her father in worsening condition, in Kaltir. She boarded the next scheduled convoy for departure to Kaltir just three days after, along with some of the other high-ranking officers within the IAA. However, during that trip, taking advantage of the Adhomian Lesser Winter’s unruly blizzards, her convoy was assaulted by a small infiltrator group of ALA fighters. They, fortunately, were eventually fought off, not without losses, however. During that struggle, an attempt was made on Fakhriyyah’s, along with many others’ of equal rank, life. That attempt, however, quickly came to an abrupt end, as Fakhriyyah and her would-be-assassin came to realisation that, in fact, the person in front of her were her own sister. After, perhaps, the longest few seconds in Fakhriyyah’s adult life, it turned out that she was the one who hesitated for too long. Namirraiya would move on to shoot Faryah twice with a foldable shotgun. The first load of pellets landed in Faryah’s hip, shattering it into many pieces, and the second one left the muzzle almost in vain, having mostly missed Faryah — save it for making a few holes in her right ear and another, rogue, ricocheted low-speed pellet embedding itself within Faryah’s right eye. Faryah — either unable, unwilling to respond or simply not getting her mind to it fast enough, was saved by one of the convoy neutralising Namirraiya before she moved to finish the job. Faryah’s injuries landed her in the same coastal Kaltir Royal Hospital for the long-term recovery. Her father, sustaining major injuries, went on to recover for almost two Adhomian years. During that period, Faryah was written off as exempt from military service, discharged with many honours unbeknownst to her in the brief period of recovery from the, too, not insignificant injuries. After a period of frustrating physical therapy, Faryah remained by her recovering father’s side, processing the facts and reconsidering the events of her past. As soon as it was made available, Faryah’s father left the hospital to continue his political service in the New Kingdom’s re-assembled parliament. Distraught by the fate of her late twin sister, Faryah couldn’t bear the thought of returning to the military, reconsidering how she could apply herself to the civilian life of The New Kingdom. All the later New Kingdom’s offensives, retaliations and the capture of the city of the Sham’ha — Baltor, were all commenced without Faryah to participate in them. Over the next year, Faryah was, harshly put, being pressured into entering politics by her father. However, reluctant to join the Officers Party, she instead decided that if she even were to join politics in the future — she would like to do so, educated. Thus, she, in the year of 2460, was accepted into the Kaltir Law Academy. Studying beside many of students that too, were ex-military and now enjoying the title of an unhanded noble, taking advantage of their newfound status, she, with her experience quickly sped through the curriculum, graduating with honour in 2464. Still unwilling to enter politics, Faryah instead takes the remainder of that, as well as the first few months of the next, year, to go on a pilgrimage about the NKA’s territories, taking a halt in her home Zarr’jirah Mountains. She lingers there for a while, conversing with her compatriots, taking in their concerns. In the greater summer of that year, she returns to Kaltir, actively looking for a job matching her degree. Against her father’s wishes and to his fears, she moves on an opportunity — signing on a contract with one of the oldest and biggest of the NKA mining companies, of the not-so-many with the access to the Mercantile Flotilla — S’rendul Mountain Mining Co. Marketed as a joint contract between it and the PMCG, the contractee was to serve one year aboard the Mercantile Flotilla — managing the security of its as well as any other contractors’ of the SMM Co., trade with the Spur and Megacorporations, and the other two — serving within a willing contractor from the Group. In the first lesser summer of 2466, she finishes her service to the SMM Co., getting posted as a Warden aboard the SCCV Horizon -- filling the freshly opened position for the KOG, to assess their newly-acquired asset, marking the start of her service abroad, and determining her future career. How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. Faryah was most affected by the domestic issues as well as Adhomai’s ***many*** recent political turmoils, as mentioned before, and especially being relatively young still. **The** Photon Crisis, however, already proves and may cause further hardships, not just for Faryah’s NKA, but her potential future as a contractor for the PMCG. How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? In the years between her service in the military and her enlistment with the PMCG, her perspective on other Tajaran minded somewhat. She still holds much resentment for the (D)PRA, but the work in the KOG required Faryah to try and get along with Tajara from all ways of life, a concept quite wild for her, however, a very intriguing one. She is still vocally and wholeheartedly supportive of the NKA. And as for the SCC, the NT and others -- she shows as cold an attitude as she can afford to, seeing them as driven by no ideas, soulless husks consisting mainly of the people’s, that it consists of, lust for profit. She, however, is at a weird understanding with that idea, noting their lack of bias, in lieu of what she deems they are. She does not mind profiting the corporations, as long as it also profits her and her peoples.
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